BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 171

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 171:

1. The fountain of grace is poured out upon you to quench your thirst for peace and to purify you.

2. I must teach you because I see you still weak. In this Word is the power that gives new courage to the Spirit.

3. Do you not notice, when you listen to me, how the sorrows are leaving your hearts? It happens because the voice of the Father relieves and comforts you.

4. You are still children in the long journey of the Spirit, and therefore my mercy sustains you and my counsel guides you. There are thorns on the way, and abysses yawn at its edges; but I teach you not to take false steps, not to let yourselves be overcome by temptation. For you are destined to teach your fellow men by the example of your life. By this you will give the best testimony that you have listened to the Master of Masters.

5. Although I think of your Spirit, I do not forget your body - a weak creature that needs compassion, love and patience to find harmony with the Spirit and serve its God with a trace of perfection.

6. At the end of each year, take a test of conscience, since as long as you live on earth you are also subject to the laws of the time. Turn your thoughts back to the past, let everything pass you by again. Remember the day when you heard my word for the first time, that day when your Spirit foresaw that a new period of time was opening before him, and he understood that now the veil of many secrets was torn to let him see clearly the truth of this teaching. For from that moment on you understood the errors and mistakes that were present in your lives, and the immeasurable desire was awakened in you to serve your Lord by loving and serving your fellow men. You have not hesitated to swear to follow me from this moment on, without thinking whether a moment of weakness or despondency might not come that would make you stumble.

7. But in the measure in which you listened to me, my teaching has penetrated into your being, and your conscience has been the dutiful judge who has restrained the instincts of the flesh.

8. Your conscience has never condemned your evil deeds without having warned you beforehand, making you know what it means to fulfill my laws and when to violate them.

9. guided in this way by your conscience, I left it to you to choose the way, and since you had decided to seek Me and do good in this path, I have been a tireless and loving Master to you, correcting you with meekness, judging you with divine justice and loving you as the most perfect Father

10. even so you have not yet attained the degree of spiritualization you must have to spread my teaching

11. If you make the pains, sufferings, and also joys of your fellow men your own, you will have taken a sure step along the way. As long as you judge those who are less guilty than you, and you consider yourselves superior to others instead of being humble of heart, you are still far from being my disciples. Have you not seen that I have been crucified and have forgiven mankind? Why do you not take me as an example? - Because you always perceive the satisfactions for the body with greater interest than those concerning the Spirit.

12. I see that you do not yet fully understand my teaching, nor have a clear idea of the goal that awaits you.

13. I do not want any of my children to perish in the yawning abyss of darkness. I want you to continue to ascend one step at a time on the ladder to spiritual perfection.

14. Now make a review of all your life and deeds in the light of your conscience, that you may know whether you have made progress or stopped. Some must put an end to their licentiousness. I assure you that it is precisely during the sacrifice, which for the body means renouncing its passions, that you will feel the longing to serve me and to love your fellow men. In that moment, repentance will break out, and weeping will leave freshness and peace in the heart and purity in the Spirit.

15. I have not required of you a complete sacrifice in my service, nor will I require it, for the duties you have taken on in the world are likewise demanding on you. But I want you also during this task to realize what you have learned from me.

16. Watch and pray for those who suffer hunger, sickness or misery, for I will watch over you. Fathom my word; while you do this, you will be in constant communion with me.

17. Look with the Spirit at the ladder of heaven, which rises before you as a shining path to infinity, inviting your Spirit to enter the bosom of the Father - a bosom of peace and unspeakable bliss.

18. I found you lost, like shipwrecked men without a compass, like pilgrims lost in the desert. But I sent you my light, which made you find a path full of hopes, faith, and consolation, which lifted up your Spirit and flooded it with life force and energies so that it might continue to reach its goal.

19. At the end of the ladder of heaven, at the last stage, there is a home for which you are all destined, but which must be gained by merit, by faith, by great love and mercy; overcoming obstacles and defeating adversaries until you finally reach the new Promised Land, the kingdom that is not of this world.

20. This ladder of heaven is a straight path, and on it there are no aberrations or labyrinths, by which I make you understand that you will not encounter difficulties in the fulfillment of my law and in the thorough study of my teachings.

