The forming of a people

11/6/2023 about 6:10 am

TTT 8 : 88 Then I will say to them: This poor and humble people, who nevertheless live zealously according to my law and are strong against the passions of the world, have not been formed by any man. These multitudes, who delight in doing good, who are enlightened by inspiration and who bring the message of peace and a drop of healing balm to the hearts, have not been instructed by teachers or clergymen of any cult community on earth. For verily, I tell you, in this time there is not a single person in your world who is able to teach the worship of God in true spirituality. It is not in the splendor of rites or ceremonies, nor in wealth or earthly power, where the truth has its roots, which, being humble, seeks the pure, noble, sincere, truth-loving hearts as its temple. Where are those hearts? (154, 12 - 14)

In the evening before going to sleep, A.M. asks the Lord why he no longer speaks to her and no longer contacts her. In the morning she wakes up and hears a song in her spirit with the words:

"... the sweet roses are for you ... (words she doesn't remember then) ... you shall call yourselves children of God."

Thank you very much, dearest Majesty.

A.M. already suspected that it was over. The world is now divided into two large blocs that disagree and compete with each other. Under these circumstances, there will be no one-world government, no one-world religion under a Mahdi and Christ will establish his kingdom of peace. 

But the Lord goes on to say:

"So you will be a point of the United States of 20%."

A.M. asks disappointedly whether Germany will continue to be a US colony and whether it will become impoverished. Lord opines:

"It's satisfactory."

The Eastern Bloc now controls 80% of the world's oil and gas sector along with China and the BRICS nations, but without the usual criminal and belligerent US habitual actions and at fair prices.

After a while, A.M.'s satisfaction is again dampened when the gentleman says:

"... shut down ... stay ... things are still haywire ... you still have to learn to distinguish necessary from important ... are well informed."

Necessary is probably what the Lord averts or mitigates by grace through prayer, so that it does not become too bad for the world and important is what is useful for humanity to survive and develop. It is the time of judgment on earth and humanity and the necessary purification of earth and humanity is inevitable as the basis for the creation of Christ's kingdom of peace.

So the war in Israel and everything connected with it will continue and drag on.

There are also many man-made imbalances in politics, the economy and the environment that are still unresolved.

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