BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 292

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 292

1 Take another page of the book of wisdom. I charge you to pass on this message to the coming generations, who, because of their greater spiritual development, will be able to immerse themselves even more in my work. Those generations will bring with them the seed of spiritualization, and their task will be to build a paradise of peace in the hearts of men.

2 To the present ones I have given great teachings, but for the people of tomorrow, my future disciples, I have reserved even greater revelations because they will then be prepared to receive them

3 You have often asked Me what is beyond this world and whether those stars that orbit in space are worlds like yours. My answer to your curiosity has not completely lifted the veil of mystery, since I see that you do not yet have the necessary development to understand, nor the spirituality necessary to harmonize with other worlds. You have not yet recognized and understood the teachings offered to you by the planet on which you live, and already you want to search for other worlds. You have not been able to become brothers among yourselves, the inhabitants of the same world, and you want to discover the existence of beings on other worlds. For the time being it shall suffice for you to remember that I told you in the "Second Time": "In the Father's house there are many dwellings," and that I now, confirming those words, tell you that you are not the only inhabitants of the universe and that your planet is not the only inhabited one.

4 It will be given to the generations of tomorrow to see open the gates which will bring them nearer to other worlds, and they will rightly admire the Father.

5 Goodness and love, from which charity and peace will blossom, will be the keys that open the doors of mystery, whereby men will take a step towards universal harmony.

6 Goodness and love, applied to your life, your spiritual worship, your science and your work, will bring man to true wisdom.

7 Today you are still isolated, limited, handicapped, because your self-interest let you live only for the "world" without striving for the freedom and elevation of the soul.

8 What would become of you, vain men-beings who have become small by their materialism-when you were allowed to reach other worlds before you were freed from your human faults? What would be the seed you sow? Discord, excessive ambition, vanity.

9 Verily I say to you: to obtain that knowledge which every man longs for, and that revelation which frees his mind from the questions which torment him and arouse his curiosity, man will have to purify himself very much and watch and pray

10 It will not be science alone that will reveal my secrets to him; it is necessary that that desire for knowledge be inspired by spiritual love.

11 Once men's lives reflect spirituality - I tell you, they will not even have to make an effort to search beyond their world; for at that time they will be visited by those who inhabit higher homes.

12 I leave this short message, the content of which only wants to tell you: "Watch and pray, so that you do not fall into temptation.

13 For the time being, you will continue to ask questions and answer yourselves. It is necessary that the powers of the soul be known and developed to all, in order to know and understand what God has appointed for you. I still see too much clumsiness to do good, to pray, to worship your Father, because you do not allow your soul to express itself nor to work and hinder it from unfolding.

14 You have true treasures within you, abilities and gifts which you do not even suspect, and as a result of your ignorance you shed tears like those in need What do you know of the power of prayer and the power of thought? What do you know of the deep meaning of spirit to spirit conversation? Nothing, you materialistic and earthly-minded humanity!

15 First lift up the soul by unfolding its gifts, and only then strive for the knowledge of that which exists beyond your world and your mind.

16 The human mind is small, is limited. Why entrust to it what only the spiritual soul can discover and grasp?

17 Oh, you foolish children of this earth, who did not want Me as their Master, nor did you believe Me, though many of you say that they love Me! Now you will finally understand the truth of my Word when you confess that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

18 Disciples, life passes by you as a lesson of infinite wisdom; your soul increases in knowledge, and as a result you obtain a greater elevation.

19 Be judges of your own actions, for the voice of conscience will always tell you the truth. It will make you understand whether you proceed too slowly, whether you go too fast, or whether you remain stationary.

20 Anyone who makes an effort to recognize and judge himself must be honest with himself and with others. In all his actions he will hear the "voice" of his conscience, and his steps on the path of life will be secure.

21 When the spiritual soul begins to triumph over the body, it experiences a very great satisfaction and full confidence in itself.

22 But the Master tells you that, however much insight you may have as to the greater or lesser value of your works, only the Father, who is the supreme judge, can make the decision in this final judgment.

23 Do not think - because you do good work in the moment you do it, you do not know the value of it - that you will never know the good that you did. I tell you that none of your works will remain without reward.

24 When you are once in the spiritual realm, you will realize how often a small work, apparently of little importance, was the beginning of a chain of benefits - a chain which others made longer and longer, but which will forever give satisfaction to him who began it.

25 You must know all these things - you who will sow in your hearts the word which I have brought you in this time. For oftentimes you will speak to your fellow men without experiencing the effect your words have had - without knowing whether they bore fruit or not, without knowing whether the seed died in those hearts or whether they knew how to preserve and spread it. You will experience all this until you reach the end of the path.

Work for the time being, multiply your good works among your fellow men, prepare fields for them, so that the seed which I have entrusted to you may reproduce itself in the works of the same.

