BTL - Volume 11 - Teaching 329

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume XI - Teaching 310 - 338  
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Book of True Life - Volume 11

Teaching 329

1. You who want to expand your knowledge in order to discover the higher.

2. Be happy and blessed, who want to clearly recognize. But verily I say to you, you must study and fathom my word, so that the bandage may fall that covers your eyes.

3. Man has been doubly guilty. Not only because he makes no effort to have that bandage fall that hinders him from knowing my teachings, but also because he exhausts himself in the bonds of the flesh that tempt him to earthly pleasures to the detriment of spiritual pleasures. Thus it is that he has become a slave to his passions and his will power for renewal is destroyed.

4. The blind want to lead the blind, and those who have not followed my teaching want to give guidance to sinners. Man is weak because he did not want to make a run to renew and purify himself with my word. He did not want to make use of the power with which he is endowed, which is the will to fight against his vices and to overcome himself.

If your soul wins this battle, then you can say that you are liberated. If your soul has dominion over the "flesh," you will experience that even the predators gently bow to your call of love.

5. When man spiritualizes, he will understand, through the light of my HolySpirit, all that he has considered a mystery in God and in nature.

6. Do not say that you believe in Me when your works or your thoughts say just the opposite. The day will come when you will feel, through your spiritualization, that I am in you and you are in Me. If you want to be my true disciples, strive for this spiritualization.

7. My table is set, come and feed yourselves on the bread of eternal life, prepare yourselves with my love lessons, eliminate your ignorance through my light, free yourselves from passions, be the children of light.

8. Then your works and your spiritualization will be like a song of praise which your soul will sing to glorify your Father

9. Prepare yourselves, disciples, because the day is drawing near when I speak to you for the last time through this means, and you will then have to be strong to await the new day, the new time, when I will no longer use the brains of your voice carriers as an instrument to transmit my word, but I will be present in Spirit ─ ready to let my inspiration flow into the soul of each of you.

10. Only a few months remain for you to refresh yourselves for the last time in these rallies. But I tell you that they are enough time to reflect on my message and my revelations, so that you may prepare yourselves by study, by prayer and by observance, so that you may gather strength. Stand by your fellow men, lift up those who have fallen, comfort those who shed tears in their difficult trials, and leave a real trace of spiritualization with every step you take.

11. Whoever will be at his post in the most meaningful hour in which I give you my last word, will stand firm in the struggle, will remain on his feet. But everyone who takes wrong steps will fall because only what is firmly founded will resist the course of the whirlwinds, which will then reach this people, which is why I tell you that every work that should not be built on foundations of truth, devotion, charity and spiritualization will be torn down.

12. Learn to recognize the meaning of my word, so that you may nourish your soul only from it For I have seen that ─ because you did not strive to discover my essence ─ you have instead adopted the expressions of the voice-bearers and the inspired speakers. But do not forget that the refreshment that you want to bring to the world is not human, but divine.

13. Verily I tell you, if the bodies of the voice-bearers had prepared themselves for the accomplishment of their so high and difficult task, their lips would not have had to speak so much to express my inspiration when transmitting my message, nor would my rallies have dragged on for hours.

14. If they had understood and obeyed the voice of their conscience, and if they had been inspired by love of the people and by mercy to those who desire spiritual light, my word would have been limited to a few sentences, but they would have been so perfect even in form that they would have shaken those who consider themselves the most learned on earth. And my messages would have lasted only minutes, but so much essence would have been transmitted in them that the souls of the listeners would have felt transported to eternity, where time is neither long nor short. And you would have felt my presence in all its intensity, because it would not have been veiled by the imperfections, the impurities and the earth heaviness of your voice carriers.

15. Alas, my children, I see you crying in these moments, but unfortunately already too late. For what is still to be done of the fulfillment of the mission that you have, there is no longer enough time to obtain a perfect fruit ─ that fruit that you should have let ripen during a constant struggle to reach spiritualization! Nevertheless, you will be able to do something in these last morning hours.

16. Now I will tell you how you can improve your errors so that you no longer drag them with you and still much less pass them on to your fellow men as if they were a part of the truth.

17. Take the word as you have heard it from the lips of the voice bearer, calmly and reasonably, and lift up your minds by means of prayer. Reflect on those lessons until you have discovered their meaning, their core, their content. This will be the divine essence that you are to keep in your heart, and that you are to bring to humanity as a message of light.

18. Once you renounce the empty words, the formalities, the symbolic acts and the ceremonies, you will have torn the veil that prevents you from recognizing the truth. If you reject the external and the superfluous, it will be a sign that spiritualization is gradually felt and lived by you. Then your soul, your heart and mind, and even your senses will no longer be so easily impressed by external or insignificant displays. The soul will seek the meaning, the truth, the life, the principle in everything.

19. Could one of these disciples bring to his fellow men a message in which the pure is mixed with the unclean, the divine with the fleshly, and the high with the common? No, people, it is only natural and right that you should think that these good disciples are only spreading a heavenly message, which is a living testimony of light and truth both in its content and form.

