BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 240

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 240:

1. Get ready, because on this day I tell you He who believes in Mary must believe in her purity. For she was chosen from among all women to be the symbol of immaculate perfection as woman and as mother. She had to be the model of tenderness, love, gentleness and chastity in the world.

2. She is the perfect example for every woman, for the task of all of them is difficult, noble, and self-denying to the point of sacrifice. Her bosom must contain the best feelings, in her womb man is formed. The woman awakens love in the heart of the child, directs the child's feelings to the path of good, dries its tears when it cries, and consoles it when it suffers. It is the Mother who teaches man the first prayer and reveals to him the existence of the Creator. The shadow of the Mother accompanies man until the end of his earthly journey, just as Mary was present at the foot of the Cross at the sacrificial death of the most beloved Son, and received on her lap the mortal body of the One who gave his life out of love for mankind.

3. Great is the spiritual task of the woman, sensitive is her heart, her mind, her womb, all her nerve fibers are sensitive. Only in this way can she be able to fulfill her so high mission and drink her so bitter cup.

4. Physically the man and the woman are different, but spiritually they are equal. They are all souls striving for perfection.

5. I have placed the woman at the man's side to sweeten his existence, to fill it with bliss.

6. The man is in the life of the woman the shield, the watchman, her lord. For in him I have put my light, my law, my strength.

7. So I have united you in this world and have marked out for you the way to follow.

8. Know yourselves, then you can give examples and teachings to your fellow men.

9. You face people of different faiths and live together with them in the same world But be not willing to set out to teach unless you first follow my teaching. First become fully convinced of what you have learned so that you can be teachers. Do not deceive yourselves and do not create difficulties.

10. Carry in your Spirit my basic revelations so that they may serve as a standard in your life.

11. Because of this spiritual teaching, keep the knowledge necessary for the life of the soul. Be vigilant, for you will encounter many different understandings of spiritualism on your path and must be prepared so that you do not follow any wrong path.

12. Keep the necessary preparation so that at every moment of your life you are ready to leave this world.

13. Know that the soul in its forthcoming sojourn in the spiritual world will not be able to enjoy that eternal bliss you dream of. Just as it will not suffer eternally as a result of its debts. For you know the basis of my teaching, which is love. Therefore everyone will receive according to his deeds and feelings of repentance, and this will awaken in the soul to an even greater extent the ideal of perfection.

14. Neither believe that it is in the course of the material life that the soul enjoys bliss or receives punishment.

15. The soul purifies and perfects itself, for its intuition and my revelation tell it that it comes from divinity and must return to it.

16. Therefore I grant the soul as many opportunities as it needs to unfold and achieve its eternal bliss in Me

17. Spiritualism is the revelation that reveals and teaches you all that you possess and carry within you It makes you realize that you are a work of God, that you are not only matter, that there is something above your "flesh" that lifts you above the plane of nature that surrounds you and above the filth of your passions.

18. When man attains spirituality, every commandment and every teaching will form a part of the light of his soul. Even if his memory does not retain a single sentence or word of my teaching, he will carry its essence within him because he has understood it, because he feels it, and because he follows it.

19. The spiritualist must be the pure Christian who knows and follows the teachings of Christ, the Divine Master, who redeemed men in his tireless effort to bequeath to them his own kingdom of love, to make of them one big family.

20. Now in the Third Age, enlightened by the light of the HolySpirit, you realize that the teaching I gave you in the three times had the same principles, and that it was only the outward form that changed from one time to another.

21. So in the First Time there was such simplicity in your life and in your heart, you were so close to nature that I made myself known in harmony with all this In the radiant nature you saw and felt my presence, and your soul was delighted in contemplating its wonders through which you understood the will of your Lord.

22. In the Second Age, when selfishness had already sprouted in the hearts of men, and the minds of men were awakened to evil, I was born among you to make you understand that what you were doing as worship for divinity, and the works, which you did to each other, were not what I had ordered you to do, and therefore would not bring you your salvation ─ that what you did was only an apparent fulfillment of the law before the eyes of men, but that you hid hypocrisy and selfishness in your heart.

