BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 241

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 241:

1. I receive thee, people that come to feed on the divine word, which is the bread of the soul I come to you out of love I have for you. Oh you people, who only move toward pain, blood and fears! The shadows of materialism have darkened the eyes of men, and so they cannot see the way to their reparation.

2. At least you who hear me rejoice in my words and find comfort in me. For this mankind has misled its intellect and its feelings, because instead of striving for truth, it strives for confusion. The great human intelligences today flourish in crime, and they make this their ideal.

This is why I have long said to those I call my disciples that if they carry out the mission I have entrusted to them, their example will have such an impact on the lives, thoughts and speech of others that they will be able to say Today I use my Spirit, which I once thought was useless.

3. Disciples: When the Spirit of men rises up, frees itself and works in the fields to which it is entitled, the cup of suffering that this world drinks will end. Once spiritualization blossoms in man's mind and heart, there will be a blossoming in all the ways of your life. ─ I am speaking precisely to those who aspire to be my disciples and with whom I find sensitivity when they hear me.

4. My people, make sure that not a single moment of your life is wasted. Love one another, and feel the pain of not having done it before. Think deeply about the essential good and bad deeds of your past. For from this reflection good fruits will grow for you, and then think about the future. Ask yourselves: "What have I prepared for the times to come?

You will understand that you have something to say to humanity, that you have to do something to wake it up from that sleep that does not let it see the shroud with which death is currently covering it and constantly threatening ─ that you have to do something to awaken it and hear the voice of conscience.

5. Oh you human vanities! Oh you human beings, who seek your blossoming and your glory on this earth!

6. To speak words that kill, you have set up a throne for yourselves, from which you give your orders for war, for the summoning of destruction and death!

7. What is human intelligence if it is not united with spiritualization, which is conscience, justice and mercy? With what words do those people want to answer God, who with their light have invented the great weapons of destruction? With what do they want to pay the debt they are currently burdened with? How do they want to manage the harvest of their great sowing?

8. And to all those who speak of Me and call themselves my disciples and servants, I ask: what are you doing in these moments, and what have you done to protect the world?

9. O children, you who hear Me in these times! work in my Work of Love, hurry, that part of your life which I ask you to dedicate to the good of your neighbour, which will be for your good at the same time

10. My work needs soldiers. Why not lose life on this spiritual front, since you are giving it away without any use on the battlefields?

11. Make use of that part of the time which I demand of you by teaching, giving lectures full of love and knowledge, softening and awakening the hearts Look at my divine existence as it is dedicated to the task of loving you, protecting you and saving you. Remember that even as a human being I consecrated my whole life to you. Do not be content to reap only a few seeds. What will be the bestowal or gift that you will put in my hand when you enter into what you call "beyond"? I gave you the water from my spring in abundance. Will you give me back only a few drops? Bear witness with your good works.

12. The spiritual gifts that have been revealed to you during this time have come to light to help you pour out those crystal clear waters on the souls of your fellow men. Learn from your Master, who has always shown Himself to you as a source of love, a constant gift, a burning lamp to light the heart of one who suffers. Is not each of my words like a torch of light on the path of the wayfarer who is on the way to the goal of his destiny? Is this message not a new revelation that brings you closer to God?

13. Only he who feels and lives my teaching and my law will be able to call himself "teacher" in my work. Whither this Word leads you, that you may know the high and the low in it. For the Spirit, who wants to be great, is interested only in great works. The small Spirit strives only for the small; and in order to believe, he must with pain separate himself from the superfluous and strengthen himself in the love of his Father.

14. But the great Spirit, for the sake of his high ideal or mission of love, sacrifices even that which you can regard as his dearest.

15. Are you amazed that my disciples of the Second Time have left everything to follow Me, have given you everything out of love for you?

16. My word invites all to return to the way of love. There many will be ashamed of having felt hatred or resentment toward their fellow men, of not having loved them further. Then they will embrace them again with pain and at the same time with the joy of repentance. Then spiritualization will appear and the earthly-human will disappear.

17. I will tell you more about the great souls: they are not sensitive to insults, nor weak at blows. They look with equanimity upon such wretchedness and pity those who carry it out. They stand above these trifles and look only at that which is great.

18. You will all have to go through great trials. You will have to be very strong so as not to despair and thereby avoid the shame of your weakness. You who have heard this word and have come to this table full of good food and have been nourished by my wisdom ─ be strong and encourage your fellow men through your love.

