BTL - Volume X - Teaching 289

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 289

1 Humanity: How little do you do on your part to live in peace!

2 I can tell you that the majority of men have a religion, and that although they all teach brotherhood, no one lives according to the teaching he has received, no one obeys the laws, commandments, and principles written in his conscience. Some, in order not to submit to any religious creed, have given freedom of thought and have believed themselves to be outside of commandments and laws. But this cannot be; for through their observations, their sciences and definitions they have experienced that in everything and everywhere a power, a harmony, a law and a wise, just and loving teaching is revealed, from which no one can escape.

3 After having lived in discord for so many centuries, after all the painful and bitter experiences it has had, this humanity is capable of understanding that unity among peoples, harmony among all people, cannot be based on material interests, nor can it be based on earthly values. Finally, it will understand that only the superior soul can be the firm foundation, the unshakable rock on which the peace of men is based.

4 If all the nations are at war with one another, making war against one another, and condemning one another in one way or another, it means that none of them is following what God and his law have taught them, and they are therefore far from the truth.

5 The truth is respect for everything, because everything is holy, is love, is harmony, is mercy, is the law that rules the conscience.

6 In order to perfect the soul, it is necessary to go beyond simple human duties, even religious ones, to reach the source from which all drink, and to look truth in the face.

7 Whoever is able to reach the top of the mountain and sees that splendor, when he descends to continue living with his fellow men, will inevitably be more tolerant, understanding, and merciful in his judgments. This is an element that is ready to harmonize and unite all.

8 Think, and you will see that the harmony you need is spiritual, and you will achieve it if you rise above your passions and righteousness.

9 How can you make peace when each one proclaims his own as the only true and at the same time fights the others' as false?

10 Fanaticism is darkness, is blindness, is ignorance, and its fruits can never be full of light

11 You are approaching the great trial through which you will all awaken to reality.

12 Your heart asks me why I often speak of great trials and events and I tell you that a time of suffering is ahead of you and it is better to be forewarned, to watch and pray than to sleep in your lethargy

13 Some never show themselves satisfied with what I speak. When in my words I show you the times of peace and prosperity that belong to the future, you think that the coming of my prophecy is impossible, and when I speak to you of times of trials and sufferings, you think that they are simply threats to make you fulfil your mission through fear.

14 Those who take my word in this way are of those who are drifting in the sea of doubt. For those who have faith in this message always study it with the noble intention of taking something useful from it.

15 Disciples: In the Second Time three years were enough to give my message to mankind, and - as you all know - I sealed the message in the end with my sacrificial death. Verily, I tell you, that sacrificial death was not an offering to the Father - since He does not need a blood sacrifice - but to mankind, since it did need a proof of love of such greatness.

16 I taught you to love one another, but not only as men, but also with eternal love as spirit souls. I came to pave the way for you, which leads from this world to the spiritual realm, which for you seemed to lie behind a thick veil of mystery. From the first to the last word, my teaching was the preparation which I gave you for the time when I would come in spirit, as I announced it to you, to open again the secret treasure chamber, open the sealed book and let you enter into the light of spiritual knowledge.

17 The life of the soul, which exists beyond your material world, could not and should not be a secret to man. Seeing your desire for knowledge, the Father began His teaching by means of the gift of revelation and inspiration and manifested Him in infinite forms. But these teachings began from the very first man and have not stopped until today.

18 If you think that I have only now revealed to you something of spiritual life, you are in a great error; for I tell you once more: divine teaching began when the first man was born, and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that my teaching began with the creation of spirits before the world was.

19 Do you think that the purpose of the former teachings was to reveal to you human knowledge? For this you were given the gift of science. Or do you think that the commandments of the first times and the teaching I brought you in the Second Time were only to teach you to live in the world? Seek the core of those revelations and you will discover that the intention was to show you the way that leads to eternal life, to the immortality of the soul.

