BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 172

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 172:

1. I have clothed you with a garment of grace so that it may distinguish you from the peoples and religious communities of the earth.

2. Only through the practice of my teaching will you be able to keep this garment pure, which is not material but is made of light, and which you wear in your soul.

3. It is so sensitive that even an evil eye, which reflects evil feelings towards your neighbor, is capable of leaving a stain on it Now you will be able to understand that - if you commit more serious transgressions - you not only cause stains, but tear out whole rags from your garment.

4. When you came forth out of my Spirit, you were all endowed with this garment, which is purity of soul. Who has been able to keep this grace intact until his return? Who has survived all battles and temptations without sin? - Very few. The majority I saw in rags, and many are without any virtue.

5. Now I have come to cover you again, to clothe you, shedding My Light on souls, like an immeasurable great mantle which I divide to adorn you Be aware, O people, that it is precisely this light by which the world will recognize you.

6. I make you free from evil so that you may be worthy to possess my seed and sow it. How could I send you bare or ragged, defiled or unclean to bear witness to my words?

7. Now that you have begun a way of renewal, do not tarry, do not fall asleep in the middle of the way, for then you would delay your spiritual progress.

8. I want every step you take in my work to be another step that will bring you higher on your pilgrimage, and that you know that every work will bring you a fruit. Do not fail to reap it, do not be content to sow and then neglect the harvest.

9. If you really desire to become masters in spiritualization, you must be persevering, patient, eager to learn, and attentive, for then you will have the opportunity to reap the fruit of your works little by little as you go along, through which you will accumulate experiences which are light, which are the knowledge of true life.

10. Those who teach my work in the world must be true experts in human nature, both in that which belongs to the soul and in that which belongs to the body.

11. From a Spirit purified in experience, strengthened in struggle, and purified by goodness, will come counsel that is true, a word that solves a problem, judgment that is right, teaching that convinces.

12. How many are there in the world who, through the various churches and sects that exist, devote themselves to spiritual guidance and, instead of leading their fellow men on the path of truth, let them go astray in the darkness and fall into the abyss of ignorance! Why? - Because they do not know men, because they do not try to understand them. But how could they also understand men if they do not even know themselves?

13. I do not want this to happen to you too, beloved disciples of the Third Age. Notice that I have taught to explore your inner being first, to get to know you inwardly, to be able to judge yourselves. Know how many great and small tests I am putting you through so that you may put my teachings into practice and live my word in truth. When you are then prepared, when you are brought into the right form by the fine chisel of my justice and love, then I will send you to your fellow men with my message of comfort, hope and peace.

14. Who then will be able to resist the power of truth that emanates from your words. Who will not feel captivated and deeply moved by the understanding, sensitivity and persuasiveness of your counsel? There will be faith in the hearts, there will be repentance, recovery and countless miracles. This is the fruit that you shall reap according to my will, this is the harvest that I expect you to bring in. But make no mistake. When I speak of the fruit in my teachings to you, there are always some who interpret this word in a quite earthly way and seek the fruit of their works in the form of flattery, honors, attentions, and even as payment in money. How far is this fruit from that which I mean in my words! You have already experienced that I have spoken of the fruit of experience, sincerity, understanding, peace of mind and spiritualization.

15. Those who on earth were still seeking rewards in the form of money and recognition are souls of low level of development who do not want to know the truth and are still content with the reward the world gives.

16. They will now awaken from their dreams and become aware of their nakedness, although they thought they were festively dressed. They will realize their spiritual misery and feel spiritual need, while they thought they had an inexhaustible treasure.

17. Disciples, take care of your garments, learn from me, so that tomorrow you may be able to teach your fellow men. Renounce every bad inclination in your heart and transform it into a fertile land where my word germinates and bears fruit, for the joy of your fellow men and for the glory of your Spirit. I am always with you, but you are not always with me. Therefore, when you come to the rallies of my divine light through the voice bearer, I say to you: Be welcome, O you multitudes thirsting for wisdom.

