BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 210

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 210:

1. I come to deliver you from the torment into which your materialism has plunged you, and bring you the light with which you can light your way.

2. You are the people of the Third Age ─ those who will really recognize the reason for their lives, and I help you to gain this knowledge with the help of my revelations.

3. You are the people of the New Era, in which my kingdom seeks your heart to be built up in it; in which you will make the good your spiritual ideal and learn that the best prayer is that of your works

4. Love and truth belong to the spiritual soul; wisdom springs from it, because it was created to love and know its Father.

5. I, the Master, shake you up with the memories of your spiritual past, which your heart does not know because they belong to your spiritual soul, when it lived its true existence, when your world was another, and you did not yet dwell in the body you have now, which is the touchstone, anvil and lesson for the soul.

6. I bring you memories of the Spiritual Life hidden behind the veil of your physicality to tell you that that life awaits you again, so that you may enjoy it fully after your pilgrimage, experience and development.

7. When you are back in the eternal homeland and feel the bliss of living in it, you will not tire of blessing this world of tears to which you came to learn to appreciate the bliss, the peace, the light

8. My return ─ now in the Spirit ─ has the purpose of reminding you of the way of the Law which will unite you with the Absolute, which will make you enter into universal harmony When you then form a part of that divine harmony, when you then feed on the bread of my wisdom, you will truly know who you are.

9. What in the world could make you cry if you are above the miseries of human life? Neither the sufferings, nor the hardships, nor the moral trials, nor the forces of nature ─ nothing will be able to defeat or discourage you once you have attained true spiritualization.

10. Your sufferings will be for the sake of others, your sorrows will be for the salvation of all men, and whenever you see the salvation of a human being, you will feel the light of the Father illuminating your inner being, and you will bless the day when you have taken the first step on the way.

11. My word is the spiritual way which you must walk with all your senses, all your mind and all your love, if you want to know where you have come from and where you are going.

12. No one knows each other yet. If you do not even know your body ─ how do you want to know your soul? But you will know each other to the extent that you apply my divine teachings.

13. I teach you through the Word, for it contains everything, since it comes from Me, who am I "The Word. Learn to speak of the spiritual in such a way that every word you address to others goes from your heart into your brother's heart as if it were a pearl, a jewel of inestimable value.

14. Learn to speak to souls, teach them to hear the voice of their conscience, make their senses sensitive through my teachings

15. Behold how all my sayings lead to the way that points the way. Though you look at them superficially at the moment, tomorrow, when you can enter a higher level, you will discover only essential things in my words.

16. I do not come down to you, people. When I tell you that I have come down to you, this is meant symbolically. For my rallies are made by an inspiration that becomes thoughts in the minds of these voice-bearers. Since I know that the moment you hear these messages, you cannot understand them, you cannot even remember them, I have ordered that you write down my words so that what you do not understand at present you may gradually understand tomorrow.

17. Apparently my rallies are not very impressive at this time, because their splendor is spiritual. But you will still feel the glory with which I have come to you, and you will see this teaching perform the miracle of saving mankind through spiritualization.

18. The spiritual temple, which is built with love by the children of the Lord, is supported by many pillars. Each of them will be one of those who stand firm in the way of my law.

19. Do you not think it possible? This is because you do not yet have faith in yourselves. I, however, have faith in all, have always had it, and that is why I have entrusted you with new and ever greater revelations over time. Verily, I tell you, the day is not far off when you will give teachings of deep wisdom to your fellow men ─ but not through the Word that is studied, but through that which springs from the Source of the Spirit when he is in communion with the Divine Master.

20. Why should it not be possible for good feelings to sprout from unfruitful hearts? Why should it not be possible for water of grace to flow from the heart of one who has sinned, to quench the thirst of those who suffer?

21. You are not only organs of understanding that think today and not tomorrow. You are not only flesh that lives today and soon ceases to exist. For me you are above all eternal souls, children of God, and that is why I draw the way for you, which really corresponds to you.

22. I will withhold from you nothing of what I have put into nature for the preservation, health, sustenance, welfare and delight of my children. On the contrary, I say to you: Just as I offer you the Bread of the Spirit and invite you to inhale divine essences and saturate yourselves with spiritual outpourings, so you must not misunderstand nor turn away from all that nature gives you. For in this way you will attain harmony, health, strength, and therefore the good fulfillment of the laws of life.

23. Thou knowest that I am your guide, people. But tell me: If I am your leader ─ you already feel me in your hearts, do you already obey me, do you already obey my commandments and my laws? If I am your guide ─ up to which point do you obey Me?

24. The voice of conscience answers from within you and tells me that your willingness to sacrifice is not absolute, that your obedience is not constant.

