BTL - Volume X - Teaching 285

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 285

1 My peace be in men of good will. Verily, I tell you, whoever carries this peace in his soul will feel My presence.

2 In this time of teachings you have felt my peace in your trials, you have had comfort in your sufferings in this way I have proved to you that whoever accepts his destiny with good will, progresses in all his undertakings He may stumble, but he will not fall.

3 Sometimes you say to Me, "Lord, why do You not visit us like other peoples, although we are as ungrateful and disobedient as our human brothers and sisters may be? To this I say to you: Because I give you time for your preparation. Do you think that if the war were threatening you, you would listen to Me and think about My word? Understand how precious is the time I have entrusted to you and the responsibility you have to use it in your spiritual preparation.

4 In order to spend this time for your spiritual welfare and that of your fellow men, you must often test yourselves by listening to the voice of your conscience, through which you can discover all the things in which you must test yourselves, and at the same time you can understand the way of applying my teaching to the various actions of your life.

5 Does the situation in which humanity finds itself really hurt you? Does your heart feel the pain of nations that are being destroyed by war? Then earn merit for them, pray and send them peace with your thoughts.

6 Now it seems to you that it is evil that threatens the world. To this I say to you that what you often regard as a misfortune is something good.

7 The pain, the misery, even death will come as a blessing to the doors of many people who lived unbridled and sinned without limit.

8 Ah, if only you would understand that the pain which hits the body shell is a balm and a relief for the spiritual soul! For as long as the body had health and well-being, the soul was often drawn into perdition, or it felt trapped within a life full of pleasures and unleashed passions, but without light for the soul. Until pain came as a more powerful force than human passions to stop man in his blind course and cause the soul to free itself, bless the pain and realize that there is no wiser justice than that of God.

9 Some soon come to this insight and thus avoid many sufferings, others are stubborn and slow in understanding, finally blaspheming and cursing and thereby multiplying their cup of suffering.

10 Pray for all, people, do not evade your responsibility on the grounds that you are not praying for the suffering nations because they are being purified in this pain. This pain purifies them, but understand that your prayers and your thoughts help them to accept their cup of suffering with love, so that they may understand the meaning that the pain contains, and so that in their souls the resolution for improvement and the inspiration that moves them to brotherhood may break open.

11 If you pray rightly, I will cause your souls to break away and come to them as a dove of peace, as a messenger of health and of light.

12 Your heart will not be able to be proud of these victories, because it will know nothing of the works which you do spiritually.

13 I alone know these works, which are noted one by one in the book of your merits, that book which is gradually imprinted in your minds.

14 You are facing great events. Not a day will pass in which mankind will not be shaken by some event, test or sign. It will be the unceasing voice of my righteousness, calling men to turn their thoughts to me. And all those in whom intuition awakens in these days of trial, who reflect and come to the conclusion that these trials are due to Divine Justice, will be full of my light, lest they fall back into the spiritual lethargy in which they lived.

15 My righteousness has come, mankind, it will humble man's pride to make him see how small he is in his wickedness and materialism.

16 Yes, people, I will cast down man in his false greatness, because I want him to see my light and rise up, so that he may be great in truth. For I want you to be full of light, generosity, goodness, power and wisdom.

17 My voice is heard again, as the prophets announced it in the earliest times, and as I revealed it to my disciples.

18 Now is the time for which I promised my return in spirit - the time in which you will feel my presence in you and outside of you, and in which you will learn to connect with me spiritually.

19 I am presently forming a people in which, though apparently poor, there are no pariahs, nor wretched, nor spiritually weak. To each one I am revealing his gifts so that he may set out on his way - content to be my disciple and to be able to be useful to his neighbor.

20 My new people will be prophets, counselors, teachers, doctors of the soul.

21 My word comes to these hearts like a breath of air which stirs up the flame of their faith. For I will always see them burning like lights.

22 My word in the Second Days, as well as My works, opened the way to heaven for men, and in this day I have brought you new lessons. Have you not heard the voice of the spiritual world? Have you not felt the nearness of that world which you thought was so far away and so uncertain?

23 Know with how much light and how much love your spiritual brothers and sisters have made themselves known to you

24 You do not know the exact place where those spirits of light come from, those guardian angels and peacekeepers. But you have the certainty that they come from higher worlds beyond.