20. To whom will I entrust the work of turning my word into scriptures, that they may be another means of spreading your witness? I alone know. But truly, I tell you, I will test them much and they will be chosen among those who feel love most, because the spirituality of my teaching is spreading among their brothers and sisters.

21. Encourage yourselves in these teachings so that you may be steadfast in the last hour of my rallies and then go away to form part of the number of soldiers who fight for the essence, spirituality and simplicity of this work.

22. When this my seed has risen in the hearts of the peoples that make up humanity, there will be an absolute change in the lives of men. How great will be the difference that they will show both in their human lives and in their spiritual worship of God, when we compare the way of living, believing, worshipping, "fighting" and thinking of the people of former times and those who live spirituality.

23. From that time of fanaticism, idolatry, materialization and absurd dogmas of faith, no stone will remain upon another. All errors bequeathed by your ancestors and yourselves to future generations will be removed. All that does not contain an essence of good and truth will not endure. But all the good that you have inherited, they will preserve.

24. This teaching, which is presented in a more spiritual form than in past times, will have to fight among men, peoples, churches, and sects in order to prevail and take root. But as soon as the short time of confusion is over, peace will come to men, and they will rejoice when they take from my words the meaning that it has always held.

25. The ideas about my divinity, about spiritual life, and about the purpose of your existence will be put into the right channels, because every man will be a good interpreter of all that has been told you by your master, his messengers and prophets, in parables and allegories.

26. This expression was only partially understood by men. It was the teaching which was intended for them, according to their increasing spiritual and intellectual capacity. But since they wanted to know everything at once, they became entangled in more and more contradictions and misconceptions, because they gave material interpretations to what could be interpreted only in a spiritual way.

27. Now the light shines anew in every soul, and you will therefore be able to penetrate into the core of those and these revelations. But do not forget that ─, if you truly seek to know the meaning or essence of my Word, you must devote yourselves to the study of these revelations by fathoming them spiritually. Then it will be easy, its meaning will appear obvious, clear, simple. The mysteries will be removed and with them ignorance. Then, little by little, the Earth will send back to the Spiritual Valley light-filled beings, not dark beings wrapped in the veil of ignorance.

28. Since this rallies began to manifest, your Spirit has been enlightened by my teaching, although unbelievers also showed themselves ─ both to those who have trained the mind and to the uneducated and ignorant.

29. How many arguments to deny this revelation! How many attempts to destroy this Word! But nothing has stopped the course of my message ─ On the contrary: the more this work was fought, the more the faith of men was inflamed, and the more time passed, the greater became the number of those through whom I convey my word.

30. What is to be learned from this? that human power will never be able to prevent divine power from carrying out its counsel.

31. If the present man with all his science is not able to subject the elements of nature to his will ─ how could he then impose his power on the spiritual powers?

32. Just as the stars in the cosmos follow their unchanging order without man's will being able to make them change their course or their destiny, so too the order that exists in the spiritual cannot be changed by anyone.

33. I created the day and the night, that is, I am the light, and no one else but I can hold it back. The same applies to the spiritual.

34. I am the light of your soul, and I alone know when I must send you the treasure of divine clarity.

35. No one will be able to change the course of the flow of life; no one will be able to prevent the advance of the light. Therefore you see that ─, after my rallies have been manifested to you in this form for so many years, it is now approaching its end without any of the so many opponents of this teaching having been able to prevent even one day of the consummation of my rallies.

36. The voice bearer, in contact with my light, felt strong, invincible, invulnerable, and so it really was.

37. When the people gathered inside these places of assembly, they always did so without fear of the world, always trusting in my presence and protection, and I proved to them that their faith was based on truth.

38. In view of the proofs I have given this people for the truth of my presence, the crowds of people have flocked more and more, and the number of places where I make my word known has multiplied.

39. I must also tell you that the number of unbelievers, doubters and deniers has multiplied. For as long as mankind does not have the conception of me that corresponds to the truth, there will always be some who deny me. Because of their confusion they cannot understand me, nor can they hear me, nor feel me, and then they must deny me and fight that which cannot be true for them because it is beyond their comprehension.

40. I forgive them because it is not their intention to harm me in any way, nor would they be able to do so. They truly believe that these multitudes of people are victims of seduction or deceit and would like to spare them this.

41. But other deniers will also come, who ─ when they hear the meaning of this teaching ─ tremble at its truth and its justice, and seeing their power and their name in danger, they war and fight my work with base weapons. With these hearts, it will not be ignorance nor honest conviction that will cause them to fight this people ─ it will be envy, hatred and fear that it will become light in mankind. But nobody will be able to prevent that it becomes light when the hour of dawn comes for the soul.

42. Know ye what is the origin of that light which is contained in the words spoken by the lips of the voice bearer? Its origin is in the good, in divine love, in the universal light that proceeds from God. It is a ray or a spark of that luminous All-Being that gives you life; it is a part of the infinite power that moves everything and under which everything vibrates, stirs and circles unceasingly. It is what you call divine radiance, it is the light of the Divine Spirit that illuminates and enlivens souls.