25. Do not forget for a moment what I say to you in my words: whoever obeys my laws experiences my peace. Therefore those who know my word do not feel lonely nor sad. For the words "misfortune", "damnation" and "death" do not haunt them like a threat or like a shadow over the peace of their soul. They strive to know the truth, to live in the light, to attain health, peace and wisdom forever.

26. Those who come to Me in the path of My teaching know that they cannot stray, for a divine light guides them. It is that light that gives them the certainty of the goal and the true meaning of their life.

27. My way is the way of good, disciples. Walk it step by step and sow it with good works, good thoughts and good words. But never recalculate your good works; on the contrary, I advise you to record your bad works, words, and thoughts in the most exact way, so that you may make fewer and fewer mistakes.

28. Leave the good seed which you have reaped to Me and take the bad seed from you. Examine it so that you may know the reason for your weakness. Take care that it is not mixed with the good grain and then spoils it.

29. Only goodness can give peace, joy, health, understanding. Therefore he who is full of love will be great in Spirit.

30. This is what I taught you when I lived with you in the world and I remind you of it today Just as I healed the sick in Jesus by touching them with my hand, so I am touching them in this time to restore their health and to let them once again share in the miracle of life.

31. Today I have no material hands to touch your sick body because I come in Spirit But the Spirit can likewise touch you with his love and make his presence palpable to you.

32. The blind people of that time ─ soul-blind ─ shed the blood of the Master and pierced the hands that healed by touch, that stroked and blessed; but they could neither destroy, nor take captive, nor nail down my Spirit. He rose above the wretchedness of men and promised to return. For at that time he was not recognized, nor was his word understood as the highest truth.

33. Here I am in fulfillment of my promise and expect mankind to recognize me.

34. But if I would ask you What became of that blessed body in which Christ dwelt? Could you answer me? I will have to tell you myself that that body, which was an instrument of Divine Love, after it had finished its work, after its lips and also its eyes had closed forever, was handed over to the earth to finish its task as a human body. But when the earth had received him in its bosom, the components of that body, whose cells were permeated only by love, were distributed in infinity, to descend afterwards as life-giving rain upon just those men who had spurned the life that the Redeemer brought them. When you think that God Himself became man to live with you, you will falsely imagine that you are so much loved by the Father, and then you also think that you are the masterpiece of the Lord. But verily, I tell you, there is no work of the Father that is not masterly, and besides, you must know that there are souls whose perfection, beauty, and sublimity you cannot even imagine.

35. Beyond you there are works greater than those which you know here, and also works of your brethren which are greater than the works of men.

36. Why believe that man is the greatest thing that exists today among the works of the Lord? You are only small creatures who have come a long way in your desire for true greatness.

37. Great and perfect are you inasmuch as you are my work. But as far as your works are concerned, you are still very small and imperfect. Therefore I reveal Myself as Master among you to give you new revelations that will bring you to the summit of goodness, knowledge, love and unite you harmoniously with all that is perfect.

38. How shall there be perfection in your world when there is pain, when there are the needy, the vicious, the injured, the oppressed, when there are the haughty, the selfish, and even murderers?

39. Bliss is the prerogative of the high homes; but in your world I do not yet see bliss.

40. Today I leave you with this word my new message, that you may rise to a new life

41. Make your peace, make your world of bliss, using the power of my teachings for this.

42. Though you have struggled a lot to get comforts, enjoyment and progress But your goals often include selfishness, bad excessive striving for power. Instead of gaining happiness or peace, you then reap pain, war, and destruction. That is what you reap in this day and age.

43. How should your works on earth be perfect when I see you hostile to the elements of nature, which are the very ones on which you live?

44. My teaching will not prevent you from using the elements and powers of nature, but it is called and teaches you to use them for good purposes.

45. The forces of nature can change in your hands from friends and brothers into judges who punish you severely.

46. It was long since time for men to reap the fruit of experience, that they might no longer challenge the forces of nature. For with all their science they will not be able to stop them.

47. O mankind ─ always far from me! Despite your forgetting, my memory does not detach from you, world soaked with my blood: I bring you my love anew.

48. Do you remember my exemplary deeds in the Second Age? ─ Listen:

49. I was outside a village when the emissary of a mighty man came to Me, saying to Me, "Lord, how long did I have to walk to reach You! I told him, "Blessed is he who seeks Me, for he will always find Me.

50. "Before whom do you stand?" ─ I asked him. "Before Him who heals all sufferings by His power. Are you the Son of God?" Then I answered him: "I am the beginning and the end, I am the resurrection and the life, I am He who came down from heaven to earth to save you. Do you see these people who follow Me through lands, provinces and villages? Likewise, you will follow Me tomorrow, taking off your splendid mantle and mingle with the common people and the poor. Verily, I tell you, you have come to call Me in the name of your Lord, who desires that I heal him from his leprosy. Is it not so?" That person was affected and felt fear. But I told him, "Do not be afraid, I have only spoken the truth, for this is what I came into the world for.

