BTL - Volume 11 - Teaching 311
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume XI - Teaching 310 - 338
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Book of True Life - Volume 11
Teaching 311
1. Beloved disciples: you have prepared the sanctuary to receive Me, and here I am, present in Spirit and in truth. Each of you shows Me his own sanctuary. But the Master likes that which you form through your unity, through your spiritual harmony. For this I have taught you love, so that through it you may reach the era of spiritual union in the Spirit. Verily, I tell you, only then will you be able to show me the true sanctuary, in which the divine concert is heard.
2. Today I am in the process of building this temple in the soul of my child through my word, through the inspirations of my law. But still you are my disciples, continually child disciples come into my presence. Some I have been teaching for many years, others I am beginning to teach the first lessons in the Third Age.
3. My word through these rallies will soon end. But who will be those who are to pass the lesson on to men after me? Who will be those who will pass on the teaching that contains the Great Book of Life? My disciples whom I have prepared for a long time so that they may take my place. But not so that they only strive to repeat my words. For then you would only repeat the words of the voice bearer. But it is not the human word that I bequeath to you, but the meaning of my message.
4. You have heard my word through my voice-bearers. In him you have discovered imperfections which some have attributed to the body of the voice bearer, and others to me. I do not want to accuse my children, through whom I manifest myself, but I tell you nevertheless: I have not deceived you in this rallies, I have never done so. I have brought you my revelations and the inspiration of the HolySpirit through the human mind, and together with my perfect teaching there have been the imperfections of man. The Master tells you: This stage of my rallies will pass, and then, enlightened by the light of my HolySpirit, you will clearly discern where my essence is expressed and what human imperfection is. As the agricultural workers of the earth do, who, when they have brought in their wheat harvest, know how to separate the chaff, so you shall separate the wheat of my teaching from the chaff and keep it in the granary of your hearts. But the chaff, which is the imperfection of the voice-bearers, shall fall into oblivion, while the meaning of my teachings shall remain in your souls forever.
5. To make myself known in this time, in this form, I have issued the call to great multitudes of men. Among them I have chosen men and women of different age, class and race. These chosen ones, of whom you are a part, are souls I know. For there is not a single soul that is alien to me. You are all my children.
6. I have followed the path of development of each of you, because I have marked out your destiny. And when I issued the call to you to be present at these rallies, I chose my chosen ones. I have equipped them with gifts and abilities, and they are supported in their task by spirits of light, by my messengers of peace ─ Souls full of the Word, who have brought you step by step on the path of spiritualism and helped you to discover in yourselves the gifts and graces and to awaken your souls for the hereafter, for eternity.
7. Through my divine teachings and through the trials that I wisely distribute throughout your life, I have unfolded your soul more and more, hardening it for the struggle and revealing to it what was previously a mystery to it, an impenetrable secret You have rejoiced in my work, and through my lessons you learn little by little to interpret the teachings of the First and Second Times, which theologians were unable to comprehend.
8. The trials that you encounter in your life's journey depress you. But immediately you remember that my Divine Spirit is in your being ─ like a star, like a lighthouse, and always you turn to this light to save yourselves.
9. Many of the elect whom I have showered with gifts of grace have been cold to their task in my work. The ideals of the world, temptations and lack of preparation have separated them from Me. But how many who have remained faithful to my teachings do I see clothed with my grace, even though they were not among the chosen, nor received the seal and gifts through the voice bearer. For I have given them their gifts from Spirit to Spirit, and in them is present the grace that has been latent in you all since the beginning of times.
10. Bless the faithful, bless those who stand firm till the end of their trials. Blessed are those who have not wasted the strength that my teaching has given them, for they will survive the vicissitudes of life powerfully and lightfully in the coming times of bitterness.
11. Be faithful, disciples, for my work will never fail you; the master will fulfill his promise and will not be absent for a moment in your struggles with mankind
12. My teaching, from which your soul is nourished, will transform you into masters, into faithful apostles of the HolySpirit.
13. I will not only bring you the peace of the world with these revelations, and ease your sufferings by physical relief. With these rallies I give you the great teachings that speak to you of your soul's development. For if I had only wanted to bring you the goods of the world ─ verily, I tell you, for this it would have been enough to commission the scientists whom I enlighten through intuition and to whom I revealed the secrets of nature so that they would take the healing balm from it to heal you from your physical sufferings.
