BTL - Volume 9 - Teaching 266
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume IX - Teaching 242 - 276
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Book of True Life - Volume 9
Teaching 266:
1. I am the master. Come hither to rejoice in the teaching word of eternal teaching. Even when I am not making myself known through these rallies, my teaching word is present.
2. I give you my word only for short moments, because you are so immature that you would not bear to hear the eternal teaching, which resounds unceasingly in infinity and speaks to all beings, to all souls in their various life worlds.
3. I speak to you only the truth. Why do many doubt what I reveal to you? You are likewise a truth. How is it that although you believe in your truth and in your existence, you do not believe in mine? Do you not know that the truth is one?
4. Here I give you a short, little teaching address so that you can grasp it, understand it. But even in this form you keep it only for a short time, to forget it afterwards.
5. There in the spiritual kingdom, where the light of truth is always enflamed, my teaching word is everlasting, and those who hear it never tire of hearing it, because for them my teaching is their life, as it is for you the air you breathe. Woe to those who live here in the world without my teaching word in their souls, just because they are not prepared to hear it! How many are there among these who, for lack of support, fall victim to extinct hope - without any conception of God in their hearts, lost, blind, deaf. But I ask you: Where do those go who have erased from their being the divine commandments, which are the way and the light of the soul?
6. Poor creatures who are shipwrecked because their ship is disoriented and they are unable to discover the light of the lighthouse.
7. I seek you and give you my light so that you may enter the path and from it understand what is the teaching which the Master gives you unceasingly through life.
8. What is the use of man to be physically strong, if he is not spiritually strong?
9. I bring you closer to the reality, the truth, from which you had turned away. For when you rejected the higher life, which is that of the Spirit, you gave yourselves to the lower life, which is that of the material world.
10. Return to the path of true life, and you will again be nearer to your true nature. The way I speak to you of is the one you will find when you balance the spiritual with the physical, when you know the truth you carry within yourselves. For then your higher part of being, which is the Spirit, will say, "I am he who brings the light, who knows the way, who possesses the law. Therefore it will be I who determine and rule the actions of my body." If you once speak like this, it is because the light has shone in your being, and its reflection has reached the human heart.
11. Alas, if only your body could receive what your spirit soul receives by virtue of its prophetic faculty! For the spirit soul never ceases to see, even if the body, because of its materialization, perceives nothing of it. When will you be able to interpret your spirit soul?
12. Hear my word, embrace my teaching, which teaches you to fight and conquer adversity, not to run away from trials, not to despair in the face of sacrifice.
13.I say to my disciples continually Fear not, understand that I have given you the power of the Spirit to triumph in all trials. The power of the Spirit is higher than that of the body. But if the thick fog of your human problems does not let you see anything, drive out and drive away this fog by the light of faith. Then you will see beyond this haze a horizon that unites with infinity and invites you to go on and be filled with peace.
14. He who learns to overcome his own problems will then face those of his fellow men to assist them in their struggle.
15. Know that this life is a battle, but that you are destined to win. For my light, which is in each of you, will never be able to be defeated by the dark forces of evil.
16. You must be victorious, for only in your victory will you receive the revelation of the mysteries that will be revealed to you in this life and in the spiritual.
17. Fighting people through the ages: The time will come when you will no longer fight in this way. The "mists", tribulations, problems and trials will come to an end - both your own and those of others.
18. Be unconcerned when I tell you that you must stand by your neighbor on his painful path of life. The strong souls can bear their cross and the foreign one and are happy to help the small and weak souls. They always look for wounds to heal them.
19. Blessed is the word of him who, when he speaks to the suffering, heals, closes and makes forgotten the wounds. This one knows the task of the balm which I have put into his heart.
20. Strong is he who, when he sees himself surrounded by difficulties or dangers, invokes the power of his Spirit, overcoming the fear of the bodily soul, fights, conquers, and triumphs, because faith made him know what the Spirit is able to do.
21. I wanted to tell you with this that where the fight calls you, you should prepare yourselves with absolute confidence that wisdom, justice and faith will always overcome the needs and unclean passions that stand in their way.
22. Know ye not the time which your gifts have taken to develop? I tell you that they are in you from the moment the Spirit came to life. How great will be the bliss of the Spirit when he can tell the body and the world I have defeated you!
