BTL - Volume 11 - Teaching 325
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XI - Teaching 310 - 338
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Book of True Life - Volume 11
Teaching 325
1. Bless those who weep for love, for this is the proof that their Spirit and heart live in harmony
2. These are the moments of your introspection, the right hour to understand and feel my love, the moment when your heart ─ opens almost without you noticing ─ like a flower and the sweet fountain of tears bursts out of your eyes.
3. These tears speak more than all words and say more than all thoughts. In them there is sincerity, there is humility, there is love, gratitude, contrition, promises.
4. When you hear me speak in this way, you feel understood and loved by me. Yes, my little children, I see you all and hear you all, I know your names, know all your needs, hear your laments and pleas and receive all your petitions and offerings.
5. Yes, you are my children, because you have come forth out of my Spirit. How could I not know and love you?
6. If sometimes, despite your prayers, pain or suffering persists, it is not because I have not heard you ─ nor because I do not want to encourage you, but because I want to test you to give you one of my lessons after another, because it is my duty as Father to correct you, to visit you and to perfect you in that way which is life.
7. Blessed are those who bless Me on the altar of creation and humbly accept the consequences of their transgressions without attributing them to divine punishments.
8. Blessed are those who know how to follow my will and humbly accept their trials. They will all love me.
9. You crowds of men come here to take your refuge with Me because what is happening in your world fills you with fear You have found that all righteousness, all love, and all truthfulness has gone out of the hearts of men. Then you asked yourselves, "To whom do you take refuge? Whom to beg for help and hope for something from whom? And there you remembered me.
10. You poor peoples of the earth ─ enslave some, oppress others, and exploit the rest by their own leaders and representatives!
11. Your heart no longer loves those who rule you on earth because your trust has been betrayed You no longer have confidence in the justice or magnanimity of your judges; you no longer believe in promises, words, or smiling faces. You have experienced that hypocrisy has taken over the hearts and has established on earth its kingdom of lies, falsehood and deceit.
12. Poor nations, you who carry on your shoulders the toil like an unbearable burden ─ that toil which is no longer that blessed law by which man received everything that was necessary for his livelihood, but which has turned into a desperate and fearful struggle for survival And what do people get for sacrificing their strength and their lives? A bland piece of bread, a chalice full of bitterness.
13. Verily, I tell you, this is not the livelihood I put into the earth for your pleasure and preservation, this is the bread of discord, vanity, inhuman feelings ─ in short, the proof of the lack or lack of spiritual maturity among those who determine your human life.
14. I see that you are snatching bread from one another, that those who strive for power cannot bear that the others possess something because they want everything for themselves; that the strong take the bread of the weak and that they must be content to see the powerful eating and enjoying it.
15. Now I ask you: What is the moral progress of this humanity? Where is the development of its noblest feelings?
16. Verily, I tell you, in the epoch when man lived in caves and covered himself with furs, he likewise snatched food from one another's mouths, the strongest likewise took the greatest part, the toil of the weak was also in favor of those who subjugated them by force, men, tribes and peoples likewise killed one another.
17. What then is the difference between the humanity of today and the humanity of those days?
18. Yes, I already know that you will tell Me that you would have made many advances ─ I know that you will refer Me to your civilization and your science. But then I will tell you that all this is only the mask of hypocrisy behind which you hide your true feelings and your still primitive instincts, because you have not made the slightest effort to develop your soul, to fulfill My Law.
19. I do not tell you that you should not do scientific research ─ no, on the contrary Search, research, grow and increase your knowledge and intelligence in material life, but be merciful to one another, respect the sacred rights of your neighbor, understand that there is no law that empowers man to dispose of the life of his fellow men ─ in short, man, do something, to apply my supreme commandment of "love one another" to your life, so that you may escape the moral and spiritual stagnation in which you have fallen, and so that when the veil of lies that covered your face falls away, your light penetrates, sincerity shines and truthfulness enters your life. Then you can rightly say that you have made progress.
20. Become spiritually strong in the observance of my teachings, so that your words may always be confirmed in the future by real works of mercy, wisdom, and brotherhood.
21. I know that you are wondering in the bottom of your hearts whether, when you no longer hear my word, you will have the necessary inspiration and strength to rise to the fight and not succumb in it.