14. My work wants to show you further horizons, beyond your planet, with that infinite number of worlds that surround you ─ horizons that have no end, that show you the way to eternity that belongs to you
15. It is your soul to whom I speak, that it may strive for its perfection through my Light, my Law, which is in the Spirit. Transform this law into a stepladder, a way, so that you may reach Me. For it is your arrival, which I await with longing, so that you, O beloved children, can enjoy my kingdom, understand my love, and I in my turn can receive yours, which must be perfect so that your spirit soul can enjoy the universal glory of my work.
16. Gain this kingdom, disciples, with my assistance. For how many enemies, how many temptations will oppose your step, and how many abysses will you have to escape!
17. Ye are the people of Israel, which go in publishing to the land of promise through the desert. You no longer have Moses as your leader ─ it is your father who gives precedence to this people, who encourages you and raises you up. Although I am leading you through my chosen ones ─ recognize that above them is the Universal Leader, who is God, who is your Father, who speaks to you and tells you: "Continue to advance, defeat your enemies, do not become weak in the trials, lest you perish on the way. Forward! Do not be unfaithful to your destiny, for you do not know whether at that very moment on the horizon you can already see the Promised Land.
18. I have entrusted great gifts to my chosen ones. One of them is that of healing ─ the healing balm, so that with this gift I can fulfill one of the most beautiful tasks among men, since your planet is a valley of tears where there is always pain. With this ability you have a wide field before you to give comfort according to my will. I have put this balm in your being, in the most delicate strings of your heart, and you have refreshed yourselves on it, your neck has bowed before its wonders, your heart has become soft through the pain of men, and you have always walked on the path of mercy. Furthermore, donate this healing balm, which is not in your hands, because it is transmitted through glances of compassion, consolation, understanding, is passed on through good thoughts and is transformed into healing advice, into words of light.
19. The gift of healing has no limits. Never forget that you are imbued with it; and if pain should make you prey to it, because you are being subjected to a test, if you cannot remove it with this balm, do not forget my teachings, forget your suffering, and think of others where the agony is greater. Then you will experience miracles with yourselves and with your fellow men.
20. I have allowed my spiritual world to manifest itself to you in the same period as that of my rallies during this time through the gift bearers, so that they may receive these beings saturated with my healing balm and that they may be among you as masters of love and mercy. Some of you have known how to appreciate their patience and humility, others have made them the object of humiliation, harassment, materialization.
But these light beings have not brought their complaints, their reproaches before me. They are understanding souls, who came down ─ to snatch you out of your spiritual misery ─ in view of your neediness and misery and often sacrificed their own spiritualization ─ with the goal to snatch you out of darkness, to bring you into the light. But this period of time will soon be over.
21. My spiritual world, advocates of "workers" and crowds of people, will tell me: "Lord, do not judge our brothers and sisters because of the insults they have inflicted on us. But if they stand up for you in this way and forgive you ─ what will the Father not do then, if He grants you His forgiveness?
They have entered even the poorest homes, following your traces of misery and pain. They rushed to every place at the call of my workers and the sick, without fear of defiling themselves, caring only for the wound to heal it, to leave the tribulation, to leave consolation, to leave the sickness, to turn it into health. The Father tells you: The example that my spiritual world has given you, you must imprint on your soul. Do not forget it. I want you to be as they are, so that when these manifestations are over, you may bring this healing balm to all your fellow men, without distinction of social classes, races and worldviews ─ that you may enter royal palaces, as well as the most miserable huts or the dirtiest place, without fear of infection, criticism or ridicule.
22. Always go to those who suffer, and leave as a trace of your walk the best fruits of your love. If you act in this way, you will have taken my spiritual world as your model, which is my faithful disciple and your teacher. And just as they do not seek any reward whatsoever and, if they have done the greatest good to you, have always done it in my name, so you are to walk in the ways of the world according to my will and in doing so sow comfort, health and love, even if for all this you reap only insults, afflictions and ingratitude like my spiritual world and like your master in that second time. You shall not expect any reward in this world. But if you already want to have a reward, it shall be the satisfaction, the joy, of having made him who cried smile, of having raised the "dead" to my truth, and of having comforted the afflicted.
23. In my law I have given you eternal peace, and I want each of you to be like a dove of peace, that your wings never close, that you may be able to put yourselves in all places, be it physical or mental, through your prayers, and where war and discord prevails, where injustice is manifested, you shall be like angels of peace, like guardian angels and messengers of the HolySpirit.
