BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 305

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 305

1 The spiritual life of mankind is divided into three epochs or ages. In the First Age I let myself be recognized as Father, in the Second I revealed myself as Master, and in the Third Age I make myself felt as Judge.

2 These are three phases, which I have revealed to men, and during which you must get to know me fully. But do not be eager to recognize three gods or three persons where only one Divine Spirit exists. For in this day and age you are able to accept the simplification of all that you have shrouded in mystery and made complicated to the point of incomprehensibility.

This "temple" will remain, but this work has made no progress for many centuries, and you must now continue it with the goal of completing it, to offer it to your Father.

3 It is not necessary that all the peoples of the earth should attend this rally. For I will see to it that my teachings are spread all over the earth through writings and books, as happened in the Second Age. Then my spiritual message will become known, and men of good will will endeavor to follow it.

4 In this humble and simple book, but filled with Divine Light, people will find the clarification of all their doubts, they will discover the complement of the teachings that were only partially revealed in past times, and they will find the clear and simple way to interpret all that is hidden in the ancient texts in the symbol.

5 Whoever, after receiving this spiritual message, convinces himself of the truth of its contents and sets out to fight his desire for sensory impressions, his idolatry and fanaticism, to cleanse his mind and heart of all those impurities, will free his soul and give it joy and peace, for now it will be able to fight to win eternity which awaits it. But those who continue in their outward worship, who insist on loving that which belongs to the world, and who do not believe in the unfolding or development of the soul - verily, I tell you, they will remain behind and shed tears when they become aware of their backwardness and ignorance.

6 While everything is constantly growing, changing, perfecting, and unfolding, why should your soul remain in stagnation for centuries?

7 It is the human spiritual soul that should advance all the works that man does, for it is it to which life on earth has been entrusted. Yet here on your world you do the opposite, because the soul neglects its highest tasks in order to devote itself to earthly goals and to throw itself ever more into the intoxication of that life which you have created.

8 Since you have discovered and learned many things through science, you are not unaware of the ceaseless development that exists in all beings of creation. Therefore, I want you to understand that you must not leave your soul in that backwardness and standstill to which you have brought it already for a long time, and that you must strive to achieve harmony with everything that surrounds you, so that a day may come for men where nature, instead of hiding its secrets, reveals them, and instead of the forces of nature being enemies to you, they become servants, co-workers, brothers.

9 I sent the soul to incarnate on earth and become a man, so that he might be prince and lord over all that exists on it, and not to be a slave and victim, nor a victim of need, as I actually see him. Man is slave to his needs, his passions, his vices and his ignorance.

10 He is a victim of sufferings, missteps and blows of fate, which his lack of mental elevation gives him on his walk over the earth. He is needy because, in ignorance of the inheritance to which he is entitled in life, he does not know what he possesses and acts as if he has nothing.

11 This humanity must first awaken so that it may begin to study in the Book of Spiritual Life and then soon, by passing on this world of ideas from generation to generation, that blessed seed will appear in which my word is fulfilled. I have told you that one day this humanity will reach spiritualization and will know how to live in harmony with all created things, and soul, mind and heart will walk in step.

12 This Third Age, in which human wickedness has reached its climax, will nevertheless be a time of reconciliation and forgiveness.

13 While men, driven by their selfish aims and their enmities, prepare the destruction of their fellow men, whom they call enemies, I prepare the hour in which I must judge them by letting them judge and recognize their work.

14 In that hour of judgment, when conscience is heard and its light shines and enlightens the mind and heart, men will pull their hair and gnash their teeth and say to Me, "Lord, how could I be capable of so much evil? why have You allowed Me to do such a vile work?"

15 Blessed are those who awake in this moment of judgment, for they will see the light of my forgiveness descending on them, they will see the blessed day of atonement coming Then many people will understand the reason for my teaching of love and will learn what each of my children means to me, even if they are the most sinful.

16 Yes, beloved people, I love everyone boundlessly, for even behind a great sinner there is a soul that needs my light to sin no more

17 I come to save the wicked, because the man who commits crimes is also a child of God, and for me each of my children means much.

18 I will spread this teaching like a mantle of hope and salvation over the whole earth, offering to all the people the opportunity to pay little by little the old debts and the present debts, until they feel Me again in the most hidden part of their being

19 For a long time you have no longer felt me, you have lost me, and I now give you the opportunity to meet me. I know that he who finds me again on his way will never lose me again.

