A suitable time to save oneself - A call to TENINGEN

TTT 61 : 106 Indeed, there will be a suitable time for all to save themselves and soar to the heights. But woe to him who delays that day! Woe to him who misses the opportunities to achieve the development of his Spirit because he has devoted himself to the vanities of this world! He does not know how long the time will be when he must wait for a new opportunity, nor does he know the bitterness of his reparation. 11/26/2023 Because A.M. ate some spoiled food, she has stomach cramps, thirst, diarrhea and later vomiting during the night. According to midnight, she heard the father's words when he said: "I'm glad you're doing this. Report. In the Second World War, there was no one to change anything. TENINGEN. RELOCATE. THE FACILITIES !" * When A.M. tells her husband this, he declares her mad and she refrains from making this warning public. 11/28/2023 Dream: I am in a room where people are exchanging something for money with my husband. I see that ...