BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 154

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 154:

1. The light of my Spirit illuminates you in this morning of grace.

2. My teaching and examples of the Second Age have not been understood by mankind, because instead of mutual love I find discord among peoples and conflict between different ideologies, sects and religious communities. I have given you an example of humility from the cradle to the moment I died among you on a cross. My life, my example, my teachings and my sacrificial death have not been taken as an example by men.

3. That page in the book of God was a teaching for all times; on it I left you all that I had to tell you then, none of it I could forget. I announced to you that I would come back to you, and here I am in fulfillment of my promise. But I see your world in utter disarray, I see people trying to change the face of the planet according to their beliefs and doctrines. But I come today with love to tell you: if you have not understood the teachings of the Second Age, here I am to help you understand them with my word.

4. Listen: Once Jesus came to the bank of the Jordan and met John the Baptist there, who was teaching his disciples and announcing to them the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. When the pioneer of the Second Age saw the shining gaze of Jesus, the kindness of his face and the divine majesty that Jesus radiated, he recognized the Messiah and bowed down before him. John, who had just instructed his disciples and heard them speak of the teaching which Jesus taught, had told them: "The kingdom is near at hand to men," and when he stood before the Savior, he recognized him at once and exclaimed: "Behold, this is he to whom I am not worthy to loosen the straps of his sandals.

5. But since John was my prophet and my servant, his teachings were in harmony with mine, and his disciples were also mine.

6. On another occasion, when Jesus was near a village, he sent out his disciples to seek food for their sustenance, and when they returned, they met John's disciples who were preaching. When they reached the Master, they said: "Lord, Lord, we have met some men who preach a teaching and do miracles. Is this according to your law?" Jesus told them, "Why do you get upset? Everyone who practises charity is within the law."

7. I tell you this today, disciples of the Third Age, so that you may not consider as outside my law those whom you meet on your way and who sow love, mercy and light, whatever the name of the teaching they follow.

8. At that time I was not recognized by all as the divine sower. For many I was only a Galilean preaching on earth. Only those who discovered the voice of the Godhead in the word of Jesus recognized him as the Son of the Most High.

9. He who makes himself known among you today is the same one who spoke to you in the second time. But what men saw then is not seen in the same way now. That Master with a kind face, gentle look and loving word comes today in Spirit and speaks through a man.

10. Whoever wants to feel and see me in this form of rallies, let his mind and heart become still.

11. Many of you have lost peace of mind. But when you saw the peace and trust of your brothers and sisters, you took refuge in them, in their faith and hope, in the desire to reach the port of salvation. In this way you will help each other.

12. In this time I will raise up a people who will diligently obey my law, who will love truth and mercy. This people will be like a mirror in which the others can see the errors they have committed reflected. They shall be no one's judge, but their virtues, works, and their (spiritual) duties shall touch the Spirit of all those who cross their path, and they shall point out their faults to all who violate my law.

13. Once this people is strong and numerous, it will attract the attention of its neighbors, for the purity of its works and the sincerity of its worship of God will amaze men. Then people will ask themselves: "Who are those who, without having temples, know how to pray in such a way? Who has taught these multitudes to worship their God in prayer without feeling the need to build altars for their worship? Where did these itinerant preachers and missionaries come from who, like birds, neither sow nor reap nor spin and yet continue to exist?

14. And I will say to them, This poor and humble people, who however live zealously according to my law and are strong in the passions of the world, have not been educated by any man. These multitudes, who take their joy in doing good, who are enlightened by inspiration, and who bring the message of peace and a drop of healing balm to the hearts, have not been taught by teachers or clergy of any cult community on earth. For truly, I tell you, in this time there is not a single person on your world who is able to teach the worship of God in true spirituality. It is not in the splendor of rites or ceremonies, nor in wealth or earthly power, in which the truth has its roots, which, being humble, seeks as its temple the pure, noble, sincere, sincere, sincere loving hearts. Where are those hearts?

15. "Christian" is what a great part of this humanity calls itself, without even knowing what the word "Christ" means, nor knowing his teaching.

16. What have you made of my words, my example, my teaching, which I once gave you?

17. Are you indeed more developed men than those of that age? Why do you not prove it by the works of your Spirit? Do you think that this life is eternal, or do you perhaps think that you only have to develop through human science?

18. I taught you the true fulfillment of the law, that you should make this world a great temple where the true God is worshiped, where man's life would be a constant gift of love to the Father, whom he should love in each of his neighbors, thus paying tribute to his Creator and Master.