22. You wonder whether you will not lose the ability or armor you will gain when you hear my word.
23. I see you fickle and uncertain when you think of the day when I speak to you for the last time. For you understand that then the hour will have come in which you are to begin to change from disciples into masters, and you feel unable to live without my word.
24. I tell you all this because if I knew that without these rallies it would be impossible for you to stand in your spiritual struggle, I would not withdraw my word. But I know that it is necessary to finish my message so that soon you will no longer think like disciples or disciples but will begin to think like masters.
25. Understand that you should not spend your life going to these places of gathering in desire for spiritual bliss or consolation. You must comprehend that the moment must come when your Spirit must teach all that he received from Me for the progress of your fellow men.
26. Verily, I tell you, it is necessary for your spiritualization that I cease to manifest Myself in this form. Once my message is finished, you will strive to perfect your prayer and rapture to feel my invisible divine presence, and you will also strive to refine your senses and abilities.
27. But live vigilantly, for in your ranks will arise men and women who will deny that I have put an end to my rallies. They will put forward many arguments and say that the divine vibration is eternal, and that it is therefore impossible that I should make myself no longer perceptible through the human mind. But already today I tell you that just as it is certain that my Spirit vibrates eternally in men, it is also true that the way in which I make myself known by means of these voice-bearers will not last forever because it is not the most perfect one, since I am now preparing you for a dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.
28. This rallies among you must not last any longer, lest you make of it no tradition, habit or rite. Nor should you listen to those who say that Spirit to Spirit dialogue is reserved for the generations of a very distant future. No, disciples. While you will attain perfect spiritual communion only after great development, this will be by means of the ever-increasing practice of my teaching.
29. Pray directly to Me, without the need for mediators, nor words, symbols, rites or images. This will be the beginning of the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit, since it is then your inner and higher being that will rise up in desire for Me. Your spiritual voice then has called me, and my divine voice answers you. How does your being receive the message of my Spirit?: through the gifts of intuition and inspiration, that is, in a subtle and spiritual way.
30. Is not this kind of communication more perfect and spiritual than the one you have through your voice carriers? This is why I also tell you that your spiritual communication will have its degree of perfection according to your preparation, as it happened with the voice bearers and with the crowds of people who assisted them in their preparation.
31. Practice spiritual prayer more and more, so that you may already now discover his goodness and his truth. Get used to seeking inspiration and the development of your intuition through this kind of prayer. Then you will experience in your mind a stream of light that struggles to transform itself into human expressions and words, into noble feelings and good works.
32. When you have thus developed prayer, which is the beginning of the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit, you will no longer desire vocal carriers to convey a divine message to you. For instead of entrusting another person to prepare to receive and transmit that light, it will then be each of you who prepares to receive from his Father directly and according to the merits which he has acquired in relation to Him.
33. Disciples, it was I who revealed to you during this time all the abilities you possess, so that you may develop them more and more under the guidance of the spiritual world, and you thereby ─ when the rallies of your brothers, the spiritual advisers, ─ would be over ─ would already be prepared to fulfill your mission well.
34. Now that you are receiving my last teachings, because you are in the year 1950, and since the spiritual world will give you its last rallies, you will be able to realize that this people here has not used this time of preparation and development.
35. How many of my chosen ones have not even taken the first step toward preparation! What will they do when they no longer have the opportunity to hear their Master and their spiritual brethren, as they have had them for so long?
36. Many will have to mourn for lost time and say to themselves, "Why did we not appreciate in all their worth those blessed moments which the Father granted to his people? What could have been better than to have made a start with the unfolding of our gifts under the teaching of the Master and the counsel and supervision of the spiritual world? But now it will be too late, because the will of man will not be able to change the day and hour set by my will for the end of this period of rallies. Then a new period of time will begin, and with it a new way of developing your spiritual gifts in a simpler, higher and more spiritual way.
37. For those who have endeavored to make use of the present time, there will remain a rest in their hearts and peace in their souls. But those who have waited until the last morning devotions to awaken from their deep sleep will see, with tears in their eyes, the sun of my Word, which illuminated this time, setting without having used its light to sow the seed of spiritualization.
