BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 155

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 155:

1. Many of the teachings I am giving you in this time appear new to you because they were forgotten among you. But now is the time in which I bring them before your eyes again. I have prepared a great field of work for you, to which I invite you to sow on it the seed of eternity, which I am currently handing over to you.

2. I educate my new disciples, who through their faith and charity will gain more and more power over the sicknesses of body and soul - a power over the forces of nature and also over the spiritual world.

3. Understand that the times of ignorance are over. Now you live in times of understanding and comprehensive realization of my teaching. Can you imagine how far you would have come already if you had practiced my teachings from the first times and followed my commandments? But you have slept for a long time, and you have also spent long periods of time satisfying the body through lustfulness, and all this has held you back on the spiritual path of development. Therefore, today, when I have come to you with a new spiritual teaching, the same appears to you strange and out of harmony with your way of thinking, feeling, and living. But you need only think about one of my rallies to recognize the truth of my word. Then you see that my teaching is not strange, but that your way of living is strange.

4. Come to my "land", I will remind you there of all that you had forgotten. I will wipe out all that you are not to keep as spiritual seed, and I will show you all that you have not seen before. With one single step I will snatch you from the standstill into which you have sunk and will let you enter into a new life - the one you should have lived from the beginning.

5. See how simple this word is, which blossoms on the lips of the voice bearer? But verily, I tell you, it will bring men, in all its simplicity and modesty of expression, to the understanding of that Wisdom which they were not able to comprehend through the sciences and the theologies.

6. The good disciples, the persistent, the faithful will be the great explorers of this teaching. They too will be humble, but in spite of their simplicity they will amaze their fellow men by the light of the Word.

7. My people shall not only speak with their lips, but shall preach my teachings with their works, and thereby teach how to fulfill and respect my law. They shall selflessly pass on what they have received from their Lord. They shall prove their zeal for the truth and the genuineness of the treasure entrusted to them.

8. Teach your fellow men by good, sincere, and generous deeds Remember that you must purify your soul already here, so that it may be worthy to be there at the time of its passage to the other world, and that it may not be disturbed, nor go astray.

9. You have the necessary power to remove from your path everything that stops your steps. You already know that the weapon that defeats everything is love. Very great will be the rejoicing of him who wins in this human struggle and shows himself as the victorious soldier after winning this battle.

10. Remember that it is I who gave you the weapons, and that I was not content with them, but that I also taught you to fight to win the battles.

11. So what then are you to seek in other ways, since I am currently giving you everything in the way of truth?

12. I have opened up the minds of the untrained, that they may be refreshed in the interpretation of my words. I have opened the eyes of the "blind" to the light of truth, so that they may purify themselves from their sins, since they feel loved by their Lord.

13. Were not you prophetically prophesied from the first times that the day would come when every eye would see the Father? So he who is pure will see me, and this will be his reward; and he whose heart is stained will see me likewise, and this will be his salvation. He who opens his eyes to my light penetrates to the mystery and recognizes the why. He experiences the beginning and the end. He must take firm steps in the future.

14. Interpret my teaching correctly; do not think that my Spirit can take pleasure in seeing your sufferings on earth, or that I come to take away from you everything that gives you pleasure, to take pleasure in it for me. I come that you may recognize and respect my laws, for they are worthy of your respect and observance, because they bring you bliss when you obey them.

15. I taught you to give to God what is God's, and to the "emperor" what is "emperor's"; but for the people of today there is only the "emperor", and they have nothing to offer to their Lord. If you at least gave the world only what was necessary, your sufferings would be less. But the "emperor," whom you let determine your doing and leaving, has dictated absurd laws to you, has made you into slaves, and takes your life without giving you anything in return.

16. Consider how different is my law, which binds neither the body nor the Spirit. It only persuades you lovingly and guides you full of goodness. It gives you everything without selfishness and selfishness, and everything rewards and rewards you in time.

17. Understand, disciples, study my lessons so that you may learn that I will train with you a people in whom the Father places his trust, for it will be prepared to accomplish great missions. A people that does not despair at the first cry of alarm, a people that knows how to meet the one who calls himself his enemy, and that forgives him, loves him and teaches him.

19. So shall you be prepared according to my will for the day of my departure. You all know that 1950 is the date fixed by my will, from which time on I will no longer make myself known through the organ of understanding of the voter; and since my word is always fulfilled, this date will bring to a close my rallies, which for you marks the beginning of the Third Age.

19. Do not desire to change this date, nor in any way seek to maintain the rallies of my word in their present form, nor those of the spiritual world. Already now I tell you that those who should nevertheless do so will no longer be enlightened by the light of the Master.

20. But why should you commit such a desecration when I have announced and also promised you that after this time you will hold communion with me from Spirit to Spirit, even if you have not been voice bearers?

21. Also I have told you that those whom I have called and equipped to be prophets of this time will have the task of warning the multitudes and not letting them sleep. to them I will reveal great teachings to help you not to fall into temptation

22. I speak to you with the greatest clarity, even if I use a symbol, because I know that you can understand me better this way. When I spoke to the crowds in the Second Time, I often did so by means of parables so that they would understand me. But when I only addressed my disciples, I did it with words that were simple but profound in their teaching.

