BTL - Volume 12 - Teaching 355
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XII - Teaching 339 - 366
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Book of True Life - Volume 12
Teaching 355
1. I bless you, people of Israel, who are gathered in this time in the earthly valley, and I also bless the entities that belong to this people and dwell in the spiritual valley. For both have had a single purpose in their efforts to fulfill their mission: To love and serve their brothers and sisters. You are united by this goal and you both begin to live in perfect harmony.
2. I have sent you to inhabit various homes, so that from them you may stand up for peace and bring a ray of light and justice to the souls of your brothers and sisters. You have come to earth as a part of that great people who follow Me in the hour of greatest trials, fighting as soldiers in this battle of good against evil, and when you faced this battle you felt strong, secure and sure of your destiny.
3. Hear Me with a prepared soul so that you may understand My Word. Let not even your intellect interfere, and in this hour of my rallies, be all sensitivity, attention and fervor so that you may take my words with you as a guide and be mindful in your work.
4. You are already convinced and are going the way of your mission fulfillment. You have taken within you every one of my teachings which satisfy your desire for knowledge and for attaining knowledge of the spiritual life.
5. Learn from me, take up in yourselves the working power that you need I am the inexhaustible source. But do not believe that I tell you this with pride. For although I am the Creator of everything, I teach you humility. Therefore ask me for everything you need for your salvation. If you lack light for your mind, receive it. If you are weak in your plans, I make you strong and give you willpower. If you feel no love for your neighbor and ask me for this ability, I give it to you. But know that you possess all these abilities and qualities from the very beginning and that they have only fallen asleep in your soul in expectation of a voice that awakens it and makes it vibrate, act in fullness.
6. I am preparing you at this time so that you may teach men and transform the materialists into disciples of Me. This word given by man has been heard by only a small part of mankind, but all shall receive your testimony and the book written by Me as an inheritance for this and future generations.
7. I no longer want to see ignorance and depression in your soul. I give you the power to defeat every yoke, to rule your body properly and to keep soul and body in my laws, so that in the last hour of the life I grant you on earth, you may see your work completed and the way prepared which will lead you to the high beyond.
8. This period of time which you are currently going through is temporary, it is a moment in the midst of eternity. Therefore I advise you to take it as a deep lesson. For it is one of so many teachings which form the book of spiritual wisdom which each of you will possess. Gather all the experience and as many merits as possible in this life so that you may shorten the path. The road you must travel is long, and it is necessary that you accelerate your steps.
9. Do not root yourselves on the earth more than your conscience allows Use the fruits it offers you in moderation, so that you may live for spiritual progress. This life with all its beauty, with all the riches it offers you, is only a faint reflection of the life you will live in other life worlds of the greatest perfection.
10. I have given you the earth as a temporary residence, and when you incarnated, you formed a part of this humanity. But so that you may be the rudder of the "flesh" that steers its courses, and that it may be steered like a willing boat on this great ocean, I have given you the light in your soul so that you may follow the route I have mapped out for you, always obeying the signs that mark your destinations, until you reach the port that awaits you.
11. I have sent you like a ray of light to the bosom of communities, of societies, and I want you to reveal your gifts in this small world where you live, serving your neighbour, helping him to solve the problems of his life and orienting him on his path I have wisely placed you in the place where you can work for the good of your fellow men.
12. How difficult is your task, and how can you let your steps go astray in a moment of confusion! This is why I have always recommended prayer to you. "Watch and pray" I have told you so that you may not fall into temptation. Live attentively to the instruction of your conscience, which will always advise you to righteousness and love in your actions.
13. You have come to earth to be co-workers in my work. For it is written that I would come surrounded by hosts who would fight with me against evil at this time, and I am currently confirming my words through deeds. Great armies of beings ─ the one spiritual and the other incarnated ─ have come in my company to accomplish this work of cleansing and restoration to bring all souls back to their right place.
14. I call upon you to meditate and repent. For the difficult hour, the solemn day has come, when you will hear my word for the last time, and it is necessary that you hurl every unfairness from you, because I want you pure and free from sin. Unite your good works and offer them to me. For I have offered you to multiply their fruits and let them reach mankind as a message of comfort, hope and peace.
15. But when I judge this people here, who are my disciples, I will judge the nations also, and I will leave with all my heritage of love, the Third Testament, so that you may enjoy the gifts and graces in which I share with all my children.
16. Those nations whose leaders have been strict and unbending, who have mercilessly brought them to a painful abyss, have endured the yoke, and in spite of their sufferings their soul has not bowed, has not lifted its eyes to Me, nor has it asked Me for deliverance Still they persist in their pride, and their haughty head has not bowed to ask for leniency. It has preferred to suffer the harshness of the nefarious war without suspecting that I am presently on the path of every creature to help it bear its trial.
