BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 302

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 302

My peace be with you!

1 Disciples of my divinity: Welcome to my teaching speech. Marvel not at the greeting with which my Divine Spirit receives you. For truly, I tell you, in the last year of my manifestation among you in this form, I will make myself known at the moment of my coming.

2 Every step you take on the way of spiritualization will be rewarded by me. Every church that breaks with its routine and moves toward perfection in its ritual acts will likewise receive the Father's reward. Not I will mark the days of my manifestations by special dates, for I am above time, beyond it.

3 In that second age, days after the crucifixion of Jesus, three of my disciples were walking on a dirt road. They were on their way to a lonely shepherd's hut where they could concentrate on the memory of the Master who had passed away. They walked with a heart torn apart by pain, feeling the emptiness in their soul. On their way they met a wanderer who accompanied them, and when he asked them the reason for their so obvious grief, they reported in moving words about all that had happened to them - about what had happened in Jerusalem, about what had happened at Golgotha. So they reached the hut, entered it, and when they were united not only physically but also spiritually in a community of thought and memory, that wanderer was transfigured and told them, "My peace be with you. The astonished disciples immediately recognized the voice of their Master and threw themselves at His feet.

4 They looked at his radiant face, his human form full of light, love, filled with life. How many times did He show Himself to His disciples from that moment on, He made Himself known with that blessed phrase: "My peace be with you! I want you to hear Me as well as those disciples. After the cessation of My word by means of today's manifestations, you will hear - no longer through your bodily ears, but through your spirit - the sound of My Divine Voice, which eternally tells you: "My Peace be with you.

5 You are all my disciples, even those who came last, even those who hear me for the first time. For this is not the first instruction which I give them. It has been a long time since they came forth out of my spirit, and from that time on I have begun to be the master for them. Therefore, in this third time, when they heard my voice becoming human in the voicebearers, I called them my disciples, because they have already received infinite lessons from me. I have created life itself so that it is like a book of high wisdom for you. The number of its pages is innumerable, its contents are profound, and one life is not enough to know it in its entirety, and even less to understand it. Its scope is great, it has been written by the perfect Being, by the Author of Life and all created things. But this book so full of wisdom is simple, clearly written, as are all the works of God.

6 The first lesson, that is, the first page, is the simplest. But if, in spite of its simplicity, it is not understood, the second follows to explain the contents of the first, and so it continues until the end of this great book of life which I have presented to man. It is now opened in the sixth chapter, so that he may get to know the Father, so that he may know his life and his destiny, so that he may understand his past, his present and - as far as it is my will - his future.

7 With the Third Age, the age of the Holy Spirit has come for mankind, that of the practice of spirituality. But to reach this stage of development - how much you had to experience and suffer on the way!

8 I see that in this era your soul has reached a level of development that has made you a fertile field for my seed. But I am still discovering that your soul is thirsty and hungry for truth. Your soul has unfolded in pain, in suffering in disappointments. But there is another unfolding that I do not see in you, and that is that which only causes the exercise of my teachings, the observance of my laws, the unfolding of true love, from which all virtues come forth.

9 Exploring the brain of man with his science, transform your lives. His heart feels great in the passions, in the earthly possessions, in the dominion over this world. But this greatness has no validity before me. It is a transient greatness, it is human vanity, and this life, today transformed by men, I will cleanse. Already the light of my Holy Spirit as seed of truth is pouring out on every soul. But for the awakening to take place in all my children, they will have to go through another test.

10 Men have resisted the severity of my righteousness by silencing the voice of their conscience, hiding my laws, and turning their backs on my divine commandments. They have killed my prophets and mocked my messengers, but my power is infinite.

I will not unload all my power on men because they are still very immature in my eyes. I will not cast down their soul to force them to follow me after their own collapse. For I want to see man - the being endowed with my divine qualities - standing on his feet, with a face turned upwards, full of satisfaction, with real greatness in his soul, with real dignity in his whole being.

11 Thus will I see my child - the creature who is the mirror and image of the Creator. I will only free him from his errors, from his sin, from his imperfections. But always I will stand by his soul through the light of hope, through the trust in me, and always, when an abyss opens up before his feet, I will stretch out my hand to him, so that he does not fall down. But another test has to come, which will be a worldwide earth upheaval, and in this chaos it will not only be the elements of creation that are unleashed as in the past times - it will also be the soul that is shaken and fights and will be a part of the worldwide chaos in this battle.