20 Spiritualism I have called revelation, which speaks to you of the life of the Spirit, which teaches you to communicate directly with your Father and which lifts you above material life

21 Verily, I tell you, spiritualism is nothing new, nor does it belong only to this time, but it has been a revelation that has been revealed more and more in accordance with the spiritual development of mankind

22 Since the teaching which I give you is spiritualism, which teaches you perfect love for God and for your neighbor, and invites you to the way which leads to perfection, spiritualism was also that which the law of God taught you in the "first time" and the word of Christ in the second time.

23 This revelation has appeared to you anew because I have brought you lessons which you did not know. You have been blinded by so much wisdom. But this is due to the fact that you are approaching the completion of the times when man's soul will attain its liberation, its exaltation and its dominion over matter.

24 So no one says that spiritual life was a secret before I came in this third time to explain it with my new revelations. I tell you again that many teachings have been given to you over the course of time, even if you have been unable to comprehend them.

25 It is only now that people are beginning to take an interest in discovering and unravelling everything contained in the revelations of past times, so that they can compare them with the events of the present.

26 Disciples, you now know, then, that when you say "spiritualism," you are speaking of the spiritual revelation which your God has made to you through the ages.

27 Quietly as a burglar I entered in with you and surprised you in your sleep.

28 At all times I have found mankind asleep at my coming. It was only a few hearts like weak lights that were awake and awaited me.

29 People, it is enough for you to reflect a little on your past to receive the fruits of experience. Afterwards you should be careful not to fall into error and mistakes again.

30 If I were to ask you what happened to that leaf which I described in the Second Time with my Blood, you would have to keep silent because your conscience would tell you that you never lived the teaching Jesus taught - that you let his words be blown away by the winds like leaves fallen from the tree of life, instead of your heart collecting them

31 Verily, I tell you, you have already entered that era which I announced to you as the "end times". It was marked by judgment, reparation and restoration.

32 Through the mouth of the prophets of old I have announced this era to you, and through the lips of these voice bearers, new prophets of My Word, I have spoken to you and fulfilled many of those prophecies

33 My word is so clear that you are about to understand Me. Your conscience, which was not heard in the past, now grasps your whole being and is able to control the impulses of the flesh.

34 My new group of apostles will go into the lifeboat, from where she will stretch out her hands to save those who are shipwrecked in the sea of human passions.

35 I have chosen you to form my people little by little, but there are plans which you are not yet able to see. I tell you only that in your soul there exists a light that enables you to discover the true one among so many paths. Hence the responsibility of the Children of Light to humanity.

Understand why in every teaching I call upon you to develop upwards, to climb the summit of the mountain. For only when you reach that height will you be able to see what is happening in the world, will you be able to hear the unceasing lamentation of mankind and feel its immeasurable suffering.

36 He who does not feel the pain of his neighbor cannot soothe it, disciples. Therefore I want you to think of your neighbor in your prayers. For these are the moments in which your soul can dry many tears and cause the heart to awaken to compassion, understanding, mercy and tenderness.

37 My people need elevation, for still they do not make the pain of mankind their own. They are weeping, but they are weeping for their own sake, for their needs, for their tribulations.

38 Why do you keep my words without feeling? Do I offer you an unknown kingdom? Recognize that the kingdom of which I speak to you today is the same as that which I promised you in the Second Time.

39 Consider that these are the last teachings which you are to hear, and which you must keep in your hearts so that you may continue to hear the sound of my word even after the time of this announcement, and keep its meaning.

40 If I would remove for a moment the veil that hinders your mind from recognizing your past - verily, I tell you, you would fall down before my presence, crushed by remorse for your ingratitude, disobedience, your infidelities and your lack of faith in my work But the merit consists in the development of intuition, in the hearing of conscience, in the unfolding of the being that lives in you and which you call "soul.

41 Once you are free of the body, you will dwell in the "spiritual valley. That veil which prevented you from looking into the past will fall from your eyes, and you will see everything with unclouded clarity, will remember everything and understand everything. But I tell you once again that the merit for your soul is to have faith without expecting, seeing or touching to be able to believe.

