BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 157

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 157:

1.  People of Israel, thou revealest thy heart unto me. I want you to love me as your father. My Spirit longs for your love. The world has forgotten me, and when it seeks me, it does so by means of imperfect cults, and since it has no proof of my presence, it loses its faith and becomes unbelieving. If you were to tell someone that I am currently speaking to the people of Israel, he would not believe it, would demand proofs from me and would be like Thomas. But I have said to you, "Blessed is he who believes without seeing.

2. The temple which I have prepared for me is in the Spirit of man himself, as I have always taught you.

3. Study my rallies and remember that I came to you once more because you did not understand how to come to me. Although you had the Law, My Word and the prophecies, you did not understand your purpose and did not fulfill your mission. If you had grasped them correctly, you would have expected the events that would indicate this new age.

4. I have come to give you my teaching as in the Second Age. Many will not acknowledge me, only those who spiritualize will clearly recognize this rallies. You who hear me, have compassion on humanity that has not discovered my trace, and prepare yourselves to teach and become masters. With what joy you will see your disciples' faith and knowledge grow in my teaching.

5. Many hearts will come to me. Those filled with pride will come humbly. Others will arrive guided by their conscience, judging their works and with great repentance. I await them to prepare them, so that their Spirit may be like a pure spring and my Word like crystal clear water that quenches their thirst.

6. Elijah was sent to prepare those who would receive this light. He surprised mankind, caught in a deep sleep and deaf to all that is spiritual. Only a few were prepared to receive the message. What bliss was in those children when they saw my promise fulfilled! And what love was in my Spirit for all people! The years have passed, and my word full of life force has come down to nourish the hearts. Others will awaken later, when this rallies is over. But they should not complain about it, for a time of greatest grace is coming for all, in which you will endeavor to commune with me without physical intermediaries.

7. The scientists will be haunted by me. Many strange diseases will arise, and they will not know how to heal them; they will be unable to relieve the pain. Only those who rise spiritually will have the ability to heal. There will be clergymen who will join the "people of Israel" full of desire to spiritualize. Many who have been "first" will be "last. Of many institutions and churches that were not founded on foundations of love, no stone will remain upon another. I am currently cleaning the fields, and I do not want weeds to grow next to the wheat.

8. Visit the homes, turn to the infirmary, help those who are suffering in prisons and places of atonement, comfort all, go in my name and use your spiritual gifts.

9. Take the spiritual world as your model, emulate it in its patience and in its love for mankind, in its struggle for the welfare of all of you.

10. Many who loved the world very much, but later listened to me, recognized their errors and felt within themselves a growing desire to purify themselves. They are experiencing an inner struggle, and afterwards they ask me: "Lord, is it necessary to deny the 'flesh' and the world in order to achieve that our Spirit may be set free? To this I answer them: "The merit is not in denying the 'flesh', but in achieving harmony between the Spirit and the body that serves as its covering. But how can this harmony be achieved when the Spirit does not first let itself be guided by its conscience?

11. Do you think that I have used your body as an enemy of your Spirit? "No", you answer me. But that is how they have always acted - like enemies. Always the one has been at constant war with the other - the "flesh" because it prefers the world with its false festive garments, and the Spirit because it feels the desire to free itself and reach a degree of higher perfection.

12. Only my teachings, which are the explanation of the law, will be able to bring you to harmony, to the inner reconciliation of your being. Believe me: when you have won this battle, the whole way will be easy for you.

13. You shall understand this in this way: The "flesh" is the ship, the Spirit is the helmsman. How should it be right for the ship to steer the helmsman as it pleases him?

14. It is from this lack of harmony in man that the great storms have arisen, in the majority of which the Spirit has been the defeated. But when the "flesh" has finally become docile, through the power of persuasion and the confidence with which the Spirit moves towards his great goal, and without rebellion takes up the task that falls to him and no longer deprives his soul of what is due to it, then harmony will have been achieved between the two natures of which the human creature is composed. You will achieve this elevation when body and soul walk together on the path of spiritual development, which the love and wisdom of their Creator shows them by means of their conscience. The "flesh" will then crucify itself on the cross of sacrifice and renunciation because of its obedience, obedience and gentleness to the Spirit's commands, to give its Spirit the exaltation and joy of having attained its place in eternal life.

15. Freedom of will is the highest expression, is the most perfect gift of the freedom granted to man on the path of life, so that his perseverance in the good, which he has attained through the counsel of conscience and through the trials he has passed in battle, may make him reach the bosom of the Father. But freedom of will has been replaced by licentiousness, conscience is overheard; one listens only to the demands of the world, and spiritualization has been replaced by materialism.

16. In the face of so much confusion and aberration, my teaching will seem absurd to the men of this age. But I tell you that it is the right teaching to achieve that men should free themselves from the lethargy in which they have fallen.