17. This mankind hardened in hatred has not wanted to feel my presence, and it does not know that I know and feel all its pains, and that I am ready to grant it the freedom and the triumph for which it longs But those goods, which men hope for, I will give to their soul and not to their "flesh. I will give her the dominion over her body, over this world, which has bound her so much. I will let her triumph over materialism, to make her the owner of spiritual goods, I will let her enter that treasury of wisdom, which is my Spirit, so that she may quench her thirst for knowledge in it and possess the knowledge of true life.
18. Exchange your striving for power and superiority for the salutary desires of the soul, and you will discover that your work brings you legitimate satisfactions and joys.
19. When will you recognize Me and form a harmonious and obedient family that knows how to fulfill my laws? Already this time is approaching. After the trials that are yet to come upon you, you will return to peace and make of mutual love and respect an authentic devotion to God.
20. I am judging you at this time, and just as my judgment is implacable, so my love and forgiveness are manifested in each of you. What would you do if I were to condemn you in weighing up your works and call you irrevocably to account, as the judges of this world do? Know that I am your judge and at the same time your lawyer. Understand me and recognize that I am your Father, and that is why I want you to be healed. For I love you infinitely despite your weakness.
21. The trials which afflict men today, and those which will come afterward, will consolidate their souls and put them in the place which is theirs. Every creature will atone for its transgressions until it is pure and prepared to enter into the era of spiritualization which has already begun. And when this time of purification is over, you will return to me to thank me. You will not complain about the pain you have suffered, and will only feel strong to fight for your ascension.
22. But while you empty your cup of suffering, you shall not feel humiliated nor belittled by My mercy. Remember that you have been created pure, healthy and strong because of my love, and so you must return to me.
23. How rich and long is the life which I grant you to acquire in it the merits necessary for the soul! On this path that you travel, you must prove the virtue that is innate to the soul ─ but not to Me, since I know you and know what you are capable of, but to yourselves, since you do not yet recognize yourselves.
24. Today you are sufficiently prepared to understand my present rallies, because you have lived long and developed. For your study and exploration, I leave you teachings that represent a precious legacy of love: the Book of Life. Each page of it reveals to you the wisdom I have put in it, using your limited language and your mind. This knowledge will lead you to communicate with Me in a perfect way when your prayer no longer uses words but uses the spiritual language, the sincere expression, the manifestation of love which the superior soul has for its God and which I know and receive with pleasure. I want you to speak to me in this way so that I reveal the future to you and give you instructions. But these prophecies and instructions, which you receive, you are to make known to your fellow men. Once you are so prepared, your lips, which have remained closed, will open. A great gift of words will be revealed, and that which you have concealed until now will be fully revealed.
25. You who have asked for the gift of healing because you are able to feel the pain of others will experience the unfolding of this activity, and your prayer, word or gaze will bring healing balm to the sick. Those of you who ask for peace for this world, harmony and brotherhood among men ─ carry this power within you and sow peace in your ways and also send your soul to where peace is lacking. Already the hour is approaching in which you will all be enlightened and feel that your gifts are coming alive and are revealing themselves in full clarity.
26. In this time some have heard my call like the sound of a loud bell, which has reached your soul. Others, however, are still being sought by Elijah in all ways.
27. You have sought Me in different creeds and in different worldviews without finding the boat that saves. But I tell you: Again I show you the way and give you the teaching so that you may understand me.
28. Of the great multitudes that Elijah has gathered in this Third Age, some have continued to follow their freedom of will. But the others have indicated to me their faith and their intention to follow me and work on my arable land.
29. You have come here needy, thirsty, and hungry. But I have let you rest under the foliage of the mighty tree, have healed you, have given you the crystal-clear water and the bread of eternal life.
30. Blessed are those of you who have set out with the truth in their hearts to rescue the shipwrecked from the waves of the sea
31. People, I have manifested Myself in great measure through your mediation, I have nourished you with the best food, I have entrusted you with a jewel of inestimable value, I have given you a robe of grace and have put shoes on your feet so that you do not feel the thorns You are the little child who says to Me, "Divine Master, I will carry Your teaching imprinted in my heart and pass it on to humanity. I will be your messenger, who will bring this light to the world".
32. The Master tells you: I have prepared you and entrusted you with my law so that you may be like the disciples of the Second Age.
33. I have given you peace, the light of the HolySpirit, that your soul may no longer remain in darkness.
34. How welcome are the rallies which I have given you through the human mind. Inspiration springs from the bottom of these hearts like a shining torch. They are boulders, which I work on more and more to give them shape and to cause that the purest and clearest water springs out of them. They are the channel through which I give you my word.