38. The memory of these days will be joyful for some, while it will be tormenting for others. The latter will awaken their conscience to reality, and they will recognize the significance that my new word has for the world. This will cause the love for the study of my work to awaken in their hearts and, through their prayers and meditation on the written word, they will gradually recover lost time.
39. Verily I tell you, in all those in whom the reuse is very deep and the desire for spiritualization becomes very great, my assistance will be fully revealed and soon they will be able to be among the most advanced.
40. The time will come when all who have heard Me at this time will feel the need to bear witness to My words, for the world will present itself as an immeasurably large field thirsting for water and seed So think, then, what do you already have in your heart to offer to your fellow men? How will you bear witness to my truth and show the greatness of my work?
41. When the hour has come in which men will question you, asking for proofs and testimonies from you about what you have seen and heard from Me, everyone will give what he has, and therefore I tell you already now that it is better if you are prepared so that the hour of trial does not surprise anyone See: If your fellow men were to find you asleep, you would wake up headless, dismayed, and there would be inaccuracies and falsehood in your words because you did not prepare yourselves in time, and the haste would let you commit many mistakes.
42. No, beloved people, I do not want the need for light to surprise you lost in darkness, and therefore I speak to you with full clarity so that you avoid falls in the future
43. Always be aware that every time can be favorable for the unfolding of the soul and self-contemplation.
44. Have not all those "workers" who have worked with me done this, for instance, in the midst of their life struggle and misfortunes? But I taught them to withdraw from everything that surrounded them, to devote themselves in the moments of spiritual works ─ whether in spirit or in the earth body ─ completely to their mission.
45. Receive these teachings from me and do not forget them, and receive from these your brothers that example so that you may be encouraged by it.
46. If you wait for times of peace to be able to set out on the fulfillment of your mission, you are in error, because those times of peace will come precisely through the work, the struggle, the effort and even the sacrifice of my people.
47. What sense would it make to sow in a field that is in full fruit? I have called you "workers" because it is your task to sow. But it is the very seed I have entrusted to you that will give you the longed-for peace, which means that in order to reap it, you must sow it first.
48. Although you consider yourselves very insignificant, I tell you in truth that you will be very useful to mankind ─ spiritual usefulness It is necessary for you to prepare yourselves already now.
49. Later on you need not carry the gift of the spirit healer nor the gift of the voice bearer to other nations, because then the time of my rallies will already be over, but you shall carry on the treasure of inspiration and wisdom which I have brought to you in my word.
50. For your work it will be necessary for you to remain united in my work and thus form a true spiritual family. But you all already know that after the end of the year 1950 there will be no further rallies in this form. Nevertheless, I assure you as encouragement and comfort that my Spirit will always be with you and that you will feel my presence even deeper in your being.
51. I will manifest Myself to you in your thoughts, will rejoice in your gatherings, will make Me tangible in your heart and in your Spirit, and will pour Me out in mercy in many ways, thus rewarding and encouraging your faith and spiritualization.
52. Everyone who thus fulfills my will will be a faithful witness of my word, and his zeal and obedience to obey my instructions will be the firm foundation upon which he builds his spiritual temple. These will be my disciples who will spread my teachings over the earth. But if there should be some who after 1950 insist that I continue to manifest myself in this form, they will deceive, and their rallies will be false. For none of my disciples is unaware of the announced and fixed day for my last rallies.
53. I have given this people enough time to accumulate spiritual light, which is wisdom and the unfolding of all abilities of the soul, so that it could remain in the world at my departure as a master.
54. Establish already now a spiritual connection with the other peoples of mankind, so that you may gradually prepare the ways of those who must become messengers of my word. Through prayer you will be able to establish that spiritual connection which I am just giving you.
55. Now, when you are following this advice I have just given you in my teaching this day, do not think whether at the moment you prayed for a certain people or nation, those fellow men for whom you prayed felt it or did not notice that someone was thinking of them and praying for them. Nor should you expect their answer in the same way. Remember that on the day when men will communicate by thought, they will already have taken a great step toward the age of Spirit to Spirit dialogue, but hardly now, when you are just beginning to unravel those invisible threads of brotherhood, love, understanding, and spiritual convergence.
