BTL - Volume 10 - Teaching 293

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume 10

Teaching 293

1 My love illuminates you like an infinite sun and envelops you all.

2 Here I am, letting my thoughts, which have become the word, flow into your mind, which is pleasing to the heart, highly lovable to the spiritual soul, and which leaves no bitterness in your mouth.

3 As the bees that make a honeycomb and fill it drop by drop with honey, so do those little children through whom I make myself known and give my word, fill the hearts of a people longing for spiritual love drop by drop with the essence that comes from their lips

4 The number of my people is still small, but I give you my teaching as if it were a great crowd of people. My love could not be stopped by this small number, because in the Master no prejudices exist nor can exist as they are peculiar to selfish men.

5 Be welcome before the light of the Saviour, O people who are tormented by trials and struggles, by doubts and uncertainties, tribulations and sorrows.

6 You need the medicine for the soul, and I come to you as I came in that Second Time - as a doctor for diseases of body and soul.

7 When you come tormented by severe problems, depressed by poverty, or frightened by the sufferings of trials, you seek in my words any phrase for your pain - any word that indicates that my gaze has discovered you and that I hear your voices Then I touch your heart and prove to you that nothing is hidden from me. I pour out my peace on you, give you the exquisite meal of my teachings and send you strengthened again on the way of life, of struggle, of reparation.

8 In my teaching words you learn that in your trials you contribute your small part of faith, of hope, of patience and steadfastness, and that the rest is done by the love of your Father.

9 He that trusts in me will not be able to despair, and how sweet is the reward for him who has put his trust in the love and mercy of his Lord.

10 I am he who comes near your heart when you weep. I am Christ, and Christ means love.

11 Therefore I heal and encourage you, beloved people. For there will come times in which I will choose the ones who are mine among the most prepared and among the most fervent, among those who are most advanced in the investigation of my word, and they will be my first messengers, my first witnesses and also the first ones who will hold dialog with their father from spirit to spirit.

12 But do not think that it pleases Me to choose some and to reject others - this is never the case, disciples. But I will avail myself of you according to the degree of armament that you gradually attain and that you need to serve me.

13 Just as today those who have been able to prepare themselves have attained spiritual manifestation through the human intellect, so will come times when my voice, like heavenly harmony, will reach your soul and will amaze and admire your minds through the wisdom of my revelations and the luminous inspirations which my Spirit sends you.

14 This time will come, doubt not; but I do not fix it. Much depends on you, on your zeal and your love, so that this time will no longer be a matter of the future, but will become present.

15 But do not think little of what I am giving you at present through the modest intellect of your brotherly voice bearers. For my teachings train you so that your soul develops and is able to expect dialogue from spirit to spirit. Alas, if you could understand the secret meaning of every word of the Master - how many amazing revelations would you find! How much light would be given to you to apply it in your life!

16 to you, the disciples of this Work and witnesses of this Word, your Master tells you that if you do not understand nor obey this lesson which I have revealed to you through the human intellect, you will not be able to proceed to the new teaching promised to your spirit, which will take place directly between the Master and the disciple - inwardly, without the necessity of external means or forms

17 You are not yet on the level of the teaching which I am currently announcing to you - and yet you already want to possess that gift of grace?

18 If you had reached the degree of progress which my word requires, you would be working in the light of your spiritual souls, and you would make your healing influence palpable to others. But it is not so, and so to your great regret the lessons are repeated.

19 Three different manifestations of a single Divine Spirit have been the revelations that man has received from God over time, divided into three ages. Many times and in many different ways I have explained to you what you erroneously call "Holy Trinity" and what you could not explain because you did not understand it.

20 I have explained to you that what you call Father is the absolute power of God, the Universal Creator, the only Uncreated One; that He whom you call "Son" is Christ, that is, the revelation of the Father's perfect love for his creatures, and that what you call "Holy Spirit" is the wisdom which God sends you as light in this time when your spirit is able to better understand my revelations.

