Bardena - Bardenus Cell
A.M.Hosta 21.3.2022 at shortly before 6 o'clock BdWL IX - U. 259 - verses 39-40; 49-50; 39 I ask you, Israel, what do you ask for the nations? For this benefit is not for you alone. See how the nations have been afflicted by the great trials of pain. But to you I say: Israel, if you stand up for your fellow men and pray, my will will be accomplished in all mankind. 40 Men have falsified my teaching. But I have come to you to train you again with my teaching, with my wisdom, so that you may become my disciples and be the ones who tomorrow instruct the people of the world and make them feel my presence in their souls. 49 Prepare yourselves, my people, so that you may receive those who will come to you. Give them my love, teach them to love one another, show them my law, kindle in their hearts the flame of faith, and give them peace with my word, that they may feed on it in their ways. You shall teach those multitudes to seek Me from Spirit to Spirit. 50 You have come ...