56. Everything will come true in its time because everything that has been prophesied has always had a deep reason, even if men have doubted it, when that announcement has been revealed to them long before its fulfillment.
57. You already see how the prophecies of the past times have been fulfilled in their majority. Trust that what I have now announced and promised to you will likewise come true. The truth will prevail, my will will be fulfilled, the light will shine.
58. Know how an invisible power is revealed daily on your world. Feel the presence of the time of judgment among men, see how at present everything is preparing for the final battle, in which all human passions that fight against good and truth will be defeated and will be destroyed to make way for new feelings and new ideals.
59. The sickle of my righteousness will mow your fields, and I declare to you in truth and in Spirit that everything that has no deep roots of good will be mowed down, and that all that is superfluous will be eliminated
60. The time in which evil hinders the unfolding of good will pass, and though this struggle will always exist as long as a soul dwells in a human flesh, good will then prevail and be dominant.
61 Earn merits to belong to that world of light which I announce to you. Leave already now a seed that will bear good fruit tomorrow. Do not think that it will no longer be you who can reap and enjoy those fruits. Drive out of your hearts every selfishness and remember that it will be your children according to the Blood or your brothers and sisters according to the Spirit who will reap the harvest of their older brothers and sisters, who will call them pioneers and bless them in their prayers.
62. People speak of times past, of antiquity, of long centuries and endless ages, but I still see you small. I see that you have matured very little spiritually. In my eyes, your world is still in its childhood, even if it seems to you that you have reached maturity.
63. No, mankind, as long as it is not the soul that gives those proofs of maturity, upward development, perfection and progress in the various fields of your life, you will inevitably present to me human works which are only apparently great, but which are without moral content and not lasting because of the lack of love.
64. Do you think that I could accept from you the fruit you offer Me if I were to call you to account at these moments? No, humanity, no one could offer Me a fruit worthy of Me ─ something that would be a proof of love among men, of their harmony, of their faith in Me, of their life elevated by the practice of goodness.
65. I will not accept some and I will not accept others, I will await the time until you offer Me the fruit of your harmony. This will be your reparation on earth.
66. You tell Me that you love Me? You claim that you love truth and justice? Then I tell you that if you all loved truth and justice, you would not live as you live ─ separated by social classes, by creeds, by races and customs.
67. If you would love truth and justice, you would love one another, you would strive to break down barriers, shorten distances, and eliminate differences.
68. Have you done this? You know very well that this is not the case; rather, you have worked to ensure that these differences continue, that there are strong and weak, rich and poor, powerful and poor, educated and ignorant, and I find this bad seed everywhere.
69. Do you want me to receive you in this way ─ stained by envy, vanities, and base passions?
70. How little did you grasp the meaning of my coming into the world in those days when I appeared among you as a man to explain to you that the whole content of the law consists in two supreme commandments: love of God and love between fellow men. For this is the essence of life and the divine bond that unites the family of God!
71. Do you realize how wrong you live while you believe to be at the height of your strength and knowledge? If you are not yet convinced of what I have told you, answer Me: is all that you create with your science for the happiness of your neighbour, for the solution of her problems and for her well-being? You will not be able to answer me with "yes" because then you would be lying, nor will you be able to tell me that you must destroy the weeds so that a better world can come into being. For my law has never authorized man to dispose of the life of his fellow man.
72. Is it not love that inspires your science in these moments? Does not all that you are preparing now serve to satisfy hatred and the desire for power? Submit it, then, to the judgment of your conscience, and you will experience how it tells you that most of the works of men at this time are not proof of spiritual progress, but the negation of all that I taught you at that time with my word and with my life.
73. In am your Father, and it is necessary that I speak to you in this way. I cannot deceive you, nor do I want you to live as deceived. I send you this message and let it reach all. But when you should not believe it because the word is plain and its voices are insignificant, then the facts, the trials and the events will come as a surprise to you, and then you will understand that this message was true, but that you did not want to hear it in time nor to accept it. Again, as in the days of Noah, men will mock the prophecies, and only when they feel that the floods of water have already buried their bodies under them will they begin to believe and repent.
74. My mercy always wanted to keep you in your rashness, but you never wanted to listen to Me. Sodom and Gomorrah were likewise warned to feel fear and repentance and avoid their destruction. But they would not listen to my voice and perished.
