BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 216

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 216:

1. Disciples, fulfil my commissions, that you may not weep for lost time. Dive into the study of my word, so that you may know what is to be fulfilled and what is the part concerning those who will come after you.

2. I have revealed this spiritual work to you, the humble ones, earlier than to scientists because I have found among you sincerity and innocence, faith and the will to follow my teachings ─ the readiness to carry this seed to the heart of your fellow men. This is why I have chosen you because you are the poor who have felt tribulation, who have not sought comfort on earth, nor their pleasures. For you know that beyond this world true spiritual peace exists, goodness and joy. You have not been deceived by false greatness, have not sought the temporal power, the pleasures that last but a moment. You long for more than anything that this world can offer you. Love Me and trust that I will let you return to the home that awaits you, to the bosom from which you came and where you will possess my kingdom.

3. This hope makes you strong in the tribulations and invincible in your struggles. If you remain faithful in your mission, you will soon achieve the victory of the Spirit over the flesh because you have allowed your God to work on your lives. In the simplicity of your lives you will be able to better perceive my teachings, you will be enlightened by them, and you will experience unexpected delights from others.

4. Therefore you follow Me, and nothing can now separate you from Me You feel loved by perfect love and are happy. You love Me, and on this your joy is based. Truly, I tell you, in the same way my disciples of the Second Age loved Me and all those who followed Me. Therefore the doubt or mockery of your fellow men does not hurt you. The pain, which is the touchstone of the soul, does not let you retreat. You know that you live a transitory life, and seek to earn merits to reach the goal that ─ as you know ─ awaits you.

5. Prepare yourselves, because I will leave you as guardians of mankind. Your gifts are latently present so that you may make good use of them. You will all be present on the last day of the year 1950 with your works and with your gifts to be judged by Me. The one in the Spirit and the other in the earth body you will be with me to receive my last commissions. Then the ways will be open for you on which you will scatter yourselves to bring the Good News and leave in the hearts of men the testimony of my coming in this time.

6. I do not require from you any sacrifices or works that are beyond your strength. I only ask you for your love with which I have given you, for humility and patience so that you may accomplish the fulfillment of your mission.

7. My rallies will end on the last day of the year 1950 to select the disciples whom I have given with my gifts of grace. The Master will supervise your works, and I will not cease in my zeal to make you fulfil all my commissions.

8. Disciples, I warn you How often will you see the scientists reject this work! But you will forgive them and continue your way. If you proceed in this way, I will surprise mankind by granting you that through your Spirit you will discover what men with all their science were not able to discover.

9. I call you constantly "disciples" to encourage you in the struggle, to banish from your heart the idea of inferiority that poverty and humiliation have left in you. I want to make you great in the knowledge of the spiritual so that you may awaken men to a higher life, to a perfect life in which the law of the Spirit is harmoniously united with those laws that govern material life.

10. You are not the only trustees of my secrets, nor the only worthy of a spiritual inheritance. I tell you this so that you never boast of being the most worthy and beloved, and so that vanity never sprouts in your hearts. If you were to allow such feelings to arise in your being, you would be in danger of losing the grace you have obtained.

11. Men, your zeal and your love will make you eternal owners of the gifts of the Spirit. I want you always to be humble, zealous in goodness, in law, in truth, kind with the goodness of the Spirit above that of the heart.

12. My teaching is the light from which all wisdom, all knowledge, revelations, and sciences go forth. It reveals everything in a simple way. Once it is the Spirit who guides the steps of men, you will be able to see that what scientists have been able to discover only after a long time of study and great sacrifice and effort, can be easily obtained through spiritual upliftment, through prayer, through meditation in God and through inspiration on goodness. The secrets will be revealed to you and the hidden treasure chambers will be opened, into which man could never have penetrated by other means.

13. Much of what I have spoken to you in this time is prophecy, sometimes referring to the times to come, sometimes to future times. Therefore, many people do not want to attach any importance to this divine message. This Word, however, will resurrect full of light among the people of the coming times, who will recognize and discover in it great revelations whose accuracy and perfection will astonish scientists.

14. This is the reason why I have instructed you to write down my word, so that when you go from this life to another, or when this people gradually forget my teachings, it will be faithfully and indelibly written down in a book.

