BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 291

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 291

1 People: On the day of my departure you will feel a void in your surroundings. You will feel weak because you have become accustomed to this word in which you have long found encouragement, comfort, balm and knowledge. You will miss this manifestation that has given you so much courage in the struggle for life.

2 But verily, I tell you, if you already had a better understanding, you would await this day with joy, knowing that my spirit will not be separated from you and that my inspiration will not be missing for a moment

3 Know why I have told you so often that you should not become accustomed to my word, that you should not listen to me out of habit For those who have behaved in this way will miss this word with great pain in their hearts.

4 There is still a short time left to you, in which you can understand many teachings, remove your doubts, strengthen your intentions, and make your deliberations and gain knowledge of the firm foundations of what my law grants you.

5 Remember that I have taught you to reject everything that is a forced practice of religion and that is only a habit Do not forget that I have simplified for you the practice of religion, forms of worship, and creeds, and have allowed your conscience to be the rudder that should steer your little ship of life.

6 I have given you clearly defined principles so that you will not make any attempts with uncertain teachings, even if they seem to you to be permissible and good.

7 He who puts all his trust in my word will not stumble, nor fail, and soon he will reap good fruit.

8 The law of love, to which the love of neighbor, understanding and forgiveness towards your fellow men is due, is the foundation I have inspired you for your spiritual mission

9 To know my truth does not require human scholarship, nor the knowledge of men, which is contained in their books. The spirit has the gift and ability to divine the truth.

10 Since my word is easy to understand, and the principles of my teaching are expressed with perfect clarity, you need not fear that unforeseen difficulties will prevent you from taking firm steps on your way.

11 I have read in your hearts and have found that you want to remain faithful to this teaching I have brought you. Watch and pray, listen and think carefully so that your good intentions may not be destroyed by some weakness of yours at the moment of trial. Remember that the multitudes who followed Jesus in the Second Age, and who seemed to understand Him, left their Master alone in the moments of sacrifice, in the decisive hour. Even the apostles who had followed Him so closely felt their strength and even their faith weaken in that hour.

12 The reason is that human nature is weak and needs encouragement from a strong mind.

13 Drink therefore of the wine of my word, that ye may be strong, and then, when the trial is come, prove that ye are disciples, having been hardened in prayer and in battle, in self-reflection and in practice.

14 Do not seek the glorification of my work by pompous means or public demonstrations, for your triumph would easily collapse because you have not built it on firm foundations.

15 Do not impress your fellow men with testimonies of miraculous healings or apparent miracles, for you would only succeed in infecting each other with fanaticism. Those who truly embody the truth, who know how to offer sincere worship of God, who truly sow and spread the seed of love, are so simple, so humble and humble that they live unrecognized among the others. They pray, and no one knows it. They heal a sick person, and few or no one sees them. They weep for the sake of a neighbor, but their tears are invisible, because instead of flowing outward, they lift themselves up to the Father.

16 Do not worry, people, I do not tell you that all that you do is imperfect. I only correct all that is wrong, but I accept all that you offer me in good things.

17 Hear here by my word with attention the teachings, that ye may learn. But in the actions of your life, pay attention to the voice of your conscience, for it will tell you whether you are doing well, or whether you are doing badly, whether you have fulfilled your mission or not. When you then feel your heart weeping because of the suffering of your fellow men; when you share the benefit you receive from God with the needy; when you understand human misery and make an effort to ease it without expecting a reward - then you will become righteous to me and will be able to feel the peace that conscience gives you.

18 Disciples: What must the spiritualist do to help the teaching he practices to victory in this time of tragedy, war, and pain? Unite yourselves with others, and all of you with Me, so that your power and light may be felt in the world.

19 Look at humanity: indifferent to spiritual progress - not only in the material realm, but also within the religious communities where tradition and custom have been made a law.

20 See how, even in these times of science and human progress, man continues to kill man, the peoples tear apart their bonds of brotherhood or friendship with other peoples, and the worldviews of some come into conflict and clash with those of others.