19. Whoever does good is an apostle of Christ. But he will not need titles to certify him as such, nor will it be necessary for him to boast about it.

20. What do you say to me when I reveal to you the sorrowful events of the future? What could you offer to the uninitiated who come to you in need of comfort?

21. I tell you only: sow my seed. This teaching is your legacy. If you know how to penetrate into the depths of your soul, you will find there the Messiah, who incessantly returns to your heart to illuminate it with his light.

22. Those who will come tomorrow to know of my coming can be divided into two groups: The ones who come in doubt and leave believing and contrite, because they were touched by the love of my word. And the others who come unbelievingly and will remain just as dissatisfied, because they are more body than soul, more limited than thoughtful. But to you, who have been called my new disciples, and who have been marked by the HolySpirit, I say: When will you begin to enlighten the world by the example of your works of love?

23. Listen: When I was with you on earth, people came to me in droves ─ people in high positions, full of vanity, rulers, who secretly sought me out to hear me. Some admired me, but out of fear they did not openly admit it; others rejected me. Flocks of men, women, and children came to Me and listened to Me in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night, and always found the Master ready to give them the Word of God. They saw that the Master forgot Himself and could not explain to them at what hour He took food so that His body would not become weak and His voice would not become dull. The reason was that they did not know that Jesus received power from His own Spirit and found nourishment in Himself.

24. In the same way, you too will one day experience that he who, inspired by Divine Love, dedicates his existence to the task of comforting, supporting and loving his fellow men, will find in his own soul an unknown strength and nourishment that sustains him without a moment of struggle.

25. In this way, I will manifest myself in that nation which is the same as today, and which tomorrow will form a single community throughout the world: the people of God.

26. Learn from Me and use your gifts to pay the great debt you have to yourselves and to humanity Accept your atonement willingly and have no desire to pay this debt with something that pleases you and is not difficult. For often you will have to make sacrifices or renunciations.

27. I do not ask you for your life, but only for a few hours, only a part of your time.

28. Remember that Jesus, in order to be with you, His Mother left ─ that most loving Mother, who was the only thing He had on earth He distanced Himself from her in life and lay only in her arms when He was lifelessly taken down from the cross. From you I do not demand so much, but only a small part of what I gave and taught you.

29. Lay down your life by comforting the afflicted, healing the sick and saving the stray, but do not let yourselves be killed only to show that you are willing to die for Me

30. In my teaching there shall be no accused or accusers, neither offended nor insulted. In it there shall be only those who strive to rise up by the practice of my teachings.

31. You possess everything to come to Me: The world is a school, life is a textbook, my inspiration is a light. The Master is Me, the people are my disciples. Therefore I call you unceasingly, and I tell you You all find place in my love.

32. Do not leave Me alone in my teachings, do not be cold in the face of this Love I am giving you Remember that some human lips enlighten you the Word of my Spirit.

33. When you say on earth that I have brought religions to you with my teaching, with my law, I tell you that in my eyes there is only one worship which is that of Love, Love of the Father, of neighbour or fellow men and of all that has come forth from the Creator

34. That divine supreme commandment to love one another will be the law that unites all men, that enlightens them so that they may feel as brothers and sisters, protecting, assisting, protecting from temptation, and acknowledging one another without being offended by racial differences or religious convictions.

35. Imagine such a world, and you will imagine it in peace, as one family governed by the laws of love, respect and justice.

36. These prophecies will come true, for your world is not condemned to be an eternal valley of darkness and sins.

37. Virtue will shine in the hearts of men like the flowers in the gardens. For I tell you The flowers in their beauty resemble the ideas and inspirations that come from God to save sinners.

38. Come near, this is your way, here is the bread for the poor and the consolation for the afflicted. Come and fear nothing.

39. Blessed people of Israel, the Father saith unto you, Hear the voice of your conscience, and train your minds: for I will leave my word written in every one of you indelibly. Hear the living word that I am currently overflowing, that flows from the source of wisdom, which is my Spirit.

40. I have opened all ways so that all my children may come to me. Now is the time of awakening, in which I will clearly point out my word of the past times and the new revelations I will give you, which are the completion, the third part of the book of which you will be the owners.

41. I have lifted away from you the veil that hid the greatness of my teaching. I gave you the seed in the second time, that you might sow it and nurture it and show it at the proper time.

