BTL - Volume 9 - Teaching 268

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume IX - Teaching 242 - 276
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Book of True Life - Volume 9

Teaching 268:

1. Beloved disciples: If my word cannot be heard on the day determined by me, then take care not to oversleep your fulfillment of your commission, because your abilities awaken too late. Be aware that from the day on which you no longer hear me, a new unfolding begins for you, on the basis of which you will attain the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.

2. Your sensitivity will have to be higher every day so that you may feel my presence in your inspiration and soon fill the emptiness that the absence of my Word will leave in you.

3. If some should fall victim to this weakness of which I speak to you, remember this teaching so that you may immediately devote yourselves to prayer Praying, you will remember my words, which will be preserved in your soul. Then you will reappear with joy your gifts which you thought to have lost forever.

4. Do not worry, for if you really pray, you will be freed from every temptation.

5. People: If you have won in the trials that deny you the freedom of the soul, do not create a new trial by your disobedience, which can stop the upliftment of your soul.

6. Consider that now the hour of your testimony is near, and that you must therefore prepare yourselves carefully to be my true witnesses.

7. Mankind does not know that I have been among you, that I have manifested myself spiritually in the bosom of a humble assembly of men and women. When they come to know my message, this will happen because my word will already no longer be heard through the lips of my voices.

8. It is not my will that all nations hear me in this form, for not all would be willing to receive me in this way It will be easier for them to receive the message through those who were witnesses of my new revelation and believe in their testimony than if they had seen the voice bearer in rapture while he was transmitting my word.

9. This is the very mission that awaits this people: to speak with truthfulness and spirituality of the teaching, lessons, and teachings they have received spiritually from the Master.

10. There are nations whose Spirit has forgotten my lessons, because they have devoted themselves only to the training of the mind. These are the peoples who worship science. Others, whose materialistic teachings have made the Spirit a slave to the world, are those who dream of earthly power. There are also peoples who - although religiously - do not have the Christian seed, which is the basis for the spiritualization that I am teaching you in this time.

11. All these peoples are like great fields, which the Lord entrusts to his workers. But before my new message reaches the world, every people and nation will have a preparation. Some will be afflicted with war, others with the clash of world views. But when they then long for light, for truth and peace, this will be the right hour for my sowers to come to spread with love and mercy the Divine seed that has been entrusted to them.

12. There are also nations which must first have knowledge of what my coming was in the Second Age, and of what my word and my works revealed, that they may receive my new message as a revelation of the Third Age.

13. Times of struggle, confusion, and purification will be experienced by mankind before the light comes the spiritualization and true freedom of worship and faith.

14. Israel: You are just commemorating the Master's triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. Throughout the ages you have kept in your hearts my examples, and this has helped you to discover the infinite content of those teachings today, as you live in the time of light.

15. The earth keeps no trace of my way of life, because I erased every mark of it. I wanted my trace to remain imprinted in the Spirit of my children, so that that path of love, light and sacrifice would shine in the purest of every man.

16. The blood sealed my work in this world so that the memory of it would be indelible, and you see now: about 2000 years have passed since I was among you, and you remember my passion as if it had been yesterday. I bless you, because with you that word comes true which says that "not a single seed is lost, because sooner or later it must germinate.

17. The crowds received Me rejoicing when I entered the city of Jerusalem. From the villages and alleys they came in droves - men, women and children - to witness the entry of the Master into the city. They were those who had received the miracle and proof of the power of the Son of God. - Blind men who now saw, mutes who could now sing hosanna, lame men who had left their beds and hurried to see the Master at the Passover.

18. I knew that this triumph was fleeting; to my disciples I had already foretold what would happen afterwards. This was little more than the beginning of my struggle, and today, from afar from those events, I tell you that the light of my truth continues to fight against the darkness of ignorance, sin, and deceit, so I must add that my final triumph has not yet come.

19. How can you believe that that entry into Jerusalem meant the victory of my cause, when there were only a few who had been converted, and of those many who did not recognize who I was?