21. You will unwaveringly go forward on this way and fight for your ascent. I will make you strong. If not with my power and my light, with what weapons will you fight and defend yourselves? With what would you overcome your temptations? If I did not cover you with my cloak of love - how could you free yourselves from your enemies? But truly, I tell you, you must also acquire my protection and the light of my sword through merit.

22. Your traces will remain imprinted on the spiritual path that opens before you But these traces shall speak of good works, of renunciations, of noble deeds, of generous love and unlimited mercy.

23. To every man his destiny is marked out by his spiritual task and his human task. Both are to be in harmony with one another and strive toward a single goal. Verily, I say to you, I will evaluate not only your spiritual works but also your material works. For in them I will discover merits that help your Spirit to come to me.

24. You will not be alone in your wanderings. Before you - some nearer and some farther away - there are many beings who also advance step by step, watching and praying for those who walk behind them. Their ideal is not to arrive alone or to be the first, but to pave the way for their brothers and sisters, so that one day the happiness of the first will be the happiness of all.

25. How beautiful this way seems to me! How refreshed my Spirit is when he sees the progress of my children, their effort to go higher and reach a new level of perfection!

26. There are beings from all the worlds, some in Spirit and others in the flesh, all performing different tasks. You are building your homestead in eternity to refresh yourselves tomorrow with the sweet taste of the honey that the peace of the Spirit will give you.

27. Blessed is he who follows me in the way of truth.

28. Blessed is he who loves and trusts, who knows his task and fulfils it.

29. When I speak to you of the "way", I mean no one on earth, because the world you inhabit is not where my kingdom is. It is the always upwardly leading spiritual way. It is the development and progress that awaits your Spirit. Wherever you therefore are on earth, you can be on the way of the Spirit.

30. My children, if you have gone astray, return to it; if you have stopped, go forward.

31. The task which you carry within you I have given you according to your abilities and your strength. You only have to understand and love it. Pray daily so that you may receive the necessary light for your efforts. Afterwards, remain prepared, mindful that you may hear the voices of those who call you, of those who implore you, and also that you may face the trials. For every day of your existence is a page in the book which each of you writes. Every day is marked by a test, and every test has a meaning and a reason.

32. I will make of you a people healthy in body and soul, for you are the chosen one, the witness of my revelations at all times; and you have come in this epoch to accomplish a difficult mission and to pave the way for new generations.

33. I have sown your way with proofs of love, that ye doubt not me nor yourselves. - You who have heard me in this time shall not sink into the grave and take with you the mystery of these rallies which I shared with you. For your most important task is to speak to men in my name and to bear witness to my revelations.

34. Do not tell me that you lack training to do this, for I have often spoken to you, and in listening you have purified yourselves. You all can carry this message into the world. People are expecting it and are prepared to receive it. Have you not noticed the desire for spiritualization and for peace that people have? Do not their ignorance and pain move you?

35. My Spirit pours out on all men, speaking to them through their conscience and telling them Come to me and rest. Receive the faith which you lack, be no longer blind in the way.

36. People, do you know the work which I am currently unfolding in the world? "No," you tell me, "we see this humanity only rearing up, plunging into great ruin and enduring a severe visitation. Verily, I say to you, I have allowed man to judge himself with his own hand, recognizing all his errors, so that he may return to me purified. To every creature I have sent my light and have stood by him in the days of tribulation.

37. My Spirit has descended upon every spirit, and my angels are scattered throughout the universe, fulfilling my instructions to order everything and bring it back to its course. When then all have fulfilled their commission, ignorance will have disappeared, evil will no longer exist, and only good will reign on earth.

38. Alas, if only you had been able to understand me, if you had known my longing to perfect you - how far you would have already ascended, and how close you would then already be to me! If your will were mine, you would already have reached the summit where I expect you.

39. But what is my desire, people? - Your agreement and your peace.

40. Here I am anew and speak to you, move your hearts in expectation of your awakening

41. Every good tree will be protected, and its roots and branches will spread out to give shelter and food to the wayfarer But the weeds will be pulled up by their roots and thrown into the unquenchable fire.

42. I speak to you in parables, and when I speak to you of this tree, I speak of the works of men.

43. To those to whom I have entrusted ministries, I say: Prepare your harvest. - Fathers of families, teachers and rulers, masters and servants, great and small, I do not want you to offer me your fields in the wild. Even if it is only a small seed - bring it to me purified and pure.