42. But I demanded the fruit of the commissioned sowers, and after a long time I harvested little grain. I had already told you: New generations will come to earth, and they will receive my last message. I am currently preparing them and I tell you The time came when I initiated this new age.

43. The Pioneer initiated the first workers of my work, and after that the Master opened the book to show all its contents, which is light, wisdom, salvation for mankind. Thus came that moment of grace for you. I united men and women of different faiths and world views. I penetrated their hearts and saw only bitterness and disappointment. And when they heard my word, they did not reject it, they did not close their hearts, they did not question it, but received it with love and respect.

44. I made sure that they devoted themselves to the study of all the rallies of my divinity, and they found them credible, full of great significance, and their hearts were encouraged. But the moment came when I told them: "I have caressed you, you have enjoyed my caresses, but now it is time to fight". And the lips, previously clumsy and dumb, spoke with the Divine Words. I poured out my word through them, and they became my voice bearers.

Others, whom I met with faith, I made church leaders and told them Attract hearts and form churches from them. Arm yourselves with strength of soul, for you will clash with the hard-heartedness of men. You will wrestle with the unbelievers, because the seed of Thomas has been watered and has risen in the hearts. But I will uproot this seed by the root and stand by you in your work. Each one of you will be like a torch that illuminates the way of your fellow men.

When the time of my rallies ends, and you only enter into contact with me from spirit to spirit, you will continue teaching. And men will wonder and ask where you have learned. You will then show them the book of your heart in which my teaching is imprinted and from which new inspirations will spring.

45. I will struggle to leave you prepared for the time after my departure. For this I set a long period of time so that you would have many opportunities in it to understand my work.

But I have not been visible to the material eyes. I have told you that during this time every eye will see me ─ that of the sinner and the non-sinner ─ , but these need not be the eyes of the body, but it is the spiritual gaze that sees me, illuminated by the Spirit and the soul as a sanctuary that feels me.

46. I have prepared "workers" in many places to reveal my work. How many moments of happiness your soul has had while you have heard my teaching! how delighted you were with the miracles I granted you! That you might acknowledge Me, I have given you innumerable proofs, for I want you, as soon as you are prepared, to receive those who are destined by Me to know this teaching. You are to strive for the hearts of those who suffer like older brothers and sisters to stand by them and serve as support for them. Bring the stray sheep back to the hurdle, relieve suffering, save your fellow men.

47. I will help you with your cross when you are exhausted and will teach you to climb the mountain of mission accomplishment. What could you expect if you do not fulfill How could you feel strength, how could you live if, after you have heard Me, you do not bear witness to these teachings?

48. Be strong, love one another, then my blessing will descend on you like dew to always encourage you

49. When you feel the delights of life, you attribute this pleasure to the world But I tell you: I will see you rejoicing. Therefore I send you those moments of bliss. For when the child smiles, the father smiles. Seek the healthy pleasures that do not disturb the soul, and you will find Me in them. But well you, if you can smile in the midst of your sufferings!

50. My fatherly gaze rests on your hearts, O beloved children, and I see your devotion. You have forgotten what belongs to your material life and you feed on my word to fill you with its essence and to feel my presence deep within yourselves. I reveal myself to you because I love you and want you to understand my yearning. Filled with gratitude you humbly show Me your heart and tell Me, "Master, read in him as in an open book and work your will in us. We will agree with what you should dispose of us."

51. I see your faith and your trust in my divinity. You know that I love you and grant you everything that is just and for your good. Therefore you have faith and ask Me for assistance.

It is a time of reparation in which you live, in which you will not have perfect joys nor lasting peace. This earth is not your fatherland. You are temporary inhabitants of it and work for a better, higher life than this according to your merits.

52. On earth, when you will be prepared, you will feel the peace of my Spirit ─ that peace of which you have enjoyed and which the rest of the world does not know ─ that gentleness that radiates in my words ─ that glory that you have experienced when you are lifted up in communion with Me The world does not have this incentive, but it needs it, expects it because it knows that it must come, and some prepare themselves because they suspect that the time is approaching when I will come to them.

But I tell you: You will all possess this peace; all will know the light of truth. My word will spread and go from mouth to mouth, from home to home and from one nation to another by means of my "workers. But I have seen with them and with the people their slow progress, their timidity, and therefore my work has not gone beyond the narrow limits in which they have imprisoned it, and this is not my will.