20. And even if all those people had been converted to my word, would not many generations still have to follow?

21. That moment of rejoicing, that brief, triumphant entry was only the symbol of the victory of light, goodness, truth, love and justice - the day that must come and to which you are all invited. Know that if a single one of my children were then outside the New Jerusalem, there would be no celebration, because God could not then speak of triumph, He could not celebrate a victory if His power was not able to save even the last of His children.

22. Now, in this time, you who have felt my presence and heard my word, prepare and adorn your soul so that I may enter into your heart as if it were the city that receives me I bless you for your preparation and tell you that you are striving for spiritualization, but that you should not take your remembrance as if it were already really the celebration of the victory of truth.

23. This is only the beginning of a new time of struggle, a final victory for the salvation, liberation and upliftment of your soul.

24. Unite all of you to sing a hymn that is to be an expression of joy, hope for victory and harmony among you.

25. People, you have been the chosen one in this time, that my word may dew through you as the dew of grace upon mankind. Arise and strive for your progress, that when your mission and struggle is over, when you come into my presence, you may join the Master in the singing of that triumphal song whose echoes will echo forever.

26. Only man embodies me on earth because he was created in the image and likeness of my Spirit. But so that you can say that you are my representatives, you must live in constant preparation by obeying my law. If you want to be my disciples, take up your cross and follow me. In this way your soul will be perfected. Who could cause you to become weak in your purpose when you believe in me?

27. I have tested your humility, your love and gentleness to let you get to know your inner being. I know you, but it is necessary that you learn of what you are capable of, and only the tests will give you the opportunity to get to know yourselves.

28. You often ask Me: what is this life for and why do we have to suffer so much? And I say to you in reply: the soul must rise by its own merits from the deepest level of life to the summit of perfection. All beings are subject to the law of evolution. I also say to you that your soul makes reparation in this time, in which my judgment in the universe has exposed all transgressions that have been committed - not only on your world, but on all life worlds where my children dwell.

But do not weep, rather thank me. For after this time, in which the soul will be purified, you will be closer to me and there will be better conditions to fulfill the law, because you will then have returned to the way. I am with you as bearers of the cross, so that you do not despair in the trial.

29. You are currently commemorating my passion; you feel that that sacrificial death is renewed. At every moment you think about it and make resolutions to overcome the weakness of the flesh and to rise above the needs of this world, and I tell you Watch, for you are still weak. In the Second Time great crowds of people followed Me, claiming to love Me and to be faithful to Me. But when the world condemned my deeds, pronounced its judgment, and persecuted those who followed me, the same souls whom I had overflowed with my love denied me and departed from me.

30. Today you tell Me that you love Me, and that you believe in my word. But I know that many of you, if subjected to great trials, would leave Me. Your destiny, however, is to fight until you reach the spiritual elevation which is the highest happiness.

31. Here I am among you, knocking at your heart. Do you think that my peace is perfect when I see you entangled in constant enmities? This is why I came as the Great Warrior to fight against darkness and evil, and with Me have also come the Spirits of Good, the spiritual world, to complete my work. How long will this fight last? Until all my children are saved. But I have not brought pain with Me, I only want to transform you through love.

32. When those who have studied my word of the past times experience my rallies in this time when I have returned to men, they thank Me because I have granted them to be witnesses of these teachings. But to all I say: Just as you have seen me appear full of glory, you will see me go again at the end of 1950. You shall daily rise to this stage to unite with your Master.

33. Later on you will have to face the world and you will then see clergymen and pastors of sects and churches rising up to fight you. Among them there will be some who will only seek the truth, and when they get to know my word, their faith will be inflamed and they will believe in me.

34. When you recognize me, you will judge how loving the Father is, how wise as master and how generous and just as judge.

35. Beloved people, the world demands of you works of perfection, since you are disciples of the Divine Master. Obey my decrees, that this Master may not be judged badly.

36. When the moment of my rallies draws near, your heart beats faster. For some it is for joy, for others for fear. But you all feel my divine presence.

