BTL - Volume 9 - Teaching 269
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume IX - Teaching 242 - 276
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Book of True Life - Volume 9
Teaching 269:
1. The people of Israel, who carry the law of Jehovah and the teaching of Jesus engraved in their soul - receive my word, which I give you through the mediation of a human being. Open your eyes and see the events of this time so that you may know that I have come once more to make Myself known to you. Hear my word and study it, make its meaning your own, so that together with the two previous testaments you may create a single book in which you may study forever.
2. I caress your heart, through the tests I prepare it for the times to come. For after my departure you will remain in my place. In these morning devotions you have thought of my passion, remembered and reflected upon the conduct of that Master, without picturing these sacred events. You have relived those days because you are the same souls who, in those days, have been astonished at my way of life, have watched with wonder from beginning to end. You were surprised by my humility, you thought about my birth in the bosom of a poor family that did not even have its own roof. I have only taught you to live in the fulfillment of the divine laws.
Many of you understood the meaning of my words and my works only after a time had passed in which you remembered me and my examples were like an open book in your lives. Today you have returned to earth, and once again I am very close to you. You have doubted this word that I am giving you through the agency of men. You have asked Me disapprovingly why I chose this means and why my work has unfolded in this form, far from any church. But I tell you: I have come down into the bosom of the people of Israel, the majority of whom are at home in this nation. The rest are scattered in all nations, sent by Me, and to them I have made myself known spiritually. These are my chosen ones who have remained faithful to Me. Their heart has not been infected, and their Spirit can receive my inspirations. Through their mediation I am currently giving the world a great treasure of wisdom.
3. My voice does not stop calling the hearts. My light reveals itself in the Spirit and gives it strength to awaken and attract every soul. I will not allow this humanity, whom I love so much, to go too far in its materialism. The trials will stop it, and when my word reaches it, the gifts of men will awaken, their hearts will become sensitive, and their path will be marked out. Then they will know how to call on me, will seek the healing balm with me and will transform themselves into my disciples.
4. I will create in your surroundings a spiritual atmosphere of well-being that will envelop you, and everything will be favorable for your spiritual upliftment. Be patient with the unbelievers, and you will experience that after a certain time my rallies will be taken as truths, and my word will be appreciated.
5. How much I love you, men, and how I long for you to reach your brotherhood and unity!
6. Be tireless, new disciples, when you speak of this truth Untrained lips, you who do not pronounce my word out of fear - open yourselves in the moment of your decision. A single word, spoken in my name, can save a sinner, close abysses, stop those who have become unruly in evil on their way. Do you know the power that my word has? Do you know the power of your authority? Speak by exemplary deeds and do justice to that part of my work which I have entrusted to you. The rest I will do.
7. I see in you my disciples of the second time. Among you are those who embody John, Peter, Thomas and also Judas. Although these were uneducated, they pronounced admirable doctrines and performed miracles, taking Me as their model.
8. Blessed are those who believe without seeing. Blessed is he who has not asked me for the gift of vision to believe. For this one has seen me with the eyes of his faith, has got to know the good taste of the fruit of my word and has nourished himself from it. I also bless those who, having received this precious gift as a task, know how to bear witness to me.
9. I will gather the fruits of your sowing. I will multiply even the smallest, which you offer to me, because this is my will.
10. The book that was sealed in heaven was opened in the sixth chapter. It is the Book of the Seven Seals, which contains wisdom and judgment and was unsealed because of my love for you, to reveal to you its deep teachings.
11. Man has lived on earth for five periods of time, encouraged by the divine breath of the Spirit. Nevertheless, he has not understood the spiritual meaning of life, the purpose of his existence, his destiny and his core of being. Everything was an impenetrable secret for his mind as well as for his soul, a sealed book whose contents he was unable to interpret. He vaguely suspected the spiritual life, but without really knowing the ladder of development, which brings the beings closer to God. He did not know his very high mission on earth and did not know the virtues and gifts that belong to his Spirit, in order to win in the struggles, to rise above human needs and to perfect himself spiritually, in order to dwell in the Eternal Light.
