BTL - Volume X - Teaching 287

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 287

1 The voice of my Spirit that resounds in your conscience is like the ringing of a bell calling mankind to reflection.

2 The book of spiritual wisdom is opened, waiting for the great crowds, the great pilgrimages, to come to him to quench their thirst for light.

3 Taste, taste my word, from whose essence flows sweetness, wisdom, balm, and peace.

4 I tell man that he is an unknown to himself because he has not penetrated into his inner being, because he does not know his secret, because he does not know his core of being. But I want to teach him in this time the contents of the book, which had been closed for him for so long, and where all secrets are kept, concerning which I promised you already in the second time to explain them to you through the light of my spirit.

5 Now the time has come for you to really get to know each other and to penetrate into the innermost part of your soul. Then you will be able to say that you begin to know who you are.

6 Man will finally know his origin, his destiny, his mission, his gifts, and all that infinite and eternal life that lives and weaves in his surroundings. He will no longer be able to offend his neighbor, will no longer violate the existence of his fellow men, nor will he dare to desecrate anything of what surrounds him, because he will have come to the realization that everything is sacred. He will get to know that which his soul contains and is hidden in it, and only then will he have a clear idea and a deep belief that, since the soul is wonderful, the home, which the Father has appointed for it in eternity, must also be wonderful.

7 You ask me why I have not revealed everything to you from the beginning to save you from stumbling, errors and falls. But I tell you: You could not have understood my revelations as long as you lacked spiritual development and unfolding. At that time the knowledge of my law was sufficient for you as the straight path that had to lead you to the source of inexhaustible wisdom and eternal revelation. I have taught my wisdom in the course of time, the ages, since it is so great that you could not have recognized it in an instant.

8 All means are at my disposal to ensure that none of my children remain without the heritage of my wisdom, since I am life, power, and righteousness. From me your spiritual soul came forth, just as all life worlds and bodies, which you need for your path of development and your spiritual perfection, come forth from me.

9 Man may fall and be thrown into darkness and therefore feel himself far away from me. He may believe that, when he dies, everything is over for him. For me, however, no one dies, no one is lost.

10 How many are there in the world who were considered corrupt men, and who are full of light today! How many who left as a trace the stains of their sins, their vices and their crimes have already reached their purification!

11 You ask Me, "Why is the way so far, and the path of the soul so full of trials? Because the bliss is very great, which she will enjoy in the perfect kingdom, which awaits her and which she must achieve by her merit.

12 The first men - those who were ancestors of mankind, kept for a time the impression that their soul took from the "spiritual valley" - an impression of beauty, of peace and bliss, which continued to exist in them as long as the passions of the flesh and also the struggle for survival did not appear in their lives. But I must tell you that the soul of those people, although it came from a world of light, did not come from the highest homes - those to which you can only reach through merit. Nevertheless, the state of innocence, peace, well-being, and health that those souls preserved in their first steps was unforgettable as a time of Light, the testimony of which they passed on to their children and these to their descendants.

13 The materialized mind of men, misunderstanding the true meaning of that testimony, finally believed that the Paradise in which the first men had lived was an earthly Paradise, without realizing that it was a spiritual state of those creatures.

14 Do you have any idea of the spiritual home which you left to come to earth? "No, Master", you tell me, "we do not suspect anything, nor do we remember anything.

15 Yes, people, it has been so long since you departed from purity and innocence that you cannot even imagine that being in peace, that state of well-being. But now that you have been trained to hear the voice of the Spirit and to receive his revelations from him, the way is within your reach, which leads to the promised kingdom those who turn to me. It is not that Paradise of peace from which the "first" departed, but that infinite world of the spirit, the world of wisdom, the Paradise of true spiritual bliss, the heavens of love and perfection.

16 If, in order to travel from one continent of the earth to another, you have to cross many high and low mountains, seas, peoples, cities, and countries until you reach the goal of your journey, consider that in order to reach that Promised Land, you also have to travel long distances in order to gain experience, knowledge, unfolding, and development of the soul on the long journey. This will be the fruit of the Tree of Life, which you will finally enjoy after you have fought and cried a lot to reach it.

17 Come to the master, disciples. You sheep: approach your shepherd.

18 The master is one, the disciples are many, but my teaching, since it is only one, is for all

19 I seek you with infinite love. I have put so much grace and so many gifts into your soul that I am not willing to lose even one of my children. You are part of my spirit, are something of my being - can he be evil who seeks you with so much zeal and such love?

20 Whenever I come down to give you my word, I find "last" among the multitudes; they are those who ask me most in their hearts. But I am to their liking and always answer their questions. Today those who came last ask me what is the purpose of my return, to which I answer that the purpose is to enable man to return to his original purity through himself.