15. Now is the right time for you, people, to set out and give proofs of this truth by doing wonders with the gifts I have revealed to you

16. Do not sleep in expectation of those times of which I have spoken to you, only then to rise up and say to men, What you now have before your eyes has already been foretold. No, people, it is absolutely necessary that you announce it in advance, that you prophesy it, that you pave the way for the coming of all that I have foretold and promised you. Then you will have fulfilled your mission as pioneer of spiritualization on earth. When then miraculous things begin to appear in the world and the Spirit of the Lord speaks to you through events never seen before, and when the Spirit of man begins to reveal gifts and abilities never suspected, you will experience how all creeds, theories, norms, institutions and sciences are shaken. And then mankind will confess that those who humbly preached an apparently alien teaching were right because their words were confirmed when they came true.

17. You will then see that the peoples of the earth are interested in spiritual teaching, that theologians compare the teachings of Christ with the new revelations. And you will see many who have always been indifferent to the spiritual take a lively interest in the study of the revelations of this and past times.

18. Today, though you would like it, you cannot see the fulfillment of all that I announce to you. But if you truly believe in my word, you will be able to see many events of the future with the gaze of your faith, and if you are prepared, your dreams, your visions and inspirations will not deceive you.

19. Listen to Me with deep attention: when I cease to speak to you in this form, gather with love my Word, which you have recorded in writings, to leave it as a testimony of what I have spoken to you in this time, to future generations

20. Consider my word as a seed, that you may not allow the slightest impurity to be added to it.

21. The fields which are the hearts of this mankind will soon be cleaned and ready for sowing; and would it be just that these are clean but the seed is not?

22. Reflect on my word, beloved disciples. By this you are gradually transforming and purifying yourselves for the good accomplishment of your mission.

23. Now I have returned to the people to assist them in their present trials The Master tells you: Do not be troubled after 1950 when you see the signs of my coming appear in glory. Rather rejoice then because I have enabled you to experience these revelations directly.

24. Just as I showed Myself in the Spirit to Magdalene in the Second Time after the sacrificial death, surprising her and at the same time exclaiming with joy, "Lord, be praised and glorified forever," so I appeared with you today when you thought that the Master was absent or indifferent to your sufferings; but after your surprise you blessed Me. You have received My light in your souls, and after you had received such great grace, you remembered your fellow men and prayed for them with the words, "I am fortunate to hear Your word while others do not know these teachings. But the Master tells you: I have revealed my Spirit in different ways in all nations. Those who have prepared themselves recognize that they are living through a time of grace and righteousness, and have felt my presence.

25. As I forgave Magdalene, I forgive you. But I want you to make yourselves worthy of me as she was.

26. How many examples worthy of imitation can you receive from your brothers and sisters in other times! Her work is like an open book. But you ─ do not want your example to be preserved in writing? Of your works, I will take up only those that I consider worthy, to present them to your descendants. You, however, today, while you still live in the flesh, will reap neither fame nor veneration. Be humble and let others judge your works.

27. In the great work of the day which awaits you, I will be your Cyreneus. My teaching will cause great upheavals in the world. There will be great changes in customs and ideas, and even in nature there will be transformations. All this will signal the beginning of a new age for mankind, and the Spirits I am about to send to earth will speak of all these prophecies to contribute to the restoration and upward development of this world. They will explain my word and interpret the events.

* Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus (Mark. 15:21)

28. Come and hear me, concentrate on the bottom of your heart, and I assure you: however little your faith in my presence is, you will feel me

29. I do not condemn your lack of faith; on the contrary, I forgive it because you were not prepared to receive me. For mankind slept a deep sleep for centuries, blinded by fanaticism and idolatry, by materialism.

30. Who had reminded you that I had announced to return and that you therefore had to be awake to expect me? Your parents, for instance? Your priests? Who kept you awake?

31. Few lived in anticipation of events, desiring that the symbolic "cloud" of my promise would appear on the horizon, illuminating your soul, strengthening your body and revealing to you that my return is in the Spirit.

32. Therefore your struggle to comprehend my presence in this time has been great, and you have had to overcome many obstacles to reach me. But all this is meritorious; I give you credit for it and tell you truly that none of the bitterness you may have suffered to follow me in this way will remain without reward.

33. What do you think is the compensation for your patience to endure ridicule and contempt even within your family? the conversion of your loved ones! But since you have had enough patience to endure their incomprehension, have them also to wait for the time when their faith will be inflamed. To achieve this, you must make a great effort with works, with words, prayers and good thoughts. But eventually you will see the miracle become reality.

34. To you I will assign the mission to announce my return to your fellow men. I entrust to you the message or good tidings of my spiritual communication with mankind. Rejoice in the thought that you are the bearers of such a precious message and let this joy be a balm for the wounds you receive on the way of battle.