24. Recognize that this humanity has never offered me fruits of peace. From its beginnings it has lived in wars, ceaselessly fighting to achieve foolish goals, to live excessively and to nurture hatred and revenge. This is the fruit that men offer me, and even today these struggles have not ended. Humanity is getting ready to start its greatest fight, it is preparing its most powerful weapons, the weapons of its mind.
25. Men are heading for their own destruction. Above them the beings of the hereafter are acting. Some of them are messengers of my love and inspire people to peace, justice and harmony. The others inspire them only to hatred, to wars, and reveal to scientists the means of destruction that the human brain alone would not be able to discover. Already long ago I announced these events to men through my apostle John, so that we would be awake and praying. But they were only asleep, and therefore there are the enemies of peace, who fight in the heart of mankind to lead them to ruin. Therefore I make you my messengers of love so that you may be united with the legions of peace and good will prevail ─ so that you may participate in the fulfillment of John's prophecy.
26. When this time of battle comes, which I have announced to you, in which you must cross provinces, countries and seas, do not let the roar of the wars frighten you and do not allow yourselves to lose courage in the face of the presence of death, but you are to spread the wings of your ideal of peace so that this prayer may protect men. You are to make use of all the gifts of your Spirit to sow my seed of love.
27. My rallies in this time have made you realize the meaningfulness contained in the struggle and trials that await you: Will your love overcome the hard-heartedness of men? Will your peace overcome the cruelty of wars? Verily I say to you: My peace must prevail. But I will not impose it by force; it will come through the power of persuasion that my teachings radiate. Once he enters into the heart of the child most blinded to evil, that heart will finally find peace.
28. The Master says to you, "There will come a pain greater than all the sufferings and sins of men. This pain will be the cup of their repentance. Before it they will bow their necks, and when they receive my forgiveness and balm, they will confess themselves as my servants.
29. I have given you, O my children, the gift of the word, because I am "the Eternal Word. I am the Divine Word that never ends. I am the Divine Concert, and I have given you a part of it. This Word, which I have placed in your soul, will speak, and your lips, which today are too clumsy to express the inspirations and inspirations I grant you, will be eloquent, will be willing and faithful transmitters of the divine concert. It will be a gift that will amaze you, that will enrapture you, that will make men enjoy and feel my presence. You have begun to develop this gift. For I tell you once again: your lips will speak out of the abundance that is present in your heart and in your soul.
30. Keep and love that which is born of your heart, and if you pass it on, it will have essence and life. If you speak against it without speaking the truth, it will be like a deaf seed that will not grow in the heart of your fellow men.
31. Disciples: Great are the lessons I have given you. But the end of this rallies is already very near, and you must not forget that only after this period of time my word will blossom in your assemblies through Spirit to Spirit dialogue. Only then will your lips pass on the great revelations of my kingdom, and will you penetrate all hearts with my message of love. Then will men say, "How is it that this one can read in my heart what was kept in him? But remember that it will not be you ─. It will be me who speaks through your mediation.
Because of these gifts, you are not to feel yourselves masters, you are not to show off among men, because your body is not to show anything of that spiritual greatness. You are to be like all others, you are not to wear insignia that distinguish you. You will apparently be like everyone else, but in the moments that are suitable for it, my treasure of wisdom will pour into your soul.
32. By the grace of the HolySpirit you have the gift of vision, which is not limited to seeing in the spiritual the messages of the hereafter. Vision is a more extensive gift, is intuition, is presentiment, is prophecy; they are also messages that you receive in your dreams. Vision is the spiritual vision that can see the past, the present and even the future, as far as it is my will. How often, when the seer sees a vision, he will not know what he has seen. But those who hear his testimony will still understand that message.
33. For the moment the visionaries are still in a phase of preparation. But truly, I say to you: You are all seers. Some have developed in one way, some in another, but you all have the spiritual face in a latent state. Those who see what is my will in their prayer in the form of symbolic images, I continue to prepare. For after 1950, the mission that I will entrust to them will be very great, and their responsibility will then be greater.
Therefore I say to you: Prepare yourselves, because when this word no longer resounds through the voice-bearers, the multitudes, believers and non-believers alike, will feel a great loss. Your testimony, your call to awakening and inner reflection should then be like a torch in the middle of the night. You shall be like heralds waking up the nations that are still asleep. Prepare yourselves, people, so that after 1950 you may be able to receive in your soul the messages that come down from my love.
