BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 209

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 209:

1. As the appointed time approaches, as this way of giving you my teaching ends, you penetrate more and more into my Divine Message.

2. You know that while I have brought you my Word, the world has been living without feeling or hearing me

3. There are few who have known of my coming. The rest of mankind lives in the expectation that when I return ─ as promised ─, I will do so bodily, that is, I will become man again.

4. Only you know that you are already in the Third Time, in which I speak to you through those chosen as the voice bearer of my word.

5. Human science gives you proofs of its unfolding. Recognize that this too reveals spiritual development. In every age man has left his mark of progress, which those who come later gradually make their own.

6. Science is light of my wisdom, which reveals its secrets to men. The scientist who possesses a superior soul will not seek me by rites, for his gift of science will constantly bring him closer to the Father, who is the divine science. This man will never boast of his work because the more he discovers, the smaller he feels. Nor will he be able to deny my existence, because at every turn he will see the trace of the Creator in nature.

7. Disciples, also in you I have placed gifts which you are to develop, so that you may be those who, with simple words but full of truth, anchor this teaching in the hearts of your fellow men.

8. The seed of spiritualize, which I have always sown in the world, I will also leave once more in this time This seed contains the secret for a better life.

9. If men today fight among themselves, if they are divided into doctrines of faith, into classes and into races, if men do not love one another, nor understand one another, nor have mercy, it is because my seed of love does not germinate in their hearts. But in this time, when I descend on the fields like a dew of grace, my seed, guarded in the heart of every human creature, will germinate and bear fruit.

10. Just as I announced to you in the Second Time my coming, so today I announce to you the war of creeds, worldviews and religions, as a foretaste of the establishment of my Kingdom of spiritualize among men

11. My word, like a fiery sword, will destroy the fanaticism that has enveloped men for centuries. It will tear open the veil of their ignorance and show the bright, shining way that leads to me.

12. Once mankind, thanks to its renewal, is receptive to the spiritual, it will no longer need the severity of the laws, nor the justice of the earth, both spiritually and earthly, to behave well, because then every man will be able to be his own judge.

13. My teaching introduces neither dogmas nor rites; it inspires only what is good. My spiritual teaching does not subject anyone to certain cult forms; it is a constant invitation to the path of truth.

14. You come into the shade of the mighty tree, where ─ as you know ─ is he who offers you the bread of eternal life, that food which gives you strength to survive the journey of life.

15. "The Word" has come to you to open a new age.

16. All the time I have sent you spiritual messages that call you to upward development. For the body matter chains the soul to the earth like a heavy chain link.

17. In the course of your development you have finally understood that your fate does not depend on matter, but on my will.

18. Man does not always agree with my intentions, and he shows me his rejection and disobedience. Many times already he has called me unjust and has tried to interfere with my high counsel. Others doubt my power when they do not get from me what they desire, and afterwards, when they have obtained it after all, they attribute it only to their efforts. Therefore they finally consider themselves gods and kings and forget him who put a spiritual soul in man and surrounded him with a wonderful nature.

19. Could man with all his science create something of what I have created? No, people.

20. Human science has its limits, but God the Creator has not. Science is light, but in the hands of many people it becomes darkness. In the universe, however, everything bears witness to Me. All kingdoms of nature tune their song to life and love. But regardless of the fact that I say to you through all created things, "Here am I," you seek my image in imperfect works made by human hands. Then you bow down before them and worship them, whereby you hinder your soul from every elevation.

21. I give you love, for I find no man whose heart opens a little to make the suffering of strangers his own. Those to whom I entrust wealth and power to serve their neighbors refuse all compassion, and even those who claim to represent me on earth, surrounded by luxury and dressed like kings, close their ears and heart to the lamentations of him who longs for love and mercy.

22. These are not my ways. The narrow way, which I have marked out, is the way of good. Therefore I say to you once more: My word is my way, because it always speaks to you of righteousness, morality and love.

23. I make your heart sensitive to imprint my teachings in it and you really feel nourished by the bread of eternal life.

24. I love all equally. Yet not all will hear Me in this era. As in the First and Second Times, I have chosen a place on earth to gather there those who are to hear Me.

25. In every religious community, people take the lead of those who call themselves my messengers, my chosen ones, my favored ones. But I do not see a righteous one through whom mankind could be saved. There is no mouth that could speak as I spoke to you in Jesus in His day.

26. People are torn in the midst of a hurricane, and in their chaos they suffer and groan in the face of the threat of war.

27. Those nations could have been fed spiritually by my words of the Second Age while I was returning, but that bread was hidden or falsified. And so you see some people moving freely, others indifferent, most fanatical and hard-hearted.

28. When will the wealthy rich man be ready to distribute his riches among the poor?

29. When will the magnificently dressed man be ready to take off his garments to cover the naked man? Humanity is hungry for models and needs justice and mercy.

30. Men have forgotten that I have renounced my kingdom to live among you and give you all that is in Me. Where are my deputies who really take me as an example?

31. To you I say: I have called you to make you heirs again, and give you authority to heal the sick with the balm of my love, which is my own blood.