37. I come only to bring you to safety, to give you new life, to offer you a staff on which you can lean during all your wanderings.

38. He who, struggling with death on the cross and being maltreated and martyred by the hangmen, lifted up his eyes to infinity and said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

39. In that divine forgiveness I included all men of all times, for I could see the past, the present, and the future of mankind. I can tell you in truth and in Spirit that I have also seen you in that blessed hour, which you hear my new word in this time.

40. Today I have come to rescue you from your spiritual stagnation. For for a long time this humanity has been sleeping deep in a camp of religious fanaticism, idolatry, false cults and materialism, with which it has sought to replace the practice of love for one another, mercy, forgiveness and all that results from this one law.

41. The meaning of this word contains everything that the world needs to renew itself, to return to the true way, and to rise up out of love for me. What will become of this people if they do not attentively hear and correctly understand the lesson I have brought them in the Third Age? Great trials await them if they do not become strong in my words, and if they do not take refuge in the divine ark of my mercy.

42. Do you think it pleases Me to see you go through strokes of fate and drink bile and vinegar on earth? No, people. I do not want life to treat you as criminals or outcasts, but as children of God worthy in every respect.

43. I see that you have become accustomed to the glory of my word and to the forgiveness that flows from it, without wanting to make you aware that the hour of trials is near and that you did not want to prepare yourselves to pass them.

44. You claim to be humble, but to the Father you show yourself ungrateful and proud. Is this the example that you want to spread in the world as witnesses of my truth? Take heed to all this and examine your conduct so that you do not judge my word harshly.

45. The time is favourable for merit, O beloved people. In my works you can find the necessary examples to correct your actions and embellish them with the light that your Master gives out in each of his teachings.

46. Tell Me: have I rejected you when you have transgressed? have I left you behind, abandoned you, when some stumble stopped you? have I shown Myself fierce with you when, defeated by pain, you have fallen down? Yet I see that those whom I call my disciples with so much love abandon their fellow men in misfortune, rejecting the one who strays from the right path instead of lovingly pulling him to themselves and helping him to mend, and they sometimes become judges when they interfere in things that they are not entitled to judge. Is this in accordance with my teaching? No, tell Me your conscience, for I want you to judge yourselves carefully so that you can grind off the many roughnesses from which your feelings are sick and you can begin to become my disciples.

47. Will you teach my teaching even though your heart is full of passions, infirmities and human wretchedness? Remember that I have told you many times that a blind man cannot lead another blind man without the risk of both stumbling or falling into an abyss.

48. This is the voice that goes forth from the Sixth Seal - the Book of God, the penultimate chapter of which has opened to pour out in wisdom upon every soul and every mind.

49.This light is the new dawn, under which the children of God will have spiritual coherence in the third time, after the great trial is over, which purifies and renews the world. Therefore I had to be detailed when I gave my message to this people. For I want them to be strong in struggle. Therefore I have called them to account and judged them. I do not want it to be the world that corrects its imperfections. For I will not send it out to learn, but to teach.

50. People, were you frightened a few moments before my light came to become the word on the lips of the voice bearer? You had reason to be, I bless your foreboding.

51. My peace be with you, people of Israel, the people who in their spirit carry the law that Jehovah gave you through Moses, in whose spirit the word of Jesus is written, and who now receive the revelation of the HolySpirit. Verily I say to you, you are the children of light, and for no reason will you be able to stray from the path.

52. This Spirit, whom you feel descending on your minds as light, is the Father-the One who revealed to you the Law, which tells you, "I am Jehovah, who made heaven and earth and all things created. This Spirit, who fills your minds with inspiration and puts words of wisdom on your lips, is that Master who did powerful works on earth and bequeathed to you the teaching of love.

53. Today I come to men to manifest myself through their Spirit. I come in the light that enlightens the mind, in the radiation that only the heart can feel, in the essence that is bread for the soul.

54. It is the time of awakening, of spiritual fullness, in which you will all be soldiers, you will all be "workers," you will all be disciples.

