BTL - Volume 12 - Teaching 356
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XII - Teaching 339 - 366
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Book of True Life - Volume 12
Teaching 356
1. You are the ones who believed in my coming. These are already the last years of my rallies, and still you come hastily to hear me as if they were those days when you began to be my disciples.
2. Many have been called in these days, but only few have followed Me. But on all of them the light of my Spirit came down. If in that Second Time I said: "Blessed are those who believed without seeing", I repeat now for you: "Blessed are those of you who believed without seeing, followed Me and persevered!
3. Although I must tell you that no one should be surprised by my rallies and my presence in this form, because it has been prophesied and promised by Me already in the Second Time I have not surprised you, this was not my intention. If you were surprised when I came, and if many were surprised when they heard of my rallies, it was because you were spiritually immersed in a deep sleep. It was because you were not awake.
4. After my parting in the second time, my return was awaited from generation to generation among those who kept the faith in me. From parents to children the divine promise was passed on, and my word kept alive the longing to experience my return. Each generation believed to be the most gifted in the expectation that in them the word of their Lord would be fulfilled.
5. So time passed, and the generations also passed, and from the hearts my promise was more and more suppressed, and people forgot to watch and pray.
6. The centuries passed, and when mankind did not even reckon that I could come at the least expected moment ─ when men were furthest from the truth, I made my spiritual presence palpable in fulfillment of my word.
7. The form that I chose to make myself known to the people of that time surprised and even encouraged many to condemn them, without them having previously reflected on my past revelations.
8. I tell you that any form I would have chosen to manifest Myself would have confused all those who were not ready to receive Me But he who was awake and prepared would not have been surprised by any form I would have used for my rallies, because he would have felt me in every form of revelation.
9. All those who believed me during this time ─ all those who felt me and all those who followed me ─ truly, I tell you, they were expecting me spiritually. Without being aware of it, they sought my return and expected my word.
10. My promise in that time did not happen for a single people, but for all mankind, which is why I tell you today that my light has not only come down to these crowds of people who hear me through the organ of understanding of the voice bearer, but that I manifest myself in a thousand ways on the way of all men to make the coming of a new time palpable to them. Also I must tell you that there were some who could not believe ─ although they had expected me from one day to another and from one life after another ─ when they saw me coming in the form in which you have me, denied my presence and went away. Why?: Because for a long time they created in their imagination a manifestation which was not exactly that which I chose.
11. Understand that my decisions and my inspirations are beyond any human guess or imagination.
12. I have given you many proofs that my works are above what man can conceive as truth and as perfection.
13. Something of what has most confused some people is my teaching expressed through limited human intellects. But if those who are irritated for this reason would try to penetrate into my word ─ truly, I tell you, they would soon discover the reasons I had for choosing just an untrained and even unclean person to listen to my teaching. Then they would discover that the reasons I had for choosing this means were my love, my justice and the eternal law, by virtue of which the human soul would be able to communicate directly with its Father ─ a form of communication in which the qualities of the soul and the abilities of the body would participate at the same time.
14. It is only natural that he who knows that he is a sinner should consider himself unworthy to possess a grace like this. But it is only right and proper that you should also learn that I look beyond your presence, and that I stand above your imperfections.
15. Understand ─ since you are a part of me - that the only thing I do is to help you to purify and perfect yourselves so that you may live in me.
16. It is no longer timely for others to earn merits for sinners. These times have already passed, but those merits are present as examples.
17. Today it shall be the sinner himself who acquires merits for his salvation. In this I will be his guide, his teacher, his savior.
18. When did the parents on earth love only the good children and detest the evil ones? How often have I seen them most lovingly and carefully towards those who let them hurt and suffer most! How could it be possible that you could do greater works of love and forgiveness than mine? When did you ever experience that the Master has to learn from the disciples?
19. Know, then, that I consider no one unworthy of me, and that the way to salvation therefore eternally invites you to tread it, just as the gates of my kingdom, which are the light, the peace, and the good, are forever open, awaiting the coming of those who were far from the law and from truth.
