BTL - Volume 9 - Teaching 263
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume IX - Teaching 242 - 276
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Book of True Life - Volume 9
Teaching 263
1. May the peace of my Spirit be in you in this moment of communion in which the Divine Light enlightens you and strengthens your soul
2. Blessed are those who dream of a paradise of peace and harmony
3. Blessed are those who have despised and regarded with indifference the trivialities, the vanities and passions which do not bring any good to man, and even less to his soul.
4. Blessed are those who have eliminated the fanatical rituals that lead nowhere, and have abandoned old and erroneous beliefs to embrace absolute, naked and pure truth.
5. I bless those who reject the outward appearance to devote themselves instead to spiritual contemplation, love and inner peace, because they recognize more and more that the world does not give peace, that you can find it in yourselves.
6. Blessed are those of you who have not been frightened by the truth and who have not been outraged by it, because verily, I tell you, the light will fall like a waterfall on your soul to satisfy forever your desire for light
7. I am spreading my mantle of peace over you who are gathered in one place or another and are raptured in your desire for the Divine Master When you come to me, pray, pray my disciples, for although you have not yet seen all that I have prophesied to you come true, you will still see it.
8. Continue to pray so that the burden of man's ignorance may give way, and also the vanity of those who claim to be taught because they have accumulated the knowledge of other men, and who do not know that the true scholar is not the one who strives to discover the best way to destroy, to rule, to annihilate, but the one who rises up to be able to create, to make man's life more harmonious, inspiring himself in love for the God of all created and in love for all creatures.
9. I tell you, disciples, that you should not seek the truth in lies, that you should seek the truth in the humble soul, in the heart lifted up by love for one's neighbor, in the simplicity and purity of life.
10. In wisdom is the balm of salvation and the consolation that your heart longs for. Therefore I once promised you the Spirit of Truth as the Spirit of consolation.
11. But it is indispensable to have faith so as not to stand in the way nor feel fear in the face of trials.
12. Faith is like a lighthouse that illuminates your path of life until you arrive at the safe haven of eternity.
13. Faith must not be that of those lukewarm and fearful souls who take a step forward today and a step back tomorrow, who do not want to fight with their own pain and believe in the victory of the Spirit solely because of the Father's mercy.
14. Faith is that which the soul feels, which, knowing that God is in it, loves its Lord and rejoices in feeling Him in itself and in loving its fellow men. So great is its faith in the Father's righteousness that it does not expect its neighbors to love it, to forgive insults and transgressions, but believes that tomorrow it will be filled with light because it has achieved its purification through its merits.
15. He that hath faith hath peace, and hath love, and hath goodness in himself.
16. He is rich in Spirit and even in material things; but in true riches, not in the one you mean.
17. Men flee fearfully from misery, and in their terror they fall again and again into abysses and miseries. They do not think of the right means to save themselves from these claws. But he who flees from the misery of the world is an egoist who throws down, oppresses, tears to pieces, and plunges into ruin all who cross his path. He thinks only of himself, has as his only ideal and goal his security and preservation. The others are not his brothers, they are all strangers to him. He has no faith, does not know this light, does not trust in the truth, because he did not want to know it.
18. But what have you done with those men, mankind, whom I have sent to you so that they may remind you of my way, the way of faith, which is that of wisdom, love, and peace?
19. You did not want to know anything about their tasks, and you fought them with the hypocritical faith which you have because of your theories and denominations.
20. Your eyes would not behold that light which every one of my messengers brought to you as a message of love, whether you call them prophets, seers, enlightened men, doctors, philosophers, scientists, or pastors.
21. Those men have spread light, but you did not want to recognize their light, they preceded you, but you did not want to follow their steps; they left you as an example the way of sacrifice, pain, mercy, but you were afraid to follow their example without realizing that the pain of those who follow me is joy of the Spirit, a way full of flowers and a horizon full of promises.