42 Think, grasp these words spiritually, for in them you will find my relentless but ever loving righteousness revealed.

43 I am the shepherd who gives freedom to his flock, but only up to a certain limit, and who does not allow his sheep to pass over the barrier behind which there is pain

44 I keep you, keep you, and let you return to the sheepfold.

45 You have had one opportunity after another, and in this you can see my infinite love for you; for I have given you gifts and given your being the opportunity to make amends, to purify and perfect your soul, instead of punishing or eternally condemning you, as you used to think in the past

46 Who, knowing these teachings and believing that they are true, would dare to turn his back on his task on earth, even though he knows that by so doing he is effecting an even harsher atonement for his soul? For although it is true that my righteousness offers you new opportunities to remove stains and make amends for mistakes, it is also true that with each opportunity the number of trials increases and that the trials and sufferings become more intense each time, just as the mistakes committed have become more serious.

47 Your duty - one should not speak of punishment - will be to restore, to renew, to make amends, and to pay up to the last debt. No one - neither your heavenly Father nor your brothers and sisters on earth or in the "spiritual valley" - will do what only you yourselves must do, although I tell you that I will always follow your call. When you believe yourselves lonely and abandoned, you will feel my presence, and the spiritual world will always come to support you with the weight of your cross.

48 My Divine Ray becomes a word among you, but its light is spread in the universe

49 Rest, mankind, I have given you a day of rest every seven days, so that you may pray and gain strength in your reflection on my law.

50 Here I am and visit you all, without distinguishing you according to religions. I am the Divine Physician of bodies and souls. I visit the sick to pour out my consolation into them.

51 My voice comes down on all mankind although I tell you truthfully that there are only few who are able to hear it.

52 It is my teaching which instructs you to prepare yourselves to hear the voice of the Lord in the Infinite by means of spirit to spirit communication.

53 People, you who hear my word humanized: know that it is you who must bring this message to the whole world and make sure that people break the chains of fanaticism and materialization which have prevented them from rising up and seeing my light. It does not matter that by the time you reach your fellow men, my manifestation through the human intellect has already ceased. My essence will - transformed into words of wisdom and into healing balm - flow from your hearts as the best testimony of my truth.

54 Your task will be to instruct, to pave the way to spiritualization by bringing your fellow men into contact with eternal life and thus bringing them closer to the truth.

55. Disciples, learn to rise up so that you may later teach what it means to free yourselves from materialization, from the superfluous and useless - so that you may show how to cross the dense mists of darkness and find the Divine Light, which is food and life for the soul

56 In this uprising the fight is founded, which has been announced to you as "the great battle," in which you will all take part - even the weak, the ignorant, and the "dead. For from this trial you will all come forth enlightened and pure.

57 My kingdom draws near, but I will rule over the living and not over the dead. I want to be loved, be understood, and find obedience as befits a true king.

58 Now the battle is fully erupted. Men have mistrusted my power and my justice; incessantly they have sought to measure their weapons against mine, and I have accepted their mistrust because I love them. I must fight against their sin to defeat them. For by defeating them I will have saved them from their aberration.

59 In this battle idols will fall, thoughts will be thrown into confusion, bodies will be pressed down like palm trees are pressed down in the raging of a hurricane. But in the end the soul will be purified and emerge from it full of light. It will not die. It is impossible for her to die in battle. For I have told you that I am life, that I am the Father and God of the living and not of the dead.

60 A single door will remain open for the salvation of man: that of spiritualization. Whoever wants to save himself will have to give up his arrogance, his false greatness, his base passions, his selfishness.

61 Very bitter will be the cup that men will have to drink in the great battle. Yet I tell you: Blessed are those who drink from that cup and then leave the earth as purified ones. For when they return to this world in other bodies, their message will be permeated with light, peace and wisdom.

