BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 304

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 304

1 Blessed are those who come to me because they have found the way. Blessed are those who seek orientation through my word. I am the way, and you are those who walk on it and will reach the top of the mountain by this way. From this height you will overlook everything that your soul has covered during its development.

2 Every obstacle or rock that you encounter will be a test that, if you pass it, will give you merit.

3 Who can claim that he has understood the mysteries of nature, that he has penetrated into the beyond, into the mystery of that which cannot be seen nor heard - that he has penetrated into the divine arcanum and knows its counsel? Who has been able to recognize himself in such a way that he can bring his actions into harmony with his spiritual and material nature?

4 You are still weak creatures, which go aimlessly astray. For although the knowledge you have prepared yourselves to serve mankind, you have not developed your spiritual gifts, and still you are not spiritualized to live in harmony with me and with yourselves. If you cannot recognize yourselves, you will not be able to recognize others, nor will you be able to guide them in a perfect way. How will you be the leaders of men if you have not first learned to direct your steps on the path of truth?

5 When I speak to you in this way, people of Israel, it is not because the master disrespects your work within my work It is to make you realize that your steps towards spiritualization have no limits - that with each step forward you will gain more light to comprehend the greatness of my work.

6 I have endowed man with intelligence that enables him to explore the composition of nature and its manifestations, and I have allowed him to look at a part of the universe and feel the manifestations of spiritual life. For my teaching does not stop the souls, nor does it hinder the development of man - on the contrary, it frees and enlightens him so that he may investigate, reflect, research and strive. But what man considers the highest of his intellectual research is hardly the beginning!

7 Everything has been prepared for the development of the soul. Do you prepare yourselves so that you teach the mankind of tomorrow to unite with me from spirit to spirit. In this day and age the world has been confused by its different worldviews, and it is the light of my Holy Spirit that can enlighten it so that, on receiving my inspiration, it may unfold the pure ideals that can spiritualize it to live in peace.

8 My spiritual teaching unites men in a real understanding and comprehension of spiritual values. I am the center of the union, the source of inspiration for its spiritual unfolding.

9 You must come to Me with your sufferings, joys, and problems. I give you instead of your pain the joy of feeling noble and worthy of Me - the opportunity to rectify your transgressions.

10 Every man will be purified by the light of my Holy Spirit, which will inspire him to love his fellow men. In this way, peace will be established in the world, and all will unite in one power, action and attitude, and that which no religion has achieved will attain the inspiration of God received by men. Therefore, in this Third Time, I give everyone the same opportunity to reach Me. My spiritual teaching gives no cause for differences.

11 If your ears do not hear Me at present, O mankind, and your eyes are covered with a dark bandage, the day will come when you will see the light of the Holy Spirit and hear My Word like divine music

12 Israel, know that all your fellow men are worthy to receive the gifts of grace which you have received. Reach out your hand to him whom you see disturbed, for you know that you must all reach the same goal.

I have granted you to hear my word through the human intellect. But many of your fellow men will deny the truth of this manifestation and will also deny that I have again paved the way for you in this time, that I pour out my grace among you, and that my Universal Ray rests on the voice bearer prepared by my divine mercy. You will not be able to comprehend how my divinity can manifest itself by means of an imperfect creature, through whose intellect I make myself known to you. Instead, they will continue to seek me in their old rituals and rites of their religious communities, in the forms that make sense. Is it difficult for God, who is almighty, to make himself known through the human faculty of reason? Do you want to feel faith in me only by means of the images and ritual rites?

13 If you believe in Me as Almighty, as Creator, as universal authority, exerting influence on all - if you believe that I am in all my creation, then you cannot doubt that I have prepared the minds of my chosen ones to manifest Me through their mediation

14 I manifest myself in the air you breathe, in the immensity of the space in which the worlds exist - in the sun that sends its rays to your planet - in the visible and in that which is invisible to you.

15 Chosen people, do not go to work with condemnation or criticism of others. Stretch out your hand and take hold of those of your fellow men who seek me in different ways. Speak to them so that they may receive the knowledge you have. But willingly hear their reflections so that you too may receive some orientation. For no one is enough for himself; you all need my wisdom and that of your neighbors.

16 As spiritualists, you are to enter into a loving relationship with your neighbor, no matter to which religious community they belong. In this way you will testify that you have been prepared by Me. Then your noble deeds will reach all hearts, and you will be understood by all who think about them without selfishness.

17 My people, spiritualism has no meaningful forms, it does not need these manifestations, these rites As long as incomprehensible, mysterious things are expressed in your actions, you cannot be true spiritualists. The external form, the expression, the form, the objects that you needed to impress have been removed. For my word possesses sufficient power so that you recognize me and rise to perfection.

18 After 1950 the true spiritualist will have understood the teaching I have given you and will practice it with the only aim of transmitting My mercy where it is needed.