22. But they did not come to smell the fragrance of the flowers of the earth nor to be intoxicated by the fleeting pleasures of the world; for the desire of their soul was no longer for the unclean but for the high.
23. They suffered, but they sought not to be comforted, knowing that they had come to comfort themselves. They expected nothing from the world, because after the struggle they expected the joy of seeing the resurrection of souls to faith and life - of all those who had fallen away from the truth.
24. Who are these beings of whom I speak to you? I tell you, they are all those who brought you messages of light, love, hope, health, faith, salvation, whatever name they had or by whatever way you saw them appear or whatever title they had on earth.
25. As they also you can be, taking as your example the great examples which I continually give you through my messengers. But do not take men's lack of understanding of your works as an excuse. Do not say that those who brought you a message of love only sowed and never reaped. No, people, the harvest of the soul does not come quickly, if you consider that "the flesh" is barren land which must be made fertile by love continually until it bears fruit.
26. What shall I tell you about your scholars of today, about those who challenge nature and its forces and elements, and thus make the good appear as something evil? They will experience great suffering because they have broken and eaten an unripe fruit from the tree of science - a fruit that they could have let ripen only with love.
27. Only my love can save you! Behold, not even a remnant of love has remained in men. Pray, but with true faith in the power of prayer, with such great faith that it will overcome the violence of the weapons with which your fellow men fight in life and destroy the peace of their neighbor.
28. You who have removed from before your eyes those figures and images which you used to use to pray can practice true prayer, because you no longer limit God to an old man, nor allow your imagination to give human form to that which has no form, because it is divine.
29. When your body remains in the earth and your soul rises to the heavenly homes, when you pass through what you call death and rise to infinity, you will realize how many false imaginings your mind has created, and then you will feel the lie leaving your soul as if it were a bandage falling from your eyes and making it see the light of truth
30. How many hope to reach the highest heaven to meet Mary, whom they always imagine in the human form as the woman she was in the world, the mother of Christ incarnate, and whom they imagine as a queen on a throne, beautiful and powerful. But I tell you that you should no longer give form to the divine in your mind. Mary, your spiritual Mother, exists; but she has neither the form of a woman nor any other form. She is the holy and loving tenderness, whose mercy spreads to infinity. She rules in souls, but her rule is that of humility, mercy, and purity. But she has no throne, as men imagine. She is beautiful, but of a beauty that you cannot even imagine with the most beautiful face. Her beauty is heavenly, and you will never be able to comprehend the heavenly.
31. I tell you: If you want to approach a little to the truth and immerse yourselves in its contemplation, keep on removing from your eyes and mind all the forms you had created in your attempt to give form to the Divine.
32. When you gradually understand that the Divine Master still has much to teach and set right, you will allow my Truth to penetrate your mind, and then you will see a new horizon appearing before your soul, offering you fields, valleys, paths, and mountains to walk on
to get to know new things and to develop your soul.
33. My light is in every Spirit. You are now in the time in which my Spirit will pour out on men. That is why I tell you that you will all soon feel my presence - the learned as well as the ignorant, the great as well as the small, the powerful as well as the poor.
34. Both the one and the other will tremble at the truth of the living and true God.
35. Here you have a new lesson, disciples, that you may reflect deeply on it. Understand that I have not come only to let you hear words that delight your ears or caress your heart. Understand that the Master's intention is to remove you from darkness to show you the light of truth.
36. I am the eternal light, eternal peace and eternal bliss, and since you are my children, it is my will and duty to make you partakers of my glory, and for this I teach you the Law as the way that leads the soul to the heights of that Kingdom
37. The opportunities to fulfill the law and to earn merit are there every day, every hour. Let them not pass by, let them not pass away, for afterward you cannot bring them back. Prepare for a good day, and I tell you that when night comes, your sleep will be calm and gentle. Live a virtuous life, and your soul development will last forever.
38. Beloved disciples, on two occasions I have been with men: one in human form, and another in spiritual form. It is now time for you to understand my teachings.