26 Far is the way by which you will come to the fullness of light. No being has a longer way than that of the soul, on which the Father, the Divine Sculptor, who forms and smoothes your soul, gives it the perfect form.

27 I speak to you at length, lest in your travel bundle there be no lack of wheat, which you must sow in the fulfillment of your mission.

28 The people of God will appear once more among mankind - not a people personified in one race, but a great number, a legion of disciples of Mine, where it is not blood, race or language that is decisive, but the Spirit.

29 This people will not be limited to teaching my doctrine by scriptures. For words to have life, one must live them. This people will not only be disseminators of writings and books, but also of examples and deeds.

30 Today I free you from all that is unnecessary, from the unclean and erring, to introduce you into a simple and pure life, over which your soul can soar, to which it bears witness through its works

31 When the time has come, I will present my people to mankind, and neither will the master of his disciples be ashamed, nor will the disciples deny their master This time will coincide with that of the war of world views, from which spiritualism will emerge like a breath of peace, like a ray of light.

32 Already the righteousness of the Father is haunting the earthly power of men, their accumulated treasures, to make them understand that my word will never use authority and material riches to rule or to spread.

33 Of all that moral and material structure of humanity "no stone will remain upon another". For in order that the "new man" may appear on this earth, it is imperative that every stain be wiped away, every sin removed, and only that which contains good seed be left.

34 The brightness of my presence and my righteousness will be perceived in all the world, and in the face of that light the idols will be overthrown, the customary traditions will fall into oblivion, and the barren rites will be abandoned.

35 A "new song" will spring up from the soul of all those who could not see me and who finally saw me after all because they sought me in spite of their imperfections; and you know that he who seeks me always finds me.

36 As for those who have denied me, who have shunned me, who have concealed my name, who do not want to recognize my presence, these will be given those trials on their way, which will open their eyes and likewise make them see the truth.

37 What does it matter that some love me under imperfect imaginations and others deny me, since I know that they are all in need!

38 The great battle is at the door, have all your weapons ready. In this battle you will all have your share, all of you will do your part: rulers, clergymen, scientists, the wealthy, the rich and the poor - all of you.

39 What was left of the temple of Solomon when the hour of judgment came? Only the knowledge of the law, which was written in the conscience. Rites, traditions, sacrifices and offerings - all disappeared. The holy of holies and the altar were destroyed, but the law and the words of the prophets remained. For it was they who prepared mankind for a new age and had to clean the fields so that the new seed would grow.

40 That Jerusalem, which the Israelite people thought invulnerable, was destroyed, as was the temple which was their pride This happened because I came to reign among men. But since my kingdom is not of this world, it was necessary to destroy the material temple to build the spiritual sanctuary in the heart of man.

41 Understand, then, why my apostles of that time built nothing in the material world, but built temples of faith, of virtue and love in the hearts, which expressed word, spirit, work, truth. Gold, incense, liturgy did not exist among them. When they laid their hands on the sick, they were nasty. When they spoke of the teachings of Christ, they built sanctuaries in the souls of the multitudes. When they spoke of the cross, it remained like a mark of fire in the souls.

42 "My kingdom is not of this world," I tell you once more. The temple of the Holy Spirit has no material foundations, has no altars on earth.

43 At this time, when you see the destruction of every outward cult that mankind has created, you will see many anxiously asking, "Why did God allow this to happen? They will ask themselves the same question as the Jews did when the destruction of their city took place. And it shall be my people who shall answer it, who shall explain it, who shall reveal to men that a New Era has dawned and a new seed is about to spread.

44 The earth will be moist and receptive in expectation of the seed of my sowers, and here it is fitting that you should give some thought to the responsibility of these sowers. Would it be right, when mankind will be free from fanaticism and meaningful worship, if this people would come with a new idolatry? No, beloved disciples and students. Therefore there are lessons and tests at every step of your way.

45 Great is your purpose! But do not let yourselves be dominated by bad omens, but rather be filled with courage and hope in the thought that the days of bitterness that are approaching are necessary for the awakening and purification of men, without which you could not experience the victorious entry of the time of spiritualization.

46 Learn to rise above adversity, do not let lowliness take possession of your heart, and take care of your health. Encourage the mind of your brothers and sisters by speaking of me and showing them my teaching, which ignites faith and hope.

47 See how many people live in despair. They are beings who have let themselves be defeated in the struggle for life. See how early they have aged and become gray, their faces withered and their expressions melancholy. But when those who are supposed to be strong are weak, youth will wither away, and the children will see only misery in their surroundings.

48 Thou, people, rob not thine heart of all those wholesome pleasures which, though fleeting, ye may enjoy. Eat your humble bread in peace, and verily, I tell you, you will find it more tasty and richer.

