BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 215

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 215:

1. My words are like dewdrops that descend on your heart to give it new life, because I meet it withered. The reason for this is that you had forgotten my promise to come again and had felt dead regarding spiritual life.

2. When the weak flame of your hope went out, you heard the knocking at the door of your heart. When you opened and saw Me, you did not recognize Me because you had forgotten Me. It was necessary to show you the wound at my side and tell you: "Put your fingers in there" so that you would know who He was who knocked at your door.

3. You are like the wanderers of Emmaus who could not recognize Me when I was at their side. You are like Thomas, who believed only when he saw and touched my wounds.

4. Since you have asked me for proofs of my presence, and I have given them to you, know that I have come to free you from idolatry, to make you return to the simple practice of religion, to a faith free from sophistry, to the practice of mercy among you.

5. I have come upon you worshipping deaf, blind and motionless idols, performing rites that are out of time and unsuitable for the spiritual development you have today, and practicing what I have never established.

6. No one other than I could tell you the truth about your errors without hurting you, and at the same time offer you a light, food, and stimulus that instantly filled the emptiness of your heart

7. Never again will you be blinded by false and empty glories, nor will you be tempted by words that only appeal to the mind but never penetrate to the soul. From now on, he who has truly absorbed the essence of this word will no longer be able to feed on any bread other than the divine.

8. What man has ever spoken to you as I have spoken through these simple men who are my voice bearers? Who has ever spoken to you of spiritualization as you have heard in this word? Who in your life has ever given you proofs that have been the confirmation of a divine revelation? No one, my people.

9. My word calls men together like a ringing bell, and they come in long trains, in flocks.

10. The time is short in which I am manifesting myself to you in this form, and I want it to be many who receive the light of my Word, so that when the year 1950 ends, all the people, aware of my commandment, will willingly bow to my Father's Will

11. There is still time for the people to be prepared for this day, and when they gather afterward, it will no longer be to hear my word through the voice bearer, but to study the teaching they have received, to feel in their minds my inspiration, and then to say with conviction, "The Lord is with us.

12. I will see you thus: as good disciples.

13. At the beginning of my teaching I told you that I have introduced the simple worship ─ the one who has neither rites nor ceremonies, but who nevertheless rises above the smoke of incense, above the sound of songs: the worship of love, mercy, brotherhood.

14. It is necessary that you make a careful examination of your ritual acts, so that you eliminate every trace of idolatry, religious fanaticism, superstition and beliefs unsuitable for this work.

15. If you believe in Christ and love all his works, recognize that this simplicity and spirituality which I inspire you today is the same as that which I preached in words and deeds in the Second Age. Why then have you turned away from that simplicity without which there can be no spiritualization?

16. See how many errors this mankind has fallen into But the light of a new day has dawned, and with it nothing more will be able to hide, nor to cover itself in darkness.

17. This is the reason why I am presently making all the ways of the earth passable, so that the disciples and apostles of spiritualism may spread throughout the world and proclaim my Good News

18. Before I send you to other countries, I want everyone who calls himself a disciple of this teaching to be spiritual in his life and in his works, so that his testimony may be true and therefore credible.

19. When you attain spiritualization, the way is easy. The ascent will not be difficult if you are inspired by the ideal of going higher. The temptations will no longer cause you to fall into the abysses of ruin, whereby you fall back. You will then take from this world only that which is absolutely necessary, permitted, and indispensable, whereby you will give your soul freedom to dream of a better world, and let it struggle to attain it.

20. My light bathes your soul and is a guide in all your ways. This light has come down on all men, without preference of races or creeds.

21. Israel has returned at this time and is scattered all over the world to fulfill its spiritual mission. It is the older people, the firstborn, and therefore the first to come into contact with me. Its soul has developed according to the law that was given to every soul when it was sent to earth.

22. In the First Time, at my first coming, I surprised men in their simplicity and ignorance. They lived on a low moral level, and I spoke to them from the top of the mountain to give them my first teaching.

In the Second Time I came down after a long era in which I granted you proofs so that your soul would consolidate its faith and live in the observance of My Law, and I found you more awake, more developed, but far from the true fulfillment of the Law which I demanded from you. For you were not able to put your gifts into the service of the soul.