39. Why do you usually come crying and complaining? When I was in the world, I did not live among comforts and pleasures, nor did I have a scepter of earthly power. I suffered, fought, and did not even rebel against my pain. I came to take up my cross and to fulfill the mission that I voluntarily imposed on myself.
40. I had to teach you how the soul, which does the will of the Father once it has accomplished its work, rises up in desire for the Infinite and leaves behind all that is matter to strive toward the heavenly region.
41. In your misery or in your privations you often wonder why your Father does not give you everything you desire, since you desire only gifts of grace for your own good in your imagination. But I tell you: If I would give you everything you desire and grant you every bliss that you long for on earth, you would regret it later because you would convince yourselves of your stagnation. Yes, disciples, if you possessed all this, you would waste it, you would not preserve it, because it has cost you no effort or labor to preserve it. If, on the other hand, what you ask for today, without earning it, you receive on the basis of merit, you will see with what love you will preserve it.
42. When will my word be understood? When will you allow it to blossom in your heart and bear fruit in your soul? Think of Me as I think of you. Who feels alone in the world? Who says that he is an orphan? When you prepare yourselves, you will no longer say that you are alone, for everywhere you will feel my assistance. Seek the light of my way, and you will have nothing to fear. Do not bind yourselves to the light of science or human knowledge, for the light of the mind is too weak to lead a soul into the presence of God.
43. Verily, I tell you, what can lift you up is love, because wisdom, feeling, and exaltation dwell within you. Love is a summary of all the qualities of divinity, and God has kindled this flame in every spiritual creature.
44. How many lessons I have given you to learn to love! How many opportunities, lives and reincarnations has Divine Mercy given you! The lesson was repeated as often as it was necessary until it was learned. Once fulfilled, there is no need to repeat it, for it cannot be forgotten.
45. If you would learn my lessons quickly, you would no longer need to suffer nor weep over mistakes. A being who on earth makes use of the lessons he has received on it may return to the world, but it will always happen with greater maturity and in better living conditions. Between one life and the next there will always be a rest period, which is necessary to reflect and rest before starting the new day's work.
46. Someone says to Me in his heart: "Father, is this day's work or this pause for rest to send us out again to seek new hardships in the world? How long does this go on?"
47. Ah, little one, I forgive your ignorance and tell you that I have not planned anything unjust or imperfect in the journey of life you have to make The Spirit-soul is untiring. Only when it lives in matter does it feel the effect of the tiredness that the body transmits to it. But when it returns to spiritual freedom and to the spiritual light, it puts aside its tiredness and becomes again untiring.
48. Be strong against the temptations of the world and the flesh. Remember my example when you are going through a trial.
49. You ask Me, how was it possible that Jesus touched the temptations of the world? To this I answer you that it was not base temptations that touched the heart of your Master.
50. The body I had in the world, human and sensitive, was the instrument of my Spirit to give my lessons to mankind. He knew the trial that awaited him because my Spirit revealed it to him, and that body suffered because of the pain that awaited him.
I wanted that body to give you those characteristics of real humanity so that you would be convinced that my pain was real and my sacrificial death as a human was true.
52. If it had not been so, my sacrificial death would have had no value with men. Therefore, Jesus invoked the power of my Spirit three times, who inspired Him to pass the severe test. The first time was in the desert, the second time in the Garden of Gethsemane, the third time on the cross.
53. It was necessary that I became man and sacrificed my flesh and blood to you so that the pain that mankind would inflict on him would make an impression on them. But if I had come in "Spirit," what sacrificial death would I have suffered through you? What could I have renounced, and what pain could you have let me feel?
54. The divine Spirit is immortal; the pain does not reach Him. But the "flesh" is sensitive to pain; it is limited in its abilities, is mortal by nature. Therefore I chose this means to reveal myself to the world and offer it my real sacrificial death, for showing it the way to its salvation.