23. It was necessary that Jesus showed you the principles by which you should be guided and from which you had distanced yourselves.

24. I testified to you all my gentleness, love, wisdom and mercy, and drank the cup of suffering with you, that your heart might be moved and your mind might be awakened. Hearts had to be born for good, and the pain of seeing Me crucified out of love for them was like a sting to remind them that you all have to suffer for love to reach the Father. My promise to everyone who wants to take up his cross and follow Me was eternal peace, the highest bliss, which has no end in the Spirit.

25. My promise in this time is based on the same thing, it is the same, but you will really have to use it until you are purified.

26. From the time when I wrote my law of love and righteousness with my blood in your Spirit to the present one in which you live, I find your souls more developed. Their capacity and understanding are greater, their abilities and powers are ready to receive my new revelations.

27. Today you understand from yourselves to distinguish the false doctrines of faith from the true ones. Nevertheless, it is a time of trial for the soul, because worldviews, theories, teachings, religions, and "sciences" have appeared from all sides, whose power sometimes makes the mind of the weak uncertain, who does not know which path to follow.

28. This time is crucial, because people will take final steps on the spiritual path.

29. Many dark blindfolds will fall, fanaticism and idolatry will disappear, many visions about the course of events will be erased, and traditions will be uprooted. Then everything that is transitory will be abandoned.

30. My children, be content with your circumstances, do not feel envy towards those who live better than you. Remember that in lowliness you come closer to Me and serve Me better.

31. Pay attention to where you go, in what way you understand life, and what you do with the goods which I put at your disposal

32. I give you my love. My love is with you.

33. Whoever doubts Christ as He reveals Himself in this third time also doubts Jesus as a man in the second time, because my love and my essence are the same. If you wish to have a better understanding of the legacy that the Divine Master left you at that time, you must pay attention to how, as the development of your soul has gradually allowed it, my wisdom and my revelations have been revealed with ever greater clarity in your lives.

34. If you wish to penetrate into the mystery of teaching, which you are to know by my will, remove in you the fear of the unknown, prepare yourselves by spiritualization, which is respect and humility, then I will reveal many things to you When the eyes of your Spirit open, you will see Christ there, walking in the streets of the pain of the needy, still bearing his cross of love, and pouring his blood upon so many needs of this mankind. You will see the Master pouring out His mercy on all, you will discover that He is also surrounded in the spiritual realm by disciples who eagerly listen to His word, His preaching, by whose inspirations they are enlightened to send their light to those who live in darkness.

35. Thus shall you see Him when you are able to enter into the spiritual. Thus you will get to know your Lord a little better. If you try to know what the HolySpirit is, you will discover Him in the light of wisdom that comes from the Divine Word. There you will get to know Him as infinite intelligence, as spiritual grace that enlightens you and at the same time consoles and heals you.

36. Therefore, when you hear this word through the voice bearer, you must seek its meaning, for in him lies the essence of my teaching.

37. When you have penetrated into the Word which Christ has given you as Man and as Spirit, you will have the knowledge of what your God, the Trinity of His revelations, is, and then you will love Him in truth, will believe in Him in all the forms in which He has come to you.

38. Once you have attained this elevation, you will be like those high spirits who come invisibly as teachers to enlighten the minds of men and to lead them into the way of good. You will not make rallies using human brains. But you will exert a good influence on all who prepare themselves in this world. You will enlighten and inspire them. Your communication will be from Spirit to Spirit, and when you have completed this task, another stage of ascension will present itself before you. Thus, in this way, souls will reach the bosom of the Father ─ purifying, perfecting themselves until they can merge with the purest light of the Divine Spirit.

39. I am already preparing you for the next stage, which you will ascend. I do not speak to you of the others, for you would not understand them. It is enough for you to know that there are seven stages or levels that you have to go through. On each of them you will find a grace for your soul, which will serve as a help to you to take the next step until you reach the presence of God and the fulfillment of my promises for everyone who follows me to the final goal.

