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Offenbarungen Jesu Christi


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Die Antwort mein Freund weiß ganz allein der Wind


Dem Engel der Weisheit


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Gott hat keine Gestalt


Dance of the peoples


Der Ewigvater und der Krieg in den Herzen


Das Göttliche Gesetz des Gebens


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Dies ist mein Reich


Herr, gib allen Völkern Frieden


Anna Maria's new blog at webnode

Dear loyal readers,  Google is shutting down this blogging service in the middle of the year. That is why I have created a new blog today at Webnode (free for now) Unfortunately, at the moment I am not able to post all the chapters of the Third Testament or the Book of True Life on this blog in written form. However, they can still be heard individually on my homepage or under "Playlists" in my SoundCloud portal "Geistiges Wachstum - Spiritual Growth" as audio files in German and English.  The text files can still be accessed on Blogger until mid-2024, after which "Page not found" will be displayed. Of course, you can find all the texts in the books, which you can download as free PDF files from my homepage, or in the printed books, in various languages, in my author webshop at Bookmundo.   ----------------------   You may visit our homepage at:

State of the heart

TTT 8 : 16 I have given the office of "foundation stone" to those who are to be examples of firmness, stability and strength among the people. Their word, counsel and example among the people shall be unchanging, as the rock is. Restlessness is in the heart if it does not find rest in God is the worst enemy within he himself is in this place Where a heart fights against God for its own damnation but does not see it so blinded Until it recognizes the reality Even in the attempt to kill God it will not win itself it will not find peace will be eternally bound to the wrong one "The one who serves and goes out of himself will attain liberation. The one who does not seek anything in return will attain salvation. He who gives himself wholeheartedly for others will attain transcendence. He who does not complain and only gives thanks will be transfigured. He who obeys the law and honors it will consecrate himself. The one who seeks God as the only way will not suffer. The one wh...

To the guardian of all truth

2/23/2024 TTT 51 : 15 But although I am Lord and owner of all created things, I am not able to kill my creatures, to hurt anyone, or to cause him pain. Why then have those who are not the owners of life seized what does not belong to them in order to dispose of it? REPORT: Assange's final court hearing February 22, 2024 In this video, we summarize the key points made by Assange's defense made at what could be the final appeal hearing in the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The outcome of this case will determine whether Assange will be able to appeal again to a British court or whether he will be subject to  undergo extradition proceedings. The defense argued several grounds of appeal before two High Court judges.  This was the first time that the defense team had the opportunity to present its arguments opposing some aspects of the District Judge's first decision. Stella Assange, the wife and lawyer of Julian Assange, summarizes the hearing (with German subtitles)...

Does love mean all-encompassing forgiveness?

2/21/2024 approx. 2 o'clock TTT 11 : 94 Know that if a single one of my children were then outside the New Jerusalem, there would be no feast, for God could not then speak of triumph, He could not celebrate victory if His power had not been able to save the last of His children. The US Senate has considered deploying long-range missiles in Ukraine, now that the Ukrainian army has been severely weakened by a lack of ammunition and the Russian army has made progress. Russia is therefore extremely busy. During the night, A.M. is woken up by Jesus and he says: "War!" "Now I can't take you either." He means Germany. Please forgive me. "London... Buckingham Palace..." "Will you marry me?" Yes. Please, take me. A.M. starts to pray. "Solar storm!" Paralyze the technology! Then she notices Joe Biden. He seems desperate and asks pleadingly: "Does love mean all-encompassing forgiveness?" Yes, replies...

She tries it out

2/18/2024 TTT 44 : 46 When I have now told you that the greater Spirits lead the lesser ones, I do not mean to say that these Spirits have been great from the beginning and that the latter must always be small in relation to their brothers and sisters. Those who are now great are so because they have developed and unfolded upwards in the fulfillment of the noble task of loving, serving and assisting those who have not yet reached this level of spiritual development, who are still weak - those who have gone astray and those who are suffering. On 2/15/24 around 4:50 a.m., A.M. hears the words: "Los Angeles ... forever" It shall sink into the sea forever.... A.M.'s internet has been down since last night at 8:30 p.m., when she heard: "Sorry"  "Simple knowledge without risk ... chosen."   2/16/2024 AM: "She's trying around" (that wasn't the father's voice - the voice was sinister). A.M. had spoken to Telekom, th...

That's when I prepared Noah

2/13/2024 TTT 9 : 14 The Great Flood 14 In the first times of mankind, innocence and simplicity prevailed among men; but as they increased in number, because of their development and their freedom of will, their sins also became more numerous and unfolded faster and faster - not so their virtues, but their offences against my law.  15 Then I prepared Noah, to whom I made Myself known from Spirit to Spirit..... Father said: "Europe.... it works." What? "Weapons ... help" You mean the billions for Ukraine? Who is paying for that? Germany. "February"  The evening after A.M. went shopping for sweets she had bought: "Now you can eat again. Europe ... secured." 2/14/2024 At 4.15 in the morning: "Blaspheming God. Flax around.... If they don't get Russia, they'll kill you." "Sitting for 3 hours" "A.M. sees Putin in a vision - he is smiling." A.M.'s husband is annoyed and goes to slee...

When you marry a man ....