21 That light of the Holy Spirit, that wisdom of God, will soon reign in this third age that you see coming into being, illuminating the minds of a humanity in need of spirituality, thirsting for truth and hungry for love.

22 Three "kingdoms" have I appointed among men, which will soon unite into one.

23 The first was that of power and law, the second that of love, the third that of wisdom.

24 Once man lives in accordance with the law, the teachings and revelations which I have brought to him in every "kingdom", he will be able to say truthfully that the kingdom of heaven has penetrated into the heart of men.

25 It is equally true, people, that one God has revealed himself to men, though under three different aspects: If you seek love in the works of the Father in that first age, you will find it; and if you seek the light of wisdom, you will likewise discover it, even as you will encounter not only love, but also power and wisdom in the works and words of Christ. So what would be strange about this if you were to discover in the works of the Holy Spirit at this time both the power, the law and the might, and also love, tenderness and healing balm

26 This is the highest kingdom - not because of the light, because this is always the same, but because men are more capable of a higher life.

27 It will be the kingdom of light, which will enlighten the organs of understanding and the souls - a light which will transform mankind. The brightness will be so great that all who have denied me will no longer do so, and those who have been foolish will give up their folly because they will see the truth in bright daylight and clear as the firmament.

28 Meanwhile, I must remove from the rest of men a people made up of hearts of good will, who, when the hour has come, will serve me as workers of spiritualization. Here, in silence and in humility, I prepare and teach them.

29 Just as the farmer cultivates his land, as the craftsman devotes himself to his work, as the scholar abandons himself to his contemplations and the philosopher to his dreams - just as all men toil in a sorrowful and desperate struggle for life, so I will create a people, that is inspired by spiritualization, peace, goodness, by a higher knowledge of life, that works and watches as a good sower, that toils like the scholar, like the philosopher has dreams, that struggles for the true nourishment of the soul, like humanity struggles for daily bread.

30 The true spiritualist will be the one who unites the laws of spirit and those of matter and makes of them a virtuous, conscientious and superior standard of life.

31 Today you are my little disciples who, in their solitary meditations, are gradually forming their souls so that afterwards they can help their fellow men to achieve their well-being.

32 A disciple of Jesus is he who conquers by the word, who convinces and comforts, who lifts up and awakens, who makes of the conquered one a conqueror of himself and of adversity.

33 An apostle of Christ cannot carry selfishness in his heart by thinking only of his own sufferings or worries. He does not worry about his own, but thinks of others, with the absolute confidence that he has neglected nothing, because the Father immediately assists those who have left their own to devote themselves to a child of the Lord in need of spiritual assistance. And he who forgot himself to bring a smile of hope to a neighbor, a consolation for his sadness, a drop of balm for his pain, finds his home illuminated by a light that is blessing, joy and peace on his return.

34 When men feel themselves once a little bit as brothers and sisters of their neighbors and a little bit as parents of the children of the whole earth, then they will have taken a firm step in my teaching.

35 How few know about the great science of life, whose power and origin is based on love.

36 He who learns to be good by virtue of the divine teaching which is in my teaching will have to be like the bread which is divided on the table, to be distributed to all who take a seat at it to eat

37 You cannot claim that you walk in my way of love as long as you are not yet completely filled with goodness and you neglect your spiritual progress - as long as you deal with the behavior of others to censor and condemn it.

38 Be certain of this, that unless you purify your heart and your mind, you will be an obstacle to my light coming to your being and entering into it. For the bad thoughts, words and feelings are obstacles to this light, which is completely pure, being able to dwell in your soul.

39 You must clean the dwelling place so that I may enter into your hearts, but not only for a moment, but forever I will dwell in the secret chamber of your heart. But stop calling me only to be there for a few brief moments, only as long as your preparation lasts, to be thrown out afterwards as soon as your passions awaken.