18. while you come to keep an appointment, I adjust myself to fulfil a promise, and I bless you because you did not let me preach alone in the desert

19. I did not come to you prepared, for for many centuries mankind, instead of studying my teaching, has devoted itself to outward rites and rituals that do not illuminate the path of the Spirit. But I forgive you, come to your aid and let you reach the knowledge that is still hidden in my words of the Second Time. When you have mastered that lesson, I will give you my new message which will fill you with rejoicing through the essence and wisdom it will bring you.

20. I want this mankind to cease to be a beginner in spiritual knowledge and to become a good disciple who understands the responsibility they have to the Father in this epoch of judgment, reparation, and spiritual ascent.

21. And you, people, must bear witness to my teaching through your works of love, that other communities also may come up to the light which is liberation, truth, and life.

22. For a long time I have given you joy with these rallies, but very few I find equipped. Most deviate from the task to which they should dedicate all their strength, love and faith, since it is precisely this cross that lifts them up and brings them closer to me.

23. If some have not understood my word, it is not because it lacks clarity, but because they did not know how to develop their minds, because they have not felt any love of neighbor in their hearts to this day, because they did not let the meaning of my word penetrate into their hearts to awaken it to true love.

24. You sometimes complain about the fact that the number of followers of my Word is increasing only slowly. But I tell you that you must complain about yourselves, because your task is to multiply and multiply the multitudes that make up this community. But if faith is lacking in your hearts, if your spiritual gifts are not developed, if the light of spiritual knowledge is lacking in your mind - how then will you convince the unbeliever? How will you move him with your faith and your love if these virtues are not unfolded in the heart?

25. He who does not understand cannot lead to understanding; he who does not feel will not arouse feeling. Understand now why your lips have stammered and stammered when you were faced with the necessity of bearing witness to my words.

26. He that loves need not stutter; he that believes is not afraid. He who feels has many opportunities to prove his sincerity and truthfulness.

27. I speak continually that you must prepare yourselves by carefully studying my teachings, that you put my word into practice, because I want your steps in this way to be sure. Those who have not really understood me or have not truly spiritualized themselves until the time when my word no longer makes itself known in this form, and my spiritual world no longer speaks through my chosen ones, and there are no longer symbols and rites among my people, will be in danger of falling into error, will remain on the edge of an abyss. But why be afraid that this will happen when I have warned you so long through and on so many occasions so that you avoid dangers, falls and afflictions?

28. It is time for you to reflect on the steps you must take along this path, on the way to fulfill your mission in the purest and most pleasing way before me For truly, I tell you, those who are inspired by these ideals will gain a true vision of their future and a certainty of all that they must accomplish in life. For them there will be no abysses, nor darkness, nor uncertainties.

29. I want you all to be such strong souls. That is why I speak to you constantly of armament, spiritual immersion, and exploration.

30. I see you repentant, crying silently when hearing my words, and I bless you because you let the divine essence of my teachings penetrate your hearts, which until today had not yet awakened to love, mercy, goodness.

31. Your Spirit has had a moment of rest, which has been a rest from the severe ordeal it endured through the earth-bound body.

32. How many souls of those who come to this rallies have not had a moment of rest since the day they incarnated into this body until they heard my word for the first time! How many beings find peace only in the short periods of my rallies! To them and to all of you I say that you may continue to enjoy my word intimately, but that you should also remember that the day will come when you will no longer hear it; then you should set out to prove your faith, your spiritualization and your obedience, in the certainty that you will then see your (spiritual) progress rewarded with the direct dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.

33. I have seen you struggle with your body to bend its stubbornness. You have had to endure great battles with your heart to impose obedience and surrender to it. Its nature resists the demands of conscience. But if you persevere in prayer, if you watch, you will make of him the best co-worker in spiritual fulfillment. This struggle is part of your atonement at this time.