23. I came in that time to tell you how to apply the law to fulfil it, how to honour the Father and how to bear witness to the truth. I was with you in Jesus so that your whole soul would sense and feel Me, and I left you prepared by My Word.

After that I granted you enough time so that your soul would use my teachings and live in my following. You continued to develop yourselves and became more awake. But to achieve your elevation, you did not prepare your way sufficiently to come closer to Me. Your light is weak, your faith fragile, and you did not suspect that my third coming was already near. In 1866, exactly at the time for which my word and the prophecies had announced me, I came to you to leave a treasure of wisdom in your soul, in the new teachings I promised you for this time.

24. How few have been awake and awaiting my coming! Mankind was asleep when this new age was opened.

25. It has been my will that you should live awake at all times in anticipation of the hour, so that you should not be surprised at any of my coming, and I would then see your progress and knowledge

26. You have walked in many ways to come to Me, and have lost your way in them. It has been necessary that the shepherd appeared and sought his sheep to unite them in one obstacle. Because there was no man on earth to whom I could have entrusted this assignment because I do not find a single one who is prepared.

27. I am currently illuminating and preparing men of good will in all nations so that they may speak of my coming in Spirit and of the time of grace that is now approaching. Each of them has a difficult mission, and through his mediation I am awakening salutary ideals in the others. I give life to their souls and instill in them love and trust in my law, so that it gives them strength in their struggle for the redemption and spiritual progress of mankind.

28. Avoid that the nations divide themselves for the sake of my teaching. Do not create discord, and do not feel superior to one another. I inspire all equally to spiritualization, which is peace, love and respect for neighbor. Give up religious fanaticism, perfect the ritual acts, raise the religious practice of your fellow men to a higher level. This is my will, and when you are together, acknowledge each other, love each other and bear witness to me.

29. You who hear this word, make your soul docile and study my teaching. Pay no attention to the voice bearers and do not ascribe this light to them. They are only instruments through which I make known my will. Rise above your intellect so that you can feel me with your soul.

30. How small is man to realize a rallies of this magnitude, the present stage of which began in 1866 and will end in 1950. Learn from this Master who has taught you at all times, and also feel that you are judged, because although he is Father and Master, he is also judge. The fulfillment of the commission which I have instructed you is for now that you dwell on earth. Later, when you are in the spiritual, you will receive new assignments. Your fight is great, immortal, because you are my children. How do you want to perfect yourselves in the short life that your body shell has, and thus lay claim to reach me to rest in peace, when the field of work is so wide that every soul has to order? First of all, free yourselves from your burden of atonement, have mercy on yourselves and render sufficient merit to pay your old debt to my law.

31. I want you to stop being little children and become disciples instead. Always be humble, so that I do not demand of you trials that are beyond your strength. Reveal charity and patience in your lives. When you have won the trust of your fellow men while you are revealing my work, speak of my coming as a spirit of consolation and awaken the soul of men so that they may live on a higher level and strive to be enlightened and exalted through spiritual obedience. Their hearts are fertile land in which you can plant the divine seed.

32. When you are prepared, you will be scattered throughout the world and will walk in all ways. Where will you have to go? You do not know. You will go for seemingly material reasons, but basically it will be my will that will lead you to the predetermined place.

33. Bring light and blessing, healing balm and peace to the provinces, so that you may be recognized as my messengers, as true disciples of love and mercy. Watch your steps, for you will be judged in your lives.

34. Listen to Me, for I make your future known in advance and reveal it. Do not profane my work by your deeds, nor dull the light of your soul.

35. Climb the mountain and reach the summit of spiritualization. Do not put down roots in this world. Since I have told you that this is not my kingdom, neither will you as my disciples find it here. Dematerialize and immerse yourselves in your inner being so that you may get to know all that is valuable in your soul.

36. The time of my rallies through the human mind is coming to an end, and you do not know what will happen to mankind afterwards. You do not suspect the trials that will come upon them because you have not developed your gifts. Intuition is not clear in your soul, and you have not prepared yourselves to withstand the forces of nature, which will be unleashed with great violence to humiliate men. I have given you power in prayer to stop evil, sin, sickness and misfortune, without you having made use of these abilities until today.

37. O you Thomases of the third time, who have not understood Me! Where are your spiritual gifts? Where have you buried them? Why have you forgotten them? You do not know, but I will tell you: these gifts are hidden. They vibrate within you, but you do not feel them because you are materialized. You must not live idly, you must manifest them in all forms and do great miracles with them, so that you may witness to your Father and to yourselves.