23. Understand, then, that I speak through parables and use a symbol so that the "last," those with an untrained mind or those who have not yet developed their Spirit, may be able to comprehend the full meaning of my teaching. If I make revelations to you without using symbols, they are intended for those whose development and knowledge of spiritual teachings enables them to better understand.

24. In vain will many people say that this teaching is new, or that it has no relation to the divine revelations given to you in times past. I assure you that everything I have told you in this time by means of the human mind has its roots and its foundations in what was prophetically proclaimed to you already in the First and Second Times.

25. But the confusion of which I speak to you comes because those who interpreted those (earlier) revelations have forced their interpretations upon men, and these were partly true and partly false. It also happens because that spiritual light of my teachings was withheld from men and sometimes given in falsified form. That is why today, when the time has come where my light frees you from the darkness of your ignorance, many men have denied that this can be the light of truth because according to their opinion it does not agree with what I taught you before.

26. I assure you that none of my words will be lost and that the people of this time will finally experience what I have (actually) told you in the past times. Then, when the world learns about spiritualism, it will say, "Indeed, all this has already been said by Jesus!

27. And indeed, I have already told you (then) everything, even if of many of the revealed truths I only proclaimed to you the fundamental of them. I left them to you so that you should gradually learn to understand them, for at that time mankind was not yet able to understand all that which I am now showing you in full.

28. On one occasion Jesus was with a man who was well versed in the Law, and in answer to his questions the Master made a revelation to him*, when the man, astonished at what would never have occurred to him, said: "Lord, but how can this be possible? To which the Divine Master replied: "If you cannot believe in the earthly things I am telling you - how could you believe in the heavenly things? But now is the time for you to understand me, because the evolved spirit of man can receive that intense light of Deity which reveals, reveals and explains everything, and which you call the light of the HolySpirit, that is, the Spirit of Truth.

* About the reincarnation of the Spirit with the soul in the nocturnal conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)

29. Therefore be of good cheer, beloved people, because the teaching which I have brought you in this time will be the bread of eternal life for you

30. Also today I give you the teachings, which you will only fully understand in the future, only in indicated form, because now you would not understand them, nor would many of you believe them. With this I want to tell you that you have not yet reached the goal, the summit of spiritual knowledge, nor have my divine teachings reached their limit.

31. Be my disciples forever and ever, watch over my word forever, which you shall never try to change. My law and my teaching never contradict each other. In the divine, all is order, harmony, and perfection, which you can see for yourselves by the material nature that surrounds you.

32. No one in the Second Age was able to resist the divine power that emanated from the word of Jesus. Those who heard it were immediately convinced, overcome, and disabused. The sinner as well as the arrogant, the poor as well as the rich, the Pharisee as the scribe, the representative of God as well as the representative of the Emperor - all who believed in Him felt their Spirit tremble in the face of the divine presence of the Son of God.

33. The reason for this was that the word of Jesus was only the explanation of his works, for the testimony of his existence was contained in the words of his teaching.

34. In the same way Jesus taught his disciples, showing them that for the credibility of their word it was necessary to support them by the example of their good works.

35. Even on the lips of those disciples the word of God had to shake those who heard it, because light was radiating from their eyes, and their words contained truths that could not be rejected. They too taught by their example, preached by their works, and sealed them with their blood as their Master had sealed them. With their death they confirmed the truth of the words they spoke to the world. Therefore they won the hearts of the peoples and the nations, to whom they brought the seed of truth and love.

36. The multitudes, even nobles and Gentiles, surrendered to the truth and purity of my teaching, which was exercised and preached pure and true.

37. No one who has had the good fortune to receive my word in his heart in its original purity has ever strayed from the path. But how wretched were those who received my word mixed with human unfairness! When they finally discovered those imperfections, they turned their backs on him, mocking what they had previously thought to be absolute truth.

38. Behold those great nations of the earth, how they are dominated by selfishness, which is the denial of my teaching! See how they are sunk in materialism, living only for the world and ignoring every spiritual call! I tell you, they too have come to know my teachings. But it was lacking that those who passed on my seed should bear witness, by their lives and by the example of their works, to that truth which they should have done, as did those disciples of the Lord and some others who later on acted as they did and passed on the truth of the teaching at the risk of their lives.

39. How is it possible, you sometimes ask yourselves, that although this world was sown with the word of the Savior and watered with His blood and that of those who followed Him, there are men and peoples who have not preserved anything of that teaching?

40. To this I tell you that in this time there were missing apostles of truth who with their works of love point out the faults of men and testify to the truth contained in divine teaching

41. From the realization of my teaching, which teaches you only love, mercy, awe, justice and peace, there was a move to idolatrous worship, materialism, religious fanaticism, desecration, and when mankind felt a departure from the truth in all this, they strove for their liberation.

42. Today many have not only turned away from following my teaching, but have fought it and are trying to eradicate it completely from the hearts of men. They do not know that I am about to surprise them by using that word that no one can resist - with that voice that made kings and lords tremble and brought down thrones and empires. But before that, every plant that has not been sown by me must be uprooted, so that my divine seed may fall again into prepared soil.

