BTL - Volume 11 - Teaching 337
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XI - Teaching 310 - 338
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Book of True Life - Volume 11
Teaching 337
1. Welcome to the meek and humble of heart, who have not taken offence at the modesty of these places where I rallies, because they have only thought to give their soul the pleasure of hearing my word.
2. Verily I tell you, for the brief moments of preparation of these hearts, I send my light and peace to this troubled sea where mankind is perishing in the midst of its passions and its wars
3. How should not my Spirit too feel bliss when I see these crowds of people seeking Me in the meaning of the message they hear through the voice bearer? They no longer demand formalities or rites; they want only to feed on the bread of the Spirit.
4. Eat and sate yourselves, souls, brains and hearts, so that you may feel strengthened and nourished for eternity when you no longer hear this voice.
5. The voice of your Master, humanized by the voice-bearers, will end. But the book of my revelations and teachings will forever remain open before your soul like a beacon of inextinguishable brightness.
6. This word, which has flooded your souls with peace, which has brought endless delights to the heart and mind of this people, which has raised the "dead" to faith, and has illuminated the path of all those who have heard it, ─, even if you no longer hear it from the lips of my chosen ones, will be indelible and unforgettable for you.
7. Blessed are those who know how to keep this bread and this wine in the purest and purest of their being, for they will always have something to give comfort in their ways, to sow mercy and to light up light.
8. Blessed are those who have believed today, for tomorrow they will give faith to what they have heard and seen. You will remain on earth to work for the spiritual awakening and peace of your fellow men, and I will keep you safe until I have brought you to the Promised Land.
9. Since your memory is too weak to keep the fullness of teachings I have revealed to you, I will leave you a material book inspired by Me, containing all the essentials I have been teaching this people during this time Thus your day's work will be easier because my teachings will always encourage you ─ because you will not be in danger of forgetting in time what you once heard. You would fall into error, falsification, or secrecy.
10. My word will continue to be a beacon and a star for this people, and the spiritual triumph will be of those who are faithful and persevering to the end ─ of those who do not shrink from the hunger and thirst of the desert ─ of those who step by step ascend their own Calvary, always looking into the infinite, which is light, eternity and the promise of true bliss.
11. The more you lift up the soul, the less the cross will press you. And when I once no longer speak to you in this form, I will approach you in Spirit and say to you: Open your book and study so that you may soon be the courageous disciples that this work needs to make itself known on earth. You will open your book, and this will answer you, it will free you from doubts and reveal to you what you just tried to explain to yourselves.
12. Although I tell you that the day will come when you will no longer need a material book to remind you of my word at every turn, because it will then flow from your lips as an inexhaustible stream of inspiration But for this day to come, and for you to attain this degree of exaltation and wisdom, you will first have to study and practice much in the written teaching until you attain the maturity and basic knowledge that will allow you to receive the divine inspiration from Spirit to Spirit.
13. It will be pleasing to the Master when He sees peace in your hearts. You, my disciples, shall always be refreshed by my word, and when you rise spiritually, you will feel my manifestation in your souls and receive my inspiration.
14. You are my chosen people and you shall be humble and generous. Walk in the way of light, that you may not stumble and fail. For it is I who go before you. He who sleeps at times will see when he awakens that his brothers and sisters have progressed on the way of light while he has been impassive. But I also give my word day by day to the servant who did not work, who let himself be duped by darkness and allowed weeds to sprout in his heart.
15. Remove yourselves, O beloved disciples, from your former ways, for in them only pain has come upon you. This is why I met you naked and hungry, without peace and without comfort for the world, without knowledge of your destiny, and without you feeling my Father-warmth. But now I have given you a new opportunity and given you the time in which you refresh yourselves in my word, so that you may find in it the redemption of your soul ─ of that soul, which has always been a slave to the passions of the body.
16. You are in the time in which the world nourishes its highest degree of corruption, in which the striving for power flourishes and the nefariousness of those who do not hear the voice of reason and conscience prevails. But you, who are on this way of light, receive my word so that you may understand your destiny, so that you may develop yourselves upwards and prepare yourselves through the love that I have always taught you.
17. You love me very much and have understood how to use the time. You have spiritualized yourselves, have conquered your body and have inspired yourselves to work for the progress of your fellow men.
But there are also many who have not understood me, do not listen to reason and do not want to feel my peace fully, nor want to have spiritual greatness in their being.