38. Work, O Israel, that you may obtain possession of the land of peace, the spiritual land of promise, which awaits you.

39. I receive your confession, your thanksgiving in this day, in which ye receive the confirmation of your spiritual gifts. Get ready and listen: After 1950 you will only enter into contact with me spiritually. Likewise, your children and those who will come after them will receive my word. There will then be no more transmitters, but your faith will tell you that I have come down completely to receive and make happy all my children.

40. In the times to come you will all be prepared and guided by Me, and my teachings of today will be detailed and clear if you remember them or let your eyes glide over the scriptures which are written down.

41. My love is with you, O my disciples! The light of the HolySpirit overflows you forever, this light ignites your lamp of faith.

42. You who feel the need of the gifts of the Spirit, you who try to purify your life, your mind and your heart in the water of repentance and renewal ─ you who desire to know the truth and long for it ─ hear my voice which comes to you like a caress so that you may be filled with my light In this time the truth is hidden and rules the imagination. Therefore I give you my divine essence, which is truth and food for the soul.

43. The better you understand my truth, the easier your progress will be through the unfolding of your soul abilities, which are similar to your physical senses. Do you not feel that your soul longs to come to a spring of crystal-clear water, that is, to a simple teaching without sophistry, without rites or cult forms? For this teaching, which I bring you, is great and full of light, is the one you seek. Time cannot harm its firm foundations, because my will underlies them. For those who love the truth, my teaching will be that of love, wisdom and justice, ─

44. That which is of God comes to man because of the love of the Father for the child. I only expect that this one is ready to receive me. The Father wants that his wisdom, which as an atom is also in you, unfolds and reveals itself. I am here to encourage you. I only expect you to listen carefully to my words so that you may receive the secrets which I am now making known to you.

45. In past times I left on your world through my example the teaching of love. Now I continue by giving you the spiritual teaching, which has the power to enlighten the world, to eliminate the ignorance of the mind, to make the way easier, to avoid unnecessary sufferings, confusion and tears. For the so great produced bitterness is the sweetness of my teaching, and for the so great darkness of war and misery is the light of my revelations.

46. The temple of the universe has as its pillar and support my teaching, for in it is the divine and creative power that teaches, that redeems, that convinces and gives life.

47. I speak through human lips, but my love transforms my thoughts into audible words so that you may hear me and be saved and live in God. I am the teacher of this school of love who never deceives a noble heart that wants to progress. I first make a child disciple of every man, then a disciple, and later a master who teaches the truth. Out of every human being I will make a strong light that illuminates the path of many lost souls. Every human being will be an instrument of my will, without losing his own. For the greater your spiritualization, the more you will be in harmony with the Father's will.

48. Many bitternesses you have suffered because of your freedom of will. But I want you to know that I have never left you. Do not take so many detours to reach the truth. Love it, for it will come to you when you open the gates of your love. Love the simple truth and free yourself from theories and sophistry. This light will illuminate the path in the desert of your life, and you will not tire, nor will you arrive too late. The materialists do not discover the truth because it is grounded in love, because it is light, wisdom, revelation, which is why love is a real master.

49. Materialists, the inveterate worldly men, will come to you and say, "Our brains are weary of ideologies, books, sciences. Help us to find the truth. Then with wisdom you shall disperse the clouds that darken their minds.

50. In infinity, hear the questions and the answers like the roaring of the seas, like the roaring of the wind. Hear the wisdom that transforms ignorance into knowledge, peace of mind and warmth. Hear the loving encouragement of love, which makes existence worth living in the knowledge of life and death, the great mysteries, the laws of God in man, eternity and light. Hear it!

51. You have not yet learned to love, nor to forgive, because you are still immature. But are you the ones who fathom in order to be able to believe? No one yet has enough spiritual light to be able to judge my word or my work completely. I have put philosophers, scholars, schoolmasters, and thinkers to the test, and also the eternal doubters, who constantly ask, "Is it really the Father? But I have said to all: "The tree is recognized by its fruit. My word says who I am. My word will continue to surprise philosophers and the uneducated." To you I say: only through love will you know who I am and who you are, for through it you will be able to see my face. Do not let yourselves be stopped, do not rack your brains over the questions of eternity. In love you will find the answers, and in the wide horizon of truth you will discover true life.

