A suitable time to save oneself - A call to TENINGEN

TTT 61 : 106 Indeed, there will be a suitable time for all to save themselves and soar to the heights. But woe to him who delays that day! Woe to him who misses the opportunities to achieve the development of his Spirit because he has devoted himself to the vanities of this world! He does not know how long the time will be when he must wait for a new opportunity, nor does he know the bitterness of his reparation.


Because A.M. ate some spoiled food, she has stomach cramps, thirst, diarrhea and later vomiting during the night.

According to midnight, she heard the father's words when he said:

"I'm glad you're doing this. Report. In the Second World War, there was no one to change anything.


When A.M. tells her husband this, he declares her mad and she refrains from making this warning public.



I am in a room where people are exchanging something for money with my husband. I see that I am holding many bills open in my hand and others see this too. They come here and demand the bills. They press us more and more and attack us with objects and drive us more and more into a corner. That's what woke me up.



At lunchtime, A.M. asks her father for a special audience. She doesn't understand why she is becoming more and more confused and seems helplessly at the mercy of the currents. She asks her husband to withdraw and he allows her to do so.

She describes her situation to her father by writing it down. According to some time, the father says:

"Christmas. Advent. I'm coming."

"The Delma" (??? What is that ???) - for meaning see footnote***):

"I said you come to me after (he swallows)."


"She used to have such beautiful hair and skin. I just wanted to let her go. The new one."

"You may come."


"USA attacked. Crescent.weapons.  (Turkey??) military coming."

"You Are holy."

Ceasefire and hostage exchange in Gaza.

Ukraine is to continue to receive money for the war from both the EU and the USA. Women are now being drafted for military service there, but they are being violated and abused by the military, the police, etc.

"Gathering the Austrians."


I found myself in a confused environment and was about to go mad myself or be labeled as such. In my distress, I was looking according to my mother's phone number, but I knew that she didn't have her own line in the nursing home and it was questionable whether I could even talk to her. Then a brochure of the home appeared and I saw that the person, a beautiful old lady in a red sweater with her head bowed, who was pictured twice on the brochure, was my mother. On closer inspection, I realized that she had her tongue protruding between her lips (like a mongoloid). So it was impossible to talk to her. She also died of kidney failure in hospital in 2017. Then I saw a naked woman lying on a bed and she was at most 50 cm tall and how she pulled my husband towards her and said to him: Gell, you help me. **) And I stood up and said: Hey, I'm still here too. So I was probably alone, but then I noticed that my husband was shouting to me from our bedroom, where he had been lying down with his cell phone: Is there anything we can do to help you?

When I woke up, I heard Jesus say to me:

"You're not crazy. They drove you there."

**)(It was the girlfriend of the neighbor above us, who is currently on vacation and living in his apartment while he has to work).

11/30/2023 around 1:30 a.m.

A.M. searches for her own heart connection and becomes visibly calmer inside.

Then she hears her father say to her:

"You didn't post TENINGEN."

A.M. apologizes and promises that she will post the warning today.


Yes. There is conflict in her. Teningen is a small village not far from here. A.M. wonders why Teningen should move here? There's a big city here and surely it's of more interest to the military than this village. So why should they move here? They'll think she's crazy like her husband.

"Then they didn't get the warning. They must know what's coming."

"They must be warned. It's a village."

***) Meaning Delma


What does the name Delma symbolize?

The name Delma is associated with the symbolism of the sea and water. It is thought to represent the free-flowing, adaptable nature of water. People with this name are often described as fluid and flexible in their thoughts and actions. They have an innate ability to adapt to any situation and can be relied upon in times of crisis.

In addition, the name Delma is also associated with the concept of purification and cleansing. Water is used in many cultures to symbolize purification, and people with this name are believed to have a natural inclination to cleanse and purify their surroundings. They are often drawn to professions or hobbies that have to do with cleaning, organizing or maintaining a sense of order.

Another interpretation of the name Delma is that it represents a sense of calm and serenity. Water is often associated with a sense of peace and serenity, and people with this name are said to have a calming aura. They are often sought out by friends and family members because they can provide comfort and support during difficult times.


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