25 So it is, mankind, they come from higher homes and worlds than yours, to help you to ascend to perfection. In the same way they help those who inhabit other earth worlds, and who likewise need higher knowledge.

26 If anyone should think my teaching, which speaks to you in these lessons, to be bad, I tell him in truth that he does not know what he says, nor knows the Divine Master Do you not suspect the spiritual proximity of the beings and the worlds? Do you not guess the divine plan to form one family out of all?

27 I am giving you these revelations so that you may begin to concern yourselves with your future, just as you have so long occupied yourselves with your material betterment on earth.

28 Hear the voice of the spiritual world, for it is the testimony of the soul's unceasing activity, in that it strives, purifies itself, makes amends for transgressions, assumes missions - in a word: by drawing near to its Father.

29 Understand that in this third time, a revelation epoch of the Holy Spirit, it was only natural that He spoke to you about spiritual life.

30 For only this teaching will be able to save mankind from the troubled and stormy sea of passions, greed, enmities, arrogance, and unfair machinations of men. My word came as a lifeboat to save the shipwrecked who capsized in the sea of passions.

31 Disciples, to you I entrust my word, feel myself in the meaning of it. Tomorrow these voice-bearers will disappear, their orders will be changed, and only my word written down in those writings will remain, which the gold feathers have created according to my will.

32 Disciples: Whoever recognizes my word by means of this manifestation must also recognize that now is the time to begin the restoration of all that has destroyed the wickedness of men.

33 If all those who are called would hasten to the table of the Lord, where the food is put on the table which nourishes the soul, the table would be full; but not all who are invited have come.

34 It is the nature of man not to appreciate the benefits of God, and therefore you have seen many of your fellow men reject you when you gave the call to them.

35 But I tell you that these few who sit at my table and persevere to listen to me to learn from me will be the ones who will make known to the crowds the greatness of my Word, the meaning of this teaching which calls men to rebuild a world that has come to its end and makes way for a more radiant and higher one

36 So that you may receive a purer word and a purer manifestation through the voice bearers, I have advised spiritualization and simplicity. For then, like a ripe fruit, the loving and full-bodied word comes from their lips.

37 To those who have not made themselves aware that it is the simplicity of form in which the truth and the light of my word shines most strongly, and who strive for outwardly impressive manifestations with which they can impress the senses of the multitudes - to them I say that in the deeds and actions which you carry out within my teaching only truthfulness shall prevail.

38 It is no longer appropriate for you to nourish your soul with mysteries, even if these mysteries have the attraction of the unknown for you.

39 Why do you want to impress with outward manifestations that your fellow men do not understand? Why do you seem to show supernatural acts which are in reality without light and truth? Is the essence that my word exudes insufficient, or is it not admirable that I speak through your mouth?

40 How sensuous are many of you! But you must come to the conviction that everything you add to my manifestation, which is so plain and simple because it is mine, will be like a rough and coarse veil that hinders your fellow men from recognizing the truth.

41 Before you begin the fulfilment of any of the commissions this Work offers you, think deeply about what I have taught you and what you will do so that you do nothing which is contrary to my law

42 How many of those who consider themselves obedient disciples are - without being conscious of it - rebellious against my will; and how many who consider themselves apostles of spiritualism are, by reason of their works, the first to reject it, so that they are enemies of the teaching they preach.

43 What do you expect from a mentally developed person? One expects dominion over himself, the manifestation of his abilities and spiritual gifts. Understand that man's intelligence will become ever greater, and that more and more people will be able to understand the work of God. As for the soul, it cannot remain inactive; its desire for development is like an instinct that leads it to aspire, to make an unceasing effort to perfect itself along the paths indicated by the divine laws.

44 Disciples, I tell you once again that you should seek spiritualization in the ways of simplicity and purity, that you should give up your expectations, in your feelings of what you call supernatural For if you are convinced that you walk in the way of truth, believe what you hear from me and understand that I am currently teaching you to feel in a sensitive way and to reject unnecessary complications.

45 Those who do not know how to be satisfied with what my word communicates and expresses do so because their materialization expects extraordinary events in order to believe in my manifestation. They expect fire to fall from heaven, or the seas to open to show their abysses, and then to say, "The judgment of God has come to earth. But I ask you: Why do such events horrify you? Do you want them to be the only ones who can reveal the justice and power of God, although you should feel and recognize His presence in that which reveals peace and love?

