BTL - Volume 12 - Teaching 361
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XII - Teaching 339 - 366
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Book of True Life - Volume 12
Teaching 361
1. I meet you praying, and my Spirit settles with you. I feed myself from your love, from your faith. I have tasted your fruits, and they are pleasing to me. Therefore I bless you and grant you peace.
2. Your soul has been tested by Me in various ways. But when you have lived through a sorrowful moment, you swing yourselves up and ask me whether I have left you, and very soon you have been with me. Verily, I tell you, you are not alone, and your faith has made you overcome the troubles and the great trials of this time.
3. you, who have travelled far distances in search of Me, have finally found Me, and when you heard My Word, your doubts have been dispelled and you have received the clear answer to your request Everywhere you have heard prayers and invocations for my Spirit, and even if you had not called me, I would have come to you as I promised. For I have told you that I would stand by you in your tribulations in these days of pain.
4. I have given you sensitivity so that you may feel ahead of what is to come, so that you may be alert to every spiritual manifestation and recognize the arrival of my words.
5. I speak to you with the same love and wisdom with which I have spoken in times past, and I confirm my words of times past and prove the coming of the prophecies.
6. John saw in his great revelation how my Spirit would be revealed in these times, how the book of wisdom would illuminate souls when the sixth seal was broken. He saw the great battles among men and their tribulations. He saw the book closed and finally opened by the Immaculate Lamb. And with you I have shown page after page of this book for your Spirit. In it is contained the law which I have given you from the beginning of time.
7. Judge my work, fathom it from the beginning to the end. Recall all the past and unite it with this revelation, so that all is alive in your soul. I have made laws and statutes for the material life of men, I have given teachings for the moral and spiritual life. I have transferred you to the regions of the Spirit, and you have breathed the peace and bliss of this home so that you may know it fully and acquire knowledge of my laws.
8. Live for a high ideal, make sure that your soul regains its courage of life and energy in the fulfillment of its mission Spread peace on your path of life, invite people to pray with that prayer which I have taught you, so that they again feel worthy of their Creator. Nurture their hearts, which are virgin farmland, fertile land for my teaching.
9. In following my teaching, while you work for the good of mankind, your soul will grow strong, you will rejoice and also suffer and realize what faith and love are worth. You shall not then let yourselves be confused by the different confessions of faith in battle. My teaching is above every religion and sect. Bring my word, which is my expression of love, and do not use it as a weapon to fight your fellow men; for it does not offend, it does not hurt, it is only life for the soul.
10. Clean the vessel inside and outside so that it may contain the essence which I am handing over to you. Your mission is great. To win, you must work together. Mingle with all peoples, merge with all races, bring to all my message of peace. Then I will take you to the "valley" where you will all be equal, where human misery and human egoism will disappear to be only spirit beings.
11. I know that you will make reparation for your discord for a while yet. But a day will come when you, weary of your weakness, will come together to be strong through unity and concord.
12. I will have you pure. Therefore you are currently purifying yourselves in pain, to restore the soul to its original purity and virtue. Those trials you are now going through will not let you die. They will only awaken you from your deep sleep so that you may strive for the perfection of your soul.
13. Though you have not made yourselves worthy by your works until now, the day will come when the humility, perseverance, love, and faith of this people will be rightly praised. Many, when they recognize these virtues in you, will want to give you a name or a title, or put a crown on your head. But then you will remember Jesus and humbly hide yourselves. As I have told you, your kingdom is not in this world.
14. If you want to conquer the heart of men, speak with truthfulness, with the greatest truthfulness. Be humble among the humblest so that you may find faith in your words and works.
15. How much will my Spirit rejoice when he sees your work appearing among the moral and spiritual ruins of mankind. Your work has already begun. See the sick who have been healed ─ unbelievers who have been born to faith ─ renewed sinners Your work is still small, but I consider it good and multiply its fruits.
16. Israel: The Master is full of love and mercy with you. All the time I have given you proofs of my love on the way I have marked out for you.
17. My "Divine Word" speaks to the people, and this "Word" the Father sends you so that you may know the work which I have entrusted to your hands.
18. I show you my apostles as an example for you. Therefore I pour myself into your soul in this time so that you may conquer your body. I have touched the hard rock to let crystal clear water spring from it.
