That's when I prepared Noah


TTT 9 : 14 The Great Flood

14 In the first times of mankind, innocence and simplicity prevailed among men; but as they increased in number, because of their development and their freedom of will, their sins also became more numerous and unfolded faster and faster - not so their virtues, but their offences against my law. 15 Then I prepared Noah, to whom I made Myself known from Spirit to Spirit.....

Father said:

"Europe.... it works."


"Weapons ... help"

You mean the billions for Ukraine? Who is paying for that? Germany.


The evening after A.M. went shopping for sweets she had bought:

"Now you can eat again. Europe ... secured."


At 4.15 in the morning:

"Blaspheming God. Flax around.... If they don't get Russia, they'll kill you."

"Sitting for 3 hours"

"A.M. sees Putin in a vision - he is smiling."

A.M.'s husband is annoyed and goes to sleep on the couch. He has no sympathy for her sitting up all night. A.M. falls asleep sitting up from tiredness.

She feels sick in the morning. She has a migraine and calf cramps and takes a magnesium capsule to relieve the cramps.

At breakfast, the Lord says:

„Block them ... how they block you."

„So says the ruler of the universe“ 

Noah and the Ark – Superbook


So says the ruler of the universe 


TTT 62 : 38

Verse 1

Do you think all who teach are masters?

or all are my emissaries?

Or all received their mission from me?

No, people, only a few fulfil the true mission.



While some acquire force for themselves

the true ones are humiliated their hearts become heavy

but they stand firm and hold on to their faith

for they know God alone knows the true test


Verse 2

Do you think all who rule and reign in the world

have the ability to bear the burden and to direct

No people It is the few who are able to do this

Dedicated to serving their neighbour and the truth



While the few are usurping force for themselves...



Let us rise to seek the truth and live

As true servants of God who do not exalt themselves

For in humility lies true greatness

Service to our neighbour is no nakedness


While some usurp force for themselves...

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