19. But today, when I have returned to men - what do I find there? Lies and selfishness have replaced truth and charity; pride and vanity - meekness and humility; idolatry, fanaticism, and ignorance - the light, inner exaltation, and spiritualization; acquisitiveness and desecration reign where only devotion to duty and righteousness should exist; hatred and unleashed strife among brothers and sisters have replaced brotherhood, peace, and love.

20. But I will come to my temple to drive out the merchants from there, as I did in the second time in the temple of Jerusalem, and will tell them once more, "Do not make a grocer's store out of the house of prayer. I will teach men so that everyone may serve before the true altar, so that they may no longer be biased in error, nor go astray out of ignorance because of the bad interpretations they give to my law.

21. The Master tells you that "The Spirit" is the Spirit, while the altar is the heart; prayer is the upward thought, and offering is the good works you can offer.

22. When you feel that helpfulness and love for your fellow men are your true life, how could the world not understand that the heart is not only an unfeeling organ, and that the Spirit is more than the body? How could it not understand that inspiration is more valuable than the images that man has created to represent the divine, and that the good deeds with which you bear witness to my law are more meritorious than the most valuable earthly goods?

23. Verily I tell you, if you want to save your faith and thus avoid your soul perishing in this storm, you must build your temple in spiritual form Let my kingdom come down into your heart; no one must fight against its light. Then, when the storm is over, you will see the invisible but strong and great rising of the indestructible temple, whose foundations will be in your hearts.

24. See how at this moment the world is illuminated by the bright light that radiates from my Spirit. The light helps you in your progress and understanding, and with it you attain peace.

25.The light and love spring from the heart, and peace is in the Spirit like a shine of eternity.

26. My word is loving, but you should not be weary of it, for if you only delight in earthly pleasures, I will find your hearts empty. That is why I come to you frequently to cause your heart to beat in a different rhythm when it comes into contact with the Divine, for you are continually straying from the path of your duty.

27. Why have there been and still are people who, having learned human science through the use of the abilities granted to them by the Creator, use it to fight and reject divine science? - Because their vanity does not allow them to enter the treasury of the Lord with humility and respect, and they seek their goal and throne in this world.

28. Among the sinners I will choose those who are to serve me in this time. My power will work in them, and I will transform them by my grace.

29. Reconcile yourselves to your conscience so that you may obtain forgiveness from it, for as long as you think that you are prepared and do not listen to the inner voice that shows you your faults, there will be no dialogue with me, nor will idolatry be able to disappear completely.

30. In this time I speak to you as father and as judge. But do not be afraid, because also in the divine there is the love and tenderness of a mother whom you call Mary.

31. My beloved children, feel love for her. I hear the prayer that springs from your Spirit to praise her, because you know that your lips are too clumsy for that, because you consider them unclean and prefer to keep them closed.

32. But I ask you, is there any one who has not received a caress from our Heavenly Mother? Verily, I tell you, all without exception have received of her love.

33. Behold those who were formerly depraved and who now climb the heights of the mountain. You may be among the scum of mankind today, but soon you will, in this time of spiritual trials, through my grace and your merits of patience and loving kindness, cause that you too will rise above all misery. Remember that pain is the sculptor of the soul.

34. The soul and the body shell are in the process of forming a harmonious being, aware of its spiritual and human duties. You have been witnesses of the development of the teachings, and in your spiritual contemplation you have come to understand who is the creator of all the beauty of your world, for your mind is no longer clouded.

35. You live in peace because you strive to be in harmony with your God, and peace is a treasure in this world for the Spirit. You experience it after you have fulfilled all obligations to the Father.

36. Always try to live so that you may have this satisfaction, so that your Spirit may not be burdened by any earthly concern, nor by any pain of lack of duty, at the moment of your departure from this world to another.

37. You must not tire in the activity of love, since you do it to yourselves. Speak with love of my teaching, and my word will blossom in the hearts.

38. I train you and fill you with wisdom, for I have already told you that after 1950 you will no longer hear my word through the human organ of the mind, and he who does not make use of my teachings will feel his heart empty and will wander as dead. Why as dead? - Because he will feel spiritual and moral powerless and will find no strength in his trials to overcome himself and perceive my divine caress.

39. Your task is to bring these your brothers and sisters back to life by dissuading them from materialism and convincing them of the so great grace that spiritualization holds within.

40. After 1950 I will continue to manifest myself through the inspiration of each of you. If you know how to prepare yourselves spiritually, I will do miracles. I only ask of you that your faith be at least as great as that of the mustard seed, then you will see my word fulfilled.

