BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 161

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 161:

1. I am the inseparable friend of the human heart I have accompanied you at all times on all paths. If you have sought me as a counselor, you have received healing and loving advice. If you have turned to me for relief, you have found me as a physician who strengthens your Spirit. In happy days I have participated in your joy and I have smiled when you have smiled with innocence in your healthy joys that you encounter on your path of life. Call on me reverently when you are in dependence on vices, knowing that you will then harm your soul and cause degeneration in your body. Do not seek me in the shadow or materialism of a complicated or artificial life. Seek me in the light and use your abilities for your own good and that of your fellow men. I transform you so that you may return to the state of perfection that was your own from the beginning. I want you to imprint this teaching, which I have repeated so often, on your Spirit, because soon my word will no longer be heard by the voice bearer. I do not want those who have received my teaching to leave me after this time. Be ready for the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit and learn to receive my instructions and prophecies through intuition. Hear in the depth of conscience my voice that guides you.

2. The Spirit, by virtue of his free will, is master of choosing his way, and it was my will that he should make use of his reason and willpower, that he should prove his love and appreciation to me. Spirit is imprinted with the law, but the flesh is weak. I have prepared Spirit and matter so that they may form a single entity capable of fulfilling a great destiny which contains wisdom and perfection.

3. Already in the beginning of times there were two possible ways for the aspirations of the soul, also two representatives of it: Abel and Cain. Abel is the first example of obedience, and Cain the first to nourish his heart with malice and the temptations of the world.

4. My light illuminates all created things, and everyone who wants to be saved, obey the law and overcome his unruliness. I as a Father suffer for the sake of him who has fallen into temptation and gone astray; but all of you will come to me. The time of the awakening of the Spirit has come, and I have called mankind. I want you to come to the blessed city which has been promised to you from the beginning of time.

5. I show you my way and invite you to walk it out of love. I do not force you, you are not my slaves. You all carry my light within you and can choose the way that pleases you. I have seen that the world has made you tired of it and that you are getting ready to go toward the Kingdom of Heaven step by step. Pray for the people from that stage of life on which you are, and send them rays of light with your thoughts. Everything that you will do in my name, I will bless.

6. Who revealed the secrets of the flesh to man? The flesh itself. Who revealed the secrets of science? The mind. But I tell you, only the Spirit can reveal the existence of God to him.

7. The beautiful parable of Paradise, of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, was given to the first by inspiration. It was a profound message for people of all times and all ages. But the true meaning of that teaching was not understood by some and was falsified by others.

8. Out of this incomprehension arose a dispute that divided those who studied the divine revelations and those who delved into nature. Thus the fight broke out between those who seek me with the Spirit and those who expect everything in a material way.

9. How foolish were those who held the view that science is reprehensible in the eyes of God! I have never declared myself to be an opponent of it, since I am the beginning and the end of all science. But those who made their science their law were materialists. To pay homage to their science, they forgot God, the One who created everything with His divine wisdom.

10. What was the true meaning of that parable which I gave to the first? Its meaning was explained by the divine voice, which first made itself felt in man through his conscience, to warn him of the trials that life would hold in store for him. It was the fatherly voice that told the child in all love: "Prepare, watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation. Be careful! Awaken your senses and abilities so that you may pass the test in which I have placed you in the confrontation of the Spirit with the flesh, in which eternal values shall triumph over the misery of the corruptible body. Look at everything that surrounds you, but walk carefully so that you do not stumble. The body which you possess, and through which you perceive all these wonders and glories of creation, is a weak creature which you must guide through the Spirit. Do not allow it to impose its earthly desires and inclinations on you. Teach it to make use only of that which it needs in following my law.

11. Who can advise you in every one of your steps? The conscience, that divine light which I left in you so that it might be your light and your guide on the journey of life. And how can you become sensitive to this voice and call? Through prayer, which is the way to communicate with your Father. If you prepare yourselves this way, your existence on earth will be an everlasting Eden!

12. But I tell you, the inspiration I put in man was not heeded and so pain appeared in his life

13. Many today make fun of those inspirations that men received through the spiritual. But in this time, which is that of light, mankind will understand the teachings revealed in past times. But to get this far, it will still have to taste some fruits of the harvest of the tree of science that it has reared.