12 The beginnings are already visible among you. The struggle will increase more and more. But verily I say to you, in the midst of this storm everyone who fulfills my law will be saved.

13 Every bad seed will be pulled up by the root, and my righteousness will leave only the good seed, and so leave this earth once more cleansed. For after the trial is over, a new life will come for this mankind. All those to whom I have taken this earth life as bad seed, I will bring as souls to that blessed region which you call the hereafter. I will work on them, and there they will make amends for all their transgressions through their own repentance.

14 There is so much light in the souls at this time that a moment of true repentance will be enough for them to make a firm and lasting resolution to renew themselves and obey my law. And once all those who have been raised up by Me have obtained this preparation, I will send them back to this planet - some to start the way anew, and others to rebuild what has been destroyed, and finally others to complete their tasks already begun. So my love righteousness will be with each one. In the early days of mankind, innocence and simplicity prevailed among men; but as their numbers increased, their sins also became more numerous and unfolded faster and faster - not so their virtues, but their violations of my law - because of their development and their freedom of will. Then I prepared Noah, to whom I manifested myself from spirit to spirit, for this dialogue I have taken up with men from the beginning of mankind. But this grace, which in past times was bestowed on only a few, will become worldwide and universal in the coming times. The dialogue between the Father and his children, the dialogue through prayer, the inspiration that gives love and the practice of my teachings, will be among all my children.

15 I told Noah, "I will cleanse the soul of men from all their sins; to this end I will send a great flood. Build an ark and let your children, their wives, the children of your children, and a couple of every kind of animal enter into it". Noah was obedient to my commandment, and the catastrophe came in fulfillment of my word. The bad seed was uprooted, and the good seed was kept in my granaries, from which I created a new humanity that carried the light of my righteousness and knew how to fulfill my law and live in the observance of good morals.

16 Do you think that those people who found such a sorrowful death perished physically and mentally? Verily I say to you, no, my children. Their souls were preserved through Me and were awakened before the Judge, their own conscience, and were prepared to return again to the way of life so that they might obtain spiritual progress on it.

17 On the day when the floods no longer covered the earth, I made the rainbow of peace shine in the firmament as a sign of the covenant that God made with men. Now I say to you: O mankind of the "Third Age", you who are the same, who have gone through all these trials in which you have purified yourself: You will soon experience a new chaos. But I have come to warn the people chosen by Me and mankind as a whole, to whom I have made myself understood in this time. Listen well, my children: here is the ark, go into it, I invite you to do so.

18 For you, O Israel, the ark is the keeping of my law. Everyone who obeys my commandments in the most painful days, in the hardest time of trial, will be within the ark, will be strong and feel the protection of my love.

19 And to all mankind I say again, The ark is my law of love. Everyone who practices love and mercy on his neighbor and himself will be saved. I will bless this virtue and through it I will cause people to find the ark of salvation spiritually in this Third Age - not only the salvation of their human life, but also the salvation and peace of their soul. The time of great trials is approaching, in which the struggle of sect against sect, of religion against religion will be unleashed.

20 How long will this dispute last? You cannot know. But truly, I tell you, there will be enough time to prepare the souls of the rest of men. There will be enough time for all, even the last of the creatures, to awaken-even in childhood. So that all of you may become aware of the time in which you live and have the knowledge of your responsibility to Divine Justice, which calls all souls to renewal.

This storm will pass away, and you will again see in the firmament the sign of my covenant with men. But it will not be the earthly rainbow with its seven colors, but the light of the Holy Spirit in its fullness, which reveals itself to all souls, both the incarnated and the disembodied?

The voice of the Holy Spirit will tell all his children: I am peace, I am the way, the truth and the life, I am He who makes a new covenant between you and my Holy Spirit, my law. For in this time you will be delivered from the chains of ignorance through my teachings, and I will grant a new time of peace and prosperity to the new mankind, which consists of people freed from materialism and renewed to the marrow of their bones. In it those souls will come to incarnation who have awakened in the face of My Light, who have been fully prepared to return to the ways of the world, to sow virtue and truth in fulfilment of My Law.

21 Therefore, beloved disciples, knowing my teachings, you have such a great responsibility to your Father, because you know what the future holds for you. But you are to measure the time in which my prophecies are not yet fulfilled, not by years, not even by centuries. You are only to remember to lay down your tribute of love and trust with me and to fulfill what is due to each of you in my teaching. The rest I will do, and so you will always have a good conscience.

