BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 290

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 290

1 God is light, love, justice. Everyone who reveals these qualities in his life will represent and honor his Lord.

2 All of you, from the smallest and least to the highest, ought to know what justice, love, and wisdom is. All of you must understand that the Divine Law is unchanging, so that you love it and do not ask me to change your destiny.

3 Know that if your Father the Creator never changes any of his laws, you have not the least right to do so.

4 Your soul is happy because it is now able to develop. For every time it comes to earth to incarnate, it brings with it knowledge from previous lives, and the light it receives in the spiritual valley is experience, a beacon that illuminates its path of development.

5 The knowledge of life is the true science, is the eternal light of the soul, and all this experience together is knowledge which you are acquiring little by little.

6. in the end, the only treasure the soul preserves will be the knowledge gained in the life struggle. That is why I tell you that you should not waste this light, which is your heritage, in useless works, but should only use it for good, high and noble works. You can find a parable for this, which I tell you, in the money of the world, which - if used well - is a blessing, but if wasted only causes evil.

7 Also ye must learn not to despair when the time of purification is slow to pass. For it is precisely then that many virtues of the soul are put to the test in the heart; then man can discover in himself true prayer - that which takes place from spirit to spirit, silently, in silence. Then you can hear the voice of your inner being - that spiritual soul which, though it is yours, you do not know. I must form an army out of this people, and must make leaders out of many of you - but not leaders in the sense of earthly power, not for fratricidal warfare, but as soldiers, to break a breach with the light, to win with peace and persuasion, to destroy, yes, but to destroy the harmful and to raise up the good.

8 You say in your hearts, "God is justice. Then I ask you: If you understand that God is perfect justice and wisdom, why do you sometimes demand that the Divine Laws be changed?

9 You judge superficially as if you were children, not considering that the trials which scourge you are your work. Therefore, when they unload themselves upon you, you desire that they depart from you, that fate be changed so as not to suffer, so as not to drink the cup of suffering any longer. The reason for this is that you cannot penetrate reality with your spiritual gaze to understand that all that you reap is what you yourself have sown and that you have inflicted all suffering on yourself.

10 No, you have never been able to penetrate into the truth, and therefore, when pain penetrates your heart, you consider yourselves victims of a divine injustice. But I tell you that in God not the slightest injustice can exist.

11 The love of God is unchanging, unchangeable and eternal. Whoever therefore believes that the Divine Spirit can be seized by wrath, fury, and anger, succumbs to a great error. Such weaknesses are conceivable in human beings only when they lack soul maturity and the mastery of passions.

12 Sometimes you say to Me: "Lord, why do we have to 'pay' the consequences of works that are not ours and why do we have to reap the bitter fruit that others have produced? - to this I answer you that you do not understand any of this because you do not know who you were before and what your works were.

13 How much have all those who preach a teaching full of fears, punishments, and ignorance, distorted the truth of my righteousness! But do you know the reason for this action? Because they need dominion over the others, because they know no humility and instead have enough vanity to call themselves owners of the truth and chosen ones who are above the others.

14 They preach ignorance and intimidate so as not to lose their position as privileged people.

15 Only my light and my mercy will be able to save the great masses of men from destruction and from the darkness into which they are led.

16 I rebuke those who preach a blind faith, a faith without knowledge, a faith acquired by fears and superstitions

17 Do not listen to the words of those who ascribe to God all the evils that torment mankind, all plagues, famines, and epidemics, calling them punishments or wrath of God. These are the false prophets.

18 Turn away from them because they do not know me and yet want to teach men how God is.

19 This is the fruit of the bad interpretation given to the writings of past times, whose divine language has not yet been discovered in the core of human language, by which revelations and prophecies were written down. Many speak of the end of the world, the Last Judgment, death and hell without the slightest knowledge of the truth.

20 I knew the desire for light that men would eventually have, and so I promised them at that time to return, telling them that I would send them the Spirit of Truth - a promise I have kept and which is being fulfilled unceasingly, daily and with each of you But if you would say to those who claim to interpret everything correctly: "Know that the Master has come in spirit to speak to you about his teaching" - do you think, disciples, that they would believe you? Know why I tell you that your armament must be very great, so that when you encounter deluded, foolish, fanatics, you do not waver but with the genuine gift of the Inner Word and prepared enough to receive the spiritual inspiration, to enlighten the organs of the mind, to shake the souls and to move the hearts.

21 My teaching is different. I have said to you, there is no "death"; it is eternity that awaits you. There is no eternal fire nor punishment for the sinner. There is purification, trials, enlightenment.

22 All things are in perpetual change and are going toward perfection. You have an example of this in you, as you are changing with the ages you are living through in your lives, and then you are no longer there, only to come back and take a step forward.

23 The father will not leave his work unfinished. How can you think that He would one day destroy what He has created to bring it to perfection?

24 Pray and let the Father give you his lessons as it is his will. For you do not know what you deserve, what you need, what is good for you. Leave your cause in his hands, and receive with meekness and pleasure whatever he may give you.