40 The world and its temptations are strong, so your good intentions must be even stronger, so that your will does not weaken in the midst of the struggle and trials.

41 Sometimes I repeat my lessons because I want to make your soul sensitive and your heart tremble If I would not act in this way, you would fall into false ideas about the truth of my word. Do you remember how that ancient people of Israel saw in their God only unrelenting justice, severity, and hardness, and that therefore - because they had this conception of their Lord - it was the fear of punishment that made them obey the law of God?

42 You already know the error in which they were, having discovered the Father's infinite love for men.

43 You already see in God less a judge than the Father of perfect and inexhaustible love, and I tell you that it is good that you see in God your Father Nevertheless, I must tell you to keep you awake that you too, like that old people, may fall prey to a new error, and this error may consist in not making any effort to improve morally and spiritually, or in not worrying about sinning continually and severely, trusting that the Father is above all love and will forgive you.

44 Certainly, God is love, and there is no offence, hard though it may be, that he does not forgive. But you are to know exactly that from this divine love springs a justice that is unrelenting. Be aware of all this, so that what you have received in you as the knowledge of my teaching may be true and you may destroy all erroneous conceptions that might be present in you. Do not forget that the love of the Father forgives you, but that the stain of shame - despite forgiveness - remains imprinted on your soul, and that you must wash it off by merit and thus do justice to the love that forgave you.

45 You have been inclined to close your eyes to your evil works, to your sins, and to take away the unwanted burden and leave it in a strange home. But you will finally understand that no one can wash away the stains of shame better than he who has imprinted them on his heart.

46 Why is your walk so slow, though it is the gate of salvation and the fountain of grace which awaits you? The reason is that the feeling of coldness in faith in God, the worldly skepticism, infects you, and you temporarily feel like people who no longer expect anything from my mercy.

47 People who hear me on this day - you men who seek happiness in the transitory life full of pleasures - verily I say to you, in the end only bitterness and the reproach of conscience will remain in your mouth when you experience how different and contrary to your illusions the result of your striving is

48 Verily, I tell you, to live, to fight, to enjoy, in suffering and in dying, you will only be able to endure by leaning on the soul as if it were a rod, and the soul must always hear the voice of its conscience

49 You will be able to find the necessary strength only in faith.

50 O grieved mankind, darkened by pain and bitterness! Open your eyes so that you may see the coming of the kingdom of light, of the Spirit of Truth, who comes down to wake up the souls and organs of the mind that are still sleeping to this day.

51 Christ speaks to you in the spirit, your mediator between God and man. For Christ is "The Word," is the word of God, the word of love and truth. Today I speak to you in one of the innumerable forms in which I can reveal my word to you. Tomorrow, when this form of revelation is over, my word will be written down, and so, in writings, it will go from province to province, from home to home, from heart to heart, awakening some, converting others, comforting others, though I must also tell you this: Some will remain unreceptive to the message, and some will even blaspheme against it.

But that is not important, people. The times will come when the masses of people will eagerly seek my word by means of the Scriptures. Even this people here, if they want to remember the meaning and the sound of that word that was manna in the desert of their lives, will collect with love and respect the pages on which you have written down my word.

52 Man needs spiritual wisdom, and I give it to him, as in the past, in which I, seeing mankind hungry for love, taught it.

53 For God there is no "impossible": Man has needed God, and He has come to man. He has needed a higher knowledge, and the Lord has revealed profound lessons to him. He has needed a strengthening of his faith, and the Father has strengthened the faith of the much beloved child.

54 Let it not surprise you that in this third time I make myself known in the form which your ears testify and which your heart has felt.

55 Today you have not seen Me incarnate in a human being, the presence of Christ is revealed in the Third Age through the inspiration and the ability to connect with my Spirit, which has been given as a task to some of my children

56 Men have fallen into a state of great confusion because of their wrong interpretations of what God revealed in earlier times - because of their inability to penetrate what is incomprehensible to them, because of their lack of spiritual power to see the light of the Eternal beyond the wall of their materialism.