32. Recognize yourselves so that you may understand that even without merit I have made you worthy of my grace and look at those human beings who, like stray sheep, raise their lament. See how the men come home empty-handed, hear the voice of pain and despair.

33. Look at your hands, in them you will find power and comfort to ease these sufferings. Why do you doubt this grace? Let the light of faith burn in your hearts until it becomes a torch. Do not close your hearts, for then you too will become rich misers. Know that you must bear witness to me and speak of me. But if you should not do it, the stones will bear witness to me.

34. I am power and righteousness, but do not wait until I give you these lessons by means of pain or the unleashed forces of nature. Hope that my Divine Radiance surrounds you and that my love will bless you forever.

35. My Divine Spirit comes to you to alleviate your sufferings. For you have been greatly tested in your way. The Master of humility comes down to bring you his teaching and comfort.

36. At times I call you to account for your lack of fulfilling my law. For I gave it to you long ago and with it I have marked out for you the perfect way.

37. It is no longer timely for you to hide my teaching in your heart. Learn to see and feel me, so that you do not fall into error.

38. I have made you owners of infinite glories; but you do not know how to make your fellow men partakers of them.

39. It has been necessary to repeat often the lesson I have been giving you since 1866 so that it may be impressed upon you. Through it you know that I never cause you to regress. I stand lovingly by you to bring you on the right path. I have spoken to you in your language with greatest simplicity to make Me understandable and so that you can grasp My word.

40. I see that you have stopped halfway, and that your upward development is meager. But turn around and look at the world that sheds tears, at the unbeliever who mocks my word. See also him who thirsts for love and light. But you, disciples, cannot claim to be ignorant, nor sick, nor needy or weak. For it would mean to deny everything that I have given you. Therefore, you must remember that of my words: "O you of little faith!

41. There are but a few hearts that have been able to rise up and hear my word where it is. And many are those who ─ instead of raising their soul to me ─ only come here to show me their earthly life with its misery and distress. This is the reason for your weakness and the lack of unity among the people. When will you forget yourselves and ask me for the world?

42. The mothers weep because their counsel is not followed by the children. The desolate city shows Me the desolation of its existence. The wife shows Me her heart that is not understood by her partner. But you all forget that this is the way that leads to the Promised Land: that of sacrifice. "In my hollow hand lies the fate of each of you."

43 Be devoted, and when you suffer greatly, I am with you.

44. Do not make your pain even greater by judging by your own standards what only I can judge.

45. Remember that I love you I am not indifferent to your sufferings and truly understand you. See, you are so close to Me, and yet you commit so many transgressions. But I forgive you.

46. Some, faced with the burden of their trials, doubt My presence, stray from the right path and turn to the one they left behind ─ in the hope of recovering what they think they have lost But they turn their eyes again to my work when they see their hands empty and their Spirit powerless against the great worldwide sufferings, the plagues and death that knock at the doors of the nations and threaten you as well. For the foreboding of a new war worries them.

47. Do not be like those unbelievers who demand proofs from me to believe in my existence, who say to me, "Make the war end immediately, shower all tables with bread, then I will believe in you.

48. I tell you once more that you have only three years left until this rallies to you ends, and that you must use this short time to invite the world with its churches and sects into the way of light and spiritualize, where all can come into contact with me from Spirit to Spirit.

49. This will happen when fanaticism and idolatry will be eradicated from the heart of the nations

50. You will then be like sailors in a raging sea who trust in their lifeboat.

51. I will also make a call to all those who belong to the tribes of Israel and are widely scattered, so that they too may fulfil their mission. Then mankind will hear my voice and see the radiant light of dawn that illuminates all the inhabitants of the earth.

52. Become not accustomed to my word, and when you hear it, pay no attention by what voice I convey it to you. Enter into it and grasp its meaning so that your gain of knowledge may be perfect.

53. The meaning is the expression of the divine.

54. Now what you hear and see is not the usual liturgy, nor a rite that impresses your senses. For the solemnity of this rallies is within your soul.

55. At these moments you are not within the four walls of this place of meeting. Rather, I have waited for your spiritual elevation so that you may attain communion with my divinity in the true inner worship. I have allowed you to build these meeting places so that you may find in them devotion, silence and collection of your thoughts, thus attracting my divine ray. But these four walls are not my temple. These meeting places are places for your gatherings. For the true temple, my sanctuary, is in your heart.

56. You ask Me if these meeting places will disappear after 1950 and I answer you: No, you do not know how long I grant you these places. For as long as there is not among the people the knowledge of my work, the exaltation and the perseverance in my law, you cannot renounce them. After my farewell you will gather on the day dedicated to rest ─ not as a tradition or for commemoration, but to remember and interpret my word and that of the spiritual world. So that you may give each other true testimonies of my miracles on your ways; so that you may remain united in love for me and offer me a pleasing reverence and your hearts may not grow cold nor become tired of me, fanatical or materialistic.

