BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 300

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 300

1 You feel my presence in the silence of your heart and are filled with delight when my word comes down to enlighten you by the light of spiritual knowledge.

2 Restore your soul, O beloved disciples, because you have wept much in the ways of life.

3 Here I am with you and give you strength to fight for the eternal peace of your soul But truly, I tell you, even before mankind got to know me, I already enlightened you from infinity and spoke I already to your hearts. For since I am one with the Father, I have always been in Him. Ages had to pass over mankind until the world received Me in Jesus and heard the Word of God, although I must tell you that not all who heard my teaching at that time had the necessary spiritual development to feel the presence of God in Christ. Therefore, I had to choose from among the called those who had to give a faithful testimony of the truth. For the rest, my teaching was difficult to apply at that time, because idolatry and paganism prevailed in the hearts. But the word of love was written in indelible letters in the consciences in anticipation of the generations who would embrace the cross of their Master.

4 Then it was not only twelve disciples and a few crowds of people who went on their way behind my love-track, but it was peoples and nations who changed their customs, their lives, their worship of God. I tell you this because today, as you experience the dawn of a new time, your soul has come to the light of a new message.

Not all who have seen and heard will understand the essence and meaning of this revelation. While some are sufficiently developed to receive this light, others, though they wish to, will not be able to understand many teachings that they will see shrouded in mystery. But times will pass, new generations will come to earth, and that light which only a few received in the days of my revelation will shine in the minds of great multitudes, great peoples and nations.

5 Those who have received Me in this time in their soul will remain here as My disciples and will be responsible for this divine legacy which will be faithfully passed on from generation to generation until those come in whom spiritualism will flourish as a teaching of peace and wisdom

6 Who are my disciples at this time? All who love this word and put it into practice.

7 I have called and invited many to my table to enjoy the bread of life, the very best food. I want them to be the chosen ones, because the fields that await the seed are very vast.

8 People: I have told you many times that you should "watch", that you should study and be prepared, because you should not be ignorant for all time. The day is drawing near when your fellow men will discover the existence of this people, who heard the voice of the Lord in the seclusion and humility of a meeting place, and they will want to know what happened, what my message was, and what proofs I gave you of my truth.

9 Men and women of all kinds will knock at the doors of your hearts in desire for your witness. Do you not think that it is only right and proper that this testimony should be clear so that your fellow men may have a clear idea of what my rally has been, since they have not had the good fortune that this people here have had to hear my teachings through the minds of voters?

10 If you would spend some of your time reflecting on my word, there would be no need for me to come down to explain my teachings to you For then your meditation, your reflections and your inner self-examination would make you understand the extent of your responsibility.

11 The time is very short, which I still have left to speak to you in this form, and as you were very slow in understanding, I had to stand by you by extending my teachings to the utmost.

12 Understand that the testimony you will give of Me is not limited to repeating My words to your fellow men - no, this is easy and does not require much preparation It is then enough that you keep this word in your memory or in writings to repeat it as said. But if you consider that you must give the true testimony with your works of love, which make the essence of my word tangible, explain it at the same time thoroughly and in a simple way, and prove it through works that transcend the human. Then you will have to understand that you will have to achieve a real spiritualization in order to be able to rightly call yourselves "witnesses of my Word in the Third Age.

13 With what meekness even the greatest doubters will give way to the truth, when you do to them the works which I have taught you.

14 If you truly feel love for your neighbor and desire to make them partakers of your mercy, give careful thought to this teaching, and prepare yourselves for battle with the greatest sincerity of which you are capable. Then you will rightly be called "witnesses of God in the third time.

15 Your hour is drawing near, people, in which each of you is to take up his mission and carry it out with true love for his fellow men

16 While I prepare my departure, you must prepare your spiritual work in the world.

17 I see that you have pangs of conscience because you have not been able to keep my teachings in your memory, and that you fear that you will have to face people without arguments to support this truth. But I tell you that you should not fear. For when I prepare my farewell, I will - when the time has come - give the order that a book be made in the bosom of this people, containing the teachings and upheavals of the Third Age, so that this book may get into the hands of the multitudes of men, who are to find in it my teachings, study them and prepare themselves to bear witness to my truth.

18 Of great importance and usefulness will be the writings which are to keep my word. For only after my departure will you truly dedicate yourselves to the study of it.

19 Through this book those who have heard my teaching but have forgotten many lessons and passages will remember with emotion and delight the moments when they received the divine messages from Me. And those who have not heard me will be amazed at the meaning of my teachings and will see there in the Infinite the Kingdom of Heaven.