34. I have spoken to you about the spiritual gifts, and if you no longer hear Me in this form, you will discover in them more and more all the glory that is present in your own being. You will again hear me and will be amazed at so much love, so much grace, with which I have given you, shed tears. But you may no longer make use of the ability to contact the spiritual world through your mind after the year 1950 has ended.
The spiritual light beings will continue to make themselves felt through the gift bearers and those who were not, but their manifestation will be felt through inspiration. Likewise, they will continue to give you their healing balm and perform miracles, and their word will be inexhaustible among you.
35. But if, after some time has passed after these rallies, you begin to hear rumors that the Master or the spiritual world has returned to manifest itself through the human mind, you may deny it, because my word is one and my law never changes.
36. You shall live vigilantly, O people, that you may know the voice of the true prophets and the testimony of the apostles from deceit! You are to live vigilantly, that you may not fall into the nets of deceit, and that you may be the strong of these times of battle and of those yet to come. For a group of my disciples who will be faithful to my teachings will not be defiled, nor will they be the soldier who deserts his flag of spiritual integrity. The truth will be in them, and I will make myself known to the other nations, speaking to them and saying to them, "This is my work, these are my disciples, and the best characteristic I will give the world about who are my messengers will be that the false will fall in the great trials, and the faithful will stand firm. The false will curse in the face of pain, and the faithful will bless me. The false will turn their backs on my law, but the faithful will always hold fast to it.
37. I want you all to be my faithful witnesses and my beloved disciples, and for this I am preparing you. But before I finish my lesson this day, I will tell you something that shall not surprise you: I have spoken in my teachings of the called and the chosen. Do you believe that a father who is perfect as I am can have preferences or favors among his children? Could a developed soul accept that his father gives some of his children and leaves the others without inheritance?
38. When you begin to fulfill your mission and you reach the nations, the most remote peoples, even the primeval forests, you will meet human beings, and you shall make them understand that you are all brothers, you shall bear witness to them of my spiritual teaching. You will then be amazed at the proofs of love I will give you.
39. There, among those who are cut off from civilization, but also very far from human depravity, you will discover great souls who will multiply the ranks of the people of Israel.
40. The sick shall receive the balm of salvation and recover in your way; the afflicted shall weep for the last time, but their tears shall be tears of joy. In view of the proofs you are to give, the crowds of people will bless the Lord and his disciples; you will be rejoiced, as it happened on the day your Master entered Jerusalem. But also among those who are to cheer you, there will be men and women full of the spiritual gifts you possess. Among some, their gift of prophecy will amaze you; among others, my healing balm will be inexhaustible; among still others, my word will spring forth like crystal waters. Thus, like an inexhaustible sowing, you will see the gifts of the HolySpirit appearing among your brothers and sisters.
41. Then you will realize that you are not the only ones, that you are only the voice bearers of God, the ones charged with rousing mankind and telling it that man has an inexhaustible treasure of abilities in his soul and that I have given them the gifts as their Lord and as Father. You will discover that you are all equal before the justice of God's love, that you are all endowed in Spirit and in truth with the same grace. Only then will men try to enlighten the mystery of their existence within themselves, they will penetrate into their inner being and recognize their own soul. Then they will lift up their face to the Infinite and ask all that they are not able to comprehend.
42. All that which you can teach them you shall let them know, and in regard to all that which you cannot explain to them, because its knowledge corresponds to your Father, you shall prepare yourselves so that I may reveal it to them through your mediation. But first you must recognize your mission. Although I call you "people of Israel", a day will come when all ─ will be equal before Me, before their Lord, by developing their own gifts ─ and will finally form one single people, which will be the people of God.
43. When my teaching speech ends, your soul, from the hereafter, where it is refreshed by my presence, will, together with the spiritual hosts of peace, send down its feelings of love, its thoughts of peace and mercy on this mankind, which was not able to fully attain the light for its soul. But what can you ask of the Father, though He has given you everything from the beginning? It is your Spirit who permits your soul to take the fruit to which it has acquired a right.
44. Whenever you go your ways in battle, all that you will need will already be provided on them. You must acquire only merits that make you worthy of my love.
45. Why do I speak to you like this, my children? Because I love you, because I do not delight in your sufferings. The Father always wants to see on your faces the spiritual smile of peace.
46. I bless you and say to you once more: be the worthy messengers of my universal peace!
My peace be
with you!
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