20. Because of all this, I wanted to choose from among the multitudes of sinful creatures those whom I would use as instruments to make my word heard.
21. How many cases of real renewal have there been among those whom I have chosen for this service! How many proofs of conversion and repentance!
22. I announced that my return would be in the Spirit, and so I have fulfilled it in this time. Why should I have chosen another means, which would not have been man, to make myself known, when it is men whom I have sought? It was enough that these multitudes of men would spiritualize themselves a little, and already their sensitivity enabled them to perceive my presence and my essence and to find this kind of rallies right and natural.
23. I must tell you that not all of them came here with enough sensitivity that would have allowed them to experience the feeling of my presence from the first moment. For while some came with an alert spiritual gaze to see this light and to grasp the essence of my Word, others came with inquiring physical eyes, so that their judgments, evaluations, and observations were superficial, always concerned only the outward appearance. For instead of seeking the meaning or essence of the Word, they have judged the greater or lesser correctness of the language, and have then gone on to explore the lives of the voice-bearers, their way of life, their way of speaking, and even their clothing.
24. These latter, of course, had to discover imperfections in those who are only beginners in this work, and then they denied my teaching any truth, while the former overlooked the errors, the limitations and miseries of my servants, considering that they are only human and therefore commit errors, and were only interested in the meaning, the essence of the word, and so they found in this "bouquet" the presence of my Spirit.
25. He who does not pay the necessary attention to my word, nor delve into its content, will never be able to find its truth, nor will he find the clarification or resolution of all his doubts.
26. It is I who explain everything in my word itself, so that not the slightest error or doubt may be found among the disciples.
27. Remember how many times I have told you that you should learn to seek the essence of this word, the meaning which is beyond the human form of your language Remember that I have told you not to bump into the earthly form of the Word, for then you will not find its meaning, and that you must always take into account that I have manifested myself through sinners, through men of untrained mind, without education and study, so that you may not attach too much importance to the outward form of the Word and learn to concede to my rallies the truth that they have, and to attribute to these bodies what is due to them.
28. Recognize that not all have sought my light, nor been disciples who have sought to become disciples. Learn now why many have turned their backs on me and continue to claim that they have suffered disappointments through my workers!
29. They are thirsty hearts that have been at the fountain of inexhaustible truth and have not been able to bow down to drink to saturation. They have a very great emptiness within themselves and continue to search and call without finding what their soul needs. But one day they will approach this way again, and then their painful experience will tell them that they should no longer seek me in the outward, but in the deeper. When they return, you will see how wisdom shines in those who have fervently heard Me ─ in those who have stayed with the Master and who have been rewarded for their faith and spiritualization by the light that shone upon them, revealing to them great mysteries and teachings.
30. All of you I have tested before you would come to witness my rallies. I sent wise proofs to each of my disciples to give you the opportunity to witness my presence. But verily, I say to you: While some have surrendered, humbled themselves and obeyed my call, others, though they too have heard me, have remained without faith, without will, and have often been full of pride, aversion and even aversion. What can the soul receive when the mind is clouded and the heart poisoned? A man so constituted will only have to see imperfections.
31. I test you all. Also those who follow Me, I test unceasingly, with the intention that their whole being may be strengthened, and ─ when my word is no longer audible by this means ─ they have the wisdom contained in my word, and at the same time they have all the strength necessary to spread this teaching with true purity.
32. My disciples must be convinced that when they no longer hear Me as they do now, their example will be very important. For then it shall be the excellent disciples who teach others through their works. They must know that the testimony they give of my words must always be accompanied by deeds.
33. If tomorrow, when the time of witness for this people comes, my people should not live my word, ─ if they should not adapt their works to my truth, it will be of no use to them to repeat my words, however perfect they may be.
34. Whoever has the desire to make my words palpable in their hearts should clothe himself with love, should be permeated with mercy, should acquire a store of humility and patience, should be ready to forgive, and of good will to ease the sufferings of his fellow men. Then he will experience how the hardest and most reluctant heart is shaken and moved by my words, which are effective in the heart of my disciples.