35. Some have come to the rallies of my word with the innocence of those shepherds of Bethlehem; their simple faith was the humble offering of their hearts. Others have come from me in their desire for proofs, to be able to believe. They were the sick who had been seeking health for a long time and from door to door, without finding it. Still others, like the scribes and the Pharisees, came to investigate Me, to question Me and put Me to the test, always fearing that the truth would expose their hypocrisy and falsehood. All have I received, for all I had a caress, a demonstration of my power, a proof of my truth.

36. I must also tell you that of all those whom I have mentioned, many have remained to follow Me because their heart was full of thanksgiving and their soul was enlightened by the light of My Word, desiring to learn how to sow and cultivate the Truth; I have not been able to find a way to make them understand Me

37. From a small crowd that gathered to hear my first teachings, you have already become crowds forming a community. But for the time being not all of you will be able to become true apostles of this message of spiritualization.

38. Among these multitudes there are men of every mind and condition, as there are souls of different development among them. But in order that this divine revelation, this message which I have brought in my words, may finally be clarified and clearly grasped among the people who attended my rallies, they will have to go through many trials, pass many inner struggles and suffer many "melting pots" until they emerge from them as true disciples of spiritualism.

39. It will not be the first time that people struggle to interpret a divine revelation or gain clarity in a matter that presents itself to their eyes as a mystery. Already in the "Second Age", after my preaching activity in the world, people consulted about the personality of Jesus and wanted to know whether he was divine or not, whether he was one with the Father or a person different from him. In all ways they judged and researched my teaching.

40. Now I will again be the object of interpretation, discussion, argument, and investigation.

41. They shall examine whether the Spirit of Christ, when he made himself known, was independent of the Spirit of the Father. And there will be others who say that it was the HolySpirit who spoke, and not the Father, nor the Son.

42. But what you call the HolySpirit is the light of God, and what you call the Son is his "Word. So when you hear this Word here, when you make use of my teaching of the "second time" or think of the law and the revelations of the "first time," be aware that you are in the presence of the One God, hear his Word, and receive the light of his Spirit.

43. It is time for you to study this revelation, so that when you are questioned and tested, you may be able to answer with words of true light, leaving peace and bliss in every heart in which you place the essence of my word and the light of your interpretation.

44. I have hunger and thirst for your love, people. let Me be with you for a few moments because I have something to tell you

45. Why do you seek Me only when your sufferings oppress you? would it not please you to offer Me also your joys, your victories and satisfactions?

46. In the Second Time I inspired you love and trust so that you would approach Me without fear Then why do you sometimes doubt my love or my forgiveness? O you "prodigal sons" who fear to return to the Father's home! I knew: Despite the proofs of infinite love I gave you then, it was necessary to return to seek you ─ not so that you would see Me as man again, but so that you would feel Me inside, deep inside your soul.

47. Gather around me again like my disciples of yore, follow me again, as the great crowds did, because I will let you hear the heavenly concert of my word and at the same time do those works of love that you call miracles.

48. I come as Father, so that all who have lacked love, affection, tenderness in the world may find with Me the divine warmth.

49. I come as a physician, so that you may surrender to Me your sicknesses, your worries and all secret sufferings that have made your soul and at the same time your body sick.

50. I come as a friend, so that you entrust to Me your deepest secrets, struggles and longings and let Me go by your side.

51. I come as master, because I want to open the book of wisdom and life before you.

52. I come as a judge to judge ─ as you say ─ the living and the dead as I say the incarnate and the disembodied, without the least of your works escaping my righteousness

53. Among the crowds of people who come together in the simple assembly rooms to hear Me, there are many who understand and feel this Word. They are the souls that have developed on the long ways of struggle, trials, experiences, and have been purified in the hard times of pain. They understand Me and do not ask Me for worldly goods. They know that a book of knowledge exists in their soul and they expect only that divine teaching from the Master, through which they can learn the way of how to transmit the light that the soul carries within to those who need experience and teaching.

54. Here are also those who, without having travelled long distances, will use my word as a way not to go astray, and their love will spare them infinite suffering for their souls

55. The great majority of the people here have one prayer in their hearts: that of their pain. They all come to tell Me that their burden is very heavy and their cup too bitter. They make Me aware of their loneliness, disappointments, hardships, weaknesses, misery, sickness, grief and many other hardships. But not only they suffer, the pain is present in all mankind. They do not know that now is the time of purification, in which souls and people wash away their stains of shame, only to take a step forward to the top of the mountain afterwards. When these stains are washed away, you will not experience a moment of pain any more, because the healing balm of renewal will have given you back that health that the Lord put into His creatures when they came forth from His womb.

My peace be with you! 

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