41. Speak and do good without fear of being spoken of. You must reach out your hand to your neighbor without making distinctions, for you do not know which inwardly suffer most. You will often experience how your fellow men will rejoice when they listen to you, and they will give you clear signs of their gratitude.

42. Invite them tirelessly into the way of good, and when they are then on it, many sufferings will depart from them.

43. Manna will descend upon the New Jerusalem.

44. I will cause to exist among you freedom of religious conviction and word and justice, so that when people of other nationalities are among you, when they return, they will take with them in their hearts a gift of love and an ideal of brotherhood and justice will be kindled in them.

45. After 1950, humanity awaits true peace. But I tell you: The deadly sickle must continue to cut the weeds until the fields are pure and the ears of wheat gleam.

46. You will see respected heads of government depart from this world, which are obstacles to peace, and the nations that should oppose divine justice will disappear to make way for new peoples that will arise there.

47. Pray that you may already now plant your seed of peace in them. Unite as one heart and one thought, and you will feel my presence very close.

48. Obey the commandment that I have left you in two eras: "Love one another.

49. As the Promised Land was distributed to the people of Israel, so shall the whole earth be distributed to mankind. This will happen when the time for it has come - after the purification. Since it is my will that this distribution should take place, justice and equality will prevail in it, so that all men may work together in one work.

50. Today the nations eat the crumbs from the table of the mighty and the rulers, while the latter enrich themselves by accumulating the bread of their servants and of those dependent on them. But though the breadcrumbs of the poor are hard, they are not as bitter as the food that the great men of the world eat.

51. The one as well as the other are victims, therefore it is necessary that I free you, that I break your chains. But it is just as necessary that the bondage and devastation caused by the plagues be increased still further, for otherwise men would not want to follow him who comes to your salvation. Do you remember the cup that Israel drank when they groaned in bondage in Egypt? Moses had to appear to bring him deliverance. Do you also remember how the people were imprisoned and humiliated in their own homeland, and how the other nations were when the Messiah appeared on earth to show them the way to salvation?

52. Also at this time there is a need for people to know scarcity, misery, oppression, injustice, hunger and thirst before liberation, so that they may finally come to an inner awakening in their desire for a different and better life.

53. When this humanity renounces its materialism and realizes how far from my law it has lived, it will say from the bottom of its heart: "How stupid and foolish we humans have been when we voluntarily gave ourselves to passions in order to be their slaves afterwards. Up there is the mountain from which the Father has made His law known to you. Climb it on the path I have shown you. The Land of Promise keeps its gates open forever in expectation of the multitudes of people to whom it brings peace and blessings.

54. When man has sunk into the depths of the abyss and, exhausted by struggle and suffering, no longer even has the strength to save himself, he will experience in astonishment how from the depth of his own weakness, despair and disappointment an unknown power springs forth, which comes from the Spirit. When he realizes that the hour of his deliverance has come, he will spread his wings and rise above the ruins of a world of vanities, selfishness and lies and say, "There is Jesus, the rejected. He lives. In vain have we sought to kill him at every turn and day by day. He lives and comes to save us and give us all his love."

55. This will be the hour when man will recognize that in order to attain true spiritual greatness as well as a sovereign life on earth, there is no other law than that of his God - nor any other teaching than that which I gave you in the word of Christ.

56. Get to the bottom of your conflicts, study the problems that trouble you, and then put my instructions and principles into practice. Then you will see how mankind can find in them the solution to all the problems that burden them. But since you feel incapable of putting into practice the words and examples of teaching given to you by the Divine Master, it will be necessary for the pain to approach you, which is also a teacher, to convince you of many truths, to make you sensitive and also to bend you.

57. You ask me: "Does not Your Word have enough power to convince us of our faults, to save us, and thereby save us from going through the crucible of suffering? But I say to you: My word has more power than you could trust it. But if he who hears me were immediately transformed, without effort, simply by the fact that he has heard my word - what merit would there be on your part?

58. It is necessary that he who hears it should have faith, will, effort, and love. Then he will have a great merit, whose reward or distinction will be not to experience suffering because he has used my law and teaching as a weapon.

59. Ye multitudes who are listening to me now, feel ye not above your Spirit the presence of my law? Do you not feel that your heart beats as newly revived when you hear my word?

60. Pray that you may understand, and be vigilant that you may put into practice my teachings, for in this bitter and difficult hour for humanity you bear great responsibilities.

61. If, in spite of the great afflictions which afflict you, you do not lose that trace of spiritualization which you have been able to attain, you will see true miracles come to pass on your way, through which your Father encourages you in your difficult journey through life.

My peace be with you!


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