51. Then that servant said to me, "Lord, since you already know, come to the house of my Lord who calls you.

52. "O man," I told him, "tell your master that it is enough for Me that he has believed in Me. For when you come home, he will already be pure."

53. That man departed, and soon his eyes, which shone with joy, became witnesses of the word of Jesus. Then Matthew came to me and told me, "Master, a woman is asking for you. "I already know," I answered him, "it is Mary, the Magdalene, who seeks Me to free her from the influences of the Spirits who have made her possessed. The disciple was surprised that I knew everything.

54. I was on my way to a village when I saw Mary coming to Me. "O beloved Son, I know that your mouth has announced your imminent departure, and although my heart already knew it, I must at least tell you that I suffer infinitely for the sake of mankind." "Yes, so it is written," I answered her, "and so it must come true. My sacrificial death is necessary, the seed must die within the earth, so that it may bear fruit and multiply. The blood of your Son, which, when shed, will cause your heart very great pain, will be like a river of life for those whom I leave behind as your children. My death will be life, and not for a moment will you and I be separated.

55. "I go now to the house of Lazarus, for he will soon sink into the grave. But I will bring him back from there, that the name of my father may be glorified."

56. "You too, go there, that your presence may comfort those women. For their pain will soon be great, and in your love they will find very sweet comfort."

57. I returned to unite myself with my disciples. These were already the last days of my remaining among them. I made them understand this so that they would not be surprised. Peter wept and silently received my instructions. John squeezed my hands between his own when it was announced to him that he would stay with my mother, so that both would comfort each other in the hours of trial.

58. Thaddaeus was already suffering in the thought of separation from the Master, but I was still among them. The moment was tender and painful, more than lips spoke the souls. But I was "The Word," and my word had to relieve the immeasurable pain that had accumulated in those hearts.

59. I said to children as a father, to brothers as a brother, to pupils as a teacher: "O disciples, you have drunk with Me the water of thirsty pilgrims, you have endured the hardships of the long distances in the desire for my words and my works. Verily I say to you, although I will vanish from your sight, I will not leave you. If you want to carry Me in your hearts, put up with My death so that I may live in you and speak through your mouth.

60. "Disciples, listen to Me until the last of my words." Then a magnificently dressed woman came to Me. It was Magdalene, who had been looking for me for a long time to find in my eyes the light that could save her. In dreams she had seen the Nazarene freeing her from her impure burden. She came to Me, driven by her soul hungry for light and salvation.

61. She fell down before Me to the astonishment of all present, and when they expected that I would turn away from her or at least address a word of reproach to her, I said to her, "Why are you weeping? ─ You are crying with pain and with joy. But I forgive you much, for you have sinned much."

62. At that moment all the chains which bound that creature to the world fell off from her, and after she was free, she followed my trail like the most faithful of my disciples.

63. That woman, who had been the disgrace and blemish of her home and the ruin in the lives of men, was transformed by a word of forgiveness into the Master's most humble servant and later became the loving support of Mary when the hour of pain came for both of them.

64. I, who hear the voice of souls, heard that that woman asked Me: "Lord, is it possible that I, with all my sin, am worthy to be with You in this last hour You announce? Is it possible that I really serve You? ─ "O Woman", I answered her, "Rise up, for you are pure now. Cover yourself with the mantle of humility and return to your own. Seek Mary and follow her."

65. After that, when I saw the surprise written on all the faces, I said, "I am the light of the world, who came to illuminate the way of him who is lost in darkness. I am the Deliverer who breaks the chains of the captives. You have seen that which you had not yet seen, and now you have seen it. But the moment is not far away when you will all feel my life vibrating in your being."

66. I left that estate, followed by my disciples. But I stopped in the shade of a tree and told them, "The moment is drawing near, but you can still enjoy the fruit of my word. Certainly you will be left like sheep among wolves, but you will not succumb because my mantle will cover you. See how great the multitudes are; you will feed them as I did in the wilderness, and you will multiply bread as I showed you.

67. So I spoke to you through Jesus, caressing each one of my disciples while their eyes shed tears and they expressed to Me in their hearts feelings of tenderness and made countless promises to follow Me

68. Today I do not want to remind you of the last three days I spent in the world this will happen on another occasion, blessed people, where I will speak to you about the Last Supper, about my last stay in the Garden of Gethsemane, where I retired to pray, and finally I will speak to you about my sacrificial death

My peace be with you!


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