23. Disciples, I have given you all the teachings that the soul needs in its development.
24. Blessed are those who know the truth, for they will quickly find "the way. Others always reject the divine teachings because their works seem superior to mine.
25. I love you all. I am the shepherd who calls his sheep, who unites them and counts them and wants to have more every day - who feeds them and caresses them, cares for them and rejoices when he sees that there are many, although he sometimes cries when he sees that not all are obedient.
26. These are your hearts: many of you come to Me, but few are those who truly follow Me.
27. Behold the voice bearers, by whose lips I give you my word: They have taken upon themselves the cross of their mission. They know that many doubt their gift, and yet they continue their way meekly. They remember that people in the Second Age also doubted Me when they said that I am not the Messiah, that I am not Christ. They remember that I was brought to the cross by those who would not accept the truth. That is why they took the cross of their mission with surrender.
28. People, I have been with you, my mantle of love has spread beyond the place of assembly where you are hearing Me now. You all without exception have been full of my Spirit and my love.
29. My word is a silent place of peace. Go to it when you feel tired, sad, weary, or sick. In it you will find encouragement, health and faith to live and fight.
30. I want you to be fervent, humble, and obedient to my will, and never be like those who test my power or distrust my righteousness. For you know that he who does this subjects himself to a test.
31. Whether you believe or do not want to believe that I make myself known in this form: Listen with respect and gentleness until you are fully convinced that what exists at the core of this rallies is truth or lie.
32. If you knew how many tears of repentance have been shed by those who have denied the truth of this rallies, by those who have blasphemed against those who believe in the word you hear, and by those who have mocked my voices. Today they do not know with what words they could erase those insulting and disrespectful phrases that came from their lips, nor do they know with what works they could reconcile their Master.
33. I want you to learn not to be careless in your judgments, nor to let yourselves be hastily determined by the first impression. I give you this advice so that when you interpret my word, and even if you have to judge teachings, religions, philosophies, cults, spiritual revelations, or sciences, you may recognize that what you know is not all that exists, and that the truth you know is only a minimal part of the absolute truth, which is revealed here in one way, but which can be revealed in many other ways unknown to you.
34. I will explain to you why I have spoken to you in this way on this day. The reason is that there is among this multitude of men a heart that insistently asks me why, although I speak so much to this people, and this word comes from "word," I have not attained the complete renewal, nor the spiritualization, of these multitudes of men.
To this I answered him with a detailed teaching and added that if I wanted this by my pure power, I would in an instant transform all these sinners into angels, but that this work would not, in my eyes, include any merit whatsoever, and that this word was done in a wise and exceedingly patient manner precisely to grind down the hearts of this people until faith, love and repentance would spring from them.
35. Men destroy the world by the use of violence. Do you believe that their violence is superior to my power? Yet it is my will that they themselves recognize their errors, correct them, and then rebuild all that they have destroyed and profaned, so that their merits may be true in my eyes.
36. You are still a small people. But I have not considered the small number of those who have gathered around my rallies to this day to be decisive. The proof of this is the multitude of teachings and revelations I have given you.
37. After 1950, when you will no longer receive My Word in this form, there will be an apparent emptiness in your hearts, there will be some morning devotions of silence, of sorrow. But after that you will again feel strong and confess that everything has been planned by me with wisdom, and that I let you climb great heights in my last teachings, which culminated in the last and most unforgettable one I have to give you.
38. Who could extinguish your lamp or cause the spiritual sacrifice you offer Me to wither if it is not visible to the human eye? Who will dare to extinguish the seal that you have imprinted on your soul from eternity? Faith has taken deep roots in your heart, and will continue to grow and illuminate everything around you.
39. Then, after your struggles, after the great trials I have subjected you to, a rest will come, and you will receive your reward I promised you no further comforter, for he whom I announced to you is among you. It is He who has spoken today through your mediation and has come down on every man to stand by you in your tribulations. He is my Spirit revealed in this time and the spiritual world, which consists of angels, who accompany you on your path of life, who protect you in your great battles, who heal you and comfort you. The whole legion of beings of great virtue has united with Me to comfort you in this hour of trial that you are going through, as it was announced. Consider yourselves very happy because you have been chosen from among the numerous men who populate the earth to enter into this revelation, into this work, and to possess its great gifts.