57. You do not know how long I still leave these places of assembly to you. Because after 1950 new ones will continue to be founded ─ not so that my word sounds in them through the voice bearer, nor so that the spiritual world adjusts ─ because these times will then be over ─ but so that my word and my teaching will be imparted in them purely and unadulterated, as I have given it to you. In this atmosphere of peace there will be my presence, that of Mary, the presence of Elijah and the spiritual world. There the sick will be healed, the blind will open their eyes to the light, the worldly respect will be known, the sinner will repent, and all will receive what they need so that the crystal clear water, the good fruit and the good seed may spread.

58. You do not know whether in the present incarnation you will get to know the true temple of my divinity. But you have the task of preparing the way. If you do not reach the goal, at least leave the way prepared for your children, or so that their children can enter the temple of my divinity. Then you will understand that my presence is not only present in these places of gathering, that your soul should not only worship in them. You will realize that the temple of divinity is the universe, your heart is the altar, your faith is the lampstand, your faith is the candlestick and the offering. Creation is also a temple, even the dust on which your feet step. The mountains are altars that rise to Me. The valleys with their mats and their flowers offer their sacrifice to Me. The royal heavenly body, all the stars and planets are worlds that pay Me their tribute of love, and everywhere you go or look is My Divine Spirit as Father. So recognize that you live eternally within the temple.

59. Everyone carries a temple within himself, and your home is also a sanctuary, for in it dwells the human family, which is like the spiritual family. There in the bosom of the family is my best temple.

60. But today I see that the true light is not understood by those who go far from the way. I see that the only place where they rise to Me is the material church.

61. I see the chaos in humanity, the disregard for human and divine laws. My teaching was hidden in this time and was considered something that belongs to the past. Therefore, people fail, the institutions fall apart and mock the sacred. This is how I find people: rejecting each other, destroying each other, killing each other, confusing the soul with the body, the divine with the human and the light with the darkness.

62. In this time of confusion and evil I have chosen a misunderstood and inferior nation: the Mexican nation, to make the call to them and to the chosen ones who live in other nations, to gather them around Me, to smooth them with the chisel of My Word, to give them tasks, and then to send them prepared and full of love as ambassadors of My Work throughout the world

63. This is the responsibility that rests on the crowds of people who hear my divine word.

64. I purify my people and remove their imperfections. But this purification will not only take place in your spiritual activities, it will also affect your homes. I have appeared like a whirlwind, and its power 'causes all bad fruits to fall down, so that in the foliage of the spiritual tree and the human tree only the good fruits remain. For the time of trials is approaching, in which men will question you.

65. My work will be considered a new sect. Men will interrogate you in your private life, at home, at work, in all your duties, and then, if you are not prepared to bear witness to me, if you do not confirm my word with your deeds, you will be like those hypocritical Pharisees who hid the rottenness of their hearts under their blameless mantle.

66. The judgment of your Lord will take place in the last year of my being here, especially the day of my departure will be felt by all and seen by every eye ─ that of the sinner and that of the sinless ─ I prepare all of you so that you may be true bearers of my Word ─ of the Word that the HolySpirit brought to you in this time.

67. Keep calm and peace of mind because you have entered the time of the battle which I announced to you long ago. This fight will take place among yourselves. In it you will take up the same weapons. Those who understand and love me will take up their weapons for my cause. Those who have not understood Me, they will take up arms for their own cause. But in the end the truth will triumph. Some time ago I told you: Remember a parable of the Second Time: "Let the wheat and the weeds grow together and do not mow until both are ripe, so that the wheat can be sorted out and then throw the weeds into the fire. I, the Good Farmer, have made grow in your hearts the wheat of my word together with the tares of sin. But now the time has come to mow with the sickle of my righteousness, so that in the heart of my workers and in the bosom of their homes alone the seed of truth and love may remain.

68. You do not get to the bottom of my teaching, and therefore the trials come as a surprise to you. This is the reason why you are divided and do not understand each other; for when my word was confirmed, you were not prepared. I am still preparing you so that you may be calm and at peace and allow the whirlwind to tear off all bad fruits. For everything that does not give life, fruit, or shade, will perish. Under the violence of the storm wind many trees will fall, many workers will turn their backs on me, many church leaders will give me back the task entrusted to them. But my will will set you straight.

69. The time will come when all those who have turned their backs on Me will awaken and repentantly return and tell Me, "Master, how pure is Your work.

70. What is happening today in the bosom of this people is happening in all nations of the world. I have appeared with my sword of righteousness to all, not only in this world, but also in the spiritual world and in every place where an imperfect soul dwells, to enlighten, purify and perfect it. The same one who speaks to you at this moment spoke to you in the Second Time. Of all the multitudes who heard Me in Galilee, I chose only twelve, and through them I spread My teaching over the world in great distances. At that time the word of Jesus appeared to many as a fantasy. Even today there is no shortage of those who think the same of the Spirit of Truth. But heaven and earth will rather pass away than my word not being fulfilled.

71. Who could persecute you, or accuse you as criminals, or slander you, if you keep my teaching? But you will teach only what I have taught you: Love, inner worship, knowledge of the true temple of my divinity.

My peace be with you!

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