20 Begin to come to me, you sinners. Do not fear that when you come into my presence, my voice will be directed before your fellow men, because I will not betray you. Fear not, as Magdalene was not afraid, who, when she came to Me, got rid of her heavy burden of sin without regard to who saw her, listened to her, or condemned her. She was calm because she knew that she was no longer a woman tainted by sin, but a sinner purified by repentance.

21 Take them in their repentance and in their love as an example.

22 I will make all my voice heard in their conscience - a voice from the Father, from the Master, from the Judge, which will enter into their hearts and make them beat faster for happiness, for astonishment and for love. My voice will be heard within every creature because your soul is ready to receive me in this form.

23 In the silence of the prison cells my voice will be heard, saying to those men and women, "I am here with you. Did you believe that you had been abandoned by me? No, you of little faith, I do not ask you whether you are murderers, or whether you have stolen. I redeem through my love the one who has sinned, I encourage the one who has fallen, and I save the innocent one who has been the victim of slander, injustice, or error.

24 My voice will be heard in the midst of the noise of war, and its sound will be so piercing that the weapons of men will be silent when my presence is felt.

25 In the hospitals and wherever there is a sick person, I will likewise make myself perceptible and audible, "anointing" and comforting the sick as only I can do. I will spread a cloak of peace and comfort over the pain of those who suffer, forgotten by their fellow men, and will pour a divine balm on their sufferings and raise them to life, so that they may bear witness to my spiritual presence.

26 In the homes I will be felt by the children and the adults, and both will bear witness to my presence.

27 When I find the fire of the hearth extinguished, I will call the husband and say to him: why are you not loving and understanding? why do you not kindle the fire of love, which is the flame that gives life to your marriage? When I see him neglecting his duties, I will surprise him and say to him: Why have you strayed from the right path and cast down the cross? Did you not have the strength to drink even the last drops of the bitter potion that were left in the cup? Return to the way on which I set you, only there you will find Me to reward your faith, your obedience and your courage.

28 I will touch the wife on the most sensitive strings of the heart and ask her: wife, do you think, far from the path of your duty, to find the peace you desire? No, do not deceive yourself. Your merit will be to carry to the end, with self-denial and with patience, the cross that I placed on your shoulders.

29 There will not be one heart left that I will not let feel my divine presence and call for reconciliation, love and peace

30 I seek prepared hearts to put my essence into them, which is like entering in spirit into the inner temple of man - that temple from which I must expel your sins, as if they were profane merchants, until the sanctuary is purified.

031 I do not take a whip to make you understand my word, I bring bread of life to strengthen you in the ideal of your upliftment.

32 While the world has come to the conclusion that I have left it in its abyss of pain and sin, I have come to give it a new proof of my infinite love, which can never abandon you and which therefore speaks to you fatherly and forgives you

33 Sometimes, when you hear my word full of divine tenderness, you are confused without being able to understand why I use this kind of teaching to sinners, although I would have to apply a certain rigour to bend you

34 I tell you, in this "Third Age" - even if it seems impossible to you - the renewal and salvation of mankind will not be difficult, since the work of redemption is divine work.

35 It will be my love that brings men back to the way of light and truth. My love, which secretly penetrates every heart, caresses every soul, manifests itself through every conscience, will transform the hard rocks into sensitive hearts, will make spiritualized beings out of materialistic men and men of good, peace and goodwill out of hard-boiled sinners.

36 I speak to you in this way because no one knows better than I the development of your soul, and I know that today's man, in spite of his great materialism, his love for the world and his passions developed to the greatest sin, lives only for the appearance of "flesh" and material life. I know: as soon as he feels in his soul the loving touch of my love, he will quickly come to me to rid himself of his burden and follow me on the path of truth, which he unconsciously longs to walk.

37 I will not have to show him the law carved in stone as in the first time, nor will I have to manifest my presence through the forces of nature so that he can feel me. I will not even have to come into the world in human form to redeem the soul of men through a sorrowful life and a bloody death.

38 These times are past, the soul of man has developed. It is no longer the little child of past times who had to touch the divine with his hands and perceive it with his bodily senses in order to be able to believe in me and in my presence.

39 Behind his materialism and his lack of sensitivity to the spiritual, man hides a soul of light, a spiritual soul that has travelled long distances and passed great tests that have given him steadfastness, experience and knowledge. It will suffice that he is ready to enter into an inner dialogue with his conscience, so that he may rise to a new life and discover in the core of his being the true Holy of Holies, from which the infinite voice of the Lord emanates as a law of eternal and wise justice - a path that is always full of light and safe.

40 If that spiritual development would not exist in this mankind, and it would not be shortly before its liberation, I would not have given you for this time the revelation about the dialogue from spirit to spirit.