49 Take from my words that what I want from you is confidence, faith, optimism, peace of mind and strength, that in spite of your toils and plagues there should be no bitterness in your hearts. What kindness or encouragement would you have to give to those who need it if your heart were filled with suffering, sorrow or dissatisfaction?

50 It is in your trials that you are to set the best example of exaltation, faith and humility.

51 Whoever is able to give his life this spiritualization always feels peace, and even when he sleeps, his sleep is calm and restful, which the soul uses to detach itself from the body towards the hereafter, where it receives those divine streams of power from which it feeds and in which it lets the body participate.

52 Let no one say that my prophecies make your lives only dark; on the contrary, my word will save you from the gloom. Understand that I have prepared you so that you may not feel fragile in the moments of battle.

53 Your spirit must not become cowardly in the knowledge that the battle is drawing near, nor must you doubt that peace is returning to your world.

54 I have already told you that you are at the end of one world and the beginning of another. The planet will continue to be the same, nature will be the same, light will be the same, but the way of living of humanity will be different, its goals, its struggles and its ideals will be different. Justice and truthfulness will prevail.

55 The souls who incarnate in the humanity of those days will be so committed in their majority to good that when people who are inclined towards evil appear, these souls, however powerful they may be, will have to bow to the light of truth that those who bring it before their eyes - quite contrary to what is happening now. For since the corrupt are in the majority, they have created from evil a power that suffocates, infects, and embraces the good.

56 Your world will continue to be a touchstone for souls, a world of struggle and reparation. Still your earth cannot offer me any high-ranking souls who, when they part from here, approach the homes of the righteous. Still this earth valley cannot accommodate any great souls, which have to come to live on it. It is a world to be reincarnated incessantly, because the souls in their slow ascent leave works begun without care or debts, without payment.

57 Tomorrow this earth will offer me beautiful spiritual flowers in the works of its inhabitants, and these will bring the ripe fruits to me, which they will reap after a life of perseverance in love for the father and for their neighbor

58 Have you not thought that tomorrow it will be your children who will inhabit the earth? And do you desire for your children something better than what you have achieved? "Yes, Father", tell Me your heart. Since you carry within you this thought permeated with love and mercy, cleanse and smooth its path. I want them to find the trace of your steps, and to collect the humble inheritance that you leave them, which will be held in high esteem by those generations.

59 It is not of importance that your names should be forgotten; what is of importance will be your works, because they will remain indelibly imprinted in the way which you have prepared.

60 Who will be able to erase this trace, since it is my righteousness that preserves and protects it?

61 See how many secrets spiritualism explains to you, how many beautiful revelations it gives you.

62 These are the rays which the Book of the Seven Seals sends down upon your souls. It is the voice of the Lamb that speaks and makes known the contents of the sixth seal.

63 Only the Lamb enters into the deep mysteries of God to reveal that wisdom to the children of the Lord.

64 Once you, the disciples of the Third Age, already have full knowledge of what you have received, you will set out immediately to spread the good news of this message, the content of which is destined for all mankind.

65 Realize that in the midst of such great materialism there are also those who remember my promises to come back, study the words of the prophets and investigate the events of life, because they want to know whether I am coming soon, whether I am present, or whether I have been there and already left again.

66 To you, who have experienced me in this manifestation and have rejoiced in it for so long, I say: "Have mercy on men, your brothers and sisters.

67 Prepare yourselves to give the Good News, which will be received with joy by many. I say to you "of many" and not "of all", because some may tell you that what was revealed to them by God in the "First Times" and what Christ brought to men is enough. It is then that your lips, moved and inspired by Me, should tell the unbelievers that it is necessary to know the new revelation in order to know all the truth that God has granted to men in the past times.

68 How will you be able to make yourselves known to your fellow men without exposing yourselves to ridicule and harsh judgments? By preparing yourselves as true apostles and bearers of this truth, carrying this light in your heart with the admonition that you surrender it to the souls of men without shadow or blemish.

69 Not you will be the redeemers of the peoples of the earth, but you will cooperate with the Master, the Redeemer and Savior of this and all worlds, of yourselves and of all souls.

70 I want to rejoice in my own work, want to feel loved and understood by all those to whom the Father gave a spark of his own spirit. I want all of them to come to Me to show them from my kingdom the glory of the Divine Work, and in this contemplation they all experience the supreme bliss of having gone all the way that leads to the Lord.

71 My work is eternal; the ending of my word among you will not mean an end, but rather the beginning of your struggle.

72 The lips of the voice bearers will no longer transmit my voice, but my inspiration will bring light into their minds to help them to understand the word that came out of their mouths, so that they may interpret it to the multitudes of men.

73 The purpose of the manifestation of my spirit through these organs of the intellect has been precisely that through these teachings you would learn to seek me later from spirit to spirit.

My peace be with you!

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