20 Once the disciple has gone through the thorough and conscientious study and has reached his spiritualization, he will no longer need the material book. For in every moment in which he prepares himself, his lips will repeat my word exactly, inspired by his spirit, in whose consciousness it will remain written down forever.

21 Be blessed - you who have been awake in expectation of this moment, for you will be refreshed in spirit and in truth. You will rise to a world of light, from which you will return strengthened.

22 When ye then come near thus, desiring my word, ye make yourselves free from all that belongs to the world. You come to me and drink the cup of the divine essence.

23 After you have taken part in the spiritual banquet, life in the world seems to you to be more bearable, the cross lighter, the trials milder.

24 Yes, my children, he who has recourse to a spiritual staff does not become weary. He who looks up to heaven will not fall on earth!

25 Ah, if you knew how many beings full of light and love follow you from the spiritual valley, helping and inspiring you! But how can you demand that they stand by you if you do not do what is due to you?

26 If you want to feel clearly the influence and help of those who feel mercy for you, you must have faith, obedience to their promptings, trust, sensitivity, and a good frame of mind for prayer. Then you will be able to experience miracles in your life.

27 My word makes your hardened heart, tormented by suffering, loving. You too, when you become teachers to your fellow men, should encourage them through your words of comfort and your works of love.

28 Who will not be convinced in the face of a proof of sincerity, love, and truthfulness? Who of you does not remember the sentences with which I received him on the first day he heard my word - that unforgettable voice whose tenderness and peculiarity made him recognize me?

29 I forgive your transgressions but at the same time I correct you so that you expel selfishness from your heart because it is one of the weaknesses that pulls the soul down most deeply I touch you by conscience so that you remember your duties among brothers and sisters and sow works of love and forgiveness on your way, as I taught you in the "Second Time.

30 Heavy was the cross of Christ, very bitter and painful was the way, very rocky was the climb, and yet, forgetting my own pain, I comforted those who were suffering and blessed my executioners.

31 You people whose spirit has received the light of the three times: Know how much misery and suffering there is. It is necessary to fill humanity with love. Sow it with good works, enlighten it with faith and hope, overflow it with peace.

32 For this work my power and my love would be enough for me. But since you have been created to learn to love one another, it is necessary that a people should arise, which is to be like an immeasurably great army of soldiers of spiritualization, faithful guardians of my law, so that they may enforce my truth against so much falsehood and kindle the light in the darkness.

33 A new war will soon break out in the world. It will be a war different from all that mankind has suffered - a war of world views, philosophies, teachings, ideologies, beliefs and religions.

34 People: You must be prepared for this time, and let the alarm call sound to your children.

35 The wave of materialism will rise and become a troubled sea, a sea of suffering, despair and fear of the injustice of men. Only one boat will sail over that sea of passions, desires, and man-hatred, and that boat will be that of my law. Blessed are those who are strong when this time comes! But woe to those who sleep! Woe to the weak! Woe to the peoples who have put their trust in foundations of religious fanaticism, for they will easily become the prey of those furious waves!

36 Thou knowest not the battle, O mankind? Does not my word move you to prepare to defend yourself when the hour has come? My light is in all, but only those see it who pray, who prepare. My light speaks to you through foreboding, through inspiration, through intuition, through dreams and pointing fingers. But you are deaf to every spiritual call, are indifferent to every divine sign.

37 Soon you will see my word fulfilled, and bear witness that all this was true.

38 My teaching and my name will be the target of all attacks and persecutions; they will be the reason why the enemies of the truth persecute you. But my teaching will also be the lightsaber of those who stand up and defend the faith, and it will be the shield behind which the innocent will find protection. My name will be on all lips, blessed by some, cursed by others.

39 All man's abilities will be unleashed: his intelligence, his feelings, his passions; his mental faculties will be awake and ready to fight.

40 What confusion will there be then! How many who thought they believed in me will have to convince themselves that it was not true faith! In many homes and hearts the light of love and hope will be extinguished. The children and the youth will have no other God than the world, nor any other law than that of the earth.

41 In the face of this chaos, I ask you, people, what mission will you then accomplish? will you hide this jewel I have entrusted to you? Will you close the book of my teachings, thus rejecting the authority I have given you as my disciples? no, beloved people, I have prepared you so that you will not be surprised by the whirlwind, and I have encouraged you so that you will not be intimidated by the eloquence or knowledge of those who fight you The books, the titles and the names are human vanities. But that which you will preach are eternal truths.

42 A movement of confusion has broken out in your midst, which has caused discord, condemnation and discussion among yourselves. It was necessary that this trial should afflict the people, so that those who had fallen asleep would awaken and you would finally find the definition of my work.