25 You see how different the truth is. If you must already have fear in your hearts, this should not be fear of me, but of you, of your works, because you will not be able to escape their consequences. I grant you that your soul, enraptured by the contemplation of the Infinite, will for a short time remain in this way to enjoy that peace, which it cannot yet find on earth.

26 Disciples: Although you live in the world, you can live a spiritual life. For you should not think that spiritualization consists in turning away from what is according to the body, but in bringing human laws into conformity with divine laws.

27 Blessed is he who studies my laws, and knows how to unite them with the laws of men into one, for he will be healthy, strong, generous, and happy.

28 During this time mankind is going through an epoch of failure and aberrations, of diseases of all kinds due to their deviation from the laws. But when it is most confused, my law comes to souls as light and calls men to the way of peace.

29 My revelation of this time is a new chapter of the book of my wisdom, it is a new seal which has been removed from that book, the contents of which are now pouring out, purifying and liberating souls and renewing men.

30 Do you see this world, which shows no signs of being illuminated by a divine light? verily, I tell you: although men do not yet give great proofs that they understand what My Light inspires them, there will not be a single soul that has not awakened

31 People, the manifestation of my word among you is very inconspicuous. But if mankind would know this message and would set out to obey it, it would be on the way to salvation.

32 I must make myself known among the poor, in the bosom of a people who did not boast of superiority but who had spiritual sensitivity to my presence and inspirations - a sensitivity I have not found in the peoples and nations who call themselves great, strong and masters of the earth. What I say about you, people, you must never use as an argument to boast of spiritual superiority over others. For you must know that he who lapses into vanity will stand still and not advance. He who is humble, on the other hand, moves forward ceaselessly, since he always believes he has done little.

33 Do not be content to hear this word, but observe also all that is happening in your world and in your surroundings, so that you may continually recognize the fulfillment of all that I announce to you in my word

34 When you are sleeping - see how then the trials come to rouse you and tell you that now is a time when you must live vigilantly.

35 Soon you will no longer be stammering disciples and will become stirring masters in whose way there will be fights, treachery, and pursuits. But even in the darkest nights of this humanity you will see the inextinguishable light of my truth shining.

36 My messengers will spread over the earth, and spiritualism will descend on the materialism of men as a rain of peace, as a soothing dew.

37 This foolish world, deaf to every spiritual voice, will still believe in my coming in the third time and love my message. But you, people, have the duty to set an example of faith and obedience to your fellow men, which is to be an encouragement and incentive in the way of mankind.

38 Fulfill your duties as souls and as men on earth. You already know the laws and the way.

39 Give your heart freedom so that it may begin to feel the pain of others. Don't let it be busy and anxious to feel only that which concerns your person. No longer be indifferent to the trials that humanity is going through.

40 When will your love be so great that it can embrace many fellow men to love them, as you love those who have your blood in them and are flesh of your flesh? If you knew that you are more soul than body, many would not believe it. But I say to you: Certainly you are more of the soul than of your body according to brothers and sisters, for the soul belongs to eternity, while the body is perishable.

41 Consider, then, the fact that families here on earth are created today and dissolve tomorrow, while the spiritual family exists forever.

42 Today you are not yet able to feel or live these teachings. But you must gradually sacrifice your hearts in the fulfillment of the eternal purpose of loving one another.

43 As your steps in the way of spiritual brotherhood begin to become more secure, your lips will begin to speak teachings unknown to yourselves and profound revelations.

44 To those who are faithful to Me, the strong, those who really prepare themselves - to them I will entrust this message, this word, so that they keep it pure, so that they defend it and keep it from foreign admixtures For my teaching shall convert mankind. But if you add other ideas to it and hide the truth, all conviction and light will be lost on your lips and in your works. See how I strive for you so that you do not fall into temptation. But it comes to you to pray and to make an effort so that you do not fall.

45 Soon you will not hear this word any more, and it seems that you will be alone, without a shepherd in the way of life. But I am preparing you so that from the first moment after the farewell of this manifestation you may know that my spirit will be your guide, that my light will shine in your spirit to encourage you.

46 In the course of time, many of those who have so far belittled this work will complain with great remorse that they have not fulfilled their mission and wasted precious time. But I will say to those who repent with all their hearts: "Here is my work, here is your task, rise to fulfill it, for there is still time to do it.

47 Woe to those who in their stupidity or in their pride delay the day of their repentance! For if they sow thistles instead of wheat - what will their harvest be?

48 I am reading for you in the book of the future so that you may know how you are to walk and work.

49 My kingdom draws near to you. Therefore I have sent you My word to prepare you, and I have sent you the spirit of Elijah to unite and purify you.

50 I am the way, and in it you will all come to me.

51 The "Third Age" in which you are now living is the time of uncovering great mysteries.

52 Scholars and theologians will have to correct their knowledge in view of the truth I am revealing to you at this time: this is the time when men are to open their eyes to the light of my wisdom - a light which I have changed into teaching so that through it you may rise spiritually to true life

53 Now the world shall know the truth about the "resurrection of the flesh," which is the reincarnation of the soul.

54 Reincarnation means: returning to the material world to be born again as a human being; the resurrection of the soul in a human body to continue its mission. This is the truth about the "resurrection of the flesh" of which your ancestors spoke, giving interpretations as twisted as they were absurd.

