BTL - Volume 9 - Teaching 273
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume IX - Teaching 242 - 276
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Book of True Life - Volume 9
Teaching 273:
1. You have sunk so low and have distanced yourselves so far from the spiritual that you consider all this to be supernatural, which - since it belongs to the Spirit - is completely natural. Thus you call the Divine supernatural, and likewise you see everything that belongs to your Spirit, and this is an error. The reason for this is that you see and perceive only that which is within the range of your senses or within the grasp of your human intelligence, and you have thought that what is beyond the senses and mind is supernatural.
2. It is now time for you to penetrate into the core of my teachings, which reveal to you the truth that life contains, so that you may consider yourselves my disciples and soon begin to be masters.
3. The disciple is the one who learns, the master is the one who puts my teachings into practice. So you shall be. For if you should only learn and hide my wisdom in your heart, or if you should change my teachings, you would be like those hypocritical Pharisees whom I condemned so much at that time to prove their falsehood to them.
4. The path is long, and you must walk attentively so that you do not fall into any extremes, that is, that the spiritual does not become something commonplace for you, but neither do you fall into fanaticism.
5. When you once reach the balance that is to exist between the spirit soul and the "flesh," you will see how easy existence is and how even the way is. Step by step you will go your way and use all the opportunities that life offers you for the advancement of your soul. When you then reach the thresholds of spiritual life, when the hour is approaching to bid farewell to the world that sheltered you, and the body that served as your support should not have the slightest resistance, neither should the soul wish to prolong the life of its body, nor should the body shell hold back the soul any longer.
6. How much joy and how much light will the soul experience when it enters its new home, and how much peace and understanding will it leave in the heart of those who belonged to it on earth!
7. I see that the atmosphere that prevails in the world is in contradiction with spiritualization. Therefore, it will be very meritorious if you are able to free yourselves from the obstacles that prevent you from progressing along the way.
8. I have sent you a message by which you can live in the world without becoming infected.
9. Learn with my power to overcome it Strive to rise above human needs. Once you have elevated your life and liberated your soul, do not sink again.
10. In my way there are no pitfalls. But it is necessary to watch and pray, because brushwood grows beside the path, and sometimes the treacherous wolf hides in it. Watch and pray so that you will not be surprised, and instead it is you who surprise those who hide, in order to bring down those who want to walk on the good path, or to rob them of their faith.
11. I announced that my people would appear again in the world when mankind would drink their greatest cup of suffering. That is why I am currently sending my messengers, my workers, my soldiers and prophets to the earth, because the time of battle is approaching.
12. My people are not only this one, who have heard Me through the voice-bearers. My people will spread all over the earth, and their children will be all those who bear witness to My truth - all who strike the soul with light-breaks, all who fight the weeds and proclaim the Third Age.
13. Spiritualize, and you will be able to understand and fulfill your mission. When then in other countries other emissaries of me arise, let the one take note of the other, unite and support each other spiritually, fighting with the power of thought the discord, disunity and war that has seized the world.
14. Do not worry, people, I have received your merits acquired until now. But do not stop after the first steps, do not be content with the first works you have done. Walk calmly and with firm steps, and you will gain victory.
15. Your merits will not always have to wait until you enter the spiritual kingdom to reap their reward, but also here in your world you will see them rewarded.
16. Here your body will have health and strength, and in spiritual life you will have light and true bliss.
17. Whoever has come to Me in desire for wisdom has never felt betrayed. I have seen that there has been no obstacle to stop you in your desire to hear my word. How should I not reward your efforts and your sacrifices? I alone know how much you had to develop to be able to come to these places and stay with Me to hear Me.
18. The hour has come when men will break their chains of their own accord, tear the bandage from their eyes and seek the true way.
19. Man seeks to possess a light that enables him to know what he is entitled to by law, as well as to know everything that is really forbidden to him.
20. Spiritually, man is an ignorant creature. The innumerable prejudices that surround him, and the threats and excommunication that weigh on him, have been the cause of indifference to the spiritual.
21. It is my light alone that now awakens the souls; it is my voice that calls them to reflect, and it is my power that makes them stand firm and lets them fight to reach the goal.
22. Humanity will soon free itself from its prejudices, just as someone separates himself from a worn and old garment, and will longingly lift his gaze and his mind beyond the barriers that have long hindered him to develop.
23. The instilled fears that have nourished men in their hearts for centuries will likewise disappear when they remember that it was Christ who opened the gates of the Spiritual Kingdom, and who - since He had not revealed all that He had to teach mankind because the time for it had not yet come - promised His return in an era that would be full of light, inspiration, and spiritual revelations.