21 These fields, apparently barren to the divine, are nevertheless suitable for spiritual sowing. Open yourselves up and you will experience at every turn the desire for light, the misery, the ignorance, the pain in all its forms. Let your thoughts get there, send them full of good wishes, lightful ideas and spiritual inspirations. Let your heartfelt, sincere word be heard, imbued with light, comfort, balm. Then you will experience that humanity is a suitable field for the work of your spirit.

22 Work untiringly on your life's journey, and I assure you that the peace you experience during it through the fulfilled mission will be even greater when your soul goes into the beyond But for the time being, do not think about rewards.

23 How wretched is the man who still thinks that the soul is destined to receive an eternal reward or an eternal punishment because of its short earthly course in the human body!

24 My word will be the beacon in this time, bringing light into the darkness of mankind. You will now experience how this world of today - materialistic, hostile and selfish - will be transformed because my teaching, sometimes violent like a storm and sometimes mild like a breeze, will sweep away the unfair and give life to the good seed so that men may build their future on foundations of love and harmony.

25 When men come to think universally in love, each one will seek to perfect himself, to better serve and do justice to others. All fear of punishment will be superfluous; man will obey the laws not out of fear but out of conviction. Only then will mankind have developed mentally and intelligently.

26 Until now, man's arrogance has made him disregard the spiritual part, and the lack of this knowledge has prevented him from being perfect.

27 As long as man does not learn to maintain his physical and spiritual powers in harmony, he will not be able to find the balance that is to exist in his life.

28 My word has been with you, people. Understand it; but if you have any doubt, pray, meditate, ask for my light, and you will receive enlightenment on what you desire to know.

29 Welcome, wayfarers, who have persevered in faith, here is the reward for your unshakable trust: it is my word for which you have waited so long. Drink of it now until you have had enough.

30 Welcome those who believe in the word of the Master, for they will experience the realization of my promise.

31 Now you have received what you have been asking for so long. Tomorrow, when you stand before the great crowds, you will truly know the reason for my call. I alone know that there are many people who live in expectation of the Good News, and I do not want them to die without first hearing my word on the lips of my witnesses. They are hungry and thirsty, as you have been. But just as I took pity on your needs, so shall you have pity on them.

32 The world is waiting for my voice to call it; the heart of men, though dead to faith, is waiting for the voice of Christ to approach it and tell it, "Arise and walk".

33 The "dead", the "blind", the sick and the pariahs form a very large people. I will come to them, for those who suffer mentally or physically are most receptive to my presence. The great ones of the world - those who have power, riches, and worldly glories - do not believe they need me and do not expect me: What could Christu give them, since they say they already have everything? Some spiritual goods or a place in eternity? That does not interest them!

34 This is the reason why I sought these multitudes of the poor and sick in body and soul to make my teaching known to them; for they longed for me, they sought me. So it was only natural that they felt my presence when the time came to show me anew to mankind.

35 When the time comes, this immeasurably great people of the sick, poor, oppressed, and pariahs will rise up at my call as the strongest and most invincible people in the world. No human power will silence its voice when it rises up and says, "The Lord is revealing himself at this time. He sent us His message that we would make ourselves ready to receive Him from spirit to spirit". This is how it will happen in truth, because it is the message of preparation and my teaching that I am transmitting through specially chosen voice-bearers - a message that will reach my messengers in the different parts of the world.

36 My word on the lips of my witnesses will have the same effect in the hearts as it had on this people when they heard it directly from the mouth of a voice bearer. But you must prepare yourselves to speak with sincerity. In prayer and charity you will be able to inspire yourselves, and verily I tell you, the "dead" will then rise, and the unbelievers will confess that only the disciples of the Holy Spirit can speak in this way.

37 I am preparing you because you will find a humanity without peace, without love, without brotherhood nor harmony. You will bring her the divine message, which I have made you to spread. Then you will see the miracle of renewal which you saw happening in you, repeated among the peoples and nations where my word will also reach, breaking the chains of materialism, idolatry, vice and ignorance.

38 You will have to carry out a great mission in this Third Time when I once leave you as master in the world.

39 Today you are the little child who receives my word, tomorrow you will be the disciple who studies the teaching, and later the master or apostle who follows and lives the teaching which he has received. Do not forget that the simplicity of my word gave you the beginning of your spiritualization, that you should never add to it anything superfluous.