75. I also urged Jerusalem to pray and return to true worship of God. But his unbelieving and carnal heart rejected my fatherly admonition and had to be convinced of the truth by the events. How bitter then were those days for Jerusalem!
76. Do you now know the truth that you are still the same? For you have not wanted to leave your spiritual childhood to grow and ascend by the way of wisdom which is in my word.
77. I send you all this message, which is to serve peoples and nations as prophecy for awakening, for vigilance. Bless you, if you believe in its content. Think about its meaning, but watch and pray for it. For if you do so, an inner light will guide you and a higher power will protect you until you are saved.
78. Today you are witnesses that I heal the "insane" people with the healing balm of truth, from which all wisdom comes.
79. There is still a lack of your unifying all the knowledge you have acquired about human life with the knowledge about the spiritual life. For as long as you have no certainty about your origin, your destiny, and your final goal, you will not know yourselves, nor will you know who you are.
80. In the human realm you know on what day you were born, and you also know that you must bury the body when someone is no longer alive. But who knows the moment when your spirit soul sprang from my womb, the manner in which it was born, the manner in which it incarnated, and what its return to the womb from which it came is? Something, but very little, has been what men have foreseen without being able to discover the whole truth, because man will never be able to penetrate the mystery of life by himself.
81. It is I, your Master, who once more in a time of spiritual disquiet, questions, dissatisfaction in the face of what has remained shrouded in mystery, approaches men.
82. I reveal the truth and quench men's spiritual anxiety. I answer their questions and remove the fear they experience in the face of their inability to find the truth. I also approach myself to tell them that much of what they see shrouded in mystery has been something that they were not able to clear up due to lack of preparation and purity, but which was permitted by me so that they would get to know its core.
83. Since I promised the world to come again to enlighten the mysteries with my light and to remove the darkening of the human mind, now is the appropriate time for my return, in which my Spirit opens anew the Book of Wisdom, so that men may find in it all that is due to them to know, which is granted to them through me
84. All this people have asked me why I have chosen the spiritual form at this time to make myself known to men, considering that it is for them an all too high and difficult form to understand and to feel.
85. I know that the people of today tell me this because they know that i incarnated in the past, making myself human, visible and touchable. But this people did not think about the fact that before I came into the world as man, I had already made myself known to men spiritually, and they had heard me and believed me, but never asked me that I should come down to the world to see myself.
86. I took the human form because it was absolutely necessary to give a perfect and living example of what the fulfillment in the Divine Law is, and no one other than I was qualified to do so ─ I, who made the Law ─ I, who had to bring you the Law explained with words and works that gave form to a teaching
87. If I, instead of choosing the human form to dwell among you, had taken the form of an angel, men would have felt insignificant and incapable of following my steps, and they would have taken my word for something impossible for man to accomplish, and on the other hand you would not have believed in a sacrifice from Me out of love for you
88. Now if, instead of choosing a form that is above that of man, I had taken the form of a bird or a plant, or hid myself in one of the many creatures that are below man, you would not have considered that manifestation perfect, you would have felt humiliated because you were not chosen as a means of divine revelation
89. Now I tell you that every form I use to manifest Myself is right and perfect, and that if you have not become aware that I am present, manifest, touchable in all the realms of nature, the reason is that you have not been interested in knowing the divine language.
90. The ages have passed, and only some of them have been used. Therefore, I am approaching you now to show you the procedure to recover the lost time.
91. Here is your Master, reminding you that I became man in Jesus in the Second Age to speak to you heart-to-heart and that I am preparing you at this time to dialogue with Me from Spirit to Spirit I also teach you to observe the elements of nature in which my power, wisdom and justice are manifested. And finally, disciples, I have taught you the spiritual language so that you may hear and understand my voice, which speaks to you constantly, and which teaches you and guides you.
92. It is this teaching that will give man the spiritualization he needs to rise step by step, step by step, to spiritual wisdom, where he will discover his origin, his core of being, his raison d'être, and then his love for me will be very great and he will bless all life and everything that exists and surrounds him, because in everything he will see, hear and feel the presence of his heavenly Father.
My peace be
with you!
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