40. I will leave you prepared for your commission as my disciples, and soon you will see come true what I have announced to you during my teachings. There will be many events in the world that will speak of my presence in the Spirit, and men will feel how close I am to them. For when my rallies through man end, I will continue to expect their preparation, their true worship, to reign in the souls of all my children. There will be the temple, there the law and the spiritual gifts to be revealed, and I will receive your worship and your love.
41. Long ago I told you that I would give my word in different nations, that my ray would also manifest itself in other peoples through the human mind, and in truth it is my will that you know that I have spoken there in the bosom of small communities through men and women When they heard me, some regarded me as master, others only as a higher spirit being. But I have fulfilled my word.
42. When I spoke and said that I am the Master, some believed and others doubted. But when they perceived the meaning and wisdom revealed by my words spoken through simple and humble creatures, they wondered whether this rallies of my Spirit were possible.
43. I have also fixed there the hour in which that rallies shall come to an end, and when you shall come with your testimony to those points of the earth where my word was heard, you shall confirm to them the truth of these rallies. When those men and women who doubt today will hear your clear testimony, they will find that I have been with them.
44. How few communities have I encountered prepared! But I have been present, illuminating each soul and giving witness of Me, so that some may teach others and be their guides.
45. When you receive a visitor, a foreigner, who speaks to you of my rallies, of my words received also in his homeland, do not reject him. Rather, I command you to receive him, so that you may see together with joy that my word has been fulfilled, and that everyone who has watched and prayed in expectation of my return has received me in this time. I have called everyone to make you my disciples.
46. So I give you indications in advance so that you will not be surprised when someone tells you that even outside this nation my Divine Ray has become a word to feed the hungry. Know that my love embraces everything, and that my work of restoration is worldwide, so that you may understand that I have not limited myself to giving graces only to your nation, but that all form my family, whom I want to unite and lead to one single point: spiritualization.
47. Through the teaching I have given you in this time, I have united the revelations of the earlier ages into one Take the teaching from each of them, and you will come to the conclusion that in the prophecies and teachings of the Master with his revelations you have the summary of the whole law, and that they show you the way that leads to spiritualization.
48. Centuries and ages have passed, but only today do you comprehend the purpose of the law and of life.
49. If I have granted you many "miracles" in your way - as you call my works - it is because of this, to revive your faith, and if I have showered you with good deeds, it was done with the intention that you should understand that there is peace only on the way of good. The miracles have encouraged the people on their crossing of the new desert.
50. In the midst of this peace you have been prepared so that you may be strong when the time of battle comes. I have taught you to pray from Spirit to Spirit, so that you may use prayer as a weapon, as a shield, as a means of inspiration, as a bulwark and a comfort.
51. You have asked Me not only once but many times whether, when I taught my apostles the prayer of the Our Father, I gave them a prayer for all times and I tell you that when I spoke that prayer, I did so with the intention of teaching them a superior way of speaking to the Father, an invocation which would contain love, humility, faith, reverence, surrender, trust.
52. Evil have done those who were content to repeat my words mechanically, and also those who did not use that prayer as an example for their own prayers.
53. When I tell you today that you should rise spiritually, I do not blot out from your heart that prayer model, that perfect prayer. I only want you, instead of speaking to Me with your lips, to do it in your thoughts, and instead of limiting yourselves to repeating one after another the phrases that make up that prayer, to be inspired by them, so that the thoughts you form in your Spirit, like the Our Father, may express love, humility, faith, reverence, surrender and trust in the Father.
54. For now it is your task to think and study what I have just told you, and not to try to teach it to anyone until you can explain it properly Remember, if you were to understand that a spiritualist teaching has eliminated the prayer that Christ taught to the world, you would be judged as heretics, and this teaching would be regarded as contradicting the teaching of the Divine Master.
55. If, on the other hand, you wait until your thoughts are clarified and the words come fluidly from your lips, you will easily persuade even those who, without having fathomed my teachings, repeat my words from which they have made a habit, a routine, a useless practice, since they have never bothered to think about the beautiful and profound words that their lips utter without their minds understanding them.
56. Disciples: When praying from Spirit to Spirit, which is the purpose of my teachings, your whole being is focused on that act of speaking to the Creator - with a voice that comes from your whole being, using the Spirit as messenger and interpreter.
57. This is the way in which you can offer your Father a true tribute of worship, love, recognition, humility, awe.
58. It will not be science, nor the teachings of these times, that will lead you to peace and show you the way to spiritualization. It is indispensable that a light should come from heaven to enlighten your minds and reveal the true path.