46 Is it then true that my farewell at this time frightens mankind to testify that this is a divine event?

47 Rather wish that the proof that I have been with you be the light of hope in a better future, that it be a shiver of mankind, a spark of faith that makes them see the light of a new dawn in the midst of their tribulations

48 I want you to seek the expression of divine goodness in everything, for in everything you will find it. But since you are still too immature to discover this divine love, which is spiritual, look to nature, which surrounds you and which speaks to you at every turn of the love of the Creator for His children. If you sometimes experience that this nature is hard on you, know that she too is a creature who, like you, is subject to development and perfection, and that, as she ascends the ladder of perfection which exists in the way of all creatures, she will be a shelter for ever more intelligent and spiritually evolved beings.

49 Take care that my word is preserved in writing, so that the man of tomorrow may recognize what I have now told you as prophecy.

50 People, if you want to go forward, overcome the sloth that is in you. If you want to be great, apply my principles in your works. If you want to know each other, explore yourselves by my word.

51 Understand how much you need my word, which offers love, wisdom, advice and help. But at the same time also feel responsible for what I give you, because you are not the only needy ones in the world. There are many who hunger and thirst for these teachings, and you must remember to prepare yourselves to go to them with the message of my love.

52 Empty your cup of suffering with patience. Verily I say to you, in its bitterness you will find the light for your soul. Pain will make the voice of conscience audible to you, although I must tell you that the burden you have brought with you - the pain you have suffered and the tears your eyes have shed - is not exactly the way of life marked out by my trace and by my law. The path of suffering that you are going through is the path of atonement and purification that your soul has to go through in order to reach the path of true life, where one only loves, serves and works for the good.

53 Take note of all this so that you may know that in order to truly serve Me you must first undergo a purification until there is nothing left of what you have done wrong Your example will serve to ensure that future generations will find a purified path and not get lost in the undergrowth or injured by the boulders of the path.

54 To you spiritualists I entrust the task of breaking down that barrier which mankind piled up between God and itself - a barrier of false faith, only apparent faith in the eternal, of materializations and unnecessary ritual acts.

55 To you, people, I give the commission to push the Golden Calf from its pedestal, which men still worship, even though they consider themselves far from idolatry and paganism

56 But I say to you that in your struggle you must not make use of power, force or hurtful words. Your weapons must be the word of light that reveals the truth, the works of love that envelops the suffering with comfort, the power that flows from your prayers and thoughts.

57 When you have removed the obstacles that have led man away from the spiritual path, you will see the beginning of very great changes in human life. These changes will take place in the spiritual realm, in morals, in science, in institutions, in your forms of government.

58 No one will be able to remove the trace of this people in the third time, because in their works will be the power of my truth.

59 Know ye what sorrow purifieth you? Your way is marked out, your mission has been determined by Me.

60 I have snatched from your heart "death" which you carry within you; I have filled you with life.

61 That death was in you because the faith and hope in your soul had gone out, because you lacked light of knowledge. I have set up before you a tree of life whose fruits full of content, heavenly taste and sweetness fall in abundance on the crowds of listeners to remove their spiritual neediness.

62 I am presently building in your hearts a temple where my presence will be clearly perceived, where the sound of my voice will be clearly heard, and from which light and peace will go forth for all mankind.

63 In the First Time I inspired you the foundations of that great sanctuary of the soul. in the time I have been among men as Master, I taught you the way to build the high walls, and now I reveal to you the way in which you must complete that work which, once completed, shall be worthy of your Father's Presence

64 Can you tell Me what is the essence of each of these three lessons through which I have inspired you to build the Temple of the Holy Spirit? Yes, people, be blessed because you all answer my question inwardly and approach the truth: The foundations of the sanctuary were those who taught the law of the First Times.

The high walls were the love and mercy that the Messiah brought to men in his teaching. The domes, the columns and the altar with which this work had to be equipped are the wisdom, the spiritualization and the elevation that my Spirit inspired you in this time in his message of light.