53. "Workers", I have demanded union from you, so that you may form one Spirit, one mind and one heart, so that wherever your fellow men may be, they may hear from you the same word, hear from you the same testimony from all, and see my divine Love reflected in you.

54. I have taught you love, patience, humility, so that you may carry your mission as a gentle cross. The work of renewal, purification and spiritualization of humanity is a work that takes time. One generation will transmit the same fighting spirit and spiritual upliftment to the next, until the world is perfected and reaches the fulfillment of its mission.

55. Fear not the morning. Nor fear to go too far and lose the way. The way is so far that you will not reach its end so soon. I am with you at every step you take, both in front of you and behind you, on your right and on your left. The power of My Spirit cloths you; that inner power that encourages you to fight tirelessly will not leave you. Some of you have labored year after year and have seen the dawn of each day as the first in which you have worked for my work.

56. Seek all perfection in Me, but do not demand absolute justice and perfection from the "workers. They are men and are in danger of becoming weak. They too are struggling for their salvation. That perfection which your soul longs to see, ─ seek it among the souls that inhabit high spiritual levels, where all is love, beauty and light.

57. Your heart will be purified in the fulfillment of the commission. Everyone advances according to his love, commitment, and desire to serve Me. My Word has been the same for all, and yet I have discovered "workers" who take great steps toward spiritualization and others who are lagging behind in their development.

58. To recognize the essence of my teaching, you must follow it. If you only hear my teachings and then forget them, you will not be able to preserve them, nor pass on that delicious essence which my teaching contains. It is so simple that you can practice it from the first moment you hear it. Love is the first law which I have made known to you, and from it all other laws and commandments come forth.

59. I have told you that I have created all alike and love all Why do you not love one another without distinction of race, class or creed? Why do you love the one and disregard the other? Love not only those who do you good, seek out all and make bonds of love with them. Exercise the universal love that embraces everything and love your earthly and spiritual brothers and sisters. My work puts all souls on the same level. I want to see all of you form my family, which loves one another and creates universal peace, which allies itself with my divinity, so that each of you may be my representative wherever you are.

60. Prepare yourselves so that each one of you may be a fruit of the Great Tree, and that this fruit may multiply infinitely.

61. Pray for the world, and this prayer should be like a cloak that protects mankind, like an antidote to the war that is constantly approaching and bringing man down.

62. I bless all my creatures and leave them united in my outstretched arms.

63. Come to Me, you who are shedding tears, I am the consolation Love approaches you because you are the creatures who in their wilderness need the caress of the Father to be restored.

64. All of you bear a cross on your shoulders so that in it you may be like the Master. But I do not want to see this cross become an unbearable or burdensome burden because of your lack of understanding and exaltation.

65. The vicissitudes of life whip your lives like hurricanes. But that love for the Father and the trust you have placed in Him gives you peace of mind in the trials and lets you emerge victorious from them.

66. Who really trusts in Me will never be deceived.

67. Pain makes the hardened heart sensitive; it will make crystal-clear water gush from the rocks The trials keep the soul awake.

68. You have set out in longing for my word, because you know the voice of the Divine Shepherd, in whose footsteps you have been coming for a long time

69. It was not compulsion that drove you to follow Me in this way, nor was it fear, but the desire to be useful to your neighbor, to please the Lord

70. So the new disciples prepare themselves to be the torches that lighten the world. Blessed are those who understand me and believe in my word, for they will feel neither hunger nor thirst in their souls.

71. I do not want your heart to be filled tomorrow with vanity and self-importance when it experiences the miracles that became reality through your gifts But I also do not want to see you timidly, because then you would not awaken trust in your fellow man. Be convinced of what you speak and do.

72. You must intensify your preparation and perfect your way of proceeding so that you may be recognized after my departure.

73. To all of you I have entrusted the gift of healing, with which you can perform miracles among the physically and mentally sick

74. You shall seek out the degenerate himself in the mire to give him the saving hand. If you think that my seed will not sprout there, you are mistaken. I can prove to you that flowers as white as snow can sprout from the mud. The more depraved a soul is, the more love is needed to seek it out, and when it feels the caress or the healing balm, it will feel a ray of light penetrate it and become one of the most fervent. Her gratitude will be very great, for she will be forgiven her guilt, which was also very great.

75. You shall seek them out, as I have always sought you out. Do not forget that the righteous are already with me.

My peace be with you!

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