35. Behold the spring, the mighty tree with its branches full of good fruit, which gives its shade to the wayfarer to let you rest from your passions, from your ambitious endeavors, from your temptations. You are neither deaf nor blind, who do not recognize me when they hear my words. When you hear me and allow this light to be in your soul, you will quickly understand me and will know how to ask me for those who have not recognized me.
36. Turn to spiritualization and you will experience that the darkness of your thoughts will disappear and they will be illuminated by a beautiful light. You will receive the inspiration of the Father and will feel his radiations so that you will be like a clear mirror to mankind. Then the joy and kindness toward others will be reflected on your faces.
37. Blessed is he who does not boast when he does good, for he will acquire a treasure in the hereafter. Expect no payment for what you do in my work. Allow that it is I who pay you for your works.
38. I tell you again that ye shall love one another: for though ye be of different races and colors, ye are one child in the eyes of the Father.
39. You are souls that have come forth from the Father, to whom I give my caress, and as Master I entrust you with teaching to correct your faults and transform you into my disciples
40. Since I made a promise to you in the past, I am fulfilling it today I come again to deliver you from the pain you deserve and to remind you to love one another from nation to nation, from one world to another.
41. I have called you therefore, people, that you may be the messenger of my peace, my light and my love in all nations. You are my messengers, who shall sound the trumpet at whose call mankind will awaken. You are like a spiritual bell whose sound shall resound in every soul and in every heart. So I am preparing you at present so that you are the people who bring bliss to all places on earth.
42. Blessed is he who loses his human life in the fulfillment of his mission, because his soul will come to me full of bliss and triumph.
43. After 1950, I will continue to make myself known to you from Spirit to Spirit. Your mission will not end then. You will practice my teachings and will spread my teaching like your Master. You shall be the good disciples who teach by example and bring the Good News to mankind.
44. You shall make known my teachings, which have been written down by the "gold feathers", in all purity and clarity, and from all these pages of text you shall make a book to make them known to men. It is the Third Testament, which was dictated at this time by the Father as HolySpirit through the organ of man's understanding. In it I give you my teachings syllable by syllable so that you may fathom them and apply them. Short is already the time in which I will speak in this form. But when you are prepared, and your heart is a sanctuary for my divinity, I will dwell in you.
45. I give you my teaching that you may be the children of light. I give you my wisdom that you may become teachers tomorrow. For you are to receive those crowds of people who are exhausted, hungry and thirsty, who have emptied only one cup of suffering. It is up to you, my disciples, to remove that bitter cup from their lips, to give them charity and peace and to lead them to the port of salvation. Rise up and form one body, and have one and the same will to love Me and serve mankind.
46. Do not look at their blemish and sin, for already in the Second Time I taught to forgive Remember: when the sinner prostrated herself at My feet, I said to those who condemned her, "He who is without sin among you, cast the first stone". Then those were dismayed because they heard the voice of conscience. And when that woman looked up, I told her, "Where are those who accuse you? Return to your home and sin no more. So you too, beloved disciples, should not judge your fellow men, for I alone can judge your actions.
47. The soul must come to Me pure as a snowflake. Prepare yourselves, blessed people, so that you may not feel orphaned after you no longer receive this word, but carry Me in your heart and be able to communicate with Me from Spirit to Spirit.
48. At all times I have shown you the way, I have enlightened your soul so that you may be united in My Divine Works
49. Some of you have fulfilled the law which I have confirmed in this Third Age by means of the human mind You have been the example I have shown to the world. But others of you have stopped on the way.
50. You ask me, "Master, what is the way I am to follow to earn merit in my life? And as a Master who teaches you tirelessly so that you may not be ignorant, I have given you the light, I have inspired you and spoken to you through your conscience so that you may work in my corridor.
51. I give you the fruits of the mighty tree in abundance so that you may feel strong, so that you may strive and work tirelessly
52. I have inundated your soul with my mercy, that ye may lack nothing. I have quenched your thirst and your hunger with the essence of my Word and have entrusted my work to your hands as a jewel of inestimable value.
53. Some of you have walked the way of light, and in it you have refreshed yourselves. Others have gone astray, and pain and exhaustion have overtaken them in their lives.
54. I have summoned my chosen ones without looking at their races, skin colors, nor social classes or positions ─ without looking at whether they have trained their intelligence or have uneducated and cumbersome organs of understanding. I have chosen them from the world and prepared them with my light and with my grace to make myself known through their mediation. I have called men, women, children and adults who are tired of the world and disappointed in it.
The women who have drunk a bitter cup, I have purified, I have comforted them and I have transformed them into my servants. I have set a limit for the youth, which is perishing in this third time through the corruption of the world. I have given her the food of my table and have invited her to increase the number of my workers, my disciples, in this time.
55. You have consecrated yourselves to my service and you ask Me to help you to reach the goal of the journey of life I encourage you, help you and strengthen your soul and your body so that you may come to Me.