62 Very great is the lamentation that one hears from the inhabitants of this planet. The oppressed and those who dream of peace expect these lights of harmony and freedom to emanate from the mighty named. To this I say to you that those hearts living in expectation should rather rise to Me in prayer, because I alone can give freedom and peace. I tell you once again that as long as men do not know the origin, the meaning and purpose of their destiny, or if they know this, do not believe in that truth which they carry within them, they cannot have peace because they cannot love each other as real brothers and sisters in God.

63 Hard, very hard is the humanity of this time, ever more insensitive to the spiritual. Hear my word, it is like a chisel that patiently works your heart. But although you hear it so often - see how insensitive you are! I will continue with this with you until I have pronounced the last word that contains this Message, so that when I no longer speak to you, you may find a true and perfect teaching in all that my Word revealed to you.

64 Drink from this spring, O people, for I have used you as seed to let generations come forth from you who love Me

65 Verily, I tell you, also spiritualization will be inherited, which is why you should make an effort to impart purity of heart and receptivity to the spiritual to your children They will thank you because you have shown mercy by giving them a body free from passions, with a clear mind, a sensitive heart, and a soul alert to the call of their conscience.

66 All of you are invited to form part of the people of God. It is a lie that some are children of this people and others are not. You all have one origin: God. All of you I invite to form a part of His hosts, all of you I will see in their ranks. My people are the child of light, the apostles of peace, the heir of my wisdom. All my children will find a place in its midst.

67 Disciples, listen to me tirelessly, so that at the moment of my departure you may not be sorry for not having heeded my call.

68 I want that that hour may come to you praying, full of fervor, love and gratitude. Thus, in that atmosphere of spiritualization, devotion, and understanding, you will not wish to prevent my announcement from ending among you and thank your Father for the teachings He gave you.

69 My voice will resound in your spirit and make you feel deep melancholy. But it will not be the voice of a dying man that speaks to you, but that of a Father who sends you to accomplish a difficult mission, and who is waiting for your return to embrace you lovingly. I tell you all these things so that there will be no grief in your hearts when my word ends. Remember that all those who mourned the Master's death in the Second Time were soon surprised to see Him ascending gloriously, full of life and light to heaven, because His home was not among the dead.

70 I will let you weep on the last day of my announcement only if your tears are those of repentance for the wasted time and unused lessons.

71 Who of those who have heard my word in the Third Age does not know that the last day of 1950 is the date fixed by the Father's will for the end of this proclamation? No one. For in all these places of assembly and in innumerable forms I have let you know.

72 Not because the divine and the spiritual are subject to earthly time, nor because the development of your soul can be measured by the clock or the calendar. It happens because as long as you are in the body and too small to experience the end of a spiritual period of time or the coming of a new age, I must make the spiritual understandable humanly and earthly up to a certain limit to make it comprehensible for you.

73 Now I ask you, disciples, do you want to feel my presence after my departure, spiritually and in an intense way? The condition for this will be that you be fraternally united. If you are not, you will not be able to perceive my presence, nor will you be able to enjoy the power that comes from this spiritual feeling.

74 Do you want to receive spiritually the answer to all that you could not understand at this time? Have spirituality, and you will be able to hear my answer.

75 Moments of abandonment and silence will come This will happen so that you will rise to Me in prayer. But there will be moments when you will have the feeling that you have not found me. Still - if you do not yet perceive the presence of my spirit, then hold out anyway, be unconcerned because it is the test for your faith and for your spiritualization. Remain persevering, for in the least expected moment I will come, radiant as a ray of light, to settle down in your mind and heart and tell you: "Be blessed, for you have trusted that the Master cannot let any call go unheard.

76 Courage, faith and patience will be virtues that must always be in you. For the time of the battle of world views, the war of faith convictions and the spiritual battle is approaching, and it is better that you have become strong through activity and experience and not only through knowledge of my teaching.

77 People: My lesson is now over. Remain still for a few moments in the "spiritual valley" and from there send your thoughts to all the peoples of the earth, where your fellow men fight, suffer, and likewise expect salvation.

My peace be with you! 

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