35. Since you know that the reason why many of your fellow men are not persevering in hearing this word is because they have discovered your imperfections, try to dissuade yourselves from violating my law as far as you can, knowing that your example has much influence with them.
36. I want you to feel satisfied with yourselves, that your conscience never reproaches you, that any of your fellow men strayed from the right path because you did not know how to show him the purity and truth of my work.
37. When I spoke to the crowds of people in the Second Time, my word ─ was perfectly heard by all in meaning and form ─. My gaze, penetrating into the hearts, discovered everything that each one had within himself. In some was doubt, in others faith, in still others a fearful voice spoke to me: "It was the sick whose pain made them hope for a miracle from me. There were those who sought to hide their mockery when they heard me say that I came from the Father to bring the kingdom of heaven to men, and there were also hearts in which I discovered hatred against me and the intention to silence or eliminate me.
38. It was the haughty ones, the Pharisees, who felt hit by my truth. For although my word was so clear, so full of love and so comforting ─ although it was always confirmed by powerful works, many people wanted to continue to discover the truth of my presence by judging me according to the man Jesus, by exploring my life and focusing their attention on the modesty of my garments and my absolute poverty of material goods.
But not content to condemn me, they also condemned my disciples, watching them closely, whether they spoke, whether they followed me on the ways or sat down at table. How upset the Pharisees were when, on one occasion, they saw that my disciples had not washed their hands before they sat down at table! Poor heads who confused the cleanliness of the body with the purity of the soul! They were not aware that when they touched the holy bread in the temple, their hands were clean but their hearts were full of rot.
39. As long as I preached in the world, I never said that my disciples were already masters or that they should be listened to. They were still disciples, who ─ were spellbound by the light of my word ─ willingly followed me, but who still made mistakes; for it took time for them to change, and after that to work as an example for men. They were boulders that were still smoothed by the chisel of divine love, so that they too would later turn stones into diamonds.
40. When I tell you that my disciples made mistakes, remember that occasion when I was speaking to the crowd and, because among them were some women who had their little children by the hand or in the arms, my disciples, thinking that the children could molest Me, made the mistake of telling those mothers to go away with their children because they thought that my word was only for the adults For they did not know that my word was meant for the Spirit, whether it was for an old man, a mature man, a youth or a child, and that it was the same whether it was for a man or a woman, since sex had nothing to do with the Spirit.
41. What pain were those mothers who approached Jesus so that He would bless their little ones, and how, at that act of my disciples, they doubted the mercy and love I radiated in my words! Therefore, I had to raise my voice to tell them: "Let the children come to Me.
42. I used those errors to teach lessons to my disciples. When I was arrested in the Olive Garden, one of my disciples, Peter, while trying to defend Me, made a sword stroke against the servant of the High Priest. Then I said, "Put up your sword again. For all who take up the sword will perish by the sword."
43. I departed from my disciples, and then they remained in my place to bear witness with their works and their words. My Spirit overflowed them with light and inspired them to all those works that would serve to spread my seed in the world and survive as an example of love, humility and exaltation. They were no longer infirm children and had transformed themselves into fiery disciples, worthy representatives of their Master on earth. The pusillanimities, doubts and errors had given way to the truth, which they manifested in every one of their works.
44. Beloved people, you also, during the time of my rallies in this time, have committed errors, have had infirmities, have fallen into temptations, and have doubted at times. But I will interrupt my rallies and give you time so that you may reflect, prepare yourselves and become strong, because you too will remain on earth to bear witness to my word ─ a witness that is to happen through your works.
45. Do not think, however, whether your mission will be arduous and painful. Verily, I tell you, when you reach the spiritual armament, nothing will seem difficult nor difficult to you.
46- Unmistakably you will begin to live a virtuous life, and this will be the clearest testimony you give to your fellow men of my truth.