52. Go on this way, and the heavens will rejoice, and in your existence the light will shine, because then you will have replaced the sadness of your heart with sweet and healthy joy of life

53. Do you think that although I see the world and its inhabitants at the height of the depravity in which they find themselves, and although they need me as much as they need me, I would abandon them? Think about it, for I have surprised you in this, how you have spoken and thought in this way.

54. I am the Redeemer, the Master, who comes to the fallen sinner to raise him up, to spiritualize him and to teach him to love

55. The world will be transformed when it hears its Saviour and knows and obeys his laws.

56. Receive this word, which is teaching for the soul, and make ready to receive what the promised Comforter gives you for your spiritual progress. For you must come to commune with your Lord from Spirit to Spirit.

57. Do not forget my word when the elation of having heard me has again left you.

58. The mercy and love of the Father receive you.

59. The arms of the Father open to embrace you and that you may rest in them. Comfort yourselves in your sorrows and hear this word which wants to make your existence happier.

60. With what delight my Spirit comes down to you without stopping me from judging your sins. I speak to you of love, and in this word he who has any stain on himself is purified, the sinner is redeemed and the one who sleeps is awakened.

61. The clock of eternity, with its soothing chime, can be heard throughout the world to make mankind understand the time in which it lives.

62. I seek you because you belong to me, and since I love you, I do not want you to go astray any longer. You are sparks of my divine light, and you will merge with me. It is eternity that I offer you so that you may admire all their glory.

63. I speak to you in clear and simple words so that you may understand their meaning and do not later complain that I speak to you in incomprehensible words

64. When I gave you my teachings in parables in the Second Time, you have not been able to understand many of them Now I give you the explanation of all teachings through the radiant light of the HolySpirit.

65. Understand that all the sufferings of this life you are living are consequences of human errors. For I, who love you, could not offer you such a bitter cup. I have revealed the law to you from the first times as a way to save yourselves from falling, from destruction and "death".

66. For all will come the moment when I will require of you an account concerning my law and the gifts with which I have blessed you.

67. You go your way of life, and some bear the cross of duty and pain, others the cross of their sin on their shoulders But when you call me, I will be your cross bearer to help you to come to me.

68. Follow my teachings, and immediately you will feel your burden lighter, you will feel reassured, and a lovely freshness will soothe your weariness

69. Open your eyes, enter with spiritual gaze and contemplate my glory See how the gate opens, which must let through the seven Spirits, whom I have entrusted to mankind. They are seven virtues which are to work in you always according to my will. They are: Love, humility, patience, love of order, cheerfulness, perseverance and mercy. Let these virtues be firmly anchored in your hearts, and you will experience bliss.

70. In this way my Spirit comes nearer to yours, to fill it with light and tell it: the body which you have today as a temporary garment is the means by which you shall attain great purification and spiritual upliftment

71. If on your way a leprous sufferer should appear ─ would you then leave in horror? Would you be unable to touch him with your hand? Are you afraid to be infected? No, my disciples. For instead of looking at the misery of that body, you shall see its soul, which is your own brother, which is my child awaiting your mercy. How much more do you have to learn?

72. Blessed is the heart of man that repents of his weaknesses and makes a resolution for betterment. For not only is he forgiven, but he also attains my light. It is my task to turn sinners into my beloved disciples.

73. I am the resurrection and the life. Come to me, and you will live forever, because in me you will find peace.

74. The light of my HolySpirit is poured out on the whole universe. Through the gifts of intuition, revelation and vision, people are awakening to the new age.

75. My Spirit vibrates with righteousness and penetrates to the deepest depths of the Spirit to help it to clear the soul of sin, to bind up the weeds in bundles and throw them into the fire.

76. So that you may tell the world "Here is the Father who is among us," you still have to work hard on yourselves.

77. Many nations are parched with hunger, hunger for bread of the earth and heavenly bread.

78. Through religions, philosophies and sects people are seeking Me. They are ways by which they will find Me one day.

79. As long as you walk on the straight path that leads directly to my heart, you will ─ although you have to cover long distances, climb mountains and overcome abysses ─ will feel with every step you take that you are getting higher on the spiritual path from which you can see the silhouette of the Promised Land.

My peace be with you!

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