17. Earth pilgrims, put down your walking stick and your travel bundle and rest from your long wanderings. Sit down here with me, eat of my bread and speak to your master. Let your Spirit come to me in perfect communion.

18. You are the same people who followed me at other times in the desire to perfect your soul, but now you ask me in surprise, "Why have you returned to us? And I answer you: It is written that the Spirit of my children will live at the right hand of his Lord for all eternity. But in order that you may come to me, it is necessary that you learn and earn merit in the following of your Master.

19. I have sown my seed in you at all times, but how few are those who have loved me! I have revealed my power through messengers, through chosen ones from a great number of spirit beings - since the righteous Abel, who was an example of humility; Joseph the son of Jacob, who was anointed with wisdom and holiness; John the Baptist, who lived only to bear witness to me, without using anything of the world that would have harmed his body or soul. And like these who were pure Spirit, there are so many others you know and whose work grows and takes on huge proportions over the years. But so many proofs and so many calls, which you let die away in infinity, were not enough for you, because you did not want to recognize the reflection of my divinity in my messengers.

20. You have asked for the presence of your Lord to be very near to him and to hear his voice speaking in your own language, and it has been granted to you that you may obtain your salvation. But although I was so near to you and I spoke to my people, you did not follow me and forced me to come back to you.

21. My teaching of the second time is written in the book of your conscience. I taught you to love and receive the caress and tenderness of Mary. I was happy to feel the warmth of the mother's womb and also to enjoy the food that her bosom offered me. I was able to be happy with her and also shared with her the hardships and the hard daily work. I received the caress of the rays of the royal star and enjoyed the sight of the mountains, the fields, the sea, and I bestowed my blessings on all. I blessed the grain fields, the waters, and everything that gives food to people.

22. I extended the hand of friendship, rejoicing in the innocence of little children, the grace and noble disposition of young men, and the purity of heart of virgins. It filled me with satisfaction to see the selflessness and sacrifice of the mothers and the energy of the men. For thirty-three years I lived in the world, so that man should directly experience the perfection and example of his Lord, whom he could look at close up, in order to learn to take me constantly as an example. I taught you the love of God and the observance of his laws. I told you how to love your parents, your brothers and sisters and your children, spoke to you about the love between spouses, showed you the decent way of work, mutual respect and helpfulness, invited you to live in perfect communion with the Father and also in harmony with nature.

23. Nevertheless, many were called, and only a few were chosen. It was twelve to whom I bestowed the fullness of my wisdom. I held them responsible for the Second Testament, for the teachings, almost all of which were given in a figurative sense, for my innumerable parables; and all this was forever imprinted in the Spirit of men, so that neither time nor the changing fortunes would be able to extinguish it.

24. I gave courage to those creatures, so that nothing should intimidate them in the battle that awaited them, and that they might stand up to the scribes and defy human science. I said to my disciples: "I leave you as shepherds of men, that flock which is scattered today and which must be united in a single obstacle. I also told them: "Build the temple"; but when I said this to them, I did not mean temples built of stones, I spoke to them of the Spirit, which is the proper "place" to build a dwelling for your Lord. Man cannot even imagine my temple, for it is formed by the universe with all its creatures, and in it is the true altar, the offering and the light.

25. The heart of my disciples was prepared, the vessel was pure inside and outside, and full of goodness, faith, and hope. So they set out to bring the Good News to mankind. When they spoke to their fellow men after my departure, they told them, "You all can receive the Lord; in his word is contained the blood and body of the Master.

26. So they spoke, and I led them step by step. They knew how to teach and confirm all their words by deeds. Wherever they were, they were within the temple - whether in the desert, in their homeland, or in the various countries their foot stepped on. Their mouth was like a spring of crystal clear and refreshing water that purified the nations.

27. They wore neither crown, nor sceptre, nor purple robe, like Jesus; they were humble. I told them, "Be humble, be the 'last' wherever you go. Give to your fellow men all that you have received from me, hide nothing and see to it that my seed multiplies and reaches all hearts.

28. My disciples always respected human life; they never dared to take my place as judge. They knew to leave a matter, just or unjust, to me, for only I could solve it properly. They did not ask people why they sinned, and they had compassion and mercy toward all.

29. Now in the third time, as my people are nearing the end of my rallies, I am equipping new disciples. Everything has been done according to my will. I am currently building the indestructible temple in the Spirit of my children.

30. Present me no further symbols and no longer represent me in physical form. Listen and follow only my inspirations. This will be enough to reach your spiritualization.

31. At this time you have heard my voice in the same way that I let you hear it in the First Time when I made the Spirit of men tremble.

32. Now I no longer give you my teaching through Jesus, my Word incarnate I have spoken to you through human creatures, for now you are higher developed and can understand me and transmit my word.

