BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 296

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 296

1 I am the light that illuminates your way - the wisdom that comes to your mind - the balm that soothes your sufferings

2 I am the Master, and I come to you with the purpose to change you into my disciples. For if you are my disciples, you will be righteous men on earth.

3 If you really want to break through the darkness of your ignorance, turn to me, and I will give you the necessary light so that you do not stumble If you want your faith to be great, then come forward, hear me and follow me tirelessly.

4 In the beginning of times the world lacked love. The first humans were far from feeling and understanding that divine power - that essence of spirit, the origin of all creation. They believed in God, but they attributed only power and justice to Him. Men believed they understood the divine language through the elements of nature; therefore, when they saw it mildly and peacefully, they thought that the Lord was in agreement with the works of men; but when the forces of nature were unleashed, they thought they recognized in it the wrath of God, which manifested itself in this form.

5 In the hearts of men the idea of a terrible God had formed, which carried anger and the feeling of vengeance in it. Therefore, when they thought they had offended God, they offered Him burnt offerings and sacrifices in the hope of reconciling Him. I tell you that those offerings were not inspired by love for God: it was the fear of Divine Justice, the fear of punishment, that drove the first peoples to pay tribute to their Lord.

6 They called the Divine Spirit simply God, but never Father or Master.

7 It was the patriarchs and the first prophets who began to make man understand that God was righteousness-yes, but perfect righteousness; that he was first of all Father, and as Father loved all his creatures.

8 Step by step, humanity slowly wandered along the path of its spiritual development, continuing its pilgrimage, passing from one age to another, and learning something more of the divine mystery through the revelations that God gave to his children at all times.

9 Yet man did not attain full knowledge of divine love; for he did not truly love God as a Father, nor was he able to feel in his heart the love which his Lord always showed him.

10 It was necessary for perfect love to become man, for the "Word" to incarnate and take on a body touchable and visible to men, so that they might finally know how much and in what way God loved them.

11 Not all of them knew the presence of the Father in Jesus. How could they also recognize him, since Jesus was humble, compassionate and loving even to those who insulted him? They thought God was strong and proud towards His enemies, judgmental and terrible to those who insulted Him.

12 But just as many rejected that word, many believed him also, that word which penetrated to the innermost part of the heart. That way of healing suffering and incurable diseases only with a caress, a look of infinite compassion, with a word of hope, that teaching which was the promise of a new world, of a life full of light and justice, could no longer be erased from many hearts which understood that that divine man was the truth of the Father, the Divine Love of Him whom men did not know and therefore could not love.

13 The seed of that highest truth was sown forever in the heart of mankind. Christ was the sower, and He still tends His seed. Afterward He will bring forth His fruit and rejoice in it forever. Then He will no longer say in His words, "I am hungry" or "I am thirsty," for at last His children will love Him, as He has loved them from the beginning.

14 Who speaks to you about Christ, disciples? Himself.

15 It is I, the "word" that speaks to you anew, mankind. Know me, do not doubt my presence because of the inconspicuousness in which I show myself. With me there can be no pride.

16 Recognize me by my way of life in the world at that time, remember that I died as humbly as I was born and had lived.

17 I am present in humanity at a time when new discoveries have transformed the lives of men, and make my presence felt among you with the same humility you once knew about me

18 The "Word" of God has not become man again, Christ has not been born again in the wretchedness of a stable - no; for it is no longer necessary for a body to testify to the power of God. If men think that this body is here the God who came into the world, they are wrong. The presence of God is spiritual, universal, infinite.

19 If all that men have gained in this time were within the limits of what is just, what is permitted and good, it would not have been necessary for me to come down to speak to you again But not all the works which this mankind offers me are good: there are many transgressions, many injustices, many wrongdoings and many wrongdoings. Therefore, it was necessary that my caring love awakened man when he was most absorbed in his work, to remind him what duties he has forgotten and to whom he owes everything that is and will be.

20 In order to make myself audible to a materialized mankind, which could not hear me from spirit to spirit, I had to make use of their spiritual gifts and abilities to make myself known through the intellect of man.

21 The explanation for why I "come down" to communicate myself to you is this: Since you were not able to rise up to hold dialog with your Lord from spirit to spirit, I had to descend one step lower, that is, from the spiritual, from the divine, where you cannot yet reach. I then had to make use of your organ of mind, which has its place in the brain of man, and translate my divine inspiration into human words and material sounds.

22 Man needs extended knowledge, and it is God who comes to man to entrust him with wisdom. If the chosen means for my short announcement through the organ of understanding of these mouthpieces does not seem worthy to you, I tell you in truth that the message given through them is very great. You would have preferred that my manifestation be made to men with pomp and ceremony, which would have made an impression, but which in reality, seen from the spirit, would have been vain because they contain no true light.

23 I could have come under lightnings and storms to make my power palpable; but how easy then would it have been for man to confess that the presence of the Lord had come! But do you not think that fear would then have returned to your heart and also the idea of something incomprehensible? Do you not think that every feeling of love for the Father would have been transformed only into fear of His righteousness? But you should know that God, although He is almighty power, will not defeat you through this power, will not prevail through it, but through another power, and that is that of love.

