BTL - Volume 12 - Teaching 343
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XII - Teaching 339 - 366
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Book of True Life - Volume 12
Teaching 343
1. I manifested myself to all who seek me as mercy and love. Men walk on different paths, but Elijah tirelessly clears the way and shows you in this time as a shining lighthouse the saving port.
2. You, people of Israel, shall carry my word into all the world, shall set out on the way without fear of the waves of the stormy sea, without heeding the discord that is stirred up by mankind. You shall defend yourselves with the weapons of love that I have entrusted to your Spirit, and with my law you shall remove the bond of darkness. In this way mankind will recognize me and will also become a part of my beloved people.
3. Do not boast to your fellow men, be humble and show them good examples.
4. At all times mankind has not appreciated my mercy, it has misjudged Him who created everything that exists in the universe. The Master has revealed to you the reason for all things, so that you may be in harmony with creation, by fulfilling my law ─ that law which does not cause you pain, but which will lead your soul to eternal peace.
People have created different laws and have shown their neighbor different ways. But on them they have experienced only pain and confusion, and the great multitudes have fallen into the abyss.
5. I will set a limit to the wickedness of the human race ─ to those who divide the nations. These will unite and stop mowing down innocent lives. See the widows, the children, who go their ways defenceless and orphaned. This lament comes to Me, O beloved people!
6. Men in their blindness blaspheme My divine name when pain overcomes them. Are my blessings, which I have given them out of my perfect mercy, the reason for their suffering? No, my children. The cause lies in their own sin.
7. All their pain is the fruit which they have obtained by their disobedience. But you are to lead the nations to love, to harmony, to the peace I am currently offering them.
8. I have announced to you that false Christs will appear among men, and also among you many will be beguiled and will give access to temptation and confuse mankind. But every soul will have to appear before my judgment seat, and then I will ask it what it has done with my assignment, with my teaching. I will also ask the souls what the love and mercy consists in, which they have brought to the world. My light will drive away darkness to save mankind from its sin, and to remove the dark bandage from their eyes. So my love will help you to reject temptation so that all may see the way of light which I have marked out for you.
9. The battle is drawing near, O beloved Israel! But in the confusion of worldviews that will appear among mankind, you are to be like a rainbow of peace, setting an example of spiritualization and love and breaking the chains that bind men to materialism. You should speak with humble words and show the Law in your Spirit. In this way the world will know you.
10. When you are prepared, you should set out, and with your example, to uphold the Trinitarian-Marian spiritualist standard, bringing faith, hope and mercy, crossing seas, airs, deserts and valleys to ease the pain of humanity and bring my peace to those who have drunk a cup of suffering.
11. I have given you the light, the teaching and my commissions in the Third Testament, which together with the First and the Second form a single doctrine of love and mercy, so that men may love one another, that they may no longer create a golden calf for themselves, nor feed fanaticism and idolatry, which is what has removed them from the true path.
12. I save souls, that they no longer nourish the superfluous and evil which temptation has made them believe. This is your fight, O Israel! My love will be revealed in all the ways of the earth, and no one will be able to snatch from you the mercy I have put into your soul. I am your Father who comes down to teach you to speak lovingly, who encourages you with his peace, who imprints his word with indelible letters in the most hidden part of your heart.
13. I come with gentleness so that you may take Me as your example. I speak through various voice-bearers in fulfillment of what the prophets have said, and you feel peace and comfort when you are with Me. I have returned in this third time with great spiritual treasures to entrust them to your Spirit.
14. As Master I give you another page of the book of my teachings. In my words I give you comfort and the life of grace so that you may continue on the way that leads you spiritually to Me, where you will find true happiness.
15. Small is the number of those who have prepared themselves to feel my peace and to hear my voice in the depths of their being to become messengers of this peace.
16. You are my people, who have been marked with the blood of the Lamb since the first times ─ that one whom I rescued from the bondage of Pharaoh
17. In the course of time your soul has developed by means of different earth bodies. I alone know the pain you have gone through. But through the experience you have gained, you have come ever closer to the Father.
18. The present time is marked by reparation, so that you may not suffer tomorrow in the spiritual valley. I have come to free your soul from all its chains, so that it may rise to Me and reach the divine home where the Father awaits you.
19. Great is my love for you. I do not want to see you suffer and weep any more on your way. I want to see you rejoicing and joyful while you exercise my law on the way I have prepared for you. My spiritual world stands ready to assist you in the fulfillment of your difficult mission.