65 This Temple built by Me in three ages is the one I spoke of before the unbelievers when I said to them - pointing to the Temple of Jerusalem - "Destroy this Temple and in three days I will rebuild it.

66 My temple will soon be completed, while of that of Jerusalem not even its foundations will remain, just as of every temple that is not built on the foundations of My law of love and spirituality not one stone will remain upon another.

67 See how great the splendor of this era is, see the light of a new time, in which all the prophecies given by Me and those I have given through My prophets will come true

68 How many ways have you gone in search of the truth to come to me! Neither the sciences nor the philosophies answered your call, and after your search you conclude that this truth is rooted in Me and radiates from Me to all beings.

69 I have enlightened man so that he may live his true life and recognize the blessed destiny I have given him. He is the only creature that was created "in my image and likeness" and is therefore the closest to me. For he possesses a breath of my spirit and is therefore able to do works that are similar to mine.

70 You possess will and freedom of will, so that you may be intelligent, obeying the voice of conscience, which is mine own, and through it discerning what is lawful, what you may use, and rejecting what is not, what is not yours But I have seen that from the first days of your life on earth you tend to materialism and begin to deny your spiritual mission, which is the main reason for your existence.

71 I left you from the earliest times my commandments leading to peace and spiritual happiness, and later in Jesus I revealed to you my love

72 I have spoken to you in this time, not as a severe judge, but as a Father, but you have not understood this infinite love which understands and forgives everything - that love which is patience and magnanimity, which wants only the good and radiates it into all its creatures.

If you rightly wish to call yourselves my children, love them, for you have been educated to offer them to you through this divine love that created everything. Then you will understand your destiny to love, protect, and bless like your Father, and after your commission is fulfilled, you will return to me to form one spirit with me.

73 Already in the earliest times I taught you to love me spiritually and told you that nothing can represent me in this world except the virtuous man I did not teach you any meaningful rite or worship and only told you: "If you want to have fellowship with your Father, lift up your soul, aspire to the heights. From there all the gifts and benefits you implore will come to you.

74 I told you at that time that you should not fear death, because it does not exist. In my creation everything lives, grows and perfects itself. Physical death is only the end of a period of time that the soul goes through, only to return to its original state and then continue its path of development. Believe, have faith, and you will live forever. Today more than ever you must arm yourselves with faith because you are going through an era of trials and tribulations. The forces of nature that must purify man are unleashed, and they will not rest until they have brought him back to reason, goodness, and justice.

75 Make yourselves free from pride, and let humility and simplicity flourish, that you may accept all the trials that must come. Understand that it is necessary that you pass through this crucible so that you may regain your purity. Today, when you receive another teaching and know that you are no longer youth in spiritual childhood but have reached maturity, you will be able to understand my words of other times and those I am giving you this day.

76 Demand not to know my innermost counsel, for till then you cannot advance. Only know that I am omnipresent and omnipotent, that my Spirit fills the universe and at the same time dwells in every soul, and that I love all and grant what is necessary for their lives, so that this light gives you hope and confidence in the future.

77 I know all that you suffer and hope, and I feel your pain I only tell you that you make use of that power I have given you, then your trials will be blessed.

78 You who have been chosen to receive this message must be awake and prepare yourselves. For after 1950 you will have to bring the news that I have come back to you to your fellow men. But when you see chaos unleashed and hear lamentations everywhere, remember that just as the fields have been ploughed, the human heart must prepare to receive the seed.

79 I have granted you as a privilege during this time the presence of spirit beings of great exaltation and experience. Not only my spirit, connected to man by my ray, but also the spirit world have come to your aid and have thus fulfilled a very high mission. How much have the love and mercy of those beings, unknown to many, achieved through their presence on this earth, and how have they brought this world closer to those in whom they dwell, to make a covenant and to lift you up on the path of virtue!

80 You who have been called as instruments for their manifestation - serve them with love and prepare yourselves, for you are the vessels which receive the word which their spirit gives out. Only in this way will you be able to boast of possessing the truth, which I and the spiritual world have brought for mankind.

81 The truth that you have so much sought, I make known to you in this simple and plain word I offer you this truth, which is nothing but love, in abundant measure so that you may possess it forever and share it with your fellow men. Feel it, carry it well in your soul, for it is the divine essence from which you will nourish yourselves eternally.

My peace be with you!

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