55. In times past you have been content to rejoice in eating the bread of my word. You have sought Me to make your heart more loving and to regain your peace without thinking that every soul brings a message to make it known and a wealth of goods to distribute among its needy fellow men.

56. My word in this time wants to bring you out of the secrecy of a selfish, withdrawn and barren life, to open up paths of light for you and offer you fields to sow. I know that although you are apparently uneducated, ignorant and poor, spiritually you possess a treasure of experience that the long path of your development has given you.

57. An aureole of light will have to surround my people when they set out as apostles to spread the knowledge I have revealed to them At that time you will already have known the power of my word, and you will have full knowledge of your gifts, which had been hidden in your being for a long time, waiting for the opportune time to reveal me.

58. How many teachings, how many forms of worship for God and how many new ideas about spiritual and human life you will find. If you know how to penetrate into them and judge them, each will show you a good and right part and another, erroneous part, far from the truth, which is justice, love and perfection.

59. Wherever you discover errors, ignorance, or evil, spread the essence of my teaching, which, because it is mine, must not be mixed with impurity or error.

60. My teaching is absolute, comprehensive and perfect.

61. Whoever has complete conviction of my truth will never add to my work foreign liturgies which he sees in others, because he recognizes that my teaching contains all that he might find in other teachings of good and true.

62. All my teachings, however simple they may be, are pages of knowledge for your Spirit, who will soon gather my word to bring it to mankind as a seed of life

63. you do not yet know how you are to make the call to your fellow men to be heard by all. I tell you not to become impatient. For when I see that you are strong, I will prepare the way and give you the means.

64. Be blessed - you who, when praying, seek Mary as intercessor and mediator. For spiritually She is your mother - the one whom I left at the foot of the cross, so that she would stand up for all men, and so that you would love her and find comfort on her lap.

65. Mary came from the Divine bosom to become man in the world and to fulfill a mission as woman and as mother.

66. Only from a pure flower like hers could come forth the fruit that would give salvation to mankind - the fruit promised by the Father to the patriarchs of the early times, to whom they gave the name "Messiah".

67. When Mary's spirit soul had fulfilled its mission of love, gentleness and sacrifice on earth, it returned to the womb of perfection from which it had come. For Mary is not a being who is subject to development like other souls. Mary is a divine expression, is the meekness of God.

68. This teaching lights up light in those who have not been able to see the truth of this revelation.

69. Spiritualism opens up an infinite field of progress to the mind and the heart, so that you can develop yourselves upwards on the path of wisdom.

70. You, people, who enter into that world of the Spirit on hearing my word, are already beginning to see with clarity what you had seen only shrouded in mystery and enigma

71. In this time you shall no longer be men of blind faith - a faith that neither ponders nor investigates. Your soul has grown and wants to know, wants to fathom, and there I have seen that the time is favourable to send you my light as Spirit of Truth, to enlighten all secrets and to explain them as I had promised you through Jesus.

72. Tomorrow, when you will have understood the essential points of my teaching and will be able to give explanations for all this to the one who asks, you will find that this world, which removed My Name from its heart, blinded by the vanity of its earthly glories and by the triumphs of its science, will turn its eyes again to Me, because it recognizes Christ's teaching as the key that opens the gates to the Truth

73. But this new humanity, intellectually developed and awakening, will demand the explanation of the revelations, the enlightenment of the mysteries, the interpretation of what you have received figuratively, and I want it to be this simple people that explains the meaning of my word and humbly teaches what I have revealed to them Have I told you that it will be this people who also interpret the old scriptures correctly? For if they know how to explain the past, they will know how to explain the present with such simplicity that they will astonish many.

74. Mosaic religion, Christianity, spiritualism - these are three different lessons about a single teaching: that of love.

75. Small is the number of those who will set out to spread this seed. But why should they not be sufficient, since the number of my disciples in the Second Age was also small, and yet they caused mankind to come to know the Word of Jesus?

71. Strengthen your soul in my teaching, O my new disciples, and long to be worthy to be sent out to the nations tomorrow. For your longing will be a proof of love, faith and good will.

My peace be with you! 

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