44. Come to me, call, and it will be opened to you. But come joyfully, be satisfied with your work, so that you may feel great, like me.

45. Verily I say to you, if there were a thousand prepared organs of understanding, I would manifest myself through these thousand at once.

46. I have been giving you my teaching since I first made myself known through my daughter Damiana Oviedo, through whose mind I communicated my will to you. Since then, my wisdom has been flowing through these voice-bearers, a wisdom that you should pile up in your hearts like precious jewels, because in them is love.

47. I want you, as I have taught and guided you, to teach your fellow men.

48. You are the witnesses of all that I have said in this time, that tomorrow, when my word is no longer with you, you may speak to your fellow men of these teachings. Then, in retrospect of these rallies, you are to explain to those who ask you how the Master made himself known and what the voice bearer did in doing so. For after 1950 men will question you, and stimulated by your testimonies, they will ask for the books in which my word is printed, and in them they will find my presence and my essence. If they then also seek imperfections, they will not find them; for the imperfections of those through whom I make myself known will not enter these books.

49. These scriptures will kindle the light of true faith in the hearts. They will show sinners the way to renewal and will bring forth new disciples, new soldiers, many of whom will show more faith and more love than many of those who listen to me at this time.

50.. Prepare yourselves that your testimonies may be pure and true. I shine my light upon all men.

51. Blessed is the heart that is prepared, for it will feel my presence.

52. People, it is my will that in this third time every mind, heart, and spirit should attain this spiritual knowledge.

53. The book of wisdom is opened, that all may become my disciples.

54. Watch with the greatest zeal over the teaching which I am giving you at this time

55. You are my humble family, to whom I have entrusted an inheritance, to whom I have revealed all that was according to my will

56. You do not know the heavenly homeland and continue wandering in the desert. But I have come to unite you in my love, and you shall not forget that the love of your Father awaits you. I am currently preparing the way for you so that you can recover from the difficult work of the day. But I tell you already now that there are more thorns than flowers on this path. Nothing will surprise you who have learned the ways of life and have gained steadfastness and courage on them.

57. You are my disciples in this time, you are trying to understand my revelation, and at the same time you are surprised at the progress of science. Rejoice that you have been witnesses of all these miracles, for you have not only come to know the fruits of human intelligence, but have also attained spiritual knowledge at a high level of development.

58. How many scientists who are considered to be taught deny the spiritual life while you understand what they have not recognized. Your task is to make known (my teaching) so that in this time all may take another step towards the Light.

59. I see the desire of the people who long to come to me. I have told you: I have paved the way for all to experience the infinite bliss of finding me. You who have taken a step toward renewal, toward spiritualization, feel your soul rejoicing with joy.

60. I want to leave these crowds of listeners here in a battered state before my departure at the end of 1950.

61. In the Second Time I prepared twelve men and they spread my teaching in the then known world. Twelve men were enough to anchor my law of love. I told them that I would be among men once more. And now my word is fulfilled, since the Master has returned in Spirit, accompanied by his spiritual hosts.

62. This is the time of the liberation of the Spirit, the age of light and development. You will recognize the seed which I leave behind in souls, and this seed will be the testimony of my coming to men in this Third Age, in which I have manifested myself since 1866.

63. You who are listening to me right now are my disciples in this time, and have come to me without knowing in which way you were.

64. I want my new disciples to be the sowers of peace in this world.

65. You do not know how much your Spirit achieves for his development by the short moments you take from the world to dedicate to me. Verily, I have surprises in store for you when you arrive at your Father's house.

66. It is a delicate mission which I have commanded you, but it is not a heavy cross of self-sacrifice Nothing compels you to follow these teachings since you are endowed with freedom of will. But above that freedom of thinking, living and working, which is your own, shines a light, which is the conscience, which advises you what you are to do and teaches you to distinguish good from evil. This light is I, who am inside and outside of you, who supports you both in joy and in pain when you walk on a good path or when you run towards the abyss. I am everywhere because I am the divine heart that beats in the whole universe.

67. I want no further atonement or pain for you; I want the souls of all my children, as the stars embellish the firmament, to illuminate my kingdom with their light and fill your Father's heart with joy.

68. Prepare your hearts to receive the messenger of love, who is Mary, the Mother who comes down to comfort the hearts of children

69. The most tender love of God for his creatures has no form Nevertheless, in the Second Age it took the form of a woman in Mary, the mother of Jesus.