34. All your qualities have been hidden since the time you were created. Intelligence, empathy, and reason have always been yours to fight the final battle. When you have conquered evil, and your Spirit is the pilot who guides the ship, you will be able to seek out your fellow men and be a shining example to them, a true witness. Without boasting of your strength of soul and power, you will show off your works and these will reveal obedience and obedience to my laws and will be the example that will encourage your fellow men to follow you on the path of development.

35. When you no longer hear my word through the voice-bearers and your Spirit feels the desire to realize what I taught you in this time, let each of my disciples consider the group of people assigned to him as his own family to teach and guide them. Be merciful to them, correct them with love and wisdom, let them breathe an atmosphere of peace like the one you have created today, then my Spirit will come to inspire and bless you all.

36. Ask them not where they come from, nor why they seek me. Elijah will guide them when their hour has come. Already today I am preparing those who will come in the last hour, and blessed are those who believe in this Word which I have given you through human transmission.

37. I am teaching you that you may be the spice of the earth, that you may make the lives of men happy through the Good News that the Master has manifested Himself in this time of sufferings and has left His Word as an inheritance, so that all may feed on it and live eternally through it

38. I do not charge you with the complete transformation of this humanity; but bring my word to the hearts in a zealous effort, then it will work wonders. What great consolation will your neighbors receive in their days of trial when you teach them to interpret my teaching, and how will you long to return to those hours you spent near me, drinking this divine essence, feeling like children, to receive all tenderness and love from your Father.

39. Humanity today is a fertile field for work. The fields are very large, and the workers are scarce. How will you offer me the spiritual progress of the generation that inhabits this world today if you do not work diligently? You have only a limited time at your disposal, and there is so much to prepare. The hour is favorable! Rebuild the temples that have collapsed within the hearts of men. Help restore homes, preach spiritualization in your way. Bear witness with your works.

40. Watch, that virtue may transform your brothers and sisters, that children may be a sweet bond between father and mother, and adolescents a firm foundation for the new generations; that husband and wife may be an image of God and His creation, and all together with the guardian angels who stand by you may attain perfect harmony with your father.

41. Your petitions come to me, the light which I have poured out on your Spirit enlightens your being All your works are present, and you can judge your merits. The sufferings you are now going through will pass away, and peace will shine in the universe.

42. Pray for the nations who are fighting each other in war. Share your bread and your garments with those who are in trouble. Open your granaries and give them food with true love. Prove your brotherhood with the world in this hour of fear. Exercise charity towards the sick, prepare the souls who must depart for the next world, strengthen the faith of the afflicted and bring peace to all. Pray, and I will perform miracles among mankind, to whom I have stood by in all ages. For if you think that I have left my throne to make myself known to you, you are in error, for that throne which you imagine does not exist. Thrones are something for vain and haughty people. Understand that my Spirit does not dwell in a certain place. Since it is infinite and omnipresent, it is everywhere, in all places, in the spiritual, in the material and in all created things.

43. Where, then, is that throne which you place under me?

44. Do not take my words as an accusation for your low understanding and recognition of the truth, for I do not appear with you to humble you in your immaturity, but to lift you up to the light.

45. Do you think that I do not recognize the development and change which your knowledge and convictions have undergone since you heard this word? Verily, I tell you, I am aware of the steps you are taking in the spiritual path.

46. When you came to my rallies, you did not believe in my presence through a man, because you had been led to believe that you could find me only in images, symbols and objects consecrated by your churches. When you then, despite your lack of faith, understood that there was a meaning in my teachings that enlightened and gave peace to your hearts, you realized that a divine light was revealed through these creatures who are destined to transmit my message.

47. A new faith was born in your hearts, a new light that gave you the knowledge that man can communicate directly with God. But this was not all; you still had to come to the realization that the human mind is not necessary for the Father to speak to you. And then you knew that this divine rallies through the voice bearer would be temporary because later the time of dialogue from Spirit to Spirit will come, once men have removed the last trace of materialism, fanaticism, and ignorance from their cult, beliefs, and acts of worship, and with them everything is spiritualized.