18. I encourage you with my love so that you may not feel weak, so that you, receiving my power, may be strengthened in your resolve to fulfill my commissions, and you may face the problems and misfortunes which men themselves cause you.
19. Do not be afraid of men, watch and pray so that darkness does not surprise you, nor deprive you of the grace with which I have prepared you You are to be my messengers in the different regions of the earth. The recognition of my work has been for you your spiritual awakening. You are no longer idolaters nor fanatics. You already know what your destiny and spiritual mission is. But whoever wants to walk in this way, love his fellow man and have conscience as the guide of his actions. Then all will be light, and there will be no darkness in his heart. He will have joy and contentment in him, and this will cause his soul to rise even more to me.
20. Everyone who is on this path will always be protected by my spiritual world of light, will be supported by it in the fulfillment of his mission.
21. Be content with the great benefits the Father has bestowed upon you in regard to all that pertains to human life on earth. Do not ask for that which might be destructive to your soul and body. I have more to give you than you could ask of Me. But it is I who know what you really lack on the path of life. I have said to you: When you know how to fulfill my law, you will see me in all my glory.
22. The light beings now remove the darkness from among you. They will be your protectors who will strive to make you pure and give up every tendency to materialize, so that you may see the spiritual beauty and receive its messages of peace for mankind. Elijah likewise purifies and prepares my elect so that I may make myself known through their rallies.
23. Use the short time that remains for you to hear my word through the voice bearer, so that you may remain enlightened and know how to receive inspiration. For through your Spirit I will continue to speak to the great multitudes of men. Also my spiritual world will always be with you. Be obedient and proceed with courage and firm resolution, without measuring distances. You are to begin your work gradually, and then you will experience how the world gradually loses the fear of punishment and every human tendency. And so it will accept more and more of your testimony.
24. You already know your mission and how you should prepare yourselves. All you need is to communicate with my divinity from Spirit to Spirit, ─ no longer through the mind of a voice bearer.
25. Then those who have not recognized me will no longer be confused. They will feel trust and faith and will experience that the Spirit is able to receive and understand my spiritual rallies.
26. The meeting places which have given you shelter will continue to be meeting places for you. But I tell you that the true church, which will always be open in eternity, is the church of the HolySpirit. All generations will come to it, and in it they will receive life and light, peace and happiness from Me.
27. After 1950 you will begin to work to bring the Good News to mankind as I have taught you. Therefore I am teaching you so that you may accumulate the true light which you will bring to the world. You as the chosen people should respect the ideas of your fellow men in the different sects and religious communities and unite them in one will through your efforts. The time will come when my work will blossom in different nations ─ in those fields that have been barren, so that all may recognize the true essence of my Word, which I have been pouring out like crystal clear water in this time.
28. Tomorrow you will be one people, with one ideal, like a single spring, to which all come to drink its crystal clear water. Be vigilant so that humanity may enjoy one and the same fruit ─ that fruit that gives essence and sweetness to the heart and soul.
29. My teaching will prepare you in such a way that everyone who takes its meaning in himself will learn to connect with his neighbor with a special treatment for everyone ─ for children, young people or adults, men or women.
30. When I speak to you of a special treatment for your fellow men, I want you to understand that I am speaking of spiritual treatment. For it is necessary that every time you get in touch with your neighbor, you are very conscious that when you go to them, you get in touch with their soul.
31 Then you will be able to discover in the child a soul that begins a struggle, that begins a life through a pure heart and a virgin mind. When your heart makes these reflections, it will feel tenderness and love for those souls.
32. When you are in front of a young person, you can see in his energy, in his great expectations and in his ambitious goals the presence of a soul at the height of his struggle on earth ─ in that period of life in which the soul constantly fights against the passions of the flesh and the dangers that follow you at every turn.
33. Have understanding for the youth, help and take care of them, so that they may advance on the difficult path of life.
34. Have respect and love for mature people and the old. In them you can discover a soul that has already passed the summit of the mountain of life. That which the earth had to give them ─ be it little or much ─, they have already received. They already expect nothing more from it. They put all their hope in the future that awaits their soul. But of all people, they are the ones who have most to give, because they have already reaped the harvest of all that they have sown during their existence. With them it is not their soul that needs your care ─ it is their tired flesh, exhausted by the struggle for life. Be attentive, tender and respectful to them because they need and deserve it. After so many bitternesses and tiring struggles, a drop of honey is very welcome to these hearts.