19. Do not believe that you have already reached the end of your mission, nor that after 1950 I will continue to speak through the human mind organ. All that I have told you has come true and will come true, beloved people.
20. In the Third Age your soul has been sent out to reincarnate so that you may have a new opportunity to fulfill your mission by taking advantage of the presence of My Divine Spirit in this time.
21. I am with you because of my great love and give you strength because I do not want to see you weak.
22. I am the source of grace and love. Drink, give life to your heart and soul. Move away from materialism so that you may comprehend the greatness of the mission I have given you.
23. Beloved people: When your hearts are full of pain, come to Me, for I will transform your suffering into joy and strengthen you spiritually and physically so that you may continue on the way with satisfaction and hope.
24. I receive the crowds of people who come to Me in droves to make Me aware of their pain. I hear them in silence; they are the multitudes who come from various sects and churches to these humble gathering places to hear my word, to receive in their souls and hearts my message of peace and hope.
25. When they arrive at this tree, they feel the coolness of its shade, which makes them rest, and they rejoice when they hear the tiriling of my nightingales. Then they feel my presence and the sweetness of the fruit of this tree.
26. It is written that in this Third Age I would come in Spirit and like a loud bell I would call out to mankind to give them comfort, bread and spiritual water. I have built my church in the heart and soul of my children. In the solemnity and silence of this church you will feel my presence, there you will receive what you place before me in your meditation and prayer. Inside this church you will feel enlightened by the light of the HolySpirit.
27. I have prepared in this time the twelve tribes of My chosen people so that all nations may receive the light through their mediation ─ so that by the sound of the trumpet they may awaken those who are asleep and, raising their eyes to heaven, they may see Me through the eyes of their Spirit.
28. Mankind is disoriented, but I have come to lead them through the light of the HolySpirit, and that they may know my word by its meaning.
29. In the course of time those scriptures which my disciples left behind have been changed by men, and therefore there is discord among denominations. But I will explain all my teachings to unite mankind in one light and one will.
30. The year 1950 will soon come to an end. But I have left you a detailed teaching which you are to make known to the new generations so that they may find peace and life for the soul.
31. I entrust to your hands the book of the Third Testament so that you may bring the Good News to mankind with it.
32. Your heart already forebodes the homesickness that you will feel when you no longer hear Me in this form This is why I have told you: put my teaching into practice and do not be deceived by those who will rise tomorrow and deceitfully claim that I am still making myself known through their organs of understanding.
33. You are witnesses that all that I have told you in my word has come true, but you must live vigilantly so that there may be no disobedience among my people. You will feel the pain of those who are weak and who have not yet understood my teaching. But you will explain my truth to them and lead them through my word. I will make myself known through those who are prepared, and also through the "last" I will radiate myself as light and inspiration.
34. I will not abandon mankind, I will save those who go astray and call to my table those who have not heard my word in this form. Elijah will continue to unite the crowds so that you may show them the book containing my word. Through your mediation I will wake up the sleeping souls and remove idolatry from them. But if you are not prepared to speak to mankind, the stones will speak, and you will experience that the most illiterate will become my true disciple and speak of my truth.
35. You are to give the Good News to mankind without distorting my work, be humble like your Master, and do not clothe yourselves with splendid garments to attract the attention of your fellow men.
36. You must not falsify my teaching tomorrow, teach only what I have entrusted to you. I have given you my teaching in abundance so that you may be the guides and ambassadors among mankind. When you no longer hear my word through the voice bearer, you are to help and love one another so that you may solve the problems that arise in your way.
37. You are the people I am currently uniting so that through your mediation mankind may know Me. I am the highest mercy and have nourished you with the very best food. Great is the struggle you will have. Therefore I speak to you lovingly to remove from you the errors you attribute to my work, so that when the time comes you may be the light of the world.
38. The spiritual hosts surround your souls, they are ready to take up the fight, for you are not alone in this struggle of world views. Also my spiritual world will be with you. These spirit beings inspire you peace and harmony, so that you may show yourselves in this way before mankind.