12. It was necessary that the divine book be opened and that men should contemplate its contents, in order to be able to save themselves from the darkness of ignorance, which is the origin of all the evils that exist in the world. Who could open this book? The theologian, the scientist or the philosopher? No, no one, not even the righteous souls could reveal its contents to you, because what the book kept was the wisdom of God.
13. Only Christ, "The Word," He alone, Divine Love could do it; but even then it was necessary to wait until men were able to receive the divine message without being blinded by the splendor of my spiritual presence. Thus, humanity had to go through five stages of trials, teachings, experience and development in order to reach the proper unfolding that would allow it to know the secrets that the Book of Wisdom of God kept for men.
14. The law of God, his divine word given through Christ, and all the messages of prophets, messengers and emissaries were the seed that maintained the faith of mankind in a divine promise which always announced light, salvation and justice for all people.
15. Now is the expected time for the Great Revelation, through which you are to understand all that I have revealed to you through the ages, and learn who your Father is, who you yourselves are, and what is the reason for your existence.
16. Now is the time when, by reason of the spiritual development you have attained, the trials you have gone through and the experience you have gained, you will be able to receive from My Spirit to yours the light of wisdom, which is kept in my treasuries in anticipation of your armament. And since mankind has attained the necessary degree of development to receive my message, I have sent to it the first ray of my light, which this one is, which made the uneducated and simple men who serve as voice bearers of my objection speak in rapture.
17. This ray of light has been only preparatory; it is like the light of dawn when it announces the new day. Later my light will fully come to you, illuminating your existence and removing even the last shadow of ignorance, sin and misery.
18. This time, whose dawn you admire in infinity, is the sixth epoch that is dawning in the spiritual life of mankind - the era of light, of revelations, of the fulfillment of old prophecies and forgotten promises. It is the Sixth Seal, which, when resolved, will pour its content of wisdom into your soul in a message of justice, enlightenment, and revelation.
19. For you it is the sixth period of time, it is the "third time" in which I spoke to you from a greater proximity than in that "first time" in which I made my presence and my word perceptible in many forms, as well as in that second time in which I let "my word" become man, to speak to your heart.
20. Today I make myself audible again. But it is no longer the senses to which I make myself known, not even your heart, to which I speak - it is your spirit soul, to which I make myself known in order to teach it the way of ascent, which leads to the kingdom of light, the eternal and happy kingdom of the Spirit.
21. What does the Sixth Seal of the Book of God contain in its womb, where your names and your purposes are written? It contains teachings, very great trials, revelations of wisdom.
22. What is the task of my servants in this time period? To pray, to meditate, to renew yourself, to sow unity, peace and spiritual light, to develop your possibilities and abilities, to fight for your upliftment; to eliminate ignorance, vice, fanaticism - in one word: the evil that is revealed in so many forms among men. Once people have stopped hating, killing and betraying one another, once forgiveness and mercy have spread from heart to heart and from people to people, and no more blood and tears flow, then the great silence will come, which is the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit. Then I will undo the last seal, the seventh, during which time period men will love each other as I taught you when I came to earth.
23. This is in short and simple words - as "the Word" of God has always been manifested - something of what you would like to know about the Seventh Seal of the Book of Wisdom and Divine Justice.
24. Ye have heard it, and now ye shall understand, for later ye shall have to prophesy, reveal, and teach.
25. The Divine Tree spreadeth out his branches over provinces and cities, and giveth shade unto the weary wayfarers. So it had to happen in this time that I let you hear my word at the same time in different places, since I am now coming in Spirit.
26. This region, where you are hearing my word, had to be prepared so that you might receive me. It was trials, pains and bitterness that stopped your steps and opened your eyes to reality. That pain plowed the dry soil of your hearts and tears watered it. Thereupon you were prepared in anticipation of the seed, which is my word.
27. Now you know what I have called you to do: I want you to be laborers in my fields and to spread this seed everywhere.
28. Beloved "workers": Awake! Behold, the sun has risen on the horizon; it is calling you to work.
I am that sun, and my coming at this time has been a new dawn for you.
