BTL - Volum 6 - Teaching 162

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 162:

1. There is not a day that passes in which mankind does not tremble at an affliction or wonder at an event which it considers extraordinary, and yet it has not understood the time in which it lives, nor the meaning of each of these trials. With what clarity the ancient prophets Joel, Daniel, and the apostle John told you of what would happen in these times. But how indifferent were the people of that epoch to the calls of their Lord! When they occasionally break through their indifference and materialism, it is only to ask themselves, "What is going on on earth, where all tribulation, war, pain, devastation, and death is? But they do not watch, do not pray, nor do they think about what has been revealed to them, for until today they have been interested only in the false satisfactions that the world gives them.

2. The more men feel oppressed, the more they are threatened by catastrophes which they themselves have unleashed, the more they think that their own powers are sufficient for them, instead of seeking their refuge with me, imploring my mercy and asking for my assistance. They let themselves be swept away by their base passions, and make of their hatred and their striving for power the weapons with which they want to fight and defend themselves. But when did you ever know that evil can be fought with evil?

3. I will allow men to continue in their arrogance and to boast in their materialism, to continue in their lack of charity for a while longer, so that they may see where their passions take them. Meanwhile, I will make myself felt in the heart of each one who is prepared and who awaits me.

4. I have poured out my Spirit upon every spirit and all flesh, that men and women may prophesy in accordance with prophecy. I speak to you through dreams and spiritual visions and give signs to mankind through the forces of nature, so that among men a strong, great people may appear - as great as they have never known before. This people will destroy the evil which it finds on its way, and there will be no enemy who is not defeated by it, nor a wall which it cannot overcome. Those who belong to it will penetrate everywhere, its calls will be heard by all mankind, its word will put an end to every wrong doing, and it will succeed in making all men know the truth. Before his step, doctrines, religions, ideologies and sciences that hide the truth will tremble.

5. You who hear this word - give thanks to the Lord your Father that it has been granted to you to experience the fulfillment of my promise, which was handed down through the old prophets, those who had already prophetically announced my rallies to you when one of them announced to you that "my Spirit will pour out upon all flesh.

6. Watch and be strong, so that you may become a part of this people of brave soldiers, which I will shortly call upon. Do not believe - and I have already told you on many occasions ─ that only you belong to this people. For not only those who have heard me in this form of rallies will be blessed with the knowledge of my teaching. Remember that my seed is scattered over the whole world.

7. Those prophets of old received no earthly authority or authorization, they were not compelled to submit to any authority, and they concentrated only on obeying the instructions of their Lord, who put his word on the lips of those chosen by him.

8. Full of faith and courage, they held nothing back from their task of teaching my law to the people and dissuading them from religious fanaticism by making them aware of the indifference and errors of the priests

9. If you reflect a little and study the scriptures, you will see that in all the prophets there was expressed a single essence, which they gave to men in their words. They gave exhortations, revelations and messages to the people, without the errors of the materialized cult that the people practiced in those times. They taught people to obey the law and the Word of God and helped them to get in touch with their Heavenly Father.

10. People, do you not find a great resemblance between those prophets and these voice-bearers through whom I am speaking to you at this time? also on the lips of these latter I lay the essence of my Law; through their words my inspiration reaches you and radiantly bursts forth from them the teaching that calls the listeners to seek their Lord in the purest way; I am the one who is the Lord of all; I am the one who is the Lord of all, and I am the one who is the Lord of all They speak without fear that among the many who listen to them there are spies or fanatics. They devoutly carry out their task in the service of their Father, so that through them he may speak to humanity and give it these teachings which will open new paths of light to man.

11. People, there is not only a great similarity between those prophets and these voice bearers, but there is also a perfect relationship between them. Those who prophesied them, and what those prophesied long ago is now experienced by these servants.