40 Always compare your present with your past, so that you may determine whether you have progressed, or whether you remain stationary. How many souls have awakened as a result of this trial and have exclaimed, "Lord, how is it possible that I have slept for so long? How could I remain lethargic, indifferent, while You speak among us? How could I deny You, since I carry You within me?"

41 No one will be able to resist the power of my word, because it has the power to awaken souls, to make the hardest and most unfeeling heart feel and tremble I did not have to chastise you to force you to fulfil the commission, nor do I use violence to bring you on this way, I did not even intimidate you by words and threats. My voice has been loving and convincing, and it has awakened faith, trust and obedience in you.

42 In the same way you are to speak to your fellow men tomorrow, and in so doing, love, not arouse fears, for then the seed would not be true.

43 My work must come purely to mankind so that they may set out to fulfill my law and embrace the cross of their redemption.

44 I have given a promise to men, to all mankind, and I will keep it, because my word is that of a king. I will send her through my disciples the golden wheat of my word, and this will serve as an armament to men, so that they may soon enjoy the conversation from spirit to spirit. For after 1950 I will not make myself known either here or in any other place, nor again through the organ of understanding of a voice bearer.

45 Unite, people, for the trials are drawing near. The enemies of my word will likewise unite to fight and scatter you. But if you trust in the power of prayer and strengthen yourselves by my word, you will not be defeated. Your power will be spiritual, never will it be based on money or on earthly power.

46 Take advantage of this opportunity, people, do not wait for other times, for they will never come to bring you what you have not been able to take advantage of.

47 Sit at my table with the spiritual desire to learn always from the many things which your Master reveals to you.

48 These last years of my proclamation will be indelible in all those who appreciate what has flowed into them through my Spirit.

49 My disciples will tirelessly speak of all that the master revealed and made known to them.

50 For those who live in a daily routine, and one day is like another and one lesson like another, the glories which I have kept for the last days of my announcement will pass by unnoticed. Nor will they perceive the change that must take place from the moment my word ends. For they have never had the desire to ascend, nor have they loved the development, which is progress and perfection for the soul.

51 I must speak thus, that those who are still asleep may awake. For I do not want one part of this people to attain salvation while the other perishes. My desire is that all of you should rise to the light.

52 Everyone shall be an open book for his fellow men, and on the pages of it shall be reflected that which everyone carries in his soul. The pages of this book will be your works, and if spiritualization, love, and wisdom are present in your being, the world will recognize you as the initiators of a new age, as the heralds of an age of light and spiritual development.

If, on the other hand, there is only the worship of God in your tradition and outwardly, there will be only fanaticism, ignorance, confusion and darkness in your book. For the latter, it would be much better not to speak of my work until the light has risen in their minds. For their seed - instead of being charitable - will be perishable to the work of others, even if they have good intentions.

53 What hast thou done with my words, O people, that I should be compelled to speak to you in this way at this time, when my proclamation is about to end?

54 You were asleep, men, because you thought that this announcement would last forever, and that it had no other purpose than to please you through my word and to heal any suffering one who would come to you. Today reality has awakened you: 1950 - the year announced thousands of times as the last of my proclamation - is just around the corner.

55 There are few, very few, who "awake" in anticipation of the year 1950 and prepare themselves for the test that will be the end of this period for them.

56 This year will not only be significant for this people - no. If for you it is the conclusion of one period and the birth of another, for the churches it will be a year of judgment and self-reflection. It will be a time of trial for science and for all mankind as a whole.

57 When this Work spreads and people learn that in 1950 I made My Word sound for the last time through the human organ of mind, they will understand that all that manifested itself in your life during these days were calls of the Holy Spirit and sparks of His Light Even the theologians will then become thoughtful.

58 Watch and pray, ye multitudes of men. For although the hour in which I speak to you for the last time is already very near, there is still time left for you to come to an understanding of what is happening now and of what you must do in the future through sincere self-reflection.