43, Disciples, take up all this lesson deep within yourselves, so that you may be among those who watch and pray in the time of trial.

44. Nothing disturbs your peace in this moment, nothing interferes with your devotion, which made you attain inner exaltation.

45. Whenever you receive the Master in this way, you will feel the disappearance of the tribulations that sometimes cover your hearts as if in mist

46. Great is my merciful love, because your sufferings are great also. But do not say that times have changed, and that these have brought you pain; for time as such does not change, it is people who change.

47. Your life has changed because of science, new laws, ideas and customs If your soul always adhered to spiritualization, it would not be infected by the materialism that surrounds it; but it often lets itself be carried away by the influences of the world. But at the height of materialism, my divine light comes to you and asks you: What changes have you observed in the nature that surrounds you? But look beyond material things, and you will see the spiritual and intellectual development of men.

* Note that this was said in the first half of the 20th century. ─ Besides: The processes in nature follow at all times without any deviations the known and possibly also not yet known laws of nature.

48. Dense is the darkness that surrounds you, but the Spirit needs freedom. This freedom is given by my word, which will perform the miracle that the Spirit is reconciled with the body, understanding that both are united by a single law. Then body and Spirit will work in harmony with the conscience, which will reveal to you who you are and where you are going.

49. Your works will come into being according to your way of thinking, and when your thinking is enlightened by the inspiration of the Spirit, and the Spirit listens to the voice of conscience, your works will be perfect, for the Spirit is perfect by reason of his origin.

50. I will always tell you: make use of the satisfactions that your world can give you, but enjoy them according to my law, and you will be perfect.

51. Again and again you hear the reproach of conscience, and this because you have not harmonized body and spirit by the law given by me.

52.) Many times you continue to sin because you believe that you will not be forgiven. This is an erroneous opinion, for my heart is a door that is open forever to him who repents.

53. Is there no hope left in you that encourages you to wait for a better future? Let not melancholy and despair take hold of you. Think of my love which is always with you. Seek with me the answer to your doubts, and you will soon feel enlightened by a new revelation. The light of faith and hope will shine deep within your Spirit. Then you will be a defensive force for the weak.

54. Years of hunger are coming upon you, but if you love each other as brothers and sisters, the miracle of the First Time will again occur and manna will fall upon you.

55. I will loosen the tongues of men in this time, that they may know me by one speech: The spiritual, that of love. Then the prophecy of Isaiah will be fulfilled when he said: "Tongues will become free because tongues of fire will loosen them.

56. Give visible expression to my mercy, speak of my work, do not shrink from sacrifice. Make use of your weapons of love, mercy, generosity and gentleness, and if you face the battle with faith and courage, victory will soon be yours. But get to the bottom of my word, so that you do not feel that my teaching forces you to obey it; for I only invite you to listen to me, and - once you have understood me - he who does it out of love, out of conviction, out of his own free will, goes to the fulfillment of his task. My duty as a father is always to show the way to the salvation of my children.

57. Dear ones, recognize that in this simple teaching you have a possibility to know and understand the love of your Father. I, too, long for the simplicity and sincerity of your heart to reveal me to you in fullness.

58. Now in the time of my rallies, I am revealing myself in all vocal carriers and am giving through the same instructions and teachings. Who could dare deny that I make myself known through this or that? Who really knows my real nature? Love and respect one another so that your work in heaven may be counted as merit. It is also my will that my word appear in print so that future generations may know it.

59. So that you may be recognized by your fellow men, you must take care that love always guides your actions. Be compassionate with strange pain, eliminate with the authority I have given you the bad influences that undermine the health of your fellow men, and you will be recognized by them as men with spiritual power.

Hear my parable:

60. "An old man walked slowly and laboriously along a path. Soon he was caught up by two young men who hurried along the same path and said to him, 'Dear old man, is your destination still far away? To which the old man replied: 'Your goal is still far away, the way is still long, and you must walk it carefully so as not to tire. Though I am tired, I believe I can reach my goal with the last effort!

61. After listening to him, these young people hurriedly continued on their way, forgetting the old man's words and making disparaging remarks about the confidence of this elderly wanderer who hoped to reach the end of the road, although in their opinion he was almost about to fall over.

62. The old man continued on his way, but those young men who had left him so quickly were later overcome by thirst, hunger, and tiredness, and finally collapsed from exhaustion. They were fast asleep when they were caught up by the old man, who woke them up and kindly said to them: 'You young people have now experienced in your youth what exhaustion is. Go this way, which is so far, not in haste. Let us walk carefully, and I assure you that we will arrive. But those replied sleepily, 'Leave us behind, we have exhausted ourselves to the utmost and can go no further. You have a walking stick and you can go on, we have none.'

63. When the old man, who was not understood, saw them thus, he offered them in pieces of bread with which he strengthened them, and brought a little water to their lips, and quenched their thirst. He helped them to get up, accompanied them on their wanderings, and inflamed their faith until he had finally brought them to their goal.

64. Think deeply and learn, beloved disciples, for you have the task of being leaders of mankind.

My peace be with you.



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