39. Great will be your struggle. You shall set an example of obedience and show in your heart the law of your Master. You will encourage men, but my Universal Ray will no longer manifest itself, nor will my Spirit World manifest itself through your minds. Nevertheless, the Master will give you his teaching in a higher form, and as the HolySpirit, the power, blessing, and mercy.
40. The end of the year 1950 is drawing near, and sleeping mankind has not felt me. But I will shake them awake that they may see me.
41. When will these events be? This time is near. Soon is the end of my rallies through the human organ of the mind. Through the mediation of the voice-bearers, who have understood how to prepare themselves in these last days, I have given you great and clear teachings, loving assignments, so that you carry them out after you no longer hear my word in this form.
42. I have opened before you the book of my wisdom and have taught you how to carry out your mission, how to walk in my way. I have shown you the dangers and have given you the power to overcome the obstacles and to break down the barriers.
43. Before I cease to speak to you in this way, I must prepare you so that tomorrow you may be the teachers who will present my teaching to the new disciples.
44. If you feel deprived of this teaching, do not blame Me for it, for I have given you My word, the bread of eternal life for your soul, in abundance.
45. I have given you my teaching in a perfect manner. But if you add to it something that does not belong to it, your conscience will tell you what you must remove so that tomorrow mankind may receive only my perfect teaching.
46. Tell mankind that I as Almighty God have always been with you. Nothing has been lacking in you because I have filled your soul with grace and power in every stage of development.
47. People, you have vowed in the presence of my divine light to love Me. But your materialism has always been the obstacle to the Spirit's mission because you do not know yourselves nor know what your plans and ideals are. But my mercy has united you in the obstacle so that you may feel the fire of my love and know the peace of my HolySpirit.
48. I am the giver, I have more to give you than you can ask Me. I know the needs of the body, I know the soul and know your troubles and sorrows.
49. Luke, Mark, John and Matthew were chosen by my will. To every soul I gave a commission, a responsibility, and they have spread my teaching with perseverance, with determination and love and have created the Testament of the Second Age. And as they did, I am awakening your soul today so that it may know the time, feel and comprehend the oath it took before my divinity, and set out to fulfill its mission.
50. Jesus testified the Divine Power, because in Him was God Himself, who showed Himself on earth, so that the world would know Him. It was the Father himself who gave himself to the people in word, love, truth and light.
51. That which is written in the book of remembrance of gold shall be accomplished and come to pass. In the course of time all things will come to pass.
52. Israel: I have not only spoken to you in this time. But your soul has been bound and has not used what I have given it in the first time, in the second time, and today in the third time. But what do you expect from the Lord at this time? What is your decision and your desire? I am speaking to you at this time as my Divine Word is pouring out. But I will give you no further time to follow me by making myself known through the voice bearer, and when the soul resists and the body refuses to obey my commandments, you will have to answer to me in detail. For as a judge I will let the call go and let you understand what is written in the book of your fate.
Once the soul stands before the highest judge, it will recognize its transgression and, full of sorrow, ask me for another time for its reparation, a renewed reincarnation.
53. I have spoken not only to your soul, but also to your body. To it I have additionally granted life, strength and mercy, so that the soul can fulfill its mission.
54. I have lovingly radiated my Divine Word, have given you all that my Spirit and the most loving Father-heart had intended for you. You are the most precious of my divinity.
55. You are at the end of my rallies through the organ of understanding of the voice bearer. But when you no longer hear my teaching, I will continue to guide you, because I would no longer be a father if I abandoned you in the desert without bread and water.
56. Prepare yourselves with my teaching, study what I have given to your heart in my words
57. Prepare your brain to receive the vibrations of my light Unfold your gifts so that you can stop the forces of nature, for great catastrophes will befall mankind.
58. My most loving father-heart opens so that even the last one can feel in his soul the warmth of my Divine Love. I am an open book, the truth and the law.
59. I have given mankind my spiritual teaching, love teaching and harmony teaching. Not only in this time have I given you my teaching. From the very first moment that my Divine Spirit gave your soul the earth, I have spoken to it through my chosen ones, and never have I led you into darkness, fanaticism, nor idolatry. For these works are not pleasing in my eyes, because this removes your soul from the light, from my love, and makes it sluggish and causes the time of its salvation to be prolonged and causes it great pain.