12. Think not that in those days all the people believed in what their prophets prophesied. No, often they had to endure the mockery of their fellow men, the threats of the priests, and the persecution of the powerful. It was necessary that the prophecies that announced the judgment of God on men should come true, so that all might believe in the truth that the servants of the Lord proclaimed. Often their announcements were not fulfilled until they were no longer in this world. Also at this time these my children experienced mockery, slander, the indifference of those who listened to them. But my word will become known outside these places of assembly, even if it is mocked and rejected. Also what I have announced to you will come true, and then men will turn their attention to what they previously regarded with contempt or with indifference.

13. Just as that people were at that time imbued with faith in the invisible God, who is all power and righteousness, as soon as they believed in what their prophets foretold, so will this people, who have now received this revelation, be filled with an unshakable faith, which will be strengthened by the rallies they received from their Lord. This faith is absolutely necessary so that the testimony that comes from your lips will be full of conviction. But I have already told you that if you do not know how to bear witness about me, I will do so when the time comes, because I will not leave my promises unfulfilled.

14. How many times in the history of the people of God did men oppose my will with their disobedience, but in spite of their aberrations my word was fulfilled. The same will happen in this time. Not all will be obedient to my instructions. While some will correctly interpret my instructions, others, in an effort to reconcile what is true and fair with what is lower and fleshly, will attempt to disobey my will without realizing that the divine will, which is power and infinite justice, judges all the unfair acts of those who have profaned my word.

15. I tell you this because I know that confusion will arise among you, which I predict for you already in this time. But I will keep the book in which my word was written so that it may later be brought to the whole world and testify to what the Master told you at his new revelation.

16. Hear me through my new prophets, whom you call voice bearers, and interpret my word correctly so that afterward you may fulfill the commissions I have given you.

17. While men wanted to recognize in me an unapproachable, distant God, I resolved to prove to them that I am closer to them than the lashes to their eyes.

18. They pray mechanically, and if they do not immediately see all that they have asked for in an urgent manner realized, they cry out discouragedly, "God has not heard us.

19. If they understood to pray, if they would unite heart and mind with their soul, they would hear in their Spirit the divine voice of the Lord and would feel that His presence is very near to them. But how will they feel my presence if they ask me by means of externalized cults? How should they achieve that their soul becomes sensitive when they themselves worship their Lord in images made by their hands?

20. I want you to understand that I am very close to you, that you can easily connect with me, feel me and receive my inspirations.

21. If you look closely at the revelations and teachings I have given you through the ages, you will discover only one way that can lead you to the goal of spiritualization Remember that it is I who have taught you the perfect and successful ways and means to come to Me. I do not see why you allow yourselves to be seduced by false teachings, which only promote your fanaticism and increase your ignorance.

22. When the law was given to the world, I told you, "Thou shalt have no strange gods beside me.

23. In the Second Time, when a woman asked Jesus whether Jerusalem was the place where she should worship God, the Master answered her: "The time is coming when neither Jerusalem nor any other place will be the right place to worship God, for he will be worshiped in spirit and in truth," that is, from Spirit to Spirit.

24. When my disciples asked me to teach them to pray, I gave them as an example the prayer which you call "Our Father", by which I made them understand that the true, perfect prayer is that which, like that of Jesus, comes spontaneously from the heart and reaches up to the Father. It is to contain obedience, humility, confession of guilt, gratitude, faith, hope and veneration.

25. How many lessons full of spirituality has the Father given you through all these messages, and how much has his law and teaching been distorted on earth! This materialization, the continuous desecration and the distortion of what I have handed over to you louder are the cause of the chaos that humanity is currently suffering, both spiritual and material, these two forms of life that have always been united in man. For it would not be possible to touch one of them without the other being affected.

26. Are you surprised that many people have left me in these times and that other peoples have rejected my teaching? Are you concerned when you see the materialistic teachings spreading among mankind? Each one of you listen to the voice of your conscience and ask yourselves whether you have given a true testimony with your life to the teaching contained in my words.

27. On the grave offences and transgressions that have been committed against my law, my judgment shall come. There will not be a single transgression that will not be corrected by the perfect master. You must not be confused. Correct your faults and do not judge. Understand that I never punish you - you punish yourselves.