20. My word is the divine comfort for your soul. Carry it always in your heart so that you may be with Me. Forgive your fellow men when they belittle my work, when they tear the "garment" with which I have adorned you. Leave this matter to Me. Show a good example like your Master, then you will experience that your fellow men will no longer disturb your peace and will only come to you to ask you how you have attained so much magnanimity.
21. It is not my will that you become accustomed to pain. If he has purified you, it is because you needed it. Now that you have gained experience, seek my peace and follow my way. Work tirelessly so that my word may come among men. These are the prepared fields where this seed will blossom and bear fruit. For wherever there are three hearts that carry within themselves the grace with which I have endowed the soul in this Third Age, I will come down to give them my warmth and my caress. These are the souls that belong to me, whom I have called ─ These are the souls that have nourished fanaticism and idolatry, and whom I have chosen from the various creeds and rites.
22. Beloved people: At all times I have called your soul, but you have not been able to control your material nature to fulfil my divine orders.
23. Not all of you understand what each of the seven steps of the ladder of heaven means to the incarnated souls They signify the development that every soul must attain because you must return to Me as pure as you came forth from my Spirit. But in your various reincarnations you have stained your soul and have not obeyed my commandments. Therefore, beloved children, you have come into the world again to make amends.
24. I have heard you on those spiritual levels ─ full of remorse for not having fulfilled my law. You have said to Me: "Father, Father, grant me an earth body to fulfill your commandments through it. And I have granted you this opportunity, sent you to this world so that you can fulfill your task in a new body.
25. In this time, do only the small number you represent hear my word? Truly not! Even the disembodied souls receive this message.
26. I have revealed Myself to you at all times, as it was my will, to make known to you one law, one commandment of one God, who saved you with his Divine Love.
27. My law is love and mercy. Already in the first time it was given to you through Moses, so that you would let yourselves be ruled by him.
In the Second Time I spoke to my disciples about my second revelation, and they asked Me, "What signs will there be in that time of Your coming? But I told them that men would reject one another, that there would be great, murderous wars, that they would fight one another, that evil would prevail. Today I tell you: The children are infected by evil at an early age, there is no peace in the homes, nor in the nations. Parents do not give their children a good example of respect and morality. How much my Spirit suffers from all this!
28. My word has been with you that you may show the light to your loved ones, that you may not leave them in darkness. I have given you the light that you may remove blindness and ignorance.
29. I have come to give greatness to your soul ─ a greatness based on the fulfillment of my law, which is my love. But you must prove yourselves worthy of this greatness by fulfilling your mission in following your Master.
30. I have made myself known through the voice-bearers because I do not want you to be hungry and thirsty, because my word is the bread of eternal life. It is the light and is the teaching which I have given you so that you may be good disciples who take as their example those of the Second Age.
31. The crowds of listeners err and take the voice bearer as if he were my divinity. No, beloved children. I am in the meaning of this word, in the light that I send you out of perfection.
32. I am fatherly love, and I am waiting for you patiently on the top of the mountain to show you from there the ladder your Spirit was able to climb up. But those of you who have been too weak will be visited by the representatives of the various sects and religious communities.
33. Not all of you will become my true servants, not all of you will be strong. When this trial comes, many of you will deny Me like the beloved disciple who denied Me even though he belonged to the Master.
34. The time in which I still make myself known to you through the voice bearers is short. But before my parting I will fill you with power and strength so that darkness does not envelop you and you fall into the abyss. From the high hereafter I will send you my encouragement and the great hosts of my spiritual world so that they stand by you. You shall defend yourselves with the weapons of love.
35. I have given you these weapons, from which sparks of light will reach the great multitudes. At all times I have defended you and have not separated myself from you. But in this time you will now no longer hear me through a voice bearer to then receive my revelation from spirit to spirit.
36. My law has not been dictated by man, it has come out of me. But the world has created out of my teaching various religions, creeds and rites according to its understanding, only to then say to mankind, "This is the true way. But I have not created religions, but have shown you the law at all times.
37. To make it unforgettable for you, I have given up my body and blood for you, and this sacrifice of Divine Love will tell you forever: "Love one another.
38. The true people of Israel are they by reason of the Spirit, and to them have I given my word abundantly, that they may not go astray and defend my work with the sword of light and love.
39. I have not turned to your body, for it will sink into the earth after it has fulfilled its task. Therefore I tell you: Make an effort to preserve the garment of the soul and adorn it with good works for your neighbor.