47. Consider that in spite of your imperfections you have often already performed miracles. Remember, then, that when your spiritualization blossoms fully in you, your works will be greater.
48. I see that you do not yet consider it so important what your example has for others. You did not want to realize the power that lies in your words, as well as in your prayer and works.
49. I am the only one who knows the seeds that your actions sow in the hearts, and I let my dew of life and love descend on your seeds so that they may not perish. But it is necessary that you believe in the truth of your works, so that you do not abandon them, for you have hardly begun them. Be aware that there will always be eyes that watch over everything you do, and it will be good if these eyes always discover an example of obedience to my teachings.
50. In your way many blindfolds of ignorance have fallen away. By your word some of your fellow men have gone astray from the path of vice. Your example of peaceableness has served to restore harmony to some homes whipped by the whirlwind of discord. Many sick people have felt the balm that you have poured on their sufferings, thus freeing them from their sufferings, and you have also made many hearts strong in the face of the world's stalkings and dangers.
51. Then why do you not give your works the value which they have? I do not tell you that you boast about them, nor that you make them known ─ no, I only want to tell you that in each of the cases in which I exude my mercy, you recognize the importance which that light which flows through you can have in the lives of your fellow men. For then you will no longer be able to abandon your seeds.
52. Beloved sowers! Carry my peace through the world, in it is my love, my mercy, my truth and my balm! Have this balm in prayer, in thought, in word, in glance, in caress, in your whole being, and truly I tell you, only your spiritual day's work on earth will be rich in satisfactions for you, but never bitter.
53. Soon I will no longer make myself known in this form. But I will leave you full of my power and my light, and therefore you are not to fear that I leave you like sheep among wolves.
54. The absence of my word shall not be a reason for you to grow cold, the cessation of these rallies shall not cause you to distance yourselves from each other ─ on the contrary, just then you shall join together even more so that you can stand up to the struggle and the trials.
55. The time is still far off, in which you approach each other spiritually, as long as you are physically far away from each other.
56. At present you still need to see and hear each other ─. at present you still need to give each other warmth, strength, faith and courage.
57. I have expressed to you my will that you continue to gather together for some time after my parting, that your preparation may make you worthy to witness my spiritual presence in the bosom of your gatherings. But when your faith has once become strong, your purposes matured, and you are accustomed to seek and receive me from spirit to spirit, then will you be in a condition to disperse yourselves in the various ways as sowers of this teaching which liberates and uplifts the soul.
58. I will always attune myself to your meetings, and in them I will pour out my inspiration on every organ of the mind. But already now I tell you Blessed are the hearts which, in those days when my word is no longer to be heard, continue to feel in their spreading the same emotion that now seizes them when they wait for my ray to come down.
59. I want your assemblies to be permeated with peace so that your meditation may be profound and allow you to discover the core of my Word, but that never are there any quarrels or passion on those occasions. For then shall you reap only darkness.
60. I give you an invisible key which will close the door to every temptation. But at the same time I will open the doors to inspiration. For always be aware that just then the revelation of the Third Time will pour down on you in fullness, because this rallies through my voice-bearers have only served to prepare you.
61. The spiritualization, the inner gathering and the exaltation of your thinking will be the key that opens the door to new revelations, in the light of which you will find the unraveling of all mysteries and all that is not enlightened.
62. You will continue your efforts to attract new church members, who will then be the new disciples, the "last", on whom I will likewise pour out my Spirit. Your heart should not close itself to the pain of the others ─ on the contrary: Your mercy should be greatest towards the weak and those who suffer, towards the exhausted, those who are hungry in soul and thirsty for love.
63. You are to see to it that your assemblies have the spiritual power that attracts your fellow men just as my word has attracted and gathered the great multitudes of men in this time.
64. Your prayer will work wonders in those meetings whenever you unite your thoughts and take the affairs of your fellow men as if they were your own. Then you will feel the consolation, the health for her body or her soul pouring out on her ─ the peace for her heart, the light that lifts her up to true life.