40. Your mind is not able to comprehend this whole lesson. For still, when you think that you will see me, you imagine me as a being like you in bodily form. But no one expects to unite with his material body to live eternally in my womb. This is not the "resurrection of the flesh," of which the apostles spoke to you. Only the soul will get to know eternity after it has appeared in various bodies on earth time and time again, and after that, as a spirit being, it has covered the way to the end.

41. The Last Judgment, as interpreted by mankind, is an error. My judgment is not one of one hour or one day. It has been weighing on you for some time. But verily, I tell you, the dead bodies are destined and followed their destiny to merge with the kingdom of nature corresponding to them; for what is of the earth is to return to the earth, just as the spiritual is to strive for its home, which is my bosom. But I also tell you this that you will be your own judges at your judgment; because your conscience, your self-knowledge and intuition will tell you up to which point you are praiseworthy and in which spiritual home you have to dwell. Clearly you will see the path you must follow, for when you receive the light of my divinity, you will recognize your deeds and judge your merits.

42. In the "spiritual valley" there are many confused and disturbed beings. Bring them my message and my light when you once enter it.

43. Already now you can exercise this form of mercy through prayer, through which you can communicate with them. Your voice will resound where they dwell and awaken them from their deep sleep. They will weep and purify themselves with their tears of repentance. In that moment they will have received a ray of light, for then they will understand their past vanities, their errors, their sins.

44. How great is the pain of the soul when conscience awakens it! How then it humbles itself before the gaze of the Most High Judge! How humbly the petitions for forgiveness, the vows, the blessings of my name spring from the innermost part of her being! Now the soul realizes that it cannot approach the perfection of the Father, and so it turns its gaze to the earth, where it did not know how to make use of the time and the trials that offered the opportunity to come closer to the goal, and asks for another body to atone for transgressions and to fulfill unfulfilled tasks.

45. Who then provided for justice? Was it not the Spirit Himself who held judgment over Himself?

46. My Spirit is a mirror in which you must look at yourselves, and it will reveal to you the degree of purity you have.

47. Once you are in the spiritual, your Spirit will give you enlightenment about yourselves. Your memory will become clear, and you will remember what you have forgotten. Why then do you fear my righteousness, since you do not receive more than what you deserve? Why not fear your own deeds now instead? See with how much kindness I allow your mind to grasp the mystery of what your judgment is.

48. Give up fanaticism, which is very far from the truth Reflect on my teachings, which contain a teaching of peace, light, and blessing.

49. Even if you forget those who have gone over into the "spiritual valley" ─ the Master forgets no one.

50. Even in the spiritual there are those who sleep, who have closed their eyes to the light of truth, who wander about, carrying chains of self-accusation, confusion and pain.

51. I have called you to tell you that you can do good not only by healing the sick and showing the way to your fellow men who dwell with you on earth, but also to the beings who live in the hereafter. Among them, too, are the sick, the stray, those in need of love and comfort. They are the ones who purify themselves in pain in order to come purely into my presence. But you can help them with your prayers, with your mercy and generous thoughts in their atonement and shorten their time of suffering.

52.  My teaching of universal love will unite all souls and bring them closer together without drawing a line between the worlds of life, and will cause beings to love one another with spiritual love.

53. Legions of beings of darkness will come among mankind like thunderclouds, causing upheavals, confusing thoughts and darkening the hearts of men. And though this humanity has weapons to defend itself against these treacherous attacks, some do not understand how to use them, and others do not even suspect that they possess them.

54. In wars, in murder and in the lower passions there is the influence of those forces. You who have opened your eyes to the light and know the spiritual weapons of love and justice which I have entrusted to you ─ pray for the world and for the spiritual world, reconcile those who hate each other, teach to love, forgive and pray.

55. But remember also that the good works you do on earth will be light that enlightens the confused souls, and that your prayers will be balm for them that will free them from their confusion. Fight against the temptations and bad inspirations, so that you may experience the victory of light.