35. I want you, beloved people, to look at men in this way: spiritually, that you may give each of your fellow men the value he has and give him the place he deserves. If you forget your essence and continue to treat yourselves only as physical beings, you will deny yourselves the true value that is present in every human being, which is the soul.
36. Now that I let my voice be heard through my word transmitters, I welcome the crowd of listeners who are here to hear me. I welcome the devout as well as the unbelieving man, the man of good faith as the investigator, the one who has purified himself in spiritualization as the one who bears the heavy burden of his materialism.
37. I bless you, beloved people, because you have shown Me until this day the faith and desire to draw nearer to the perfection of your soul. The mission of Israel is to pray and teach for the world. You have grown and multiplied, and from disciples you gradually become disciples, to later seek out those who must receive in a short time the inheritance of My Word.
38. The manner in which I have revealed Myself in this time is different from that of the Second Time, but my intention is the same: To save humanity, to remove it from that hurricane which it encountered on its path and which it was unable to escape.
Temptation has been unleashed in all its power, and man has fallen like a little child and experienced great suffering. He empties his cup of suffering and calls for me in his deep confusion, and the Father has been with him. The yeasts are still left in the cup, but I will help you to bear those pains which are the consequence of your disobedience. Bless you who hear me, for you will be strong! But what will happen to the others when that great suffering hits them? Will her soul collapse for lack of faith? The prayer of Israel must give them support.
39. I will see you clean, repentant, and filled with my love. As long as you have sought your salvation in the world, you have been weak. When you lifted up your eyes to Me and asked Me, you received strength. Since you know where the consolation is ─, why then have you not always sought Me? Why did you not seek love to eliminate hatred and thus end the wars?
I continue to speak to the world, but only Israel hears me and takes responsibility for my words. On it I leave the burdens, but also the spiritual pardons.
40. In you I have put my truth and my essence so that you make my word known. I do not want to see in you fanaticism, ignorance or hypocrisy. I want to see my people free within the framework of my laws, like a strong and sincere family that knows how to love the needy and reach out its hand, that understands the blows of fate that mankind is going through at this time and for which it is asking. I prepare you so that you will never say, "My Father, we lack light, knowledge and strength to fight against the false and the darkness.
41. I have asked you for a little faith to do miracles through your mediation. I have granted you proofs of power which I have given you. You have healed the sick man because you have cloaked him in your love. One word from you has converted a sinner. You moved his heart and the light that pervaded him made him reflect, and in recognizing his transgressions he repented and you saved him.
Comfort and give peace, I have told you, and on your way through the homes you have brought peace, and from it not only the beings inhabiting this world have benefited, but also those spiritual beings, your brothers and sisters, thank Me for the light which the people of Israel spread in the universe.
42. You will obtain even greater gifts of grace if you love one another in Spirit and in truth, and if you have united yourselves in the fulfillment of my laws of peace and good will. Once you are prepared in this way, righteous spiritual laws will proceed from you. There will appear among you leaders who will change the course of the nations. But when I give this commission to one of you, accept it with humility, feeling the great responsibility I am giving you, and remember Moses when he safely led the chosen people, his sayings, his principles full of wisdom and justice, and take him as an example.
43. I have planned for you great assignments in the future, according to your preparation. The influence of you will be decisive for the course of this world. You will preach equality, you will respect the mission I have given to my children because they have all the virtues and sacred rights I have granted you without exception.
44. In order to achieve victory, you must unite, have mercy for humanity Forgive them as I have forgiven them. You will see their countless faults, their moral and mental diseases, their degeneration. But you are only to pass on light. Your mission is to give, to explain my teaching and to set a good example. You are to leave the rest to me. You are to bring before me the great matters that you encounter with your fellow men, and I will decide them according to my will. After 1950 do not form theories, nor sciences within my teaching, do not create dogmas or rites, remain only in faith. Bear the mark in your soul and exercise the virtues that I have taught you. Gather strength for battle, because humanity awaits you. Some of you will go beyond the borders of your nation, others to nearby provinces. Others of you will return to where they saw the first light in this world. I will scatter you, but pray and prepare yourselves so that you may know my will and know how to do it.
45. Go forth in my name. Prepare yourselves before you speak. When you prepare to work, study your difficult mission. I will be your guide. When the testimony of my coming in the Third Age is required of you, speak of what you have seen and heard. At that time you will have studied and researched my word, and what you have not been able to understand up to that time, you will then understand.