57 In view of your immeasurable lack of light - light which means wisdom, love, elevation - I had to come.

58 To give you this light, it was not appropriate that I would set myself as man with you. For to stimulate you to spiritualization it was necessary that I would reveal my presence in a spiritual, invisible and yet for your faith and love tangible form.

59 The coming of the Holy Spirit in this Third Age is the spiritual manifestation of God, that powerful and righteous Jehovah, who manifested himself in the First Age through the forces of nature, and of the loving Jesus, who was the true man from whom the Father spoke at the beginning of the Second Age. Today I come again to men, but I come as a spirit because I know that you are now able to comprehend Him and believe Him when He communicates directly with you.

60 This is the age of light, whose clarity will make you understand what you thought to be unfathomable. I will leave in your heart the essence of the lessons of the past times. But the fanaticism that you have raised around them will be destroyed by humanity itself the moment it continues on its path of development.

61 I speak here to all, without stopping myself from distinguishing you according to religious communities or creeds. The spiritual division and the splits have created men; it is they who condemn each other, fight each other and deny each other truth.

62 I love all and seek all, for I see that ye all walk off the way. What have you made of the truth and the law? Many religions. I do not reproach you for this - on the contrary, you were allowed it because you had different degrees of understanding, progress and spiritualization. But that one religious community considers the others as enemies, and that they threaten, hurt and kill each other - this has never been prescribed by my teaching. I tell you that those who act in this way are not defenders of the truth, but enemies of it.

63 Why are you enemies among yourselves, though no one is free from sin? Why fight the way in which others want to attain perfection and come closer to their Father? Who is he who can say that he brings the truth and is with God, that he thinks he is saved, and who is he who is destined to perish?

64 How foolish are you still to judge one another!

65 Are you not ashamed that you commit transgressions in the fullness of the times of light, and though your soul should already have risen above human misery

66 People, here is the voice of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual manifestation of God by means of your minds, which does not reveal to you a new law or a new teaching, but a new, more advanced, spiritual, and perfect way to communicate with the Father, to receive Him, and to worship Him.

67 When the Lord told you, "You shall love God with all your heart and with all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself," and when the Master preached the teaching of love to you, this spiritual voice, coming from the same source, tells you to cling to the law of love because it has a power not even the greatest armies in the world possess, and that its conquests will be secure and lasting because everything you build on foundations of love will have eternal life.

68 Mankind is in misfortune, the human mind is disturbed, the heart has become haughty because of the abilities that man has reached on earth The remedy for this has always been within his reach, but he has spurned it. This remedy is spiritual knowledge.

69 I say to you that those who have awakened and are aware of what is happening are the ones suitable to light the lamp of men's faith against the Spirit of God.

70 Understand that your soul must unfold according to its abilities, gifts and possibilities, which are almost completely unknown to you until today.

71 My word does not reveal to you any details about your past or your spiritual future that would not bring you to good ends. But I teach you to fulfill your mission within the world to which you have been sent.

72 Spurn therefore all those ideas with which some would like to impress you, speaking of your past or your future in the life of the soul.

73 Know, disciples, that spiritualization enables the conscience to manifest itself with greater clarity, and he who hears this wise voice will not be deceived.

74 Make yourselves familiar with conscience, it is a friendly voice, it is the light through which the Lord lets his light shine - whether as father, as master, or as judge.

75 Allow your conscience to tell you in the trials that I am not punishing you, but that you are being purified, and that when you see unleashed forces of nature causing horrors, you should not blaspheme by saying that it is a punishment from God, but that it is a trial to purify you

76 Only the purity of the soul will be able to cause it to radiate the brilliance of its garment of light.

77 Strive for the purification that you can obtain through the exercise of love among your neighbors.

My peace be with you! 

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