41 The trials that your world is going through are the signs of the end of an age, are the downfall or the death throes of an age of materialism; for materialism has been in your science, in your aims and in your passions. Materialism has determined your reverence for me and also all your works.

42 The love of the world, the greed for earthly things, the desire of the flesh, the pleasure of all lower desires, selfishness, self-love and arrogance were the power with which you created a life according to your intelligence and human will, the fruits of which I let you reap so that your experience might be complete But when this age, which is now coming to an end, will be characterized in the history of mankind by its materialism - verily, I tell you, the new age will be characterized by its spirituality. For in it the conscience and the will of the spirit on earth will establish a world of beings who are generous through love - a life in which one feels the spirit of the Father vibrating in the spirit of the children, because then all the gifts and abilities which today live hidden in your being will have infinity as a field of activity.

43 Beloved people, you must understand Me, because I speak to you in the simplest terms, and My Word contains no mystery I am your Father and have no secrets towards you. I have opened my treasury so that you may find in it the wisdom you need to be enlightened in the period you are going through.

44 The human soul has developed, its abilities have unfolded, and it is able to begin the study of my work.

45 The gift of inspiration, the gift of the word and the gift of knowledge is in all of you when you are prepared, because the light has been poured out on your soul.

46 Know that it is your destiny to come to me by the same way which I paved for you when I became man My example is known to all. Who has not already heard the name of Christ spoken? Who has not remembered his Master in his hours of trial? And who has not (in his former earth lives), in order to reach the spiritual regions, proclaimed (in the hour of death, in which his body dies), "Into your hands I commend my spirit? I know your desire for light, your longing for spiritualization. That is why I have come down to you.

47 Your shepherd has prepared you to come to me. It is the same as the one who cried in the desert in the Second Time, and to whom many hungry and thirsty for love came to be prepared.

48 It is Elijah who has brought you to me because his mission to precede me at every one of my coming is and will always be the same.

49 Today you are living through a new time, and in the face of the miracles you have witnessed, your soul has bowed down. It has focused on itself and has found in my words the answer it needed to calm its doubts - the light that invites it to continue on its way. And there, in the Infinite, she sees the doors of a home opening that awaits her, where the Father and Mother will receive her to live with them forever.

50 Open your eyes to the truth, for now is not a time of secrets - on the contrary, it is the time of enlightenment of the same.

51 It shall not be fear that directs your steps, neither shall it be that compels you to fulfil the law Faith and love shall be the power that urges you to do good works in your lives. For then your merits will be true.

52 This age of light will bring understanding to all men, for every mystery will be cleared up.

53 You say to Me in your heart: "Lord, if you put Your Truth before our eyes - what merit will we then have? You have said that blessed are those who believed without seeing."

54 Ah, ye men who do not understand my word. Do you not see how necessary it is that I help you to penetrate into its meaning and understand it?

55 Admittedly I said in those days, "Blessed are they who believed without seeing. But with this I wanted to say: "Blessed are those who - without trying to see the divine with their earthly eyes - understand to see it through the light of faith, which is the spiritual gaze. Blessed is he who - without intending to touch or perceive the spiritual with his senses - knew how to prepare himself to feel the divine presence in his soul.

56 Understand, disciples, that when I said, "Blessed is he who believes without seeing," I was referring to the sight and senses of the "flesh," since the one who so believed did so because he saw and felt Me with his soul.

57 You are now facing a time in which you will not only believe by faith, by that higher gaze of the spiritual soul, but will also understand with an understanding which is beyond that of your human intellect, because it will be the soul which is enlightened by spiritual wisdom.

58 Also in the present time I say to you: "Blessed are those who, without seeing with their bodily eyes, still understand with their limited human intellect, yet believe, because they feel with their soul, because they soar up to look with the spiritual gaze and to understand with that intelligence that is above every human cunning.

59 If true faith in the divine arises in a man, it is because he has looked with the spirit. Who or what then could lead him to deny what he has experienced himself in this way? But those who deceive themselves with a false faith, because they never knew how to see or feel with the spirit, and were content to say that they had faith, even without looking, these do believe. But these are those who doubt at the first test, become uncertain or confused, and finally often deny.

60 But I save you all. That is why you were told already in earlier times that the hour will come in which every eye will see me.

61 Your progress or upward development will enable you to discover my truth and perceive my divine presence - both in the spiritual and in each of my works. Then I will tell you: "Blessed are those who are able to recognize me everywhere, for it is they who really love me.

62 Blessed are those who are able to feel me with the soul and even with the body, because it is they who have given sensitivity to their whole being, who have really spiritualized themselves".