22 You will then experience, O Israel, that, as bitter as life is for others, it will be pleasant for you, and no pain will be able to trouble you because of the strength you have acquired in the fulfillment of my law and in obedience to my commandments. Then you will no longer fear the burden of your cross, nor will you fear the coming of death in this life. You will await it calmly, and you will see it coming as a friend, as your sister, as the one who comes to set you free, to shorten in your life the days of pain, misery and plagues. For even this will lead you there and help you to cross with firm steps the thresholds to eternity - to that beyond which not even your soul knows. For although you have already inhabited it, you have not done so on the highest levels, where you will reach in the coming periods of time.

23 You already know some of his regions, but not all of them, people. Jesus already told you: "In the house of my Father there are many dwellings," and today the Holy Spirit tells you: "In the house of the Father there are an infinite number of dwellings.

24 How will that life full of struggles, full of trials, unfold for your soul? You do not know, you should not even imagine it, for it would be only your imagination that would make you form false imaginations.

25 It will be enough for you to know that this earthly life - wonderful and perfect in every way - is only a symbol, a faint reflection of the hereafter. But do not try to imagine those levels of life in all their perfection. For it would be, O Israel, as if you wanted to make the blind understand from birth how the colors of all that surrounds you are.

Just as your soul, incarnated in a child, discovers miracles at every turn and continues to experience new things in youth, does not cease to know creation at a mature age, reaches old age and departs from this life with the lamentation of not having known everything that surrounded it, your soul will move on from this life - prepared for the next one - and will go from surprise to surprise, from lesson to lesson, from miracle to miracle, until eternity, and yet will not be able to see its Creator in all His infinite glory.

26 He will understand him to a large extent in his laws, in his love, in his qualities. But will he grasp him completely? Never, my people, for the Creator is and always will be the Father, and his children his creatures. The children will be able to sit at the right hand of the Lord, but never in his place of honor. But from that place of honor, Jehovah, who is the source of perfect love, will never humble his children. He will always regard them as his spoiled creatures, as his disciples, never as servants or as accused. I want the time to come when you will feel yourselves not as accused or as servants of the Lord, but as his beloved children.

27 I will not have slaves in this world or in any other world; I will not have lackeys or vassals. I will have no accused, I will be understood and loved with the same love with which I love all my children.

28 With these teachings, people, I give you the testimony of my presence among you as Spirit of Truth. With my words I am building for you the saving ark in this Third Age. Understand the figurative sense in all my lessons and keep their meaning in fulfillment of my law. For I want that when the chaos comes among men, I will find you already prepared and healed so that you will give the call to those who capsize - to those who perish, and to those who sin and repent in time.

29 Seek not only your safety. Because when you should act in such a way, and your lips will remain closed for speaking in that time, and you should hide my revelations from men because fear seizes you although you already consider yourselves to be saved in the ark - indeed, I tell you, you will then be among the shipwrecked.

30 For you to be truly saved, you must forget yourselves and think only of others. Feel mercy with your fellow men, without distinguishing them by color of skin, blood, language or worldview. You shall see in each of your fellow men the image of your Father, which is universal and is present in all his children.

31 See Me and love Me in all your fellow men, remember that I have told you that none of my children will perish for all eternity, none will find death for his soul because it does not exist I did not create it, because I only kill sin.

32 Even those beings whom you call tempters or devils - verily, I tell you, they are nothing but confused or imperfect beings, whom the Father wisely uses to carry out his high councils and plans But also these beings, whose souls today are shrouded in darkness, and many of whom make bad use of the gifts I have granted them, will be saved by me in due time. For the time will come, O Israel, when all creatures of the Lord will glorify me eternally. I would no longer be God if I could not save a soul with my power, my wisdom and my love.

33 You will all be saved, and when you have read of hellfire and eternal death - verily I say to you, you must seek the figurative sense there and must not give a bad interpretation to my teachings For with this you would attribute imperfections to me, which I do not have. I am perfect, but I do not boast of this to my children. For as certain as it is that you are still imperfect today, I will still lead you to perfection through my love and through my light.

34 You must know, disciples, that I will leave you at the end of 1950, when I have withdrawn my word, which I am currently letting reach you through the voice-bearers, as one soul and one heart. I will continue to proclaim my divine teachings, but they will be high, even more precise, and moreover, they will mark the beginning of the dialogue from spirit to spirit. The more you unite in obedience to my law, the closer you will be to perfect spiritual dialogue.