43 Fear not this inner struggle, people. I tell you once again that it is necessary for your awakening, because you are making a new cult out of your routine and traditions. But verily, I tell you, spiritualism is completely removed from any routine, habit, tradition or outward ceremony.

44 In this test which has surprised you, some have awakened with the conviction that you have not realized true spiritualization. These will have to retreat for some time, because the majority of the people will cling to their customs and traditions, which they ultimately consider as if they were the law.

Then there will be a pause in the fighting, so that this people will meditate and reflect, observe and gain experience themselves. For then the struggle will break out anew with the greatest power, so that the essence of my teaching will shine forth, and my work will be understood in all its sincerity and spirituality.

45 In this second test, the majorities will be those who open their eyes to the truth, and the others, with their ritual acts unsuitable for my work, will have to withdraw from the midst of their brothers and sisters until they reach understanding, improvement, and they can rejoin the people.

46 Know that it is necessary that the trials should shake you and awaken you. For you would not break your routine from yourselves.

47 That harmony and that peace which exist in your midst are only apparent as long as true spiritualization does not enter into your heart. But before that, you will be tested and purified in many ways. Be aware that you are left as witnesses of my word given in this time, and that your testimony must not be false, but as faithful as you are able to pass it on.

48 Today it is pain that purifies you. Tomorrow it shall be your spiritualization!

49 If, after the completion of my teaching, and after you have gone through your trials, confusion and pain would continue among you, you would have no justification for it to me, and you would face an even greater trial than the one you are going through now Do you love the truth? Do you long for peace? Then obey my word with the sincerity it demands, and your soul will find the way that leads to harmony.

50 Understand that I have limited my light and revelations in this time, when I made myself known through these voice-bearers, just as I limited myself when in past times I spoke through the mouth of the prophets

51 I have sent out the one and the other in the hours of testing for mankind, when it was on the edge of the abyss or of destruction.

52 Also those through whom I have made my word heard in this third time are prophets, from whose lips the voice resounded, waking him that sleeps and warning him that strayed from the way.

53 The word of the prophets has been in every age as the bright sound of a trumpet in darkness. Many have heard it, but not all have believed it. Why did people not want to hear the voice of the prophets? Because they have always spoken of events that were approaching and announced Divine Justice. They have always said, "Pray, watch, repent, cleanse yourselves from your stains, repent.

54 The prophets of the first times were intuitive, their mouth announced many events they did not know. They did not know that Christ existed, and yet they all spoke of Him. It would be centuries before the Savior came into the world, but the prophets were already saying what His coming, His life and death as a man would be like.

55 How much light have you received as new disciples and prophets of the third time! Now you are beginning to prove your intuition when, while visiting various provinces and peoples, you are able to speak to the inhabitants of each place according to their needs, understanding and development.

56 Some will listen to your voices, others will make fun of you. But you must not cease to preach repentance, which is renewal - prayer, which is repentance and faith - mercy, which is expression of brotherhood and love.

57 Remember and always be aware that on your righteous and virtuous lives depend the faith which you awaken in your fellow men, that is, that they will investigate and observe you in your private lives, in order to seek confirmation in your works of the teaching which you preach.

58 Be humble, simple, modest, but always reveal a firm faith and an unswerving zeal.

59 This people, the trustee of my revelation in this third time, is not yet seen as a bringer of light. But not much time will pass until mankind is interested in knowing the truth about my return and all that relates to my revelation. It will come to question you, and you must be prepared for that.

60 Verily, I tell you, even in the most hostile media there will be someone - even if it is only one heart - that will open to receive your words.

61 Spiritualize and unfold the gift of the inner word, then you will not waver in the struggle or in the moments of trial.

62 Today the world does not know you, but truly, I say to you, the day will come when the nations longingly await you. This will happen when the great trials and catastrophes will be felt in the lands, and it will be known that the spiritualists have power over the epidemics and the unknown diseases.

63 There will be there in their camp the sick who await the coming of the messenger and worker of Jesus, who comes to "anoint" them with the balm of cordiality and charity. There will be the homes with open doors awaiting the disciples who, by their presence, will make peace and light enter among those hearts.

64 Today's generations who have been blind to the signs I have given you, who have attributed everything to chance, will be absorbed in the meaning of the events that accompanied my coming, my presence during the time of my announcement and the ending of my Word, and they will have to say that they were really the signs promised already in the past times "No leaf of the tree moves without the will of the Father," they will say, and their words will be true.

65 Beloved mankind, you are my daughter whom I want to save, whom I visited in the desert and comforted in her prison Feel my presence, and I tell you, nothing will be lacking for you then.

66 Trust, have hope! Great have been the trials, long the days of your atonement. But soon you will see a purer way 'before you, soon you will have that peace you so longed for.

My peace be with you! 

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