Flooded Lowlands

Anna Maria fell asleep from exhaustion at noon before late-night duty sitting and wakes up at 12 am at a dream: She looks from a hill on a fertile, green plain with meadows, many trees, villages and settlements. There is also a soccer field hidden somewhere. It is a bright, sunny day and the green is sparkling in the sun. It is an idyllic sight that seems to radiate peace. Because suddenly she hears a hiss and water jets penetrate between the deciduous trees that stand there in rows. Then she finds herself at the foot of a forest of firs and from there she sees the whole plain covered by water and the water goes to the forest at the edge of which she is. It is as if the water is awed by the purity of the forest and therefore it does not rise higher and stops at the foot of the forest. There she also sees a cradle with a baby in it and a man says to a woman: "... because it would be forgotten immediately ... Forest" The word forest was emphatically emphasized The man turn...