Learn to ask and wait

11/7/2023 around 2 a.m.

TTT 65 : 80 Learn to ask and also to wait - in the knowledge that nothing escapes my will to love. Trust that my will is manifested in every one of your needs and in every one of your trials. (35, 1 -3)

Father, please tell me if it will do any good if I remove Google. Would it avert chihad?

"Think about it... if you have no more money and no weapons, how will you defend yourselves unless you .... (?)... Schwab. Nobody gets away with it... Hamas anyway."

Father, please, send me a dream of what my end will be like.

"A vacuum will be created. Maybe!"

The Lord inspires me with a verse from one of my favorite songs, "Eine kleine helle Weise "

"I'll leave everything behind and find my happiness with you."

Eine kleine helle Weise  - evening song



Forwarded by Daniel (Telegram)

Whenever you see that everything is getting even more tangled, speak with the closed eyes of your heart: "Jesus, you take care" and turn your thoughts away from your ego, for your restless mind makes it difficult for you to trust Me. Do so with all your needs; do so all of you, and you will experience great, continuous and silent miracles that do not appear sensational on the outside but are great for you and, moreover, strengthen your real trust and love for Me. I, your God, will provide. I assure you of this!

Always pray with this inner attitude and devotion and you will have great peace

and reap the true fruits of My love, even when I deny you the grace of sacrifice, atonement and love, which imposes suffering as a cross. Does this seem impossible to you? Close your eyes, look within and pray with all your heart: "Jesus, you care".

Do not be afraid, I care! Then you will praise My name by humbling yourselves. Your prayers are not worth as much as a single act of trusting devotion. Consider it well. There is no more effective devotion than this: "O Jesus, I surrender to You, You take care!”


Don Dolindo Ruotolo (1882 - 1970), a priest, wrote down this "Teaching on Surrender to God", which he received from the Lord through the Interior Word.

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