2/12/2024 TTT 34 : 34 The time when people have used freedom of will to pursue pleasures, base passions, enmities and revenge is now coming to an end. My justice blocks the paths of sin and instead opens the way of reconciliation and renewal so that people can find the way of peace that they have sought in vain by other means. The Holy Spirit spoke the following words to A.M. last night: "When you marry a man, you become your own wife. You are your own wife." "Now you've learnt something." A.M. looks at these words and understands this: You could also say that when you marry a man, you become him and therefore you become your own  wife. In the kingdom of heaven, every being is perfect in itself and unites within itself both its masculine and feminine parts in perfect harmony. If this were not so, that being would have to be purified in itself in order to regain its perfection, since it could not live in the kingdom of heaven in an imperfect, spiritua...

You don't have a civil war

Sun down Gelendzhik 2015 Black Sea                      10.02.2024 TTT 31 : 94 I will not allow a single one of my children to go astray or even get lost. I will transform the parasitic plants into fruitful ones, for all creatures were called into existence to achieve a goal of perfection. Now Joe Biden also has A.M. on his radar! According to Olaf Scholz in America, A.M. is also visited by Joe Biden in the cloud last night. She wakes up and hears Joe Biden say in a huff: "You're in bed!" He's saying that he's watching me and has me on his radar. Then comes: "Bounty" There's a bounty on A.M.'s head. A.M. starts and prays, calling on the name of Jesus Christ, then comes more conciliatory after a while: "You don't have a civil war!" "Synchronised!" He means my simultaneous reporting on the Internet. "Good job!" and thinks about hiring me for the secret service. It doesn't work out - I wo...

The pirate from the pirate island

2/9/2024 TTT 24 : 2 Do not take offence when I tell you that I loved you even before you existed. Yes, beloved children! The German Bundestag has spoken out against further aid to Ukraine and rejected it. The US Senate has been struggling for months for further aid money for Ukraine, but Donald Trump's representatives have blocked these funds. Yesterday, Chancellor Scholz was summoned to a reality check with President Biden at lightning speed and flew to the USA for 24 hours on a replacement aircraft to meet with Biden, as his plane was currently unavailable. SCHOLZ MEETS BIDEN: Crisis diplomacy - US trip becomes a reality check for Olaf Scholz | WELT News   According to WELT, after months of wrangling by US Democrats over additional funds blocked by Donald Trump, a door surprisingly began to open yesterday and there was movement in the Senate. Now that Chancellor Scholz is present, things are suddenly moving. How c...

Sweeping the stars from the sky

2/6/2024 TTT 19 : 52 I have told you that Christ is Divine Love; therefore do not try to separate Me from the Father. Do you believe that He is a Father without love for His children? Where did you get this idea? It is time for you to recognize this. During the night, A.M. has a vision: She looks from a great height at a vortex of water as big as the Earth's disk. It is spinning in circles and it is as if it is sucking everything inwards. Apart from the water vortex, nothing else can be seen. ... and thinks: They want to flood Europe, the world ... Atlantis comes to mind. But the father said some time ago: Atlantis is coming back in trade law. But the Spirit can change this, A.M. is inspired by the father. Then the father says: "The stars..." "Moloch has never raged like this before!"  "... make away ... he doesn't care." The Juggernaut doesn't care that he has to break it up and that it will be prosecuted. "He can use ...

Connecting bow

2/5/2024 TTT 45 : 25 Recognize your errors and correct them. Learn to forgive the mistakes of your fellow men, and if you cannot correct them, at least spread a veil of forbearance over them. On Sunday, A.M. and her husband attended a lecture on "Wild Europe"; it was about nature and landscape conservation and nature photographers who visited and photographed the "still wild" nature reserves that still exist throughout Europe. Afterwards, they watched a movie together: "Cross Creek!"; this was about a woman who is hindered from all sides in her necessary endeavor to start her own and new life, but also receives a lot of support in a new environment. And here, too, it was about protecting and preserving nature, serving it so that it serves us.  The woman was a writer and was looking for a place where she could be quiet and not be disturbed while writing, but in her new environment she couldn't find a moment's peace and was constantly disturb...

Smashing of the new Stalinist system

The peasants were obliged to pay high taxes 3.2.2024 TTT 56 : 5 After the purification that must take place on earth, people sent by Me will appear, virtuous spirit beings with great missions to create the obedient human family.   Last night A.M. woke up around 5:00 a.m. when the Lord began to speak to her as follows: "The Coalitioners..." A.M. sees Christian Lindner in a brief vision, shaking himself to shake off his opponents. "He doesn't want to listen, otherwise he'll be out of a job." "May yet, then comes the AfD and Wagenknecht." And then? "They'll carry on!" "They're protecting our democratic country. They've stayed on the ball." "The coalition partners are those ... Stalinists ... who are driving us into poverty and into dispossession and even death." "They are intransigent, Stalinist and will be crushed." The whole world today is a Stalinist system under the di...

It is now the most referable decade

30.1.2024 TTT 64 : 26 JAPAN: I receive you and speak to you. I have entered your sanctuary and have looked at everything. You do not want to be the last, you always wanted to be the first. But truly, I say to you: This seed is not pleasing in My eyes. Today A.M. received the following message from the Lord, Jesus Christ, He spoke to her in the morning after waking up as follows: "Gemini .... " He gives her to understand that her husband, R., is the twin brother of the Lord. In fact, he is also a twin and has been looking for his twin brother all his life, as the Lord once told her, and that he is his twin brother Jesus. The Lord once told A.M. that she had Lucifer as her father. That was at the very beginning of creation, when Lucifer was still good and faithful to God. A.M. was with the Father, and when the battle in heaven began, she did not go with Lucifer, who claimed all his products (seeds) as his own and asked everyone to go with him. But, as the Lord also info...