55. Take Me as an example in that passion as long as you are sinners and remember that blood so that, repenting of your transgressions, you may purify yourselves in that example of infinite love I gave you
56. As long as you are men, remember Me on that cross, how I forgave my executioners, blessed them and healed them, so that during all your difficult life journey you may likewise bless those who do you wrong and do all possible good to those who have done evil to you He who acts in this way is my disciple, and indeed, I tell him that his pain will always be short, because I will make him feel my strength in the moments of his trial.
57. There are very few who wish to teach their fellow men by the Master's examples. So it is also among this people who, in the majority of communities, teach with words that are without power, because they are not confirmed by works and examples.
58. Now you have the opportunity to hear the explanation of my teaching, which your heart is working on little by little until it is prepared to carry out the mission I have entrusted to your Spirit.
59. Fear not to follow my steps, I will not ask anyone to go through the same sufferings as I have suffered in the world, nor to make my sacrifice in the same way I must also tell you that only that body could empty a cup of suffering as my Spirit offered it to it, another man would not have endured it. For my body drew life force from virtue and strengthened itself in the purity of that one who offered her womb to receive it: Mary.
60. Gather, people, and make use of this blessed silence, into which you enter when you hear my teachings. Verily, I tell you, in these moments of gathering and spiritualization, my seed germinates in the most hidden part of your heart.
61. Bless you who use the last times of my rallies in this form, knowing that you will not receive this grace again.
62. The time of my rallies has been a time of pardons. I have showered the disinherited with gifts, I have raised up those defeated in the struggle of life, and I have given a new opportunity to sinners and pariahs.
63. These were happy times, which will be remembered with longing when they are over. For although my word was heard by the voice bearer, the hearts felt my presence and the souls were filled with my divine essence.
64. You multitudes, always keep the spiritualization that you show in this blessed hour. Let it always be present in your meetings, in the moments of your prayer, and in each of your works.
65. Drink of this wine, eat of this bread until you are full. For my rallies will pass by as you are in the final stage of this preparation.
66. The disciple who really prepares himself will always have the testimony on his lips, and it will be impossible for him to hide the truth which he inherited from his master. The light will be in him, and his whole being will be a living testimony of the word and the works which I revealed to you.
67. Whoever should hide in his heart my word and the gifts I entrusted to him will not experience the happiness he has lost with it For to sow in my fields, to fight and to suffer oneself is pleasure and happiness for the soul.
68. The fight need not always be easy. There will be days or moments of bitter trials. But also in them the soul is to react to the Father's will with humility and with love, because it is precisely in this meekness that I will reveal my peace in the good disciples, in the faithful witnesses.
69. Do you think that for my apostles of the Second Age the way was easier and the struggle easier? No, people, like their Master, they also had their way of passion and their Golgotha. But in all their sufferings they raised their souls in peace, knowing that everything they suffered was out of love for their fellow men, those who yearn for truth.
70. If you would ask those followers of my teaching whether they became weak or felt fear of their persecutors and executioners, they would tell you that their faith did not for a moment flag, that their trust in divine power was absolute, and that because of this faith they were indifferent to loss, mockery, trials, and even death.
71. This is the trace that lies before you, the living testimony that it is not impossible for man to follow the steps of Jesus and to become like Him in power, in love, in strength, in mercy.
72. I do not mean to tell you that to be my disciple you must necessarily suffer persecution and agony like that of those martyrs. I make you understand that, in order to love your neighbor, you must put aside the love you feel for yourself, that at certain moments you must forget your own in order to think of others. For only from true love will come forth the immortal deeds worthy of remaining as examples for others, just as those of those disciples, the messengers of the divine Word, who in their zeal to spread the Good News, in their desire to bring the light of their Master to the hearts, gave everything.
73. It was the example they had received at close quarters, and they tried with all their strength to be like this Which of you goes by the way of renunciation, gentleness and mercy? The way is open, the path awaits you, to the side of the path are the fields thirsting for water and hungry for seed.
My peace be with you!
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