28. I make light in him who has sinned out of ignorance, and move to repentance him who has knowingly sinned, so that both of them may approach my forgiveness with confidence to make amends for the transgression committed. This is the only way to come to me.

29. Consider all this, you clergymen who guide people on the different paths of religions. Pray and bring yours to spiritualization. It is now time for you to repent of your aberrations and begin a struggle against human materialism, which is death and darkness for the soul. For this you shall use my truth, use my word as a weapon and live in my teaching.

30. I have no preference for one religious community or another. Not I, but you will decide whether you will be on my side. For if you do so, you will also have succeeded in uniting all of you in the Spirit.

31. From little children you have become disciples; yet I see that you do not progress spiritually, and with this you do not help your fellow men. Yes, people, you are holding up the progress of the newly added multitudes by your lack of progress in my teaching. You have created a barrier that makes it very difficult for one of your brothers and sisters to go one step further than you have come.

32. Just as I am bringing to your attention, in this rallies, even the last lesson which is still comprehensible to you, so you must put into practice my teachings until the last.

33. If you are not yet prepared, it is because, though you hear me, you have not yet truly understood me. If you have not understood my word, it is because you have not thought about it. If to this day you have not exercised a true activity of love, it is because you did not let yourselves be awakened to compassion by my word of love; and if you have not received more than you have received to this day, it is only because your merits have been sparse.

34. The multitudes who come to hear my word would be greater if they could see in you worthy examples of discipleship, because your works would then be a proof of respect, of faith, of obedience to my work, and of the observance of my teaching.

35. I have taught you to pray that through prayer you may draw near not only to the Father but also to your needy fellow men, so that you may bring them your message of peace. But when I ask you what your Spirit felt when he prayed for the nations, for the widows, for the orphans, for those hungry for bread, for the captives and for the sick, you can only tell me: "Lord, you are the only one who can do good to the needy. We are so immature and so ignorant that we are not able to feel the pain of our fellow men, nor can we understand from afar what is happening to them. We are content to ask You to pour the benefits of Your infinite love upon them. For in the face of such great needs of the Spirit, we must confess that we are not even beginners. Only You can tell us what our Spirit did during His prayer.

36. At least at this moment you are honest and confess your ignorance and immaturity. That is why I bless you, and I make my teaching even clearer so that even the most uneducated man can understand it.

37. People, you know that spiritual beings are close to men, and according to the attitude of those beings, the influence they exert on men is also their influence. You should know that when you pray for any fellow man, your Spirit separates from your body to approach that for which he asks. Draw the conclusion from this that, depending on your disposition and the degree of purity and spiritualization that you have attained in your life, the spiritual influence that you give to those for whom you are praying will also be.

38. Do not be afraid when I tell you that you are continually surrounded by invisible beings Many of them need your help. Dedicate your thoughts, your words and your works of love to them so that they may find the way to obedience and see the light.

39. The weapons I give you are not those that rob life; they do not blind anyone, do not shed blood, nor cause pain; they do not leave widows and orphans, nor homes that have fallen into misery For the weapons that I have left to you are love, mercy and forgiveness so that you can fight with their help to transform the bad influences into vibrations of light.

40. In your prayers always dedicate a thought also to those beings who - without being seen by the eyes of the body - shed tears near you. But do not try to reach them or to force them to make themselves known, except by means of thoughts. Understand that the weapons I have given you are weapons of love, exaltation and peace.

41. To become masters in this my teaching, it is absolutely necessary that you study my teaching thoroughly. I also tell you that there are spirit beings full of light and wisdom whom I have appointed as protectors. They are infinitely numerous and work tirelessly in the work of the Father, who created all things. Trust that you do not depend on your own powers alone or on your own strength, but that you are surrounded by beings who watch over you humbly and without boasting, and who work with you to ascend spiritually.

42. The Divine Law is contained in two commandments: To love God, who is your Father, and in him to love his fellow men. This is what those beings do, whom mankind calls guardian angels, protectors, spirits of light, higher beings.