24 It is the Divine Spirit who speaks to the universe today. It is he who brings light to all that you have not clearly recognized in other times. He is the dawn of a new day for all men, for He will free you from false fears, remove your doubts, to set your soul and mind free.

25 I tell you: After you have known the essence of my teachings and the righteousness of my laws, you will also know the limits which your ideas have imposed upon you and prevented you from going beyond a little knowledge of truth.

26 No longer will it be fear or fear of punishment that keeps you from searching, from discovering. Only when you really want to get to know what is incomprehensible to you will your conscience forbid you the way; for you are to know that man is not entitled to the whole truth and that he is to grasp only that part of it which corresponds to him.

27 People: If my coming was announced in such a way that it would be in the midst of wars, unleashed forces of nature, epidemics and chaos, it was not because I would have brought all these things to you; it was because my presence would be helpful to mankind in that very hour of crisis. Here now is the fulfillment of all that was said about my return. I come to men as a world struggles with death and the earth shakes and quakes in its death rattle to pave the way for a new humanity. Therefore, the call of God in the "Third Age" is a call of love - a love that carries and inspires justice, brotherhood and peace.

28 To you who have had the grace to hear Me in this time, I must say that to be truly a spiritualist disciple, you must apply my teaching to your life, that it is not the observance of certain commandments that will transform you into spiritualists, nor will it be certain rites and manifestations that will bring you to the fulfilment of your mission on earth

29 Speaking to you as only I can, I reveal to you the best way to do justice to God, and I remove from your heart the instilled fears of your Father

30 But I do not only free you from errors and prejudices that affect your life in the world, but I also tell you that eternal damnation, as it has been described to you, does not exist because the soul cannot suffer the physical agony that pain produces in the body The pain of the soul comes from the fact that it sees its actions in the light of the conscience, which makes it recognize and comprehend all the mistakes and imperfections committed in complete clarity.

31 Come to me in the full conviction that you walk on the way of truth, and it is not to be the fear, which comes from ignorance, which compels you to remain on this way

32 When you examine my revelations and manifestations of these and past times, you will finally understand that I have always come wrapped in humility. Therefore, do not let yourselves be beguiled by the outwardly splendid, and when your fellow men, who go other ways, come and tell you that the Lord cannot be in the midst of this poverty, this lowliness that you show, it reminds you that God, manifested in the "Word," came into the world humbly in Jesus, and that man still believed in Him, and that, despite the centuries that have passed since his birth, the humility with which the Redeemer revealed himself to the world could not be extinguished from the heart of men.

33 There are among you places of assembly in which your churches love and seek the outward, the splendid and the apparent, in order to impress their senses, without realizing that, by longing for the outward, they forget the wonders which the spiritual teaching contains.

34 Teach, correct, reveal - this is my work among you, to bring you to the home of light. But before you reach the thresholds of the Promised Land, you will have to render merits in faith and in love.

35 The word of Christ once germinated in his disciples, and in the people who followed them his seed grew up. His teaching spread, and its meaning spread throughout the world. And so also this teaching of today will spread, which will be accepted by all those who are able to feel and understand it.

36 Receive, beloved disciples, my balm - receive, you who are listening, my fatherly caress and my message as a master - for you and for your loved ones

37 My presence appears to you like a gentle breeze caressing. So I come to your heart to give it life.

38 Some suspect the nearness of my coming, others see me with the spiritual gaze, and still others know through their sensitivity the hour in which I am near. All say in this blessed hour in their hearts, "The Master is here," because they have felt that my peace surrounds them.

39 For the soul that has erred through the endless desert of life, there is no more precious treasure nor a more longed-for oasis than that of peace. This is the treasure that I offer you, and in which you must later let your fellow men share.

40 Also I am showing you the means to spread over men the blessed mantle of peace, and these means are thought, prayer, word, works

41 As I see you at this moment - united by the peace my Word gives you, I will see you after my departure, in the days of struggle that are coming towards you, in which I will make you feel my presence in a subtle way, in which you will hear me in your heart For I promise you that you will not miss my caress, my essence, my balm.

42 Go with steadfastness and understanding from one lesson to the next, from one period of time to the next, then your agreement with my work will not be broken. Your obedience and willingness to my laws and commissions will give you an unspeakable peace, and you will never have lamentations, nor will there be thorns that make you weep.

43 If you want to be my disciples, understand that you must be bringer of peace and of all the virtues which I have taught you to exercise

44 I have not yet let you go into the provinces, because I see that you are fruits which are not yet ripe still I will have to send you the rain of Love, the light of My Wisdom and the rays of the Divine Sun to give you life and courage But once you have ripened like fruits on the tree of my teaching, you will fall down by the wind that will move the branches that carried you.