46. I send you to build in the heart of your fellow men. Your work must have hand and foot so that it is worthy of Me.
47. You will be judged and investigated. But when they see in you the ideal to serve, they will bow down before you and love you. Men will be surprised at your transformation and spiritualization and will take you as an example. Of the teaching you give, I will be a witness in the High Hereafter.
48. I will send great souls to earth to continue the work, and you will have great spiritual missions according to your merits. Humanity has sinned much, and the bad seed has taken deep roots in its heart. Therefore the work of cleansing will be long and lasting. The souls who have to show the right way have already been sent out ─ It is you who form the people of Israel, whom I have put on a spiritual level from which you can lift up mankind.
49. Do not feel superior to others. My word and my gifts are for all, so that you may understand Me in the same way.
50. The Third Age began in 1866, and you do not know how many years or centuries this age will last. Since the Second Time ended only after about 2000 years, you do not know until when the present epoch may last. Trust only, beloved people, that the Father will make himself known to you and will be very close to you, and that you will be more transformed daily. If you wish to pause in the struggle, I will spur you on to advance. It is a tough, ongoing struggle that has begun, and it will continue. It is my work of restoration.
51. I have given you life, sent you to this world to accomplish a difficult mission. Fulfill my missions, love Me more than anything created and serve your fellow men so that you may live on a higher level and be closer to Me daily.
52. All of you will live with Me when you have purified yourselves and fulfilled your mission. Live spiritually on earth and obey the spiritual and earthly laws so that you may experience the fulfillment of all my promises.
53. Leave this inheritance to your children: my word. I have given you the power to create, to form a family. I have granted you a home and told you: Fill it with love, with warmth and good examples. If you want to see righteousness in your children, fulfill my laws. They expect this from you; but if they should not understand your advice and examples in the present time, the time will come, you family men, when they will give you reason, honor you and bless you.
54. Learn from Me today, for I turn to all without any exception, you are all My children, and you all have the same rights to be loved, blessed, forgiven and redeemed by Me
55. Here is my word, from which sparks of light emanate, which
expels darkness from every mind closed to the truth.
56. See how the power of this Word opens the doors of your hearts, so that love and humility, spiritualization and faith may enter into them, and at the same time cause the pride, ignorance and sin that have long dwelt therein to disappear forever.
57. Verily, I say to you: everyone who has heard me ─ whether he believes in my word or not ─ now carries in his soul a spark of light, and in his heart a door has opened for conscience, which will never again be closed.
58. My word will have to fight against the spiritual ignorance that prevails in mankind. While those who know of my return believe that my presence will happen by my Spirit coming into the flesh as in the Second Time, those who know nothing of my return and my promises wonder about my presence in the spirit and through the human mind and constantly wonder why I am among men again, although they knew nothing about it.
59. The reason is that mankind has been content with its rites, traditions and outward cults, forgetting to study the law, prophecies and teachings I left to men in the past times
60. how could you not have been surprised to hear Me now that you were not awake as I instructed you? how could you not have been surprised at the presence of my Word since you have never been interested in knowing my prophecies and the signs that announced my return?
61. for these people without interest in knowing the truth, it is as if I had not done nor said anything in the Second Time It is as if I had not come nor existed. Therefore, it has been necessary for my Word to speak of past events in this time, so that you may relate the present events to the prophecies, promises and teachings of the First and Second Times.
62. If you had all dealt with the Word I brought you at that time, you would all have expected Me, you would all have understood that my return would have to be in the Spirit, and no one would have been surprised at my rallies But you came here with darkness in mind, with the bandage of ignorance that prevented you from seeing the light of truth ─ with a heart full of fanaticism and folly. How would it have been possible that you all, as soon as you heard Me, said, "He is the Master? It has been necessary that you would hear Me again and again, and again, so that your mind would catch a new spark of light with every lesson, which would bring you closer to understanding.
63. Thus, without the necessity of consulting anyone, nor resorting to books, you have learned, page after page, the truth of the revelations of past times, through which you have understood the reason for my spiritual rallies in this time
64. Your heart has become more and more quiet, and your Spirit has strengthened his faith more and more when he saw the firm foundations upon which this teaching is built, which I have called spiritualism, and which is the teaching that speaks to you of eternal revelations
sixty-fifth disciples, understand then that when I spoke to you in the Spirit through the human voice bearer, this was done so that when I no longer speak to you by this means, you may continue to seek me in the Spirit and attain true dialogue with my divinity.
My peace be
with you!
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