19 Tomorrow men will be able to better understand this word, which has been heard by very few, and it will be widely understood.

20 It is not significant that when the year 1950 ends, my word has not been understood by all. The few seeds that are preserved will be sufficient for the fruit to ripen in the future.

21 Beloved disciples, you are like a star, be like a lighthouse in the immensity of the sea. Strive to keep your garments, purify your heart and transform it into a sanctuary where the torch of the sixth beacon illuminates every soul by day and night.

22 Be as I am - humble and gentle from heart. Love one another, forgive one another. Be like a river of crystal clear water. Bear in your hands one single fruit. Present the teaching of one book as the lifeboat for humanity.

23 Come to me, I am waiting for you. To him who asks it will be given, to him who seeks it will find it, and to him who knocks at this door it will be opened. I will work you like rocks with the chisel of my word and bathe you in the light of the Holy Spirit.

24 O beloved disciples! Turn away from the temptations of the world, for I have prepared you so that tomorrow you may be like your Master.

25 In the last day of my manifestation among you by the mind of man, even the "stones" will weep. But I will make all feel the kiss of my peace, will press everyone to my breast. And then, when I see you prepared, I will tell you from the "cloud": Here is the desert, cross it and bring to the world what I have given you.

26 O disciples! I speak to you of tomorrow and encourage you so that you may not sob with pain at the moment of my farewell. For I do not want you to be sad afterwards - I want to see you instructing, giving the crystal clear water of the spring and bringing fruit to mankind in abundance.

27 Bear witness as my prophets, proclaiming that I am in you as the Holy Spirit. You will no longer hear me through the voice bearers, but spiritually you will continue to receive my instruction eternally. When you spiritualize, you will be full of bliss because you will feel Me, receive the inspiration, and experience that I am with you in all your trials. You will hear my voice from spirit to spirit encouraging you to advance in your struggle and you will feel strengthened because I will be with all my children.

28 Today I reveal Myself among you as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit and am with you in essence, presence and power

29 Come near, you who are part of my people Israel. Come to me, you women who are mothers on earth, like Mary. Come to Me, you virgins, you young men, you children and you adults, for I receive you and give you my kiss of peace.

30 Let your soul come to me, for I am He who can give it what it needs. I am the giver who pours out his grace on the souls incarnated and the souls not incarnated.

31 Chosen people of Israel, you are no longer little children, because you have developed more and more in this spiritual way and during your various reincarnations have gained much knowledge. Now in this Third Time you are the disciples of the Divine Master, learning the lessons I have given you day by day so that you may be great in spirit, connoisseurs of the unknown to mankind. "Israel" will be great in the times to come through its knowledge, through its realization of my work, through its union, through its struggle, through its obedience, through its love for my divinity and for its fellow men. For if my people should not have this spirituality, the world will regard my work only as one more teaching on earth.

32 All these things will happen if my people do not prepare themselves, if they do not understand me, if they do not spiritualize themselves. Therefore I say to you: Now is the time in which you are to renew yourselves and spiritually uplift yourselves through the practice of my teaching.

33 But I have not come in vain in this third time, to make myself known with the light of my Holy Spirit For you are the first whom I have cleansed and freed from stains, whom I have made strong and taught, so that you may be prepared for the fulfillment of your difficult mission, and so that you may rise as apostles, as older brothers and sisters of mankind, so that you may be for mankind like the stars in the firmament, and your fellow men may in this way recognize the fulfillment of the prophecies given by me and through the messengers of past times. "Israel", you will gain recognition among the peoples, among the nations, so that these, too, will feed on the bread of eternal life.

34 I make you an open book, containing prophecy, my teachings, divine revelation, and testimony of my presence. This book will be open to him who seeks this knowledge. You will answer many questions with the light and truth. You will not be pretenders, you will defend my work and not allow the world to desecrate it.

35 This teaching is not only for you. For once you are prepared in the likeness of your Master, you are to set out to bear witness to me with your words and works. I will bring to you the philosophers, the scientists, who thought themselves great in their knowledge. But you shall not be afraid of them because of their science, for they are very small compared with my wisdom.

36 As long as the intellect of men is not free from every darkness and does not free itself from every darkness that it holds in it, it will not be able to understand me, nor will it be able to acknowledge my messengers, my apostles, and also not those who will appear in the future as masters.

37 Think, people of Israel, and make yourself free from every fanaticism, from every vanity of materialism, so that you may carry out your mission in a perfect way.

38 If my people do not go on and make an effort as my will, their trials will be very great, so that they may make them see their error, and they will be as strong as their strength, so that they may learn to see and understand what their duty is.