21 If in the beginning he was granted to strive for knowledge of life, and he was given the freedom of will to work, today, when his soul can shine as never before in the light of his spirit, and his experience is very great, he he hears again the loving and yet just voice of that Father who said to him, "Grow, multiply, and subdue the earth. But now she tells him: "Return to me with your merits.

22 Through merit, effort and sacrifice, man must return to the paradise he left to learn many secrets, to become a worthy child of God in struggle, in pain, in work, in his development - the paradise to which he must return, never to leave it again.

23 Understands: For this humanity to gain true knowledge of that return to the pure and high, there will be struggle, upheavals and confusion in the minds and souls of men. My clear, loving and convincing teaching will show the world the light-filled way of return, and one by one men will come to me. But no longer depressed by the weight of their burden of sin, but with their eyes fixed on the heights, with faith in their hearts and a cross of love on their shoulders.

24 The door will be open, and my spirit full of love will be ready to pull the soul to her divine bosom, from which that soul will never again be released.

25 You humans: If it were only instinct that would guide all the actions of your life, your Father would not have had to reveal his law to you, nor would he have had to come as Savior to save you. But you do not depend on your instinct; higher forces determine your actions, and those forces are in the spiritual soul.

26 The soul enjoys freedom of will, by means of which it is to acquire merits to attain salvation.

27 Who guides, orients, or advises the soul on its free path of development, in order to distinguish what is permitted from what is not, and therefore not to go astray? The conscience.

28 Conscience is the divine spark, is a higher light and power that helps man not to sin. What merit would there be in man if conscience possessed material power to compel him to remain in the good? I want you to know that the merit is to listen to that voice, to be convinced that it never lies nor errs in what it advises, and in faithfully following its instructions. As you can surely understand, it requires training and self-awareness to clearly hear that voice. Which of you are currently practicing this obedience? Answer yourselves.

29 Conscience has always manifested itself in man; but man has not attained the necessary development to be guided all his life by that light. He needs laws, teachings, regulations, religions, and advice.

30 When men come to communion with their spirit, and, instead of seeking the spiritual outwardly, seek it in their inward being, they will be able to hear the gentle, persuasive, wise, and righteous voice that has always been alive in them without listening to it, and they will understand that in the spirit is the presence of God, that he is the true mediator through whom man is to commune with his Father and Creator.

31 The first step to the renewal of mankind, to attain a state of spiritual upliftment, is mercy. Mercy to the soul, mercy to the body, mercy to the neighbor. But I must tell you that this feeling has not been correctly interpreted: mercy is a name which you give to certain actions which you perform, and which in most cases carry in their core no compassion or a true intention to relieve a distress.

32 Your human emotions are still far from reality. Therefore, you must always keep in mind the words and works of Jesus in the world as the living and true example of mercy.

33 What will happen to a soul when it has spilt true mercy through forms which contain only hypocrisy? Its awakening will be very painful the day it comes in contact with its conscience and hears that justice-loving and relentless voice.

34 How can you expect the nations to be reconciled, the rulers to be united, and the wars to cease, when men are deaf to every voice that proceeds from conscience?

35 How easy it will be for men to understand one another when they become silent in themselves and hear the voice of their higher reason, the voice of that judge whom they do not want to hear because they know that he commands them the complete opposite of what they are doing.

36 I can also tell you that if you were not willing to listen to the instructions of your conscience, you were not obedient and willing to exercise my teaching. You recognize them in theory but do not apply them in practice. You attribute divine essence to it - say that Christ was very great, and that his teaching is perfect. But no one wants to be great like the Master, no one wants to come to him by truly taking him as an example. But you should know that I came not only that you might know that I am great, but also that you all might be.

37 Man wants to obtain salvation without knowing his spiritual nature, and this cannot be.

38 What use is it to him that many believe in a life after this one, if they do not spend their existence to earn merits for eternity? All their faith is limited to the belief that their soul will go to an afterlife after death, and they wait until the last moment to make up for all the wasted time and wipe out all their stains by an act of contrition.

39 This is a sad error, because the transgressions can be made good only by works which presuppose that one has obeyed the reproaches of conscience and that there is sufficient time to atone for the sins committed. And as for repentance in those who are about to enter the spiritual, I tell you that there are few who cry at this hour because of the evils they have caused, and that what drives them is rather the fear of punishment, of condemnation or damnation as they imagine them to be.

40 Do you lack a teaching which speaks to you at length, preparing you and opening your eyes to the light, as I do through my word?

41 Know how necessary it is that you spread this message all over the earth. With this you would be doing a true work of mercy to your fellow men.