24. In me men will find the courage to free themselves from the yoke of their ignorance.
25. How can you expect peace on earth and wars to cease, men to renew themselves and sin to decrease, if they have no spiritual knowledge, which is the precondition, origin and foundation of life?
26. Verily, I tell you, as long as my truth is not understood nor obeyed, your existence on earth will be like a building built on quicksand
27. Those who are awakened are in smaller numbers than those who remain cold and indifferent to the spiritual. These do not worry nor are they afraid in the face of the prevailing chaos and attribute everything to superficial causes. They are content with their little understanding and say: "Why enlighten secrets or try to penetrate the unfathomable, since I fulfill all the duties imposed by those who rule in the material world and by those who guide me spiritually through religions? Does not the principle of goodness that Christ taught exist in this fulfillment of duties? With these thoughts, calm yourself and convince yourself that you are fulfilling your spiritual task.
28. But I tell you that this fulfillment of your duties is only apparent and not real, that in your conscience and in God's sight there is very little good you do because your life is superficial, your spiritual knowledge insignificant, your works full of selfishness and vanity.
29. In the eyes of your fellow men, whom you can easily deceive, may you faithfully fulfill your spiritual and human duties. But before your conscience and your Father you will not be able to stand with pretences - because there the truth comes to light - and that is what makes men remain spiritually stationary.
30. This has caused quarrels to arise between the one and the other. While the awakened ones speak of spiritualization, spiritual gifts, abilities and revelations, the spiritualists rise up and say that those are dividing and confusing mankind, causing doubts and uncertainties in faith convictions.
31. This battle will be inevitable so that the light will appear and the truth will shine. Only then will you realize that truth does not cause division, and that my teaching, since it is based on truth, could not cause works of division and discord among men, even if it initially forced them to fight among themselves to obtain the light.
32. Everyone will take up arms - some to the spiritual, others to those of the intellect, still others to the material.
33. Those who trust only in the power of their physical weapons will have to succumb, for victory will lean on the side of those who use the spiritual weapons, whose nature and power is greater.
34. although the teaching of Jesus in the Second Age revealed everything, spiritualism explains and clarifies everything that was a secret among men. Without its help, they would never penetrate to the core of revelations.
35. Verily I say to you, only the Lamb could unlock the Book of the Seven Seals to show you all its contents.
36. Practice this teaching, people. The time has come to show the world the truth of my word. I have called you to make you messengers to bring to mankind the message that they need so much to know.
37. I do not tell you that when my Word reaches the peoples of the earth, all men will immediately turn into spiritualists. No - for now it will be enough that spiritualization be applied to every religious community. Then you will see how all people, when they least expect it, will have moved toward a single point, that is, toward harmony, unity and understanding, which never existed among them.
38. The weeds will be pulled out by the root, and in their place the wheat will grow, the symbol of abundance, work, progress and peace
39. Welcome all those who come in desire for the light that illuminates their way.
40. Be with Me, I am the lighthouse that shines in all paths. This light is not new; since the beginning of man's life it shines in his conscience. But since man was created to penetrate of his own accord into the mysteries of spiritual life, it was necessary that "the Word" became man in Jesus, and with his word the veil of mysteries was torn away.
41. Has all mankind in its different generations reached the summit of Calvary to reflect on the infinite love that Christ let die by human hands? No, mankind did not want to know everything that the light of the Divine Master revealed to it. It preferred the light to science, which explores the mysteries of nature; it preferred the power of the earth to the greatness of the soul.
42. My light did not cease to shine in the consciences for a moment. But since man is still immature and needs the Father to approach him in some way, I sent the Spirit of Elijah with the promising message of a new age.
Elijah brought to the world the revelation of the way in which I would come to communicate myself to men, and as my forerunner he opened the mind of a man to speak through his lips. But he also manifested himself through visions and inspirations to announce to you that, after the rallies through the human organ of understanding, dialogue would come from Spirit to Spirit.
43. Some will say that my return was not necessary. But those who think so do so only because they do not know that Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, drives the merchants out of the temple, and does not bow down to those who claim to be great.
44. I am needed by those who suffer, who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who long for light and exaltation, who understand that the soul must advance without pausing. They all call on Me in their prayer, implore Me in their pain and ask Me when I will come. They know that mankind urgently needs me, my word, my balm and my miracles.
45. Do you see the nations in eternal wars? do you see those wars which are the most decisive negation of the love I taught? Do you see the religious communities hostile to one another, although they call themselves Christian and preach my highest commandment of "love one another"?
46. How much misery and how much suffering has fallen upon mankind from these wars instigated by human striving for power and from these differences of faith convictions.