65. In the face of all these proofs of my presence, your heart will not miss the end of this present period of time, because you have my word in writing to interpret it with the greatest preparation; then you will feel it deeply.
66. There will appear interpreters of my teachings, seers with clear vision and true word. You will use a more spiritual way to heal the sick. The healing power which I have put in you will first reach the soul of the sick and stimulate it to raise up its underlying body and teach it how to overcome the sufferings and passions to regain the true freedom of the soul.
67. All your work shall be humble and discreet; no one shall let envy or vanity germinate in his heart For if this were to happen, you would not see the miracle of Spirit-to-Spirit dialogue occur, which is what you are to begin to do once the present stage is over.
68. Just as in these last days of my rallies I have rewarded with my words of revelations, essence and teachings the preparation you have had ─ to hear ─, so in the days of your Spirit to Spirit dialogue I will know how to reward your upliftment through inspirations and prophecies that will shake the world.
69. The zeal, the respect, the obedience of my disciples will be rewarded with spiritual benefits.
70. They will come from other countries to ask you what I taught and what I announced, and then you will repeat my words. But if some or many of my teachings should be erased from your memory, you will consult the book that is currently dictating my inspiration to those disciples called "gold feathers.
71. This book shall be there for all without exception and without privilege, as my word has been there for all. In this way my teaching will not be buried in the hearts of a few and will always give its light.
72. Already now I admonish this people to take care of this book which they will soon possess ─ that you do not let its lessons fall into oblivion, that its pages do not remain closed. Remember that in the days of battle that are to come, in these lessons you will find the weapons necessary for battle, the appropriate answer to the questions that mankind asks you and the solution to your trials.
73. This book will help the disciple with weak memory, will also help the one who is linguistically awkward, and will be necessary only because his intention is inspired by mercy and love for his fellow men, so that in the moments when he repeats my words, when he reads them aloud, he may make my presence palpable to those who have never heard me through the voice bearer and let them enjoy the same. Verily, I tell you, when you prepare to receive me in this form, even the doubters and the hard-hearted will tremble because your testimony has been pure.
74. Already now I leave you these recommendations, which are to serve you for your preparation
75. Remain united after my departure, fathom and reflect upon my teaching, and you will see the time coming when your people will be strong enough to face the battle.
76. You will not need to ask anyone for the hour or the day to set out to carry out the mission I am entrusting you with at this time. You will feel in your heart the time set by Me, as the prophets of the past times who inwardly heard the divine call and, full of faith, set out in obedience to that impulse to fulfill My will.
77. The task of the visionaries will be very difficult in those days and very great will be their responsibility to give orientation to the people, to awaken them and encourage them. In order that the clarity of my light may always reach them, they will have to remain in good disposition and must never allow vanity to beguile them or lie to tempt them.
78. Also there will be events in the world which will be like signs or indications, so that you may know the hour of your departure.
79. What then will you not be able to know? What doubts will be in your hearts? What questions will be able to be put to you that you do not know how to answer?
80. Since I have explained to you my word and all my work in a simple way, although it is the most profound thing that exists in your life, you shall explain my teaching to your fellow men in the same simplicity
81. Then you will be a bulwark for the weak and for those who desire light, who will seek your counsel and in the moments of trial will ask your prayers.
82. There will be beautiful times of activity for this people, if they know how to appreciate and use them, and a light-filled opportunity for your soul, which will enjoy all its gifts in fullness.
83. How many cases of conversion will you witness! How many miraculous healings of the sick of body or soul! How happy you will be when you see your fellow men, who until then had lived as pariahs, also manifesting the gifts you taught them to discover in their being! Those who thought they were disinherited when they saw your gifts will confirm that you are all my heirs, and that I never withdraw what I give you, even if I sometimes withhold it from you because of my perfect laws of love.