59 This is an instruction for preparation - another one which I give you - so that you do not fail in the daily work which you have to tackle.

60 Be blessed, my people. You come in desire for my words, which are comfort and nourishment for your soul. You have learned to take from it the essence, the meaning and to recognize my will.

61 This Word, which has awakened your souls that have slept for so long, is your joy today, and has filled your hearts with peace and love. It has enveloped those who trembled with cold, and has filled with hope those who long for light. It is the revelation that I kept in my treasury for the people of Israel and for all mankind.

62 In this time I have spoken to you as I speak to the angels in the hereafter. I have made no difference with your soul because it lives in the earthly valley, to which I have sent you. You are all loved by me equally. You are in the process of developing yourselves, of walking toward me. For at the end of the way I await you, and my divine womb longs for your presence. Get to know the way so that you can reach the Father's home, the Father's heart, the spirit of your God.

63 I have made myself known to you because you have always believed in the living God, your only God, who never keeps silent, who never hides, but who always guides, advises and inspires. This faith feeds you and saves you. If three of my children were to seek me in this way in the midst of humanity, I would already be pouring out my benefactions through their mediation. But I see that large crowds of people listen to Me and believe in Me. The people of Israel will soon be complete - the 144,000 whom I have marked will be at the foot of the mountain, in the shining "valley", in the chosen city. Then my bliss will be great.

64 When you prepare yourselves, I will pour out in you all the knowledge that mankind needs. I give you a great authority that you may speak of my coming in the third time.

65 My word has made you think much. You have begun a great study and have discovered that my teaching is infinite, that the horizon which it offers is wider every day, and you are not able to comprehend it in all its truth.

Today you will receive one instruction after another and you can forget my word. But the time will come when you will remember each of these teachings at the right moment, and then your power of persuasion will be great.

66 In the first time I chose him who was to represent me on earth, Moses, and through him I revealed my wisdom, my power and my severity. You have understood me as far as the low development of your soul allowed it. I spoke through the mouth of the patriarchs and the prophets, and my word penetrated the hearts. The people received my inspirations and my commandments. I made you cross the desert to give you a great lesson, and you developed your souls and experienced faith and trust in Me.

67 After long wanderings, after years of patience and experience, you have entered the realms of Canaan and have seen the promise realized, which my spirit repeated day by day. You have found the blessed and prepared land. It was an oasis of peace which I handed over to you so that you would believe and multiply. When you were then instructed by my messengers, you went among men and carried on the testimony of the covenant that God made with men.

68 So I have encouraged you at all times through my promises. In this third time I have told you: I entrust to you the work of peace among mankind. I will accomplish it through you when you are prepared. But not only the present generation will participate in it; your children and their descendants will continue the work of peace. I am showing the people a long way to go in carrying out this mission.

69 Think about the orders I have given the people as a whole. The adversities you encounter on your way are great, and you must therefore be strong and powerful to reach the goal of your destiny. You must live in communion with the Father, in perfect prayer, and observe my laws without ever falling into fanaticism or mysticism, because you will love me only in the temple of your heart.

70 The gift of the inner word will be in all, and so you will easily explain my work. You will comfort the hearts of men and give them the bread they need. You will heal the diseases of the soul and the body. Man suffers at this time because he has distanced himself from the fulfillment of the divine, moral and natural laws, and seeks help in the trough of this world. He does not know that the origin of his illness is in his soul. Until today he has not wanted to return to the original principle of the laws, the order, the spiritual fulfillment of duty, and has not returned to the source from which all good things come. As long as he does not turn his gaze humbly toward me and the sensitive strings of his heart remain hardened, and faith is not his guide, men will continue to fall prey to error, they will continue to fall ill and perish. But you, people of Israel, I leave behind you full of courage, peace and healing power, so that you may give these to your fellow men in my name.

71 Pause a moment to contemplate the frenzied course of this world into the abyss. What does humanity seek? What do I see in their aspirations? Only pain, despair and death. The voice of conscience has been silent, and its lamp has gone out. It experiences the great day of its atonement, and its pain is great.