39 In the body of each one of you I have put a light atom, which is part of my spirit, and all these particles must, when the time comes, return to my bosom The souls that have incarnated into the rest of mankind are like yours, and with them there are beings who likewise seek me. They too know how to rise to me to question me. Others turn to me to ask me the reason for the shock that mankind suffers, and say to me, "Father, why do you not hear us? Why don't we feel your power to not fail? Are we not Your children?" So the souls cry out to Me in this way, but they do not know that they are currently purifying themselves - they do not know that they are living in the Third Age - they do not know that they are in the time of Resurrection for the incarnate and non-incarnate. Men have boasted about what belongs to this world; they are filled with arrogance and have not allowed their souls to rise up to Me.

40 In this time it is my will that all come to me, that they seek me in the spiritual, where they will find their father

41 In this time, O Israel, you are to earn merits and teach by your example men to live in communion with Me.

42 I speak of your faults only because nothing is hidden for me and it is necessary that you renew yourselves so that you are pure vessels before me. I have given you my word, and in it is my power so that you may overcome all temptations and trials. I have enlightened you so that you may understand that which concerns your soul and that which belongs to your human life. In this way you can do justice to the divine commandments because you are my disciples whom I teach, so that your soul may develop ever higher and higher, and you may no longer collapse under the burden of materialism, under the habitual ritual acts which you have introduced in my work. You must no longer let yourselves be stopped by superfluous things, because you have the strength and the necessary knowledge to overcome all obstacles. You must advance unceasingly.

43 To the extent that you achieve purity, dematerialization, your worship of God will become more spiritual, your ritual acts within my work less complicated. For in my work you have acted and ruled according to your will, and have not kept yourselves to spiritualization, have not prepared your heart to send up your prayer, and have offered to me only in words the written prayers, making it like your fellow men. For your rites, your ways of worship, your traditions were the same as those which men present to mankind. In what then did you differ? What made you different from the others? Nothing, Israel, because you materialized my word, and you did the same with my spiritual world. Your ritual acts fell into a sensuality similar to that of mankind, your symbols were the same, and you also showed their disunity and greed within my work.

44 How then could mankind believe in you? How could they recognize me by your behavior when you presented the same image as your fellow men?

When the Father saw that your walk was very slow and very sensual, He had no more leniency with you, and so He ordered you to unite and gather together to surprise you with His ending words. And without further concession, He commanded you to free yourselves from all materialism, to purge your ritual acts, because they were more meaningful than spiritual. But my work is spiritual; my work has the purpose of uplifting the soul, of renewing you in your human life, so that the "flesh" and the soul may lead a superior life. My will no longer allowed my people to fall into the abyss and there to do my work.

45 So when it received my commandments, there was confusion in Israel because of its materialism. Others, however, obeyed this commandment with respect and obedience because their souls recognized that the hour of a new awakening of Israel had come, that the Father had torn it from its routine and old customs, and they thanked Him.

46 All these trials have shaken thee, people, because thou hast become accustomed to the routine. For you had hindered your mind, your soul, in false ritual acts, from ascending.

47 You now know, people, that if you do not obey the instruction I have given you to do your duty, it will have been of no use to you to hear Me For it is my will that you, when you receive my word, exercise it, because the end of my announcement through the human intellect is drawing nearer for you - the year 1950, from which you will no longer hear my spiritual world either.

48 I do not want you to feel pain in your soul for this reason, because I have prepared you so that you may be strong souls, so that tomorrow you may be like trees giving shade to the wanderer tired and exhausted by the burning sun Nor do I want you, in the moment of my farewell, to cause pain to my spirit like the one you caused me in the second time. I do not want you to lay on my shoulders again the cross of your sin, of your disobedience, of your failure. I want to see obedience, fulfillment of duty, renewal, spiritualization, your elevation in Israel, to communicate with Me from spirit to spirit.

49 Israel, now is no more time to sleep; you must be fully awake, so that you may devote yourself to the task of awakening mankind. For although my light illuminates every mind, I see my children lethargically, I see my law in dusty books. But you, chosen people, must lead men and "watch" for them.

50 Thou shalt speak to the world without fanaticism of the spiritual teaching.

51 Practice the dialogue from spirit to spirit, which you shall perfect from day to day. For it is my will that you and mankind communicate with me. Through this union you will receive my inspirations, my assignments, and I will receive your soul, will hear your prayer and allow your spiritual arms to embrace me.

52 When you have learned to commune with Me from spirit to spirit, your gifts will be developed, and in your practice of religion these gifts will blossom in glory and in spirituality Then you will seek me in the spiritual, and your worship will be perfect.