35 When this stage of my announcement among you is once finished, I will grant you a time of reflection, preparation and investigation. But these studies you shall not do separately, but you shall always be united. Before you seek my teachings in your memory and in the writings, you are to prepare yourselves and unite with your Lord through prayer. In this moment you will be supported by Me, and when you then begin to grasp My Word, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the true content of each lesson. For I do not want to see different interpretations among my disciples.

36 I want everyone to acquire knowledge of all the fundamental things within my work; that fanaticism and idolatry disappear; that there be no superstition among you; that you offer Me the simplest worship, without rites and superfluous ceremonies, to exercise only my truth. Therefore, I told you at the beginning of my teaching that every step you take toward spiritualization will be rewarded by Me.

37 The time of rites, altars and church bells is now coming to an end among men. Idolatry and religious fanaticism will show their last signs of life. That time of struggle and chaos will come, which I have continuously announced to you. When peace has returned to all souls after the storm, men will no longer build royal palaces in my honor, nor will the crowds of people be gathered by the sound of bells, nor will those who feel great exercise power over the masses of people. The time of humility, fraternity, spirituality will come, which brings with it equality of spiritual gifts for mankind.

38 Cleanse yourself further, O Israel. You have nothing to correct in the meaning of my teaching, because it is perfect. See my work always beyond all that you do. For all your outward worship, rites and traditions are not part of it.

39 My spirit, which is all-embracing, exists in everything created by me, whether in the spiritual or in the material nature. My work is present in everything and testifies to my perfection on all levels of life. My divine work encompasses everything - from the greatest and most perfect beings dwelling at my right hand to the barely perceptible micro-being, plant or mineral, atom or cell, which give form to all creatures. With this I again point out to you the perfection of everything created by me - from the material beings to the spirits, who have already attained perfection. This is my work.

40 You are the disciples who feel small and weak in the face of my universal presence. But I say to you: Small and weak is only your body, but your soul will be strong, and I will make use of it. If the Father has visited you today to bestow gifts upon you, it is because He knows that you will not disappoint Him, and the Father is never wrong.

41 He as Master understands to choose from the crowds of people those who have a difficult mission to fulfill. Verily, I tell you, many have come to Me in hearing My call to hear My teachings, but very few are those who have remained faithful to Me and are carrying out their mission.

42 How many of those who have been given to me have let their lamp of faith and love go out, have turned their backs on me, denied me, and even mocked my manifestations. I am currently calling them, too, into the interior of the saving ark, and there is still time for them that they may obtain their reparation through their self-contemplation and repentance. But only through the faithful, through the steadfast, will the others achieve this. Those who distanced themselves from my teachings did so because of their weakness in the face of the temptations and enticements of the world.

43 My perfection grants them another period of time, and I give them my light for their self-contemplation and redemption.

44 Send up your spiritual prayer, but not for yourselves nor for yourselves, but for all mankind which suffers and rejects my loving caress. But you are able to feel this love better, and even if you encounter great trials on your way, you will not perish. There are trials that my justice sends you, but you create most of them yourselves through your weaknesses. But in both, my love strengthens you and helps you so that you may reach the end of the way.

45 Unite yourselves in this moment with your Father, watch and pray for humanity.

46 I want you to be like a star in the firmament, and from there to send down rays of light, of love, of forgiveness and of mercy to all the peoples of the earth I bless you, O disciples.

47 Not even your spiritual soul can comprehend its own power, nor the brotherly embrace with which you have embraced humanity. But I know it well, and therefore I tell you, people, that you should always pray like this, for this is one of the highest missions of your spirit. But if your lips cannot give comfort, and you cannot reach the sick with your hands to "anoint" them, your prayer should be like wings for your soul, which carries it to the farthest, to bring them my message of peace and love. Since you have watched and prayed for humanity, I will watch for you, I will penetrate your heart, and when I discover its sufferings, its needs, I will comfort it and leave it a gift, and this gift will be the fulfillment of what you are asking Me for at this moment. But you must be patient. Do not put me to the test, do not press me.

48 It is not necessary that you ask me, but I still allow it to you, namely because you are still little children and the troubles oppress you.

49 The time will come when you shall no longer ask Me for anything, but shall come to Me to say to Me, "Father, work in me according to your will.

50 Blessed be your life, your way, and also your table

My peace be with you! 

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