72 Stop her, people, before she falls even deeper! Fight with your prayer and your thoughts. Teach by example, and when trials come upon you, give signs of your faith and hope, discovering in them only an occasion to purify your soul. Be simple in all your actions so that your fellow men may understand you, do not complicate your life. Be gentle like Jesus and simple like children and old people, for these virtues are a sign of spiritualization.

73 Be ye also like the farmer who rejoices in his seed, who lives in communion with his god The farmer prays when the light of a new day shines, on which he will accomplish a new day's work; and at noon and in the evening, when the sun sets, he lifts up his soul again to give thanks for all that his Lord has granted him. For him all that he receives is glorious and perfect. The sun, the water, all the elements speak to him of his God, and in them he loves Him, seeks Him and beholds His presence. Are you likewise, workers in the spiritual corridor.

74 I have not given you any material arable land for cultivation in this time. Your hands are not able to make furrows to sink material seed into them. But I have called you sowers of my word in your hearts. Your daily work is spiritual; I have given you everything necessary for your work - the light, the love, the Word. So I have seen some of my children rejoice in their own sowing.

75 My benefactions have not passed unnoticed by them. They have always hoped for them from Me, and in the moments of trial they said, "The Lord tests me to see my faith. You have not called pain an "enemy" and have not become weary of the innumerable trials I have sent you.

76 Beloved people, you know that you live in Me and I direct all your actions, that My mercy lifts you up just at the moment when the trial in your heart leaves fruits of self-reflection and strengthening You have come to know my word and my laws, and you know that besides my love and my goodness there is also my justice and my severity. If you sin, you must suffer the consequences of your transgression.

77 I speak daily to the hearts of men, but mankind has not wanted to understand my language. Israel has spoken to Me, but a great part of men live far from Me. Their practice of religion is imperfect, but my light and justice move hearts today, and they are beginning to awaken and remember that there is a God above them, who always looks upon them lovingly. Humanity has fallen into chaos, and people are not able to solve their problems. Their laws have turned against them because these laws were based on imperfect science and materialism, which I will destroy. In a short time an age of light will shine for the human spirit. Men will obey me and respect my will. I am sending the guardian angels to direct their steps towards Me.

78 I have allowed the spiritual world to communicate with men for a short time. Their spirit, which is as limited as yours, has manifested itself full of purity and exaltation. They have come down to assist you in the great struggle of the Third Age, and you have clearly perceived them. Their beneficial influence has converted many hearts, and their example is true.

79 I bless the spiritual workers-the workers who have unfolded their gift and let these spirit beings manifest themselves. For both the one and the other have merits in my eyes. They will make themselves known to you until 1950. After that they will stand by you forever, because this is their difficult mission. Man needs a spiritual leader. The divine guide is above all spirits and is I. But on earth I have assigned an angel to all men. How much they have suffered for your sake! How often have they wept, too, when they saw the hardness of the human heart! But they love me and patiently fulfill their task.

80 Now is the beginning of the time of the Holy Spirit, in which the spirit beings inhabiting other "valleys" make themselves known to you - in which all boundaries are broken down, and in which you likewise can rise to me, and I come to you and make myself known through the human intellect and speak to you in your own language.

81 After 1950 I will no longer speak to you in this language; I will speak to you in a higher, more superior mode of expression, which you will gradually get to know - in that "language" in which no more material words are necessary.

You are the spiritualistic people who received my teaching during this time. That is why I demand spiritualization from you so that your soul can reveal itself and experience no disturbance whatsoever neither on its path of development, nor in its prayer, nor in its spiritual actions, but is free on its way and can come to me. I have spoken to you much about spiritual dialogue, have told you that you will learn to use it in a superior way, and you will give in to this desire.

82 I leave you prepared as light of the nations. Prepare yourselves because my word of this time shall be the testament, the best book there is, more than in your hands in your hearts because I have revealed to you the perfect knowledge.

83 As I gave my life for you in the Second Time and my body was sacrificed like a lamb, so I will offer myself as light for every soul in the Third Time. Bless the disciple who prepares himself and understands me, for his heart will be an eternal home for me.

My peace be with you!

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