43. That radiance has influence both on the soul and on the body, both on the worlds and on men, the plants and all the beings of creation. It is spiritual to the Spirit, is material to matter, is intelligence to the mind, is love in the heart. It is knowledge, is talent and is self-contemplation, is instinct, is intuition and is above the senses of all beings according to their order, their nature, their nature and their degree of development. But the origin is one: God; and its essence one: love. What, then, can be impossible about my enlightening the minds of these creatures to send you a message of spiritual light?

44. The plants receive the radiation of life, which my Spirit sends to them to bear fruit. The stars receive the power which my Spirit radiates on them to circle on their orbits. The earth, which is the present, living testimony, accessible to all your senses, receives unceasingly the radiation of life that makes so many miracles emerge from its womb. Why then should it be impossible that man, in whose being radiates like a jewel the presence of a Spirit, in which his likeness to Me is founded, should receive directly from my Spirit to his Spirit the divine radiation, which is the spiritual seed that is to bear fruit in him?

45. Get to know Me all, so that no one denies Me ─ recognize Me, so that your conception of God is based on truth and you know that where the good shows itself, I am.

46. The good mixes with nothing. The good is truth, is love, is mercy, is understanding.

47. The good is clearly recognizable and unmistakable. Recognize it so that you do not err. Every man can go a different way; but when they all come together at a point which is good, they will finally recognize and unite. Not so, if they persistently deceive themselves by giving the appearance of evil to good and masking evil as good, as happens with the people of this age.

48. Reflect on this teaching, unbelievers of my rallies and word, and judge only then. But remember before that when I was among men, I told you that my kingdom was not of this world, whereby I made them understand that my homeland is spiritual. When I spoke to them about spiritual life, I did it by means of parables, since they could not have understood it if I had described the kingdom of heaven to them in all its glory and truth.

49. Mistakenly, men have taken my allegories and teachings literally, because in their imagination they have given earthly or human forms to everything divine.

50. Because of the earthly interpretation which the human mind has given to my revelations, many ideas about spiritual life are so far removed from truth.

51. How could men thus give a correct interpretation to what I have called the "kingdom of heaven"? How could they know my righteousness so long as they believe that there is a hell like that which their imagination has created, and when will they accept and understand that the law of reincarnation is not only a theory, nor a false belief of some men, but a law of eternal righteousness and loving compensation, by which the soul purifies, perfects, forms, and uplifts itself?

52. Hear Me again, mankind: now is the Third Time, in which I have set myself to tell you that I have not come to erase even one of the words revealed by Me when I was on earth, but to erase from your hearts all the false interpretations you have given to my teachings

53. When you cast off your fanaticism, which is that which blinds you and prevents you from knowing the truth, you will gradually understand this teaching and will see before you full of light the content of my revelations both of this time and of times past. Then you will call that which you have called mystery until now perfect righteousness, and you will know how to give its eternal value to the immutable, and its right meaning to the human which is transitory.

54. In this way you will know that a single existence on earth ─, since it is so short in comparison with the spiritual life ─, cannot be decisive for the eternity of a soul. This means that it will not be enough for one of you to reach within it the perfection that will bring you directly into the realm of the highest spiritualization, which you call "heaven," nor will the faults of a life on earth be able to decide that a soul will perish for eternity in darkness or pain.

55. While a human life granted to a soul is of such great value, and represents an opportunity so favorable to the progress of a soul, the fact of not using it or of using it badly means that my ever-remorseless righteousness is manifested in the path of him who degrades such sacred gifts as those I entrust to each soul when I send it to earth. But that the whole eternity of his soul depends on such a short existence as that of man in the world is a mistake ─ all the more, if you consider that human errors are inherent in those beings who lack development, light and elevation.

56. My teaching full of light and love strengthens the Spirit so that he can exercise his power over the "flesh" and make it so sensitive that the inspirations of conscience become ever more easily perceptible to it.

57. Spirituality is the goal that man should strive for, since through it he will be able to become fully one with his conscience and finally to distinguish good from evil. For because of the lack of spiritual upliftment of man, that profound and wise, unwavering and just inner voice could not be sufficiently heard and interpreted, and therefore man has not attained an unrestricted knowledge that would really allow him to distinguish good from evil. But not only this, but he should find in himself the necessary strength to follow every good impulse and obey every light-filled inspiration, and at the same time reject every temptation, every unfair or bad thought or emotional impulse.

58. Man will find in his own soul the best weapons to defeat all his enemies, and it will be the conscience that will reveal to him the course of action to be taken in that battle which he must inevitably fight and defend himself against evil ─ that power to which man is so attracted and which he personifies in a Spirit to which he has given so many names and given shape.

59. I tell you that you must fight evil, temptation and darkness, but not in that being you have created in your imagination, but inwardly, with yourself, where weaknesses, bad inclinations and darkness are at home. For men have loved the darkness more than the light.

My peace be with you! 

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