59. Science, as man has conceived it, will never be able to make the human heart sensitive in such a way that it can feel and see the spiritual.
60. I must tell you that men could feel my presence through science if it were their intention to seek me at the bottom of it. But though they see Me in every miracle they discover, they deny Me as if they were blind.
61. Nature, which man eagerly explores, speaks of Me ceaselessly, revealing my power, my love and my justice. Man strives only to know and accumulate power without thinking that love must be the inspiration and origin of all his works, as it was with the works of the Creator.
62. Do you recognize how nature, its elements and its powers speak of Me? For it will strive to open the eyes of men to the truth. From her womb will spring countless lessons contained therein to this day. From her innermost being calls for justice will resound; in the spaces of the world there will be tremors, and the worlds that circle far away will likewise give her messages.
63. When all this happens, and the scientist with all his power feels too powerless and small to stop the destructive forces that bring judgment everywhere, he will, horrified by his work, retreat and finally exclaim: "Lord, it is You, it is Your presence, it is Your voice, it is Your justice that is now being revealed!
64. It is a day of judgment, of fear and repentance for many.
65. The pain will be so great that it will cause darkness in men, as if a black cloak of sorrow and tribulation were covering them. Then prayer will escape from the soul of men. This prayer will be the anguished supplication of the "Prodigal Son" who prostrates himself exhausted and sick at the gates of the Father's house.
66. Blessed is that moment when men will finally open the eyes of their Spirit to the light of truth. For their past will be forgiven, and a new sun will shine in their lives, transforming, renewing, ennobling them!
67. With what respect will man enter the paths of science when he has emptied the cup of suffering to the bottom! And how noble will be the intentions and ideals that inspire him when he explores the mysteries of nature!
68. After the darkness the light will appear again, and in that brightness men will look at life through a more spiritual and higher sense. The band of religious fanaticism will fall, and humanity will feel my presence. This teaching, having been rejected and persecuted, will be seen as a true divine revelation and will spread throughout the world, encouraging people to follow the path of light, faith, goodness and justice.
69. Why do you doubt such great bliss as I announce to you? Must everything that you encounter happen to make your existence infinitely worse or painful? no, people; just as I foretell you the days of mourning, pain, bitterness and misery, so I also foretell you the days when light will return to the minds, peace to the hearts, the power of love to the souls.
70. You are so accustomed to receive one evil after another and one misfortune after another that you no longer expect anything good, that you no longer believe in favorable changes because you have lost faith But if you cherish the living hope that humanity will return to the way of good, of brotherhood, contribute to this by fulfilling your mission, without waiting for others to set out to teach you how to do it yourselves.
71. I am your physician, beloved people, verily, I tell you, no one strives for your health as I do, and no one feels your pain as I feel it
72. Would you like to feel at this moment my healing balm as it flows through your body and soul? Then go into prayer, rise up to Me, purify your heart and mind, and you will feel the balm of the very best physician.
73. I have told you that after this life, when you have gone through the long way of the soul, when you have crossed the desert of trials and climbed your Calvary, you will be in the Bright Shining City, the true Eternal City of the Spirit, which has always awaited you There you will experience no more pain, for in that place dwell only the souls that have attained perfection. Do not forget that pain, sickness, hardships and misfortunes are inherent in the imperfect souls who suffer to atone or to learn.
74. Why do you not unite here as brothers and sisters, so that you may create, if not a shining city, then a shining spiritual home where you can receive your Father? I would go from heart to heart and encourage, heal and caress you. Then you would not say that it is my blood you drink, but my divine essence.
75. I love you, humanity, and therefore I will never stop "watching" for your children. When I was living among men at that time, I withdrew into the desert to pray, to think of those whom I loved so much and for whom I took upon myself the sacrificial death to save them. Today I tell you that also in the invisible - there where you cannot yet penetrate - I discover the solitude of the desert, from where I pray, intercede and think of you - you whom I will bring into my kingdom after I have saved you.
76. Men! Do not be ashamed to weep, for weeping is also a gift. Pray, all of you be like little children before Me, let the tears flow, let the pain disappear and let joy enter.
77. Women, mothers, virgins, little girls, I am with you and I give my caress to every heart
My peace be
with you!
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