40. I love you with divine love. I say to you again: Forgive your fellow men as I forgive your faults. I do not betray you, nor do I condemn you. I caress you in the deepest part of your heart and soul. If you leave the business of those who offend you to Me, I will weigh the works of each one in due time on the scales of My perfect justice.
41. Show only gentleness and a smile on your face, so that through your example those who carry the darkness of this world within themselves may bow ─ so that you may be those who show them the lifeboat and you may save these souls that belong to Me.
42. Fear not the mockery of mankind; give them my teaching and tell them that my kingdom is not of this world. The God who created this world does not hear them, nor speaks to them, nor sees Him in the way the religious communities believe. But I hear everything, see everything, and know everything. I know what every heart asks me for in a symbolic way. Today I tell you, as I said in the Second Time, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
43. Turn to the sick person and leave your love and mercy in him while you are rising to Me from Spirit to Spirit Take my examples of the Second Age as your model. I have lowered sensitivity into your heart, have given you the light and the gift of healing. Lift up your soul, and I will give the healing balm to the sick through your mediation.
44. I have no desire for the churches of stone, I seek the church in your soul and heart to dwell in it, if spiritualization is present in you.
45. After 1950 you will gather in my prayer houses and prepare yourselves so that spiritualization is in you. You will no longer hear my word through the human mind, but you will be able to communicate with me from Spirit to Spirit, and your singing will be the upliftment of your soul.
46. The trials will be hard, and not all of you will prove steadfast. Many of you will fall into the abyss and lose the light, which I have given you to penetrate into darkness. But those of you who persevere and stand firm will prove worthy of my heaven. I give you the teaching, but your business is to study and grasp it.
47. Israel: 66 years have passed in which I have shown you mercy upon mercy. I have granted you my benefits so that you may know me as love, and that you may be able to fulfill my law.
48. I have spoken to your soul and prepared it so that my divine "Word" would manifest itself through the human mind ─ so that when the last moment of this rallies comes, you will not say to Me: "We have understood nothing of Your teaching, we are still the children's disciples who have not understood the responsibility for the mission You have entrusted to us. Therefore, beloved people, I have never left you and have tirelessly given you My Word, and up to this moment My Universal Ray continues to descend upon you.
49. I am perfection, I am life, I am love, and it is not your Master's will that you get lost on the way ─ that after I have pulled you out of the filth of sin, you get lost again on the former ways, losing my grace and returning to darkness to mix you with the folly and materialism of mankind. No, beloved Israel, I have called you spiritualist, Trinitarian-Marian people, so that you may prove to men the infinite grace you have received from Me.
50. I have prophesied many things to you and told you: prepare yourself, Israel, for the times will come when the false Christs will be among you You will be afflicted, and your ears will reach the eloquent word of men, and then, when you are unprepared, you will fall into the nets of temptation. You yourselves will make yourselves disinherited and withhold my gifts of grace. You will throw away the bread that I have given, and will then really feel hungry, needy and ragged, although this is not my divine will.
51. Know therefore, O Israel, that I have shown you the true way with my word, that I have given you my law to do my will, that you may be disciples who set a good example and faithfully carry out their mission.
52. I do not ask you anything impossible. All that I expect from you is possible. The cross which I have put on you will not weigh down your shoulders, and if you feel it hard at times, it is because you have not understood your Master and have not been able to free yourselves from your materialism.
53. In the first time Moses stood at the head of Israel to lead it through the desert into the land of Canaan for forty years. But out of disobedience, unbelief, and materialism some blasphemed, others became apostates, and still others rebelled. But Moses spoke to them in this situation with wisdom and patience, so that they would not violate the will of the Highest One, but would be humble and obedient to that Father, who let ─ without looking at their disobedience ─ let the manna fall from heaven and water spring from the rock.
54. I make these examples known to you, beloved people, that you may walk in the right way and not seek the byways, for then you would cause yourselves pain. I have set you on the true way, that you may fight and work and make yourselves worthy of my mercy and my infinite compassion, so that at the end of your wanderings you may find the Promised Land.
55. The time will come when you will ask Me that My Divine Word continue to manifest itself through the minds of the voice-bearers and you will fall on your knees before the symbols I have given you to ask Divinity to come down to you ray to speak to you of the Law and grant you the love to continue on the way But when this happens, remember that just as in the Second Time, after the time of Jesus' parting was fixed, you will not hear my voice in this form, and from that moment on you will know that my presence has been with you, and that you have become accustomed to my Word through your sensory attachment.