84. Recognize how my Word prepares you so that you may enter the time of deeds in a firm step, giving an example of spiritualization and humility
85. Now is the time of your preparation, because humanity is already close to awakening.
86. I leave you waking and praying, because you will become witnesses of great events, which will shake all peoples of the earth. You will see the most terrible wars that have taken place on your world. You will see the struggle between the different religions and teachings, you will see hunger, pestilence and death devastating nations and cities, and all this will mark the end of a period, an age. But after that you will experience the resurrection of life.
You will see the reunification of those peoples who for centuries have lived as enemies. You will witness the reconciliation of peoples and races, will see it sealed by the love of the one for the other. You will see the earthly power of the great religious communities disappearing and the fruits of spiritualization appearing everywhere. You will see many people known as scholars in confusion, and you will see the great spokesmen distraught, not knowing what to say, because the light of truth will affect them. On the other hand, those who have always been persecuted or humiliated because of their love of justice and truth will see the sun of freedom and justice shining on the horizon.
87. This will be the proper time for men's spiritual progress to be fully manifested, and for the spiritual life that exists beyond men to be truly felt by them.
88. It will be the collapse of materialism when men who have loved only the world will see true life with the gaze of the Spirit ─ when the perpetrators of all evil that torments mankind will throw their books, in which they have often denied the truth, into the fire
89. I, who cannot deny my light to anyone, will give it to all and thereby open the doors of the organs of the mind for inspiration as an invitation to wisdom, eternity and exaltation.
90. Fathom, O disciples, my teaching, and say whether any of its parts mean regress, regression, stagnation, or confusion.
91. If your faith in my word is perfect, carry it indestructibly imprinted in your soul, that spiritualization may be expressed in every one of your actions.
92. My word promises you the kingdom to be created in your hearts according to my will, that it may illuminate your lives, and be its light in homes, parents, marriages, children, and fellow men, that the rulers may be generous, the teachers wise, and the judges just.
93. This is my teaching. Let it not be mixed with those sciences by which men seek only the manifestation and realization of their souls.
94. I have called my teaching spiritualism, because it teaches the ascent of the soul, and reveals to man all the gifts which he has for his perfection.
95. How few are those who suspect the true essence of this teaching until this moment! How few are they who understand me little by little! I still see the greater part of you immersed in traditions and customs which do not bring any benefit to your soul.
96. How much fear I see in many hearts when it comes to abandoning these habits, traditions and actions that you have created within My Work! And how much you feel your heart hurt when people speak to you about them without you wanting to understand that you are giving up the true fulfillment of my law for the sake of following these traditions.
97. Realize that the externalized worship of God has been the reason for the spiritual stagnation of mankind at all times. But you are not to fall into this error again and always be aware that in order to progress spiritually and reach perfection, it is indispensable that the worship for me be inward, pure, deep, spiritual.
98. I will test my people with wisdom and justice to rid them of ignorance or error. I will prevent them from falling into fanaticism, and also for this reason I will test them.
99. To love your neighbor, to spread peace, to make my word known, to show mercy and to pray for the peace of mankind, which is the spiritual worship I expect from you, you do not need any external ritual acts ─ neither in the meeting rooms where you gather nor in your homes.
100. Think: As long as you do not unite yourselves in a real spiritualization, your prayer will not have the necessary power to make itself felt with your fellow men.
101. Because of these words let not those rise who think themselves pure enough to judge their fellow men. For truly, I tell you, it is I alone who can judge the works of the one as well as the other.
102. Neither shall you judge your brethren, even if the hour should come that you should see them betray me. For you are to remember that I have told you that I alone can judge the purity of soul or uncleanness.
"Judge not," I have told you, but give good advice, try to avoid that your fellow men fall into temptation. But if you should be unable to do any of these things, then strive to remain in the truth. Then the day will come when those who have strayed from the path will return to it, convinced of their error and finding that you have persisted in my commandments.
103. Watch and pray that you may be united and at peace. Already you are in the last days of my word, and I want that when the last day comes I meet you united spiritually.