70. Understand that Mary has always existed because her being, her love, her tenderness have always been in the Godhead

71. How many theories and errors have men created about Mary! About her motherhood, her conception and her purity. How much they have blasphemed!

72. On the day when they really understand that purity, they will say to themselves: "It would be better for us if we had never been born. Tears of fire will burn in their souls. Then Mary will envelop them in her grace, the Divine Mother will protect them with her mantle, and the Father will forgive them and say with infinite love: "Watch and pray, for I forgive you, and in you I forgive and bless the world.

73. I do not seek a harvest in your hands because I know that they are empty. I have seen those who, instead of sowing faith in their hearts, have snatched from them what little they had.

74. I have given you abundant abilities so that you may practice active charity, and therefore it is not right that you come to me as needy people and ask for my help.

75. When your fellow men turned to you and asked you for help - did you listen to them and take care of them? Your conscience tells you that on many occasions you remained deaf and indifferent, and this is not the teaching I taught you in Jesus.

76. My gaze reads in your hearts, My word judges you, and you do not tremble at it. While I judge you, I teach you, love you and forgive you. I forgive you who hear Me, and I forgive mankind.

77. At times I see you undecided, and you fear to go forward, fear the pitfalls of the way, fear even my light, because you think you are blinded by its brightness How then will you become strong and stop the pain? Let the light of my Spirit fill your being, then you will understand many revelations, and your despondency will disappear. Take no offence at the fact that one and the same God judges you, loves you, and also haunts you. Be not confused that the Father's heart is the source of the most severe judgment and at the same time of the most loving intercession for his children; but do not challenge the Father's righteousness, for you already have my light in your Spirit. For if it becomes inexorably palpable in your lives, it will appear to you that I have denied you my forgiveness, that I no longer love you, that I have crossed the boundary of righteousness, and that I am cruel and unjust; in your delusion you could not then comprehend that no one reaps pain who has not previously sown it.

78. If you would understand my teaching, you would feel my love and recognize my presence in your lives, saving you from missteps and falls and restoring you with fatherly goodness when your ingratitude or neediness has brought you down Another time you would see me relieving the oppressive burden of your transgressions to move your heart to deep contemplation, for my love and my forgiveness are boundless.

79. So far only uneducated people of simple mind and humble knowledge have come to know my work At all times these have been the first to come to me to hear me; but now scholars, philosophers, and scientists will also come. Some will do so with the intention of exploring the meaning of this teaching, and others with the foreboding that they will encounter a light-filled reality. They will all learn new lessons in my words, and this new wisdom they will discover in my revelations will transform the way of thinking, being and feeling of all mankind.

80. How much they will be amazed at the simple and perfect way I have chosen to realize my revelation, and how many explanations and solutions they will find in my teachings

81. A new time I entrust to this mankind, which consists of beings of different spiritual maturity as well as different tasks on earth.

82. A fierce struggle awaits man of tomorrow - a struggle that will not break out of the desire for material goods, nor will it be so selfish that it destroys human lives in its course. No, I speak to you of a noble and sublime struggle, through which peace and love will be restored in the world. I speak to you of work, effort and sacrifice for your betterment, both moral and material, and also for your salvation and spiritual progress.

83. On the foundations of true knowledge, love and justice, the people of tomorrow will build a world of peace and light. A world new in moral, spiritual, intellectual and scientific terms will arise on the ruins of the past, with which the lives of peoples will be completely transformed.

84. Here, where good has been so much fought against, where the sacred has been so much defiled, where all that is just and lawful has been violently rejected, the law of love will prevail Today's valley of tears will be transformed into a valley of peace. For man's good will to uphold the law will find its just reward when he recovers that highest gift of the Spirit, which is peace.

85. When man's life unfolds in an atmosphere of peace, his knowledge will be greater, his inspiration higher, than it has ever been until now.

86. How could people today be inspired in the midst of a vicious world in which so many thoughts of hatred, evil and materialism are so innumerable that they form a kind of curtain that prevents their Spirit from seeing the truth of the Eternal?

87. Come to me, O people, pray and tell me in spiritual language your longings and sufferings. For I will then take you by the hand and lead you into the innermost part of my sanctuary, where I will reveal to you everything that can serve you to adorn your existence, to make it more beautiful and nobler.

My peace be with you!


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