30. No one shall have any doubt as to whether or not he can be useful on my estate. Since I have called you, remember that I cannot err.
31. It is not a work that overtaxes your strength, which I have entrusted to you. But I tell you that the greater your number and your unity, the smaller will be your cross.
32. Before your soul was sent to this planet, it was shown the "fields", it was told that its task was to sow peace, that its message was a spiritual one, and your soul looked forward to it and promised to be faithful and obedient to its mission.
33. Why are you afraid to sow now? Why do you now feel unworthy or incapable of doing the work that so much pleased your soul when it was assigned? Because you have allowed the passions to block your path, thus denying the passage of the soul, trying to justify its indecision with childish reasons.
34. Do not come empty-handed to the "valley" from which you came. I know that your suffering would then be very great.
35. What must you do to take the first sure step? Think deeply about my word and then pray with all your faith and all your feelings. From that preparation an inner force will gradually emerge, which will begin an incessant struggle with its body shell. The spirit soul will oppose the material body and try to let the voice of conscience be heard and to silence the voice of the flesh.
36. In this way, the spirit soul will gradually be able to take its place in human life, and once you turn your gaze back, you will see those obstacles which prevented you from taking up your cross to follow Me very far away.
37. Does not my teaching encourage you, little child, does my word not awaken you to reality, do you not feel revived in your soul?
38. Note that my word did not contain a single reproach or rebuke for you; it only admonished you with sentences full of light to the fulfillment of the spiritual mission which you brought to earth, making you understand that you must not make any wrong use of your freedom of will; that neither must the soul interfere in the duties of the body, nor must the body hinder the soul in its mission.
39. Only my teaching will be able to give you the standard to attain that harmony between soul and body and the only way to do worthy works in your Father's world - works of disciples on the way to becoming masters.
40. When will you triumph in this inner struggle?
41. Some have not even begun the battle, others are in the midst of the battle, and still others - very few - have conquered the flesh. But I also see others who have begun to fight, but who let themselves be defeated by the enemies they carried within themselves, and who now walk paths that are not mine.
42. I will continue to seek them, still I want them to discover for themselves where the truth and the essence of life is, and where the pretences, the tinsel, the deceit is. I know that when they return to Me in rags, bleeding heart and with abused soul, I will not have to explain anything to them because they have deceived themselves.
43. When will you stop being obstinate and pretentious little children?
44. Come to my table, and while you are refreshed by the taste of my Word, let your soul be filled with light You will experience that you will feel your soul stronger and the "flesh" more manageable and willing according to my teaching.
45. My teaching loses all its meaning if you do not apply it. You know very well, beloved disciples, that the purpose of my law and teaching is to do good, and that therefore he who carries it only in his memory or on his lips, without applying it to his works, is acting contrary to his duty.
46. Before you set out to teach my principles of life and expound their contents, you must begin to follow the teaching I have revealed to you, loving your neighbor, living a life turned toward the spiritual, and sowing your way with love and light. If you do not do this, I tell you already now that you have not understood spiritualism. It reveals to you your true nature; through it you can form a clear idea of your Father and recognize yourselves.
47. It is true that to attain spiritualization you need a certain renunciation, effort and sacrifice. But when the longing for a higher existence has awakened in you, when love begins to shine in your being, or when the desire for the spiritual has begun, it will be a joy for you, instead of sacrifice or renunciation, to get rid of all that is useless, harmful or bad in you.
48. When you heard Me, your soul was awakened. For it was not the usual liturgy nor the word repeated in the same way that you heard. My teaching has impressed your soul, which is why you have always come here with the desire to know what I will say, what I will reveal. But let no one think that he has already fulfilled his task by having heard me or learned my word.
49. In that time when I was man in Jesus, I always accompanied my word with works of love, which remained written down in every Spirit, so that everyone who would follow my steps would take me as an example in the light of the word and in the truth of the works.
50. Now hear me well, people, and go about following my word worthily and truly. I see that you carry sadness in your hearts because you foresee that not all these multitudes of men will keep the law which I have written in your soul. But I tell you that today, as in the "First Times," the people will be divided.