14. Yea, if men had cultivated the tree of science with true love from the first moment they had the knowledge of good and evil; I tell you, the fruits they would have reaped would have been quite different. See how much good has been done to mankind by all those who have made use of these fruits with noble intent.

15. How much time has it taken men to be convinced of their errors, and how much time will have to pass to make amends for the evil they have sown! But I will stand by them in all that they need, so that they give back to their Spirit the original purity.

16. I will receive your Spirit when the last human generation on this world has lived as in a sanctuary, when it has made of its existence a true paradise, achieved by spiritualization of its life.

17. This refers to men of other times; but it is good that you reflect on these teachings so that you may pave the way of those who come after you, and these for their descendants, until the time comes to which I referred in this lesson

18. My Spirit sends its light and illuminates the path where your Spirit must come to me, and where the trace of Jesus is imprinted. He who walks forward on my path feels that he is regaining his lost inheritance, just as he who moves away from it feels disinherited.

19. It is time for judgment, but notwithstanding this, it is not my desire that men should submit to my law for fear of my righteousness, but that they should bow down to my Divine Love.

20. You are a creation of my infinite mercy, and I will lead you to perfection. Centuries and whole ages will pass over your Spirit, and my chisel will not cease to smooth it. No divine work can remain without perfection.

21. Man, using his freedom of will, has bent his path of development until he has forgotten from whom he has come; and he has come to the point where virtue, love, goodness, peace, brotherhood seem strange to his nature of being, and he considers selfishness, vice, and sin as something perfectly natural and permissible.

22. The new Sodom is upon all the earth, and a new purge is needed. The good seed will be saved, and from it a new humanity will be formed. On fertile fields watered with tears of repentance my seed will fall down, which will germinate in the hearts of future generations, who will offer a higher form of worship to their Lord.

23. The master asks you: Has your Spirit prepared to receive the Spirit-to-Spirit dialogue when my word is finished?

24. Your children will no longer hear me through the minds of these voice-bearers, but you shall prepare the way for them, and they will take a step forward in spiritualization.

25. The light which illuminates this time is that of the sixth seal. Behold the lampstand, which like a source of light of inexhaustible faith illuminates all things, the living and the dead.

26. By this light the scientist is inspired, the philosopher makes use of it, and everyone who wants to penetrate to the mysteries.

27. But what are the seven seals? What is the sixth seal? Can you answer with certainty this question which the Master asks you, and could you do so in a correct manner to the theologian and to humanity if they would question you in the same way?

28. Short is the time in which you will still be like little children. For afterward you shall become disciples and finally masters who shall carry the seed of my truth into the ways of mankind.

29. I will open my treasury on that day, I will draw away a veil, and reveal a secret to you, that you may be strong among men, that you may become masters.

30. I expected that by deepening your studies you would finally discover the content of that mystery, but so far you have not made any special effort in studying my work.

31. In this you have not acted like the scientists who dedicate their lives to study. I am not telling you by this that you should become scientists, for the wisdom of my teaching is above all sciences. I only say to you: follow them in their perseverance. They cultivate the tree of science, the fruits of which I gave you (all) when I gave you the tree of spiritual life so that you cultivate it and enjoy its fruits to nourish your Spirit.

32. Pray that I may prepare you and find you worthy, for my word will be written down for future generations, and you shall bear witness to it with your works.

33. It is the Lamb who speaks to you, who reveals to you these teachings and deciphers these mysteries, for only this has been worthy to this day to break the seals. But the sacrifice of the Immaculate Lamb makes you all worthy of this light, and in due time this knowledge will reach all the ends of the earth.

34. I also speak to you as Creator, for the Father is in the Son, even as the Son is in the Father and in the HolySpirit.

35. Disciples, out of me have come the three natures of being: the divine, the spiritual, and the material. As creator and owner of all created things, I can speak to you in a divine and at the same time understandable way. Since the material nature emerged from me, I can make my voice and my word also physically audible and thus understandable to man.

36. I am the perfect science, the origin of everything, the cause of all causes and the light that illuminates everything. I stand above all created things, above all erudition.