43. Emulate them, help them in their mission, then a great spiritual harmony will arise, which shall exist among all children of my divinity. Peace will spring from this harmony, the highest reward of the soul in eternity.

44. I have told you that your material life is limited, and I remind you of this so that everyone may know whether he fulfilled the mission which the Father has assigned him. If you have forgotten this, I remind you of it so that you may set out to do your duty as good disciples.

45. Your life on earth is short. As soon as you realize this, you ask me for another period of time and tell me: "Lord, give me time to fulfill my task. I tell you only this: the sun rises and sets not a moment sooner or later than is appointed by the Creator. Everything is governed by an infallible law. Therefore you will not live a second longer on earth than is determined for you. That is the reason why my word sounds to you like the clock of eternity, which advises you to use time.

46. While for your soul the shining day of eternity draws nearer, night draws nearer to your body. Understand this and do not say that you fulfill my law only because you hear my word. Do not try to "fulfill" it according to your way of thinking, but by taking my divine teachings as your basis.

47. Think: When you are once in the spiritual Being, after you have fulfilled your duties and tasks in this life, I will allow you to influence the consciousness of this earth-man, to inspire and enlighten it and thus to assist it on its path of development.

48. Your task is delicate; to accomplish it you must show humility, as Jesus taught you, with the gentleness and active charity with which he fulfilled his mission

49. You must renounce the garment of superiority and social prestige, which only conceals vanity. You must free yourselves from selfishness and descend to the ragged and lepers to comfort them in their sufferings. In this way you will be my disciples because you follow the example I have given you.

50. My mercy has given you gifts, and you must show just as great benefits.

51. If your mind is pure in prayer and has turned away from all material influences, I will grant you what you ask for your fellow men. You will then experience amazement at how from your lips comes abundant comfort for the suffering. Your toil will be fruitful and blessed because you practice my teaching of love.

52. Now I tell you that you should be charitable not only to your neighbors but also to the other life forms and species, for all are creatures of the Lord. Everything is the perfect work of the Father in which his wisdom is revealed.

53. In nature all things are life, development and transformation within.

54. I let you know who you are, that with this understanding you may be beneficent to all creatures.

55. Know yourselves, know your abilities, your sensations. Do not confuse pure sensations with passions. Know the inclinations and instincts that are proper to the body, so that the Spirit may always rule it. Do not deny your Spirit the opportunities to love, for where selfishness reigns, it cannot shine in love for your fellow men. When you love, do it spiritually and so that your love is for all. If you bind it to persons, limiting it only to certain men, you are succumbed to selfishness.

56. You can regard spiritual love as universal love. Prepare your heart like a spring which receives the love of my grace as crystal-clear water and pours out on your fellow men through your works.

57. The more you feel this love within you, the greater will be the healing power that you allow to flow onto the wounds. It will be real healing balm that awakens the depressed soul to new life, and a fragrance that fills the lives of those who weep with fragrance.

58. Realize that there is no spiritual love living in the hearts of men. They love well, but with a selfish love that destroys even their own lives, because passion is like a worm that eats away the best feelings. When passions burst forth in a man's heart, they eventually destroy all the good that he had in his soul. Passion is the abyss that opens up at man's feet, and when it tears him down into its depths, it makes him lose light and peace.

59. Behold how my teaching removeth ignorance, that ye may acknowledge me as divine and only wisdom, and destroy false gods, as Abraham did when he sought God beyond that which his eyes saw. Therefore I made a covenant with him that he would be the seed of the chosen people. He proved, when he was put to the test, that his God was Creator and living God.

60.You, too, must prove the truth of these revelations, with a pure way of life and with devotions free from exaggerated and rapturous worship.

61. Remember that in the tablets of Moses there was engraved that commandment which tells you: "You shall not make for yourselves any graven image, nor any likeness of that which is in heaven above, nor that which is on the earth beneath, nor that which is in the waters under the earth.

62. Consider how long I have already turned you away from idolatry, so that you may know me standing above all that is created, above all that moves and changes, so that you may lift up your Spirit there, to the kingdom of heaven.

My peace be with you!


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