51. I have spoken much to you, and have marked a single path for all. Therefore I say to you: If some of my children disobey Me, the judgment will be pronounced upon this people when the day set by the will of your Father comes to end this rallies. I have come to you in this time as a liberator, have shown you the way through the desert, the spiritual "day's work" of the struggle for liberation and salvation, and have promised you in the end the new land of promise, which is peace, light and bliss for the Spirit. Blessed are those who set out and follow me on this journey in the desire for liberation and spiritualization, because they will never feel abandoned nor weak in the trials that the wide desert brings them.
Woe to those, however, who violate faith, who love the things of the world more than the spiritual - to those who continue to cling to their idols and their traditions! In the opinion of serving Me, they will be subjects of "Pharaoh," who is "flesh," materialism, idolatry. Whoever wants to come to the Promised Land, the fatherland of the Spirit, must leave a trace of goodness in his walk through the world. Come in this way and do not be afraid. For if you put your hope in me, it is impossible to get lost. If you are afraid or have no faith, then your faith is not absolute, and I tell you that whoever wants to follow me must be convinced of my truth.
52. I bless you all, I forgive you, I unite you in my love.
53. Judge yourselves so that you may have in your consciousness the absolute confidence in the steadfastness of each of your steps
54. Examine your faith as well as your actions so that you may know if you are worthy to be called spiritualists or if you will have to wait a while longer to bear this name.
55. Many of you call yourselves spiritualists because they believe in my presence during my rallies through the human mind, and because they are often present to hear my word. But I want you to be spiritualists through the exercise of goodness, through the knowledge of the essence of life, through your love for neighbor, through your worship by means of a generous, fruitful, and virtuous existence.
56. Allow my word to awaken and uplift you, to reveal before you all the gifts, abilities, powers, and virtues that your spirit soul contains. For you belong to those who, although they carry an inheritance in themselves, consider themselves poor because of their ignorance.
When your Lord saw that you were living in bondage to material life, even though He had endowed you with spiritual light and grace, He came to you to awaken you and tell you that it is not right for you to suffer spiritual hunger and thirst, even though the divine source of wisdom is within your reach, to which one reaches on the path of spiritualization. For with the beginning of this era, it is as if you too were beginning a journey.
But verily, I tell you, all that your soul has reaped in its past is light of experience and steel to pass the trials and lessons of the Third Age.
57. I draw you to Me that you may learn My lessons. Be all welcome before my chair, be blessed, you who persevere. Your presence at my word has a great significance, it is that of your longing to come nearer to Me. I alone will be able to reveal to you the gifts you possess and make you feel the responsibility you have toward your fellow men. Now is the time of judgment, the time of payment of every debt, the time of reparation.
58. My divine work is the light which, when it irradiates men, enlightens them through the Spirit. To some the divine message will reach them directly in the form of inspiration, to others through the word by means of my disciples, to still others in the form of writings whose pages contain the meaning of my teachings.
59. Step by step and little by little people will awaken to the life of the Spirit. It will be like a new existence for them, like when they begin a new life full of promises, sown with wonderful surprises and enlightened by the light of the greatest ideal: God.
60. Yes, beloved people, God is the ideal of souls when they need to rise. For to say "God" means perfection, harmony, wisdom, bliss, light, infinite peace, love, eternity. When the soul has escaped the crucible of trials, when it has fought with the "flesh" and with the world in the immeasurable sea of passions, it pauses for a moment to reflect on all that has happened - like a shipwrecked man who, after desperately fighting the waves, finally reaches the mainland, clinging to a piece of wood, the symbol of his faith and hope, and, after looking at the still stormy sea, exclaims: "The ship has sunk, but I have saved myself! Blessed be the Lord of heaven!" This is what happens to the soul, which - like a shipwrecked man after the storm - pauses, reflects, contemplates its passions, sees its earthly glories and vanities sinking into the past like the destroyed ship of a shipwrecked man. But when he realizes that the light of faith is rising in him, he exclaims joyfully: "Father, I thank You, for in spite of so much suffering I have not forgotten You!
61. This is the hour of awakening in the soul and the moment when its elevation begins.
My peace be with you!
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