55 Reincarnation is a gift that God has granted to your soul so that it may never limit itself to the wretchedness of matter, to its ephemeral existence on earth, to its natural shortcomings, but the soul - since it comes from a higher nature - can use as many bodies of matter as it needs to carry out its great tasks in the world.

56 By this gift the soul proves its immeasurable superiority over "flesh", over death, and over all earthly things, by overcoming death, one body after another, and surviving all, however many have been entrusted to it. It is the conqueror of time, of resistances and temptations.

57 The light of spiritualism now reveals to the world the truth, justice, reason and love inherent in the soul's capacity for reincarnation. Nevertheless, the world will at first stubbornly fight this revelation and give it the appearance of a strange and false doctrine to instill distrust in people of good faith.

58 Useless and futile will be the efforts of the denominations to keep their believers in the entrenched tracks of old beliefs and outmoded belief systems. For no one will be able to stop the divine light, which penetrates to the very bottom of human thinking and awakens the soul for an age of revelations, divine inspiration, the illumination of doubts and mysteries, spiritual liberation.

59 Neither will anyone be able to stop the flood which will form mankind when it sets out in the desire for its freedom of thought, spirit, and faith.

60 Let no one believe that I take away from the various religious communities their pupils, believers, or followers - no. But the hour has come when a new time will begin, bringing to light forgotten lessons, eliminating useless customs, doctrines and traditions, cleansing and purifying the souls from all wrong, to give them the true bread of the Spirit, which has always been replaced by the rite.

61 Through this light men will unite, peoples will be reconciled, enemies will forgive one another, and through this same light the essence of the teaching will be understood, which has been teaching you for almost 2000 years in words and works.

62 Does it seem to you unlikely that mankind of this epoch understands the spiritual? Then let the history of mankind pass you by, supported by intuition and by what your spirit reveals to you, so that you may know that there was an epoch in which, after the peoples of the earth had fallen into an abyss of hatred, vices, ignorance, superstition, and fanaticism, there rose up from it men inspired by Christ and filled with faith and love, and spread like an unstoppable stream of light and hope over the nations and countries.

63 Christ was on the lips of disciples and martyrs who lived to sow and spread the divine seed of love. Christ revealed Himself to the world through His servants and lived in every heart of those who loved Him in His divine passion.

64 Short was the time when that peace and harmony in the peoples and nations of the earth bore fruit, because the weeds of ingratitude and wickedness again covered the fields. But in the days of spiritualization, harmony, understanding and brotherhood - how much peace, inspiration and light there was among men! When that harmony and that spiritualization become the essence of your life - can you imagine the extent to which my unrevealed wisdom would pour out on the minds of men?

65 Do not doubt what the New Era promises. For if your faith were not true, you would not be worthy to experience the fulfillment of my word.

66 Let your soul draw near to me, for I will give it what it needs

67 Receive the divine instruction and listen to me untiringly, then you will experience in a short time how you will develop considerably in spiritual knowledge.

68 Do not leave this time of grace unused, remembering that you had to suffer much to be able to come to this way and to know my revelation.

69 Now after so many bitternesses you are reaping a sweet fruit. Do not waste it, for tomorrow you will have to bring it to those who hunger for peace and truth.

70 If pain washed you clean, keep purity in your soul and in your heart I want you to show yourselves before mankind as a renewed people. Then you will serve as an open book to other peoples who are currently purifying themselves through their pain to become worthy to receive my message.

71 All these peoples and nations, who have emptied the cup of suffering to the bottom, are called to know soon my new manifestation, which will put honey and balm on so much pain

72 Already my word given in the Second Time has reached the borders of the earth. But know or remember that this was the sign that I gave you, that my return would be felt by all men.

73 Let you, to whom my word is at their disposal, give out the call to your fellow men. Tell them that I have not come to judge their transgressions, nor pay attention to their blemishes, but that it was their misery that made me seek them out, and that I have a gift of love with me for each of them.

74 Brings the gift of love to the hearts. This will serve you when you once carry my instruction to unknown lands.

75 Do you not discover in the core of my words the divine desire that you should become a people pure in thought, in worship of God, in works and deeds?

76 I inspire you to acquire merits; but you are not to be moved by the selfish desire for your own salvation, but you are to do your works in the thought of your fellow men, in the thought of the coming generations, whose rejoicing will be very great when they find the way paved by the "first. Then your happiness will be boundless, because the joy and peace of your brothers and sisters will also reach your soul.

How different it is with those who seek only their own salvation and happiness; for when they reach the place which they have obtained through their works, they cannot have a moment's peace or joy when they look at those whom they have left behind and who bear the heavy burden of their sufferings.

77 Verily, I tell you, the true disciples of this teaching will be righteous and pure in their works, as their spirit, which is my own light

My peace be with you! 

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