56. I have saved you when you have been close to falling into the abyss and becoming prey to the hungry wolf. Some of you recognize my great love for you and praise my name. But the others present me only the pain they have created for themselves.
57. Some of you ask me to prolong the days of your existence on earth to be at my service. But the others point out to me their tired feet and their heart wounded by the vicissitudes of this life. But I tell you: I have sent you all to inhabit this planet so that you may do meritorious works for the ascension of your soul.
58. Verily I say to you: I have come to save sinners. Some of you have the purpose of following my teachings. But the others live according to their own will and present their pain to Me. But the Father says to you: "Know, my children, that you do not obey my teachings and therefore pain comes to you even though it is not my will. Recognize Elijah as a tireless shepherd who seeks you on the paths, in the undergrowth, to bring you once more to the sheepfold.
59. He lets you rest in his shepherd's arms and brings you into my presence. Then he prays for his flock so that you may receive my mercy, my forgiveness and my blessing again.
60. What do you ask of me this day, what do you need that I would not grant you? You tell Me that I should forgive you and encourage you in the struggle ─ also that you have suffered and need comfort. Nothing remains unnoticed by Me. I have followed your steps and entered your heart like a thief to know all that is within you. All that you ask Me for shall be given to you.
61. You who seek My presence in the Spirit have no need to perform an outward cult, nor to attend rites and ceremonies. You come to these humble assembly places where you are to gather together according to my will to let you hear my word, and here you rise up to find me.
62. At present I am looking for souls of good will who take my apostles of the Second Time as an example. Today I have not come to become man, and my rallies are subtle. Therefore you must prepare yourselves and purify yourselves so that you may perceive every sign or hint of Me.
63. Take Elijah as your model, the tireless shepherd who fights and prepares the soul of men. Help him in his difficult task and rejoice when you discover your gifts. Open the eyes of the soul and see already in this world the perfection of other ─ of the spiritual worlds.
64. Give Me the tribute of your fulfillment of your commission, as the high beings, the righteous do. Do not explore my work superficially, for then you will not understand it, nor will you discover its perfection. Think of it as the Third Testament, which I will leave to mankind, and remember that I have spoken to you with the same love in past times: Jehovah with His voice of righteousness when He spoke to the people in the First Time ─ then Jesus with His saving Word, and today the Consoling Spirit have led the human soul along a single path. It is one and the same Divine Spirit that has shone over you at all times.
65. Do not say only then that you love Me when you have received relief for your sufferings, and then depart. See how the flowers keep their beauty and fragrance even when the weather is rough. So you too shall love Me ─ both in the days of peace and in those of trial.
66. A young man was in a boat in a troubled sea. But despite the violence of the waves the boat remained calm.
That young man discovered twelve simple men in the middle of this sea, who appeared as castaways. He pulled them into his boat and told them, "I will take you to the harbor and give you what you lack. Those men knelt before their savior and thanked him. But in their soul they felt unworthy to be with him.
When the young man saw them thus, he told them, "I come to save sinners, I have sought the poor to make them rich by my grace. I seek the sick to give them health." When those shipwrecked heard these words, they recognized who the young man was who had saved them from perishing in the turbulent waves of the sea. Then they said to him, "Lord, the light of a new day has risen for us and for all who are in need.
That young man told them, "I am teaching you now to cross this troubled sea. Then the twelve who had been saved were astonished to see that in the course of that boat the waves were softened and heeded the voice of their savior.
Those shipwrecked who had disobeyed a commandment, a law, and who had become sinners and needy, felt remorse, and said to him, "Lord, give us once more your teaching.
Then the Lord showed them an open book in which a perfect teaching was written, and told them, "I entrust to you now this boat that you may save the shipwrecked. They accepted that commission with joy and vowed to be obedient to fulfill that mission. On the course of that boat those who sank in that sea were saved, and those men were amazed, convinced of the power that the Lord had given them. End of the parable
67. The Master is telling you in truth: I have called you in this Third Age, while the world is heading towards the height of its corruption, to save you into this boat through that teaching I have entrusted to you to show it to mankind
68. After this time of teaching you will be able to carry out your mission in the world. You will be accompanied by your guardian angels and will have faith and righteousness as the norm. You are to fight ignorance relentlessly, but in your difficult task of teaching and correcting, you are also to make use of mercy and patience.
69. I understand your prayer, I hear your petitions and know your desires and hopes, and I say to you, be not troubled, nothing will be lacking. You will have all the necessary means for your spiritual fulfillment of the commission, and for the preservation of your body I will give you what you need.
70. I bless you on this morning of grace. Your sincere prayer shall be like a mantle that covers the nations as I bless them now and forever.
My peace be
with you.
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