63 How much have the unclean religious cults practiced by mankind held back the development of the soul! In this way men have prevented the miracles that spiritual faith performs from becoming reality, and the natural influence of the spiritual on human life has also been prevented.

64 When men receive my benefits, my answers, and my unceasing proofs of love, it is not as a reward for any faith or true spiritualization, but because of my compassion for their immaturity, misery, and ignorance.

65 I know that many will be outraged when they come to know this word; but there will be those who, in their confusion of mind, will not want to recognize that in man, besides human nature, there exists also the spiritual part of the being - or those who believe in the human soul, but, bound by the habit of their traditions and their beliefs, deny that there is an infinite path of development for the soul.

66 I also know that I have to speak to you with words of justice to shake you up and shake you out of the deep lethargy in which the world is. For a long time men have used their power to do their will, using the gift of free will for earthly works. But I see that they still have powers, and I will make use of these by inspiring them the ideal of a new world, of a better world, whose foundation is to be that of true faith, and whose aim is to uplift the soul through love and justice. Has this not been my teaching at all times?

67 Study my lesson, and after you have thought deeply about it, ask your mind to judge it. Let not your mind nor your heart be the first to give a judgment on something that is beyond them. For you live in a time in which my divine light, by becoming thought, reaches your mind and lets it enter a world of infinite beauty and wisdom.

68 Here is he with you who never tires of waiting for you, and who comes near to your heart, inspiring spiritual longings and filling its immeasurable emptiness with my love.

69 Almost twenty centuries have passed since the world no longer heard and saw me, not knowing that I did not separate myself from it for a moment, nor for a moment did not speak to it

70 At that time I had to become man so that you might hear my word. Now I had to make myself known through the intellect of man, so that the world could again hear "the word.

71 It is no longer Jesus of Nazareth who presents himself before your eyes - it is Christ, it is the Master in the Spirit who manifests himself before your spirit to give you his new lesson.

72 Jesus was the body, the incarnate form that I used to make Myself visible to the eyes of men, and Nazareth was the village where I grew up as a man, where I spent my childhood and where my youth began From Nazareth was Mary, the blessed Mother, who offered Me her womb to become man, and there that body grew and developed, which was the reason why the world later called Me the Nazarene.

73 Today I do not come from Nazareth; I dwell in the world that corresponds to me, which is the spiritual kingdom, which I have already announced to you in those times, and I let you hear my voice, for which there are no obstacles nor distances.

74 I bless you, O people, who are gathering this evening to greet the first day of the last year in which you will have the proclamation of my word in this form.

75 Soon I will no longer speak to you through these voice-bearers in rapture. But you must not forget that I have told you that I never separate myself from you, and that I will never cease to send you my word in the form of inspiration.

76 There was much confusion among men when I tuned in to them in that Second Time. But today, as I let my humanized voice be heard again, I discover that the confusion is even greater. So I see the hour announced by me coming to reveal myself to mankind anew, and I begin my work of light by spreading my truth and bringing men step by step closer to the way on which they have to unravel all secrets which they are to know and on which they have to find every explanation and every enlightenment.

77 It is a significant time that has now begun - a time of immeasurable consequence for men and spirit beings.

78 And this year, the last of my proclamation, is likewise of infinite importance for this people, because in it I give you the norms, the light, the orders and the knowledge to enter with courage and with firmness a new period of time

79 My message has been clear, light-filled and understandable, so that you may never stumble over the rocks of error or ignorance.

80 Take care that their meaning is kept in your heart so that you carry Me in you, and in each one there is a counsellor, a guide, a doctor

81 If you follow my teaching as I taught it to you, if you practice spiritual charity, you will soon no longer be little children and become disciples and discover how easy it is to get in touch with my spirit by means of a pure and upward thought Then you will understand why there was a limit to the period of my manifestation. Because if it never ended, you would never spiritualize yourselves, because instead of rising up in desire for my inspiration through your purification and merits, you would always be down there in your world, waiting for the voice bearer to prepare to deliver a message to you.

82 Verily, I say unto you, the fruit of my word, which hath been seed in your hearts, shall be, according to my will, the conversation from spirit to spirit. I have already entrusted the seed to you, have already taught you to sow it. Now you have the task of spreading it and taking care of it. For I will be in expectation of the fruit of my sowing, to feel in my spirit the ineffable happiness of the presence of the children with me, to hear their spiritual voice, to feel their caresses, as I did through the lips of Jesus. "I thirst, I thirst for your love.

My peace be with you!

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