37. So that God could call himself "Father," he let spirit beings emerge from his bosom, creatures similar to him in their divine qualities, and transformed them into human beings, so that the three natures would be theirs. But before this, the Father prepared their home for them, the earth, with its interior of rock and fire, with its air, water, metals, gases and light. All of this was like a kingdom, strong and unshakable, to serve as the foundation for the home of man: the mineral kingdom.

38. The Creator wanted to decorate this home, and for this purpose he let grow from the earth the plants, the trees with their blossoms and fruits, so that man would find food, shade, refreshment, inspiration, balm and joy in them, and this was as it were a new kingdom: the plant kingdom.

39. Man should not be alone, and so the Father gave him the lower beings, the wild animals, the birds and the fish, as friends and servants. All beings that live in the interior and on the surface of the earth, those that sway in the wind, and those that populate the waters, so that the child should find support in some, friendship in others, and support in others again. When this species was created in this way, there was a new kingdom on earth: the animal kingdom.

40. These three kingdoms formed one in their harmony. world. When everything was like a great feast, which the Lord had animated with life, light, and grace, he sent man, the being similar to his Creator, in whom the Godhead was reflected; in whom God had placed a spark of his Spirit, the conscience, so that this being endowed in such a way should reach the perfection of the soul on its path of development.

41. These three kingdoms, which form your world, were created in seven stages of development, which some people have called "days.

42. With perfect patience the Father created everything necessary for the way and life of His children. Thus in one stage he created the sun and the stars, in another the earth with its plants and the seas, in another the animals, and finally man.

43. Everything was prepared, ordered, and planned in advance, so that man would not encounter any imperfection, but would experience miracles and perfection at every turn, and everywhere find the love of his Father and his presence in all things created.

44. When everything was ready, I said to man, "Here is your home, here is your temporary kingdom. Make your way, drink from the springs, taste and enjoy the fruits, get to know everything and rise to the Lord over the earth; it is your kingdom. - When man opened his eyes to the light and to life, he felt bliss when he was caressed by the rays of the royal star, he was refreshed by the freshness of the waters and the pleasant taste of the fruits that were offered to his mouth.

* In most Bible translations it says (occasionally misunderstood): "Subdue the earth. The present translation corresponds to the original Spanish text, and in the following verses it becomes clear that man should also prove himself worthy of this calling and high responsibility, according to the Divine Commandments and the example of Jesus Christ, who is also Lord over us. In this connection, we refer to 162, 52-54, where we are also reminded of the wisdom and perfection in the works of our Creator Father, and also 167, 39 makes it clear that the commandment of love naturally applies to the entire creation.

45. But you know that man, because of his freedom of will, had weaknesses from the beginning, through which he came to know pain, work, toil, darkness, falls.

46. Everything was thought out and prepared in advance, so that the Spirit might find the way to his development. Then the Father revealed his law to him through conscience, that he might know the way of light and the harmony with the Godhead and with nature. Already at that time intuition revealed to man the existence of his own Spirit, whose conscience, which is my own light, taught him to distinguish good from evil and inwardly stimulated him to follow the right path. Then the Father prepared the way and the sanctuary for the Spirit of man.

47. In the beginning of the tents the Lord let men multiply and populate the earth. He manifested his existence, his presence, and his justice by speaking to men through the forces of nature, who - at one time charitable and at another time hostile and merciless - corrected the transgressions or rewarded the good deeds.

48. But not only the voice of the elements spoke to you of Me, I also sent to the world men who advised virtue, kept the Spirit of men awake and taught them the existence of a divine being whom they should serve and whom they should worship.

49. This was the First Time, the first spiritual kingdom, in which the Father reigned in the heart of man, who lived full of grace in that home which was made for his Spirit.

50. But this home, which the Lord began to establish in the hearts of his children, he likewise had to develop in three ages or kingdoms.

51. The Second Age, or Second Kingdom, was established by the Father when his Word became man in Jesus and lived among men; and the Third Age, with which this work of spiritual perfection is completed, was initiated by the Father with his coming as HolySpirit in this time, which is the Third Kingdom.

52. In the first, the divine Spirit manifested himself as righteousness; in the second, he was love; and to bring this work to its climax in the Third Age, he showed himself as the light of wisdom and revelation.