47. In this time I have given you a seed which is hardly beginning to sprout in the heart of this people. But truly, I tell you, this teaching will shake mankind and will be believed as a true revelation of God. All of you - as many of you have received a task or commission in my work - have the duty to present my teaching in all its purity.
48. Spiritualism has nothing to do with rites, traditions, or religious ceremonies; it is above all outward worship of God. Therefore, I tell you that whoever adds to my teaching the ritual acts he has learned from sects or churches becomes a profaner.
49. How could your fellow men admire the light of this revelation when you hide it behind the veil of your materializations and mysteries?
50. Spiritualism is not a mixture of religions; it is the purest and most perfect teaching in its simplicity, the light of God coming down to the human Spirit in this Third Age.
51. I tell you all this, people, because you are my first sowing in this time, that you may embrace the truth, and not accuse you of humanity as false or profane.
52. If you sink into fanaticism, you will be to blame for it. For the book of knowledge was before your eyes and has illuminated the soul.
53. You who come from different ways - receive my word, carry my seed further and sow it in your fields. Know the nature of the truth which the Master leaves to you.
54. Do not think yourselves perfect because you have the knowledge of a perfect teaching. But if you try to carry out your mission with the greatest purity a man can be capable of, I will put on your path all those who long for a word of true consolation.
55. Be aware that, however pure and loving your works may be, you will continue to be attacked. Then you have the opportunity to teach, with examples of forgiveness, nobility and mercy, how to defend the truth you feel you hold in your hearts. You are not to defend your material temples, nor are you to defend your names or your personality, but the truth that has been placed within you.
56. You crowds of people who come to Me with sadness and weariness in your hearts - listen to Me, for I know that through the essence of My Word you will find your way back to peace, to faith, to joy
57. You come barefoot, with sore feet, because you have worn out in the vast desert the sandals that protected you from the pebbles and the burning sand But here you will get back all that you have lost because I love you and give you proofs of it again.
(5858. that even the inner knowledge that you possess Spirit is lost in you?
59. Only my divine rallies can give you the knowledge that you are in a new time. For you had sunk into sleep.
60. At the bottom of your being an unknown longing became apparent, and a strange thirst grew stronger and stronger, without you being able to determine its cause. When that need became frightening, it happened because the time had come when you would receive my new message.
61. Hunger and thirst of the soul was what tormented you - hunger for truth and peace, thirst for love and light.
62. I wanted my Word to be like crystal clear and fresh water, the essence of which would contain the true and eternal nourishment of the soul - in such a way that when you would come to hear Me, you would surrender to Me like that tired wanderer who, when he discovers a spring, gets rid of the burden he carries and prostrates himself greedily for refreshment to the longed-for liquid
63. Not all of you have brought spiritual thirst. Those who have really felt it have simply quenched it with my words. However, there are many who, although they have heard Me repeatedly, complain that their pain and problems remain the same. The reason for this is that they are not seeking my essence, but the goods of the world.
64. Understand this well, so that you never deceive yourselves.
65. Look also at the fact that some do not lack anything necessary, live surrounded by comforts, and yet something darkens their lives, frightens them a little, they lack something. It is the presence of the spiritual in their lives that they long for. It is the absence of that light that darkens their life. When they then heard me, they exclaimed inwardly, "This was what I was looking for, what I hoped for, what I lacked!
Others, however, came here and complained that they had lost goods, health, affections, and the emptiness in their hearts was not filled by my word. However, when they recovered what they had lost, they left without at least remembering this heavenly Word, which they heard one day.
66. Not all are ready to feel and understand this revelation. While some remain, others leave, because not all thirst for me, because the desire for the spiritual is not the same for all.
67. I want to tell you that you should observe humanity, peoples and nations closely, so that you may become aware how they have made of their lives an agonizing desert, whose burning sun oppresses them, and whose aridity dominates and exhausts them. Do you not suspect the immeasurable thirst that accumulates in the hearts of men? For now also the oasis with pleasant shade and delicious freshness, with constant crystal-clear water, is being created, so that it may quench in it its desire for truth, its thirst for love and peace.
68. Many will come to the spring, and when they drink its water, they will say like you, "This is what I was seeking. But many others will also come to it, thinking that they will find again what they have lost in the world. But disappointed, they will turn their backs on me and will deny that even the slightest truth is contained in this revelation.
They will go away, but everything is foreseen and prepared for them to return when the true thirst of the soul finally sets in, and they will call upon me in their desert and say to me, "Father, forgive us and grant us a new opportunity to come to the knowledge of Your truth.
Then I, who had already forgiven them when they haughtily spurned the water of My fountain and the bread of My table, will offer them My way so that they may forget their tiredness on it, so that they may recover, be filled with peace and be lifted up by My Light.
My peace be
with you!
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