45 The more the day approaches where I no longer speak to you in this form, the more greatness you will discover in my spiritual teaching, and imperceptibly you will move away from all that with which you limited it in past times - yes, because you have limited this Divine Work to persons, places and objects, while, since it is universal and unlimited, it is beyond the material and the human

46 Now you see my work no longer limited to persons, places or objects, now you see everything in the divine, in the infinitely high, and you discover it also in the high of your being.

47 How will my work shine for you, when your soul has made its way to God, and from there you will be enraptured in the contemplation of this work, and you will rejoice in the light and understanding of your comprehension?

48 You suspect something of that great truth and that bliss which awaits you, but your intuition and your imagination are too small to discover reality.

49 Each rung of the ladder, each step, each home offers the soul a greater light and a more perfect bliss. But the highest peace, the most perfect bliss of the soul is beyond all temporary life worlds of souls.

50 How often will you think that you are anticipating perfect happiness in the bosom of God, without realizing that this happiness is hardly a foretaste of the world to come, to which you will pass after this life.

51 My seed in this time has risen most quickly in those who came with a mind and heart unencumbered by theories and interpretations. They were like virgin land with regard to my word, and I used them to transmit my message to the world.

52 Others brought with them a truth mixed with falsehood, and my light gradually made them free from error, and at the same time confirmed them in what was good in them. Not everything is a poisonous plant or a weed in the heart of man - sometimes a wheat plant grows there, and I nurture it so that it matures and its grain multiplies later.

53 Both the one and the other - I have changed them all into my disciples, uniting them into one people, who, in the moment they witness my teaching through their works, cause the heart of men to beat faster when they realize the power of this teaching It will rise in my name against the unbelievers, the persecutors; the battle will be great, and your name will often be on the lips of those who condemn you in writings as the cause of scandal and slander.

54 I announce these trials to you so that you will not be surprised when they occur. But I also tell you that this will be just when I reveal my power, my mercy and my justice among this people.

55 All my armies will prepare to fight, all my servants will obey my voice and give witness about me.

56 Not only this people here will be witnesses in the decisive hour: The forces of nature will, as always, "speak" and represent divine justice, the spiritual world will be present and tear the blindfold of ignorance from this materialistic humanity - from those people who claim to walk in the way of Christ in the longing for eternity, and yet insist on keeping their eyes, ears, and mind closed to every call and manifestation of spiritual life.

57 It was precisely that Christ whom they believe to follow and understand that opened the door that gives access to other worlds and levels of life - the One who removed the confusion of the souls that try to live by taking possession of foreign bodies - the same as He who, in the last hour of His mission through Jesus, made Himself felt in those souls that slept the sleep of death in the tombs, making them rise to the light of life. But so that people would believe these manifestations, I allowed those beings to make themselves visible to their relatives.

58 I opened that door, I alone could do it, because Christ with his love is the bond that unites all the worlds.

59 You shall belong to my legions of light, to my armies of peace, to those who pray for the world, and verily, I tell you, the tears of your eyes, shed for the pain of others, will unite with your Father's balm to descend as dewdrops on the sorrowful hearts

60 The true healing balm, people - the one who cures all diseases - springs from love.

61 Love with the spirit, love with the heart and with the mind, then you will have enough power not only to heal the diseases of the body or to console in the small human needs, but to clear the spiritual mysteries, the great fears of the soul, its disturbances and pangs of conscience.

62 That balm dissolves the great trials, ignites the light, eases the torment, melts the chains that bind.

63 The man abandoned by science will return to health and life on contact with this balm; the soul that has been detached will return on the word of love of the brother who calls it.

64 When this time has reached its climax, men will be surrounded by spiritual forces all around, there will be manifestations, events and signs never seen before. The proud scientists will be speechless, and there will be occasions when, convinced of their wretchedness, they will weep from incompetence.

65 People will turn their eyes to Christ, and when they then reflect on their works, they will finally understand that He who did so many and such extraordinary works in the Second Age is the same as He who has now returned and is present and bears witness to His power.

66 I want you to enter into a life of spiritualization, that there be self-discipline and frugality, that there be prayer and activity of love. Thus you will become sensitive to every spiritual event. Then that which is invisible to many will be visible to you. Only in this way will you be able to explain the reason for all that is happening and for which men cannot find a solution.

67 I want the preparation of my disciples and their knowledge of the mission entrusted to them to be so great that, by their way and by their influence alone, they may liberate the beings who are invisible, hidden and unknown among men, and lead an existence of confusion and pain unknown to humanity

68 Strive for your union, people. If you do not achieve this - how could the light beings of that higher world be reflected through you, if this is necessary to give mankind their message?

69 I have taught you to pray and ask for others, but I also hear you when you ask for yours, I accept this prayer. But I tell you that the time in which I gave you - because you were still immature - according to your request is over. Now I want you to work as disciples, to offer me your spiritual soul and your heart while praying, but allow me to read in them and to carry out my will.

70 My wise Word, wrapped in the love of a most patient Master, has brought you step by step to the understanding of the greatness that spiritualism contains and has made you see the wide spiritual horizon that begins in the human and merges with the heavenly.

My peace is with you! 

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