53. See here three kingdoms forming one, three ages in which a work of spiritual perfection is completed, three epochs which contained a secret which the Master revealed to you on this day. But be aware that these three realms were formed in seven stages, of which you have an image in the creation of the material nature - seven stages, the last of which is the perfect home of the Spirit.

54. The first of these spiritual stages of world development is represented by Abel, the first servant of the Father, who offered his burnt offering to God. He is the symbol of the sacrifice. Resentment rose up against him.

55. The second stage represents Noah. He is the symbol of faith. He built the ark by divine inspiration and led the people inside to save them. The crowd rose up against him with their doubt, mockery and paganism in the Spirit. But Noah left his seed of faith.

56. The third period is symbolized by Jacob. He embodies the power, he is Israel, the strong. He saw spiritually the ladder of heaven, on which you will all ascend to sit down at the right hand of the Creator. Against him the angel of the Lord rose up to test his strength and perseverance.

57. The fourth is symbolized by Moses; he embodies the law. He shows the tablets on which it is written down for the people of all times. It was he who, with his immeasurable faith, set the people free, to lead them on the path of salvation to the Promised Land. He is the symbol of the law.

58. The fifth time period is represented by Jesus, the divine Word, the Immaculate Lamb, who has spoken to you at all times and will continue to speak to you. He is the love for whose sake he became man to live in the human world. He suffered the pain of the same, showing mankind the way of sacrifice, love and mercy, on which it should reach salvation from all its sins. He came as a Master to teach how to grow up in humble circumstances and yet live in love, go to the point of self-sacrifice and die loving, forgiving and blessing. He embodies the fifth stage and his symbol is love.

59. The sixth stage is represented by Elijah. He is the symbol of the HolySpirit. He comes on his chariot of fire and brings the light to all nations and all worlds, which are unknown to you but known to me, because I am the Father of all worlds and of all creatures. This is the stage in which you are currently living - that of Elijah. It is his light that enlightens you. He is the representative of those teachings that were hidden and that will be revealed to man at this time.

60. The seventh stage is embodied by the Father himself. He is the goal, the climax of development. In him is the time of grace, the seventh seal.

61. Herewith the mystery of the seven seals is solved. That is why I tell you that this epoch contains the sixth seal. For five of them have already passed away, the sixth is now solved, and the seventh still remains closed, its contents have not yet come, it still needs time until this stage will come to you. When it is there, grace, perfection and peace will prevail. But to reach it - how many tears will man still have to shed to purify his soul.

62. When purification is finished, temptation will be restrained. The wars between men will cease, and there will be no more disruption nor corruption. Then will come the kingdom of peace and grace, mankind will achieve great spiritual progress, and its communion with the Spirit of the Father will be direct.

63. Just as I have revealed to you that man is like his Creator, I tell you now that this material kingdom, created by me with grace and perfection, is an open book, which has always spoken to you of the three kingdoms, the three times, and the Father's power perfection. The creation was also created in such a way that the seven stages of its creation should be an example of the seven seals, that great book of life whose veil, which covered its mystery, I have drawn away with the light of my Word.

64. Allow the light of the sixth seal to illuminate you.

65. I alone will be able to say when the sixth stage ends and the seventh begins. You live in the sixth stage, in the time of Elijah, in the third time. But although you are completely surrounded by the light of my Spirit that flows from my word, you have not yet freed yourselves from sin, nor have you reached perfection by connecting with my divinity from Spirit to Spirit. But your children, the generations to come, will attain this purity and will be my disciples who commune spiritually with their Master, true prophets in the way of the world. They will live in peace and in accordance with all the laws and will eventually create the true home of the human Spirit on earth.

66. Verily I tell you, until these prophecies are fulfilled, many suns will still pass, much water will still fall from heaven, many years will still pass and will be forgotten by men, and many generations too But in the end, that time will come when the Father will crown his work on this planet.

67. Take this simple teaching with you, which is clear like the light of the day and transparent like water, so that in the silence of your chamber, in the contemplative hours of the night, you may fathom and reflect on what I have revealed to you, and you will be able to rejoice in its perfection

My peace be with you!


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