104. I have given you many lessons so that you may know how to prevent one of your brothers and sisters from separating from the people. Understand that those who could hear Me very little can be weak. Give them strength and faith. Even among those who have often heard me there can be hearts without firmness, so that you may give them warmth and encouragement on the way of life.
105. Once you are united, O people, you will gather together to pray for the peace of the world, sending your soul, transformed into a dove of peace on wings of thought, to the nations
106. Never expect the result of your prayers to be immediate. Sometimes you will have to wait a little, sometimes you will have to wait a long time, and occasionally you will not even be able to experience the realization of what you have asked Me for. But your mission has been accomplished nevertheless.
107. You are to be sowers of peace, but I tell you again that you should not expect to reap before the time. You are to allow this seed to germinate, to rise, to grow and bear fruit, and only then are you to reap the harvest and allow your soul to be filled with satisfaction.
108. Disciples, marvel that you learn all these things through one of your brothers and sisters whom I have transformed into an instrument of Myself, so that you might be witnesses of the works which My power accomplishes by transforming an awkward creature into a being that is spiritually useful to all, and by transforming a sinner into a being that is pure of heart and mind to transmit My Word
109. I have also entrusted to you my voice-bearers, that you may cause them to progress and perfect; and now, in the last days of my rallies, the churches, which have been able to uplift their voice-bearers, enjoy the spiritual "taste" of a ripe fruit which has been cared for with perseverance and love.
110. Not all of them have understood to do this, because many of them have neglected the voices, have abandoned them. To others they have withdrawn their lifeblood without consideration nor mercy, and to others again they have cut off the green branches of the tree of life. There you have the reason for that bitter taste which the multitudes of men have often received instead of sweetness; and out of this many errors have arisen, such as that of regarding as perfect what was only imperfection of the voice bearer, or that of attributing to me the impurities, materializations, or imperfections of the voice bearers. After my departure, you will have to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, you will have to remove all the impurities that should have been added to my word so that you can carry this teaching through the world.
111. If you are asked why I made myself known through so many rallies, you are to tell them that if I had come in Jesus to deliver my word as I came in Jesus, one person would have been enough for me. But since my rallies were made by simple and untrained men, and since my message was at the same time very great, a single human organ of the mind could not be sufficient, but there had to be as many as would be necessary.
112. From Roque Rojas, the forerunner of my rallies, through whom Elias spoke, and from Damiana Oviedo, through whom I gave my first word at that time, to the last voice-bearers ─ each of them has only proclaimed a part of my work, but not my whole message.
113. For example, through Roque Rojas I made known to you that the Third Age was dawning for mankind. I revealed to you the opening of the Sixth Seal, which contains His wisdom, His judgment, His gifts, and the fulfillment of many ancient prophecies to shed their light on every Spirit and all flesh.
114. The secret of the "mark" or "mark" was made known to you by that man, and he reminded you of the symbolic number of the elect of the Third Age.
115. Later, through Damiana, the purpose of my coming was revealed to you ─ the rallies that every disciple carried within him, and also the date on which my rallies would end. From those lips came the word that my Spirit brought at that time and expressed through simple teachings and little parables for the first disciples. But the spiritual word also came from Mary as a message of infinite tenderness and inexpressible consolation for every grieving heart.
116. For Roque and Damiana it was only a beginning, a promise. But as the years passed, the voice-bearers who followed them penetrated more and more into the mystery of the voice-bearer's task, allowing my word to become more extensive, my work to take clear shape, and the mysteries to be unravelled.
117. How many hearts have been encouraged and comforted when you have heard my word through the mind of my chosen ones! How many souls have been saved from darkness because they have heard Me through the agency!
118. I bless my voice-bearers who knew how to prepare themselves and consecrated themselves to my ministry.
119. But I also tell you that many of my children have turned their backs on me and denied me because of the lack of spiritualization of the voicebearers. I forgive them and give them the opportunity to cleanse their shame stains themselves.
120. Beloved people: Watch and pray until the last moments of my rallies, so that you may begin the new stage of my rallies from Spirit to Spirit with firm steps.
My peace be
with you!
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