48. Some of you have already understood, others are already living according to it, but you still lack much to reach the goal from where you can comprehend me in my truth, in my reality, and no longer through fantasies created by your human imagination.

49. No longer imagine me on thrones like those on earth. Make yourselves free from the human form which you always ascribe to me. Try not to imagine heaven, for your mind will never be able to comprehend it in all its perfection. When you free yourselves from all material things, you will feel as if you were breaking the chains that bound you, as if a high wall were collapsing before your eyes, as if a dense mist were dissolving, allowing you to see an infinite horizon and an unknown, deep and luminous firmament, which is at the same time accessible to the benevolent soul.

50. Some say, God is in heaven; others say, God dwells in the hereafter. But they do not know what they say, nor do they understand what they believe.

51. Though I dwell in heaven, yet not in that particular place which you have imagined. I dwell in the heaven of light, power, love, knowledge, justice, happiness, perfection, and harmony.

52. I am in the beyond, yes; but beyond human sin, beyond material bondage, beyond pride, ignorance, and limitation. I say to you that I come to you because I come to your limitation, because I speak to you in a way that your senses perceive me and your mind understands me, and not because I come from other worlds or dwellings: My Spirit dwells in all creation.

53. You have struggled much and taken much time to transform your beliefs and ideas, and you must make still greater efforts to attain the spiritual goal for which I have destined you, to know your Father, to love him, and to worship him with the Spirit. Then you will begin to sense the true "heaven" of the Spirit, that state of exaltation, harmony, peace, and welfare, which is the real Paradise to which you must all attain.

54. Shake hands with one another as a sign of friendship, but do it sincerely. How will you be brothers and sisters if you are not yet able to be friends?

55. If you desire the Father to dwell among you, you must learn to live as brothers and sisters. If you succeed in taking this step on the way to brotherhood, your victory will be rewarded by Spirit-to-Spirit dialogue. For if you love one another and are united in wanting and thinking, I will grant you that through inspiration you come into contact with your brothers and sisters who live beyond your world.

56. My work is full of light, my truth is clear, which is why no one can walk in darkness and thereby claim that I am there.

57. When I lived among you in those days, often at night, when everyone was sleeping, people who were longing for me came secretly, because they feared to be discovered They sought me out because they felt remorse, because they had cried out against me and were indignant while I spoke to the crowd. Their sense of remorse was even stronger when they realized that my word had left a gift of peace and light in their heart, and I had poured my healing balm into their bodies.

58. They appeared to me dejectedly and said: "Master, forgive us, we have realized that truth is in your words. I answered them, "If you have discovered that I speak only the truth - then why do you hide yourselves? Do you not go outside to receive the rays of the sun when it appears? When were you ashamed of it?"

59. Verily, I tell you, he who loves the truth never hides it, nor denies it, nor is ashamed of it

60. I tell you this because many come secretly to listen to me, denying where they go, and hiding what they have heard, and sometimes denying that they have been with me. What should you be ashamed of?

61. You must learn to speak of my teaching in such a way that you never give cause to be mocked. You must also cultivate sincerity so that when you bear witness about me, you do so in words that are the expression of your heart. This is the seed that always germinates, for it possesses the persuasive power of truth that touches the heart and reaches the Spirit.

62. When I anchor my divine message in you, it must become a fraternal message. But for it to impress and move the materialistic heart of this humanity, it must have the stamp of truth which I have revealed to you. If you hide anything, if you conceal anything, you have not given a true testimony of what my revelation was in the Third Age, so you will not find faith.

63. I have proved to you that it is possible to take away the dark bandage from the eyes of the ignorant or blinded, without harming them, without offending or hurting them. I want you to act in the same way. I have proven to you on yourselves that love, forgiveness, patience and forbearance have more power than hardship, condemnation or the use of force.

Keep this lesson in mind, disciples, and remember that if you rightly want to call yourselves brothers of your neighbor, you must have much goodness and virtue to show it to them. I promise you that I will make my presence palpable in your Spirit in an overflowing way when the light of brotherhood shines on earth.

My peace be with you!


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