60. What to do so that men may recognize me, understand me, and their hearts may feel me? What to do so that the soul breaks the chain that binds it to materialism?: Grant it another time and make the call to the souls of the Chosen People of Israel to be good soldiers and workers at the head of humanity, to be its leader in the struggle that is drawing near.
61. The Divine Master comes down to make himself known by means of the human brain, but seek Me at the bottom of your heart, there I am.
62. Immerse yourself in deep meditation, people. Close your eyes and try to see with the spiritual gaze the multitudes of people who will approach you in desire for a testimony that will speak to them of My presence.
63. Remember that you must await them with a heart full of mercy. For those who hunger and thirst for love will come, just as you have come to quench your thirst in desire for me.
64. Do not plan to do great works without being prepared. Make an effort to attain greater spiritualization because then a word, a prayer or a work of love will be able to work greater miracles than those which you might have wished to accomplish in your vanity.
65. Mercy and again mercy is what I have caused in you. Mercy is the feeling I have most enlivened with my teaching. For mercy is the expression of love and of wisdom. Verily, I tell you, when you prepare yourselves to receive with mercy your fellow men who are yet to come, you will have received them with the best welcome, with the most eloquent testimony that you can give of my truth. Against this proof of love very few will resist.
But if you want to make my message understandable to them by other means, you will have to fight much, because the world has had enough of words, teachings and philosophies. What the world fearfully hungers and thirsts for until death is love. Therefore, I repeat for you that a work of mercy, even if it is small but sincere, felt and true, will be able to do more than a thousand sermons or conversations with beautiful words without content and truth, just as those who hear the peoples of the world day after day without those words being applied.
66. Prepare yourselves still more for what you are about to say, even though your eloquence will help you, and the scriptures will also serve you as a staff or support for your memory. But do not forget that that which your soul realizes, which springs from the deepest of your being, will be the most fruitful of your seeds ─ those through which you do the greatest good to your fellow men, and through which at the same time you receive the greatest happiness when the time comes to receive your reward.
67. Beloved people, come to Me, unite thinking with conscience so that you may feel My peace.
68. What I am giving you in my word will be tomorrow your defence, your sword and your shield, and when you have united yourselves in spiritualization, the different religious communities will come to you to love one another
69. I have told you in my word that the time of my rallies through the human mind will soon come to an end with you. But you will continue to receive the sound of my divine voice in the very heart of your being.
70. When the light of this new day appeared, you heard the call of the loud bell that is heard among mankind. You have been blind men who have seen the splendor of this light, and who feel led to this path by my mercy.
71. You are my disciples, the pioneers of the crowds who will come to me tomorrow, who will carry this message of peace, life, love and light as messengers With your examples you will bear witness to the truth you preach.
72. The trials and falls you have experienced shall be the light of experience with you, so that tomorrow you may walk in my way with righteousness.
73. I have revealed to you the reason for every event and every painful trial among mankind ─ the reason why I have illuminated you in this time of greatest depravity by the light of the HolySpirit and united the twelve tribes of my chosen people Israel
74. As you came to the land of Canaan in the first time, so I want you to set out today on the way to the true Promised Land. You have already begun to take the first steps to climb the mountain on whose summit is the great city that awaits you.
75. You will not feel orphaned tomorrow because I and my Spiritual World will stand up for you so that you can fulfill your mission to make known to mankind, page by page, the book of my teaching.
76. Your work will not end in 1950, but many of you will go astray. But I pray for those who remain steadfast, for they will be like pillars of my temple.
77. You ask yourselves: "Will the Father's word go away and will we no longer feel this love? Will the Master go away, and will we no longer hear that word which has been the joy of our soul and its encouragement? No, my people, the Father does not depart, the Master will continue in his mission of light. Today you have heard Me through one or the other organ of the mind. But tomorrow there will be no limit to your preparation, because then you will all be able to exchange yourselves with me from Spirit to Spirit. And through everyone who is prepared I will let my inspiration flow. Then you will know the true rapture, then the rallies of the Master will have no limit. In the same way you will have the rallies of the spirit beings of the high spiritual level.
78. You will pray in silence, and I will accept your offering and answer you by adorning you with my blessing
My peace be
with you.
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