56. Your awakening, Israel, will be late, very late, and this will be the reason why my most loving Father-heart suffers endlessly.
57. Beloved people, I want to rejoice in your soul ─ I want that when you arrive at Me, I tell you: "beloved children, receive the reward. My love lays the laurel wreath on your temples and opens the gates of My heaven to you so that in My love you may enjoy the bliss that is in the Father.
58. Human will comes forth and asserts that my Divine Word will not cease to manifest through the human mind, that my Universal Ray will continue to descend and manifest through the voice-bearers for some time after 1950. The souls incarnated in those bodies have committed a great error and a grave transgression because they have forgotten that I am the Perfection ─ have forgotten that I am the Perfection ─ have forgotten that I am the inexorable Law ─ have forgotten that my Word is that of a King and will not be taken back. For I have told you that rather the royal star would cease to shine than that my word would not be fulfilled in the universe.
But I have indicated to you a time for the end of my rallies through the human mind, and this will happen. But I have also told you that I will not abandon you, that I will see your preparation and hear the prayer of the disciples ─ of those to whom I must give the last instructions at the last moment so that they may have orientation and know how to use the life that I have granted them on this world until the last moment to prepare the new generations, so that they may leave this earth prepared through love, understanding and mercy. I will pave the way on which my beloved people will walk.
59. Verily, I tell you, after 1950 you will no longer have this rallies, and when man gets ready to disobey my will and form the work according to his will to give it to the world in this way, he must answer for it before me. I have prepared you and have told you, beloved people: My will is obeyed, my word is fulfilled at all times, and I tell you: the time will come when you will no longer hear it in this form. Therefore, gather my word in your hearts and keep the meaning of these rallies. For tomorrow you will ask the Father in vain because my Universal Ray will no longer descend to make me known through the human mind.
60. Prepare, obey, work and give to your fellow men what I have given you. Speak and pass on the Good News so that all may awaken. But those who want to create a materialistic work and add it to my law by claiming that the Master will continue to manifest through the voice-bearers, if they strive for it, if their desire for it is great, they will hear only false rallies.
61. Today, when the light of my HolySpirit is with you, people of Israel ─ fight and work like your Master.
62. Great is my wisdom, but your task is to study and interpret my word. Begin to fight and work, for you will meet in your way the one who longs for my light, for my teaching. You will meet the depraved, the humble and also the superior man, and to all of them you must speak and show them my work. Approach the heart doors of these people and knock once, twice and a third time. But if they remain closed, then go on. If not only do they not listen to you, but also mock you, have patience and go to the crowds who need encouragement, comfort, balm for their souls. Approach them and "anoint" them with my word.
63. Remove yourselves from all that confuses your minds, and devote yourselves to prayer, that your soul may be in communion with your God and Lord, and be an example to your fellow men who are blind ─ show them spiritualization. Your mind will be enlightened so that you may know how to teach the multitudes with my truth.
There are hearts that feel comfort in your words; so you shall awaken all mankind. Then there will be no more egoism, nor ill-will, nor bitterness, nor discord, and when they are then with me, I will say to them, "Bless you who come to the Master to take with you an atom of my light for the development of your soul.
64. People are hungry for my words. It is the needy who knock at my door, whom I have left to your care to receive the new generations.
65. Meditate daily and communicate with Me from Spirit to Spirit The ways are prepared by Elijah, he has enlightened you like a lighthouse. He has not only been the forerunner of my rallies in this Third Age ─ his mission will only end in eternity.
66. After 1950, of the crowds of people who have heard Me, some will continue to be with Me, and the others will go away to their different ways. So will it be with my chosen ones: Some will hastily set out to unite those who advance by their spiritualization, and others will again persevere in their materialism.
67. My true disciples will set out prepared and faithfully fulfill my commissions. They will be like my son Lot ─ the one who knew how to keep himself pure in Sodom and Gomorrah when he received my commandment to leave those parts of the land that would be cleansed. Also my disciples will pass every test.
68. Always remember in your souls the example of Araham: When I required of him the sacrifice of his own son, he trusted Me, and showed Me his great faith and obedience. But when he set out to sacrifice his beloved son, I sent him my angel to hold back his hand. Then, for the sake of his faith and obedience, I gave him a great promise that mankind would obtain good through his mediation. From you, however, I have not demanded a sacrificial death ─ I remind you of Abraham only so that you may take him - in his faith and obedience - as an example, and I promise you that you will attain eternal life.
My peace be
with you!
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