53 This manifestation by the human intellect shall be no more among you. I do not want you to feel orphaned after my departure, nor death to surprise you, nor weakness among you. For after 1950 you will prepare yourselves and seek me from spirit to spirit, will live in harmony and in my peace. Then you will make up for lost time and will reach the degree of spiritualization that will allow you to approach my kingdom while still living on this planet, and you will prove to the world that you do not need rites and ceremonies nor material symbols to offer your worship to me - that your way of worship is superior and spiritual, and that your faith is a torch that you spread light on the paths of life, in the hearts and souls of men.

54 The time of my announcement has been sufficient for you to reach that degree of spiritualization which will lead you to the renewal and upliftment of your soul.

55 I am currently helping you to climb the mountain. I am guiding you by the hand toward this goal, and I have granted you that my spiritual world likewise stands by you, that they increase your faith, that they see to it that your steps are safe, so that in the fulfillment of your mission there are no longer any doubts that nothing can make you retreat any more on the path that you have walked during so many years and centuries. I have provided what is necessary for your livelihood when you crossed the desert, and therefore you are now very close to Me.

56 The time is drawing nearer, when I end my announcement through the human intellect, and then you are to set out to continue your wanderings. For here on earth is not your goal, nor is there rest for you. I want you to be sufficiently prepared for the fight that awaits you, then you will be masters, my apostles and my witnesses through the gifts I have bestowed upon you. I want you to be like a great torch that brings my light to the different peoples that make up this humanity.

57 You are with me and enjoy my peace, hear my teaching, that you may prepare yourselves But do not forget your fellow men, the world that is in chaos and drinks a very bitter cup - do not forget the confusion that reigns in this world. I do not want to see you callous, because the lamentation of the world must also reach you.

58 You are the ones most responsible to me, because I have given you my word through the human intellect. I want your actions within my work to become more perfect and spiritual, for the day is not far off when you will bring my teaching everywhere, prepared by Elijah and my spiritual world. For my kingdom awaits all, and you all must come to me through your merits and the humility in your soul.

59 You have often said to Me from the depths of your heart: "Master, Father, why have you entrusted your work, although it is so delicate and so profound, to so many sinners and to the same unworthy man? Why did You put this so great responsibility into our hands? Why, although you see this people, which you call Israel, so clumsy and ignorant, have you put all your trust in it? Why have you chosen us, who have gone through so many trials, so many purifications, so much fanaticism and idolatry?

But I tell you, my children: Precisely because you are the people who have purified themselves very much and recognized Me in the midst of their trials. For the trials have brought you closer to me, and so I have presented you to the other nations as a chosen and blessed people, so that they may receive my work through your mediation and get to know me for their renewal and spiritualization.

But I have not chosen you because I have more affection for you, nor because I love you more than the rest of mankind. And I have not made you owners of gifts and graces because you are more worthy in the eyes of the Father. If you have undergone your purification, it is because you have also been the people who have sinned most, who have committed the most mistakes, and you therefore have the greatest reparation to make.

60 Question your conscience, people, and consider whether you are worthy of me. Recognize whether your merits are great enough to stand before me. Remember your past and consider whether what you have done in your walk through this world makes you worthy that I place you at my right hand. Tell me, after you have considered your past, whether you have acquired a right to possess my grace, my gifts, my benefactions and my law. "No," says your heart to Me, "You have often told us that we are an ungrateful people - a people who have always disobeyed You.

But I tell you: I have bestowed my grace on you with the great desire in my spirit that you may one day become the people of pure thoughts, that you may accomplish great works, that you may attain great spiritual upliftment.

61 It will be your grandchildren who will make the seed of truth blossom. You will sow it first in your families and then among mankind.

62 Israel: After 1950 everything will be different for you. Your cultic actions, your knowledge will be more advanced, your works more spiritual, your thoughts and prayer will be more elevated, and you will become even more spiritual. For then you will no longer live in materialism.

63 I make your hearts sensitive so that you may feel the pain of men. As I give you my word today, so tomorrow you shall be those who have to give it to the world. Since mankind did not want to come to Me, tomorrow you shall go to it and bring it in My name the message of love which I have left it as an inheritance.

64 Great will be your struggle and the work you will have to do among this humanity, which is without faith, without hope, without God. Although I am close to her, she has not felt me and has not perceived my presence. For she wants to see me in a sensual way, and since she does not see me with the eyes of her spirit, she rejects me and forgets me. Soon the moment will come when you are to set out as my apostles and with your powerful and spiritual voice awaken the masses of people and bring them to faith, to spiritualization.

65 In the present time there are not only twelve hearts, of which I will make use after 1950 to bear witness to Me. Today there are 144,000 chosen ones of my blessed people of Israel, on whom I have placed all my hope and trust so that mankind may know my work through them.

66 You shall be the strong among mankind and fulfill your mission to the end. But you will always be protected by my spirit. I will be your defense, and spiritually I will entrust you with my essence, my presence and my power - to the extent that you feel and exercise the love, the spiritual love, which is revealed in all creation.

My peace be with you!

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