42 Eliminates the false impression that people have received of spiritual teachings, as if they were based on ignorance, deception and deception. Show my teaching in all its sincerity and grandeur, so that it may dissolve the ignorance, fanaticism, and hardening that prevent people from thinking of their spiritual ego, which they have robbed of all freedom of action.

43 You live in fear of the spiritual and do not think that you will soon be only spirit. But you are not always to blame for your ignorance, but those who guide you.

44 They have made the meaning of the essential values unrecognizable to you, to the extent of believing that truth is contrary to truth.

45 Do you not sometimes use material objects as if they were divine? Do you not attribute eternal value to perishable goods? You think you have understood Christ, and do not even know Him.

46 Have I given you proofs of greatness, using for this purpose riches or possessions of the earth? Jesus came without material riches, He showed Himself in the world in the greatest poverty. He was great because of His works, His word, His teaching, but never because of His outward appearance.

47 Why should I have made use of the goods of the earth when these were created by the Father for human creatures? What could I need from this nature, since it nourishes itself from me?

48 I came to show you the beauty of a life higher than human, to inspire you to high works, to teach you the Word which awakens love, to promise you the happiness never known, which awaits that soul who was able to climb the mountain of sacrifice, faith and love.

49 All these things you shall know in my teaching, so that you may finally understand that it is your good works which will bring your soul nearer to true happiness.

50 Once the first lesson is understood and then followed, it will give you a tasty fruit that will encourage you to take the next step

51 Today a new stage is dawning for the world, in which man will strive for greater freedom of thought, in which he will fight to break the chains of bondage that his spirit has carried with him. It is the time in which you will see the peoples crossing the barriers of fanaticism in their desire for spiritual food and true light, and I tell you that no one who experiences even for a moment the happiness of feeling free to think, to research and to act will ever again voluntarily return to his prison. For now his eyes have seen the light, and his spirit was enraptured in the face of Divine Revelations.

52 People, before the wars in the world are yet to come to an end, my law of love is to touch all souls, although you cannot yet know in what way.

53 This message of spiritual light will likewise reach men; but this will only happen when you are strong. No one dares to say that this work is the truth unless he is convinced of it, for then no one will believe you. But if your faith is absolute and your conviction true, no one will be able to prevent you from bringing the Good News to all hearts.

54 You children of men: always you have suspected the existence of invisible beings floating through space, sometimes approaching you, surrounding you, and thinking that they might be souls suffering, you have tried to do something for them. The intention has been good, but you have always lacked the knowledge for that mercy to be effective. Until now you have not known the right way to light the light in the confused or conscience-stricken beings.

55 You have offered them meaningful ceremonies and gifts, and although you have been able to calm your hearts, they have received nothing, because what belongs to the world no longer belongs to them and no longer reaches them. These beings seek spiritual compassion, comfort, love, understanding. But how can one offer them spiritual help? My word also explains to you the way of showing mercy to those whom you do not even see.

56 If you really want to do something good for your spiritual brothers and sisters, and at the same time want to free yourselves from their bad influences, you must pray for them with a heartfelt prayer full of compassion and uplifting thoughts. If you feel that they are in some way manifesting themselves in your human life, show them good examples and good works so that they may receive light for their soul. Give them the opportunity that they may see you heal the sick, that they may see you forgive the one who has offended you, that they may see noble ideas shining in your mind, that they may hear only good words on your lips.

57 What tasks have ye to do with them, and they with you? What debts have you incurred to each other? You do not know, but verily, I tell you, it is not by chance that they get in the way of men, there is always a reason for it when they approach their human brothers and sisters.

58 It will be very pleasant for your soul to be received by them on your arrival in the "Spiritual Valley" and to receive signs of gratitude for the mercy you showed them. Your joy will be great when you then see them imbued with light. But how sorrowful it would be when you meet that legion of beings darkened by confusion, knowing that they expected a deed of love from your side and you did not give it to them. When you reflect on this responsibility - are you ready to apply the knowledge I am giving you in this teaching? Recognize that I do not empower you in it, that you materialize those beings in any way - on the contrary, I inspire you the way you bring them to spiritualization by offering them the example of a virtuous and pure life, and that you remove their confusion and darkness through your prayers, whose thoughts and ideas are to ignite light in their comprehension.

59 Jacob revealed to you in his dream the existence of the spiritual stepladder, on which beings constantly ascended and descended. Who has understood its content? Who has interpreted its secret? There, in the meaning of that image seen by the patriarch, is contained the development of souls, the unceasing reincarnation of spiritual creatures into men, the reparation and expiation of beings, the communication of God with man, and the dialogue from spirit to spirit.

60 It is necessary that you recognize this message, that you may give the correct interpretation to the revelations of past times.

61 Realize how many periods of time must pass for souls to reach the core of my teachings.

My peace be with you!

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