56. Prepare yourselves, for the message you will have to bring to men will cause them to recognize their qualities and abilities, some unknown, some undeveloped.

57. You shall teach by good works, restore health to the one abandoned by science, and save the soul to whom men had said that she was condemned to eternal punishment. Both the one and the other shall know the glory of my work, and a dark band shall fall from their eyes.

58. It is the time when I will let myself be seen, when I will make myself felt in all, and when I will speak to the world.

59. I tell you on this day: blessed are those who follow Mary's example in their journey, keeping purity in their souls. Mary is purity and meekness. Whoever loves her should take her as an example. It will be useless for you to repeat her name or to say that you love her if your actions do not correspond to these words.

60. Know the true human and spiritual values; do not be tempted by the false splendor of earthly glories. Your light can already reveal to you all that is false. Know that there are many works which, though they display purity, contain only darkness and lead you into dark paths which are apparently glorious.

61. Therefore, you through whom I make myself known, understand the responsibility you have taken on to show in your lives, in your ways and in your trials a worthy execution of the words that come from your lips in the moments of my rallies. The people have their eyes on you, expecting that you will show spiritual upliftment in your actions. You must be like a clear mirror. For if the actions of those who have not heard me at this time and who call themselves servants of God are not always permissible, they look at the world without surprise. But when it sees the same unlawful actions with you, those who observe you will certainly be outraged because they will not understand that although you have this grace in you, you can still do actions that are contrary to the teaching you have received.

The Master tells you: Beware of scandal from the moment you have made up your mind to follow Me. Remember that from that day on your soul has spurned everything that could harm it. You must then keep the path of good and feel all your responsibility. If you serve me, if you have surrendered yourselves to my will, it is because you have recognized me, because you are completely sure of the truth of my rallies and no doubt exists in you.

62. If I have seen you devoted to my service in this way, I have told you that you are doing a great work of mercy on your fellow man I have already told you that the spiritual fulfillment of commission does not prevent you from fulfilling any of the human duties. Let no man seek to complicate the simplicity of my teaching. Pass on the essence of my teaching and let men be inspired by it.

63. How extraordinary it seems to you that my divine will has united with your minds! To this I say to you that it is the most natural thing of all, since it concerns God, who is Spirit, and man, who is similar to his Creator because of his Spirit. You would like to penetrate into many secrets that you are not yet allowed to know, and I only tell you that it will not be science that reveals them to you, but Spirit, because of its love for its Creator.

64. Reveal my work in the same simplicity in which I have handed it over to you, then your fellow men will understand it because of the development they have attained. If your actions can reveal that you deserve the glories you receive, your work will be admirable, and man will believe in me through you.

65. I receive your soul with Me so that it may leave behind its weariness and the hardships of the world.

66. From different points of the earth you come from in your desire for my teaching and my peace. When you then hear my word, you feel the fatherly warmth and your heart calms down.

67. There are those who would gladly follow you to the place of assembly where I give you my word, but fear of the world keeps them from doing so Others, on the other hand, look at you with contempt, even when an inner voice tells them that the path you are taking is the right one, and that it is the one that leads to the truth ─ even when they hear the calls of the unleashed elements and the extraordinary events that announce that a new time has dawned: the time of judgment, the forerunner of the time of grace. I have manifested myself in all places on earth and in all hearts. I speak to them through inspiration, through intuition and through dreams or revelations.

68. I am currently preparing the future generations who are not torn between doubt and faith, and who will give their true value and correct interpretation to the writings of the books I will leave you.

69. They will announce the fulfillment of the prophecies of former times.

70. The writings of the present time I will leave in your charge, that you may make them known to all those who have not heard my word. Your true struggle will come only after my departure.

71. My teaching, your worship and your actions will be judges for all those who might come from sects and churches to investigate. It will not be necessary for you to point out their errors to them. On the contrary, you shall welcome them sincerely and lovingly and show them my work in all parts.

My peace be with you.

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