33. The end of this rallies is already near, to be taken up again in a higher form by the beginning of the Spirit to Spirit dialogue with your Creator, which the higher spirits who dwell with me use.

34. Fear not the day of my departure, for I will never be far from you. After my ascension in the Second Time I showed myself to my disciples, limited in the likeness of Jesus, to give them comfort. Today you do not know how many days you will not feel me, but at the end of these days you will see me again and feel that I inspire you and that new words flow to your mind. I ask you only for union, one single "(community) body" and one single will, so that you may be worthy in this way to reach the goal. On this day (of farewell) the twelve tribes of the chosen people will be present, and the twelve apostles will also accompany you, so that you may feel encouraged by their example. For like them I leave you like sheep among hungry wolves. But I will be with you in your persecution, in prison, in every moment you need me.

35. I will protect my seed.

36. you must still make much effort so that when I see that among my people love, purity and simplicity reign, I will leave you as masters of mankind When they ask you for teaching, give it to them; when they silence you, be silent in humility. Sow always in your way, as I have taught you.

37. Love your fellow men, that you may lay the foundations of peace and harmony among them.

38. People, when shall thou bear fruit? Much time has already passed since I taught you, and still the apostles, whom men need so much for their spiritual awakening, do not yet arise.

39. Short is the time that remains for you to hear me, and it is necessary that you learn my lessons so that it will be easier for you to bear witness to them.

40. Remember, if my word to you has ceased, it depends on your example and your works whether many of the hearts which have not had the good fortune to hear me in these rallies will awaken to faith and be converted to my works.

41. I give you as an example of these words the conversion of Saul, later called Paul, who devoted his body and spirit entirely to the service of his Lord.

42. Paul was not among the twelve apostles, neither did he eat at my table, nor follow me in the ways to hear my teachings. Rather, he did not believe in me, neither did he look with friendly eyes upon those who followed me. In his heart existed the idea of destroying the seed I had entrusted to my disciples, which was just beginning to spread. But Paul did not know that he was one of mine. He knew that the Messiah had to come, and he believed in it. But he could not imagine that the humble Jesus would be the promised Savior. His heart was full of the arrogance of the world, and therefore he had not felt the presence of his Lord.

43. Saul had rebelled against his Savior. He persecuted my disciples and the people who turned to them to hear my message from the lips of those apostles. And so I surprised him when he was about to persecute those who were mine. I touched him in the most sensitive part of his heart, and immediately he recognized me because his Spirit was waiting for me. Therefore he heard my voice.

44. It was my will that this well known man should be converted in this way, so that the world might experience in all his ways those surprising works which would serve as an incentive to faith and understanding.

45. Why go through in detail the life of this man who from that time on dedicated his life to the love of his neighbor, inspired by the love of his Master and his divine teachings?

46. Paul was one of the greatest apostles of my word, his testimony was always permeated with love, sincerity, truthfulness and light. His earlier materialism became a very high spirituality, his hardness an infinite meekness; and so the persecutor of my apostles became the most zealous sower of my Word, the tireless itinerant preacher who brought the divine message of his Lord, for whom he lived and to whom he dedicated his life, to various nations, provinces, and villages.

47. Here you, beloved people, have a beautiful example of conversion and a proof that people, even if they have not yet heard me, can become great apostles of me.

48. Today I tell you Where is my people? Where is the one who is wise in trials, courageous in battles and steadfast in struggles? They are scattered throughout the world. But with my voice I will cause them to set out and unite them spiritually so that they may go ahead of all nations. But I tell you that today it will be formed by men of all races, who will understand what kind of alliance is the one that I expect from all men.

49. This people shall be courageous and militant, but they shall have no fratricidal weapons nor chariots of war, nor shall they sing songs of destruction. Its banner shall be peace, its sword truth, and its shield love.

50. No one will be able to discover where this people is: it is everywhere. Its enemies will try to destroy it, but they will not be able to do so, for nowhere will they find it united earthly, because its unity, its order and its harmony will be spiritual.

51. Whereas a Moses once liberated it, led it along dry and lonely paths and let it pass through the midst of hostile flocks that surrounded it until he had brought it to the gates of the Promised Land, today an Elijah, invisible yet tangible and present, will call the people to battle and show them light-filled paths to bring them with firm and sure steps to the thresholds of the Home, which I keep ready for your Spirit.

52. The spiritual law that serves as his guide and guide is the same one that I have stamped in stone and that was revealed to you on Mount Sinai. The spiritual bread that it receives is the same that is contained in the Word that was given to you through Jesus. The light that gives him hope and courage to never again stray from the path of truth will be the inspiration that will come down from infinity at this time to reveal to the human Spirit all that was unknown to him.

53. Anyone who shows progress in the abilities I have granted him as well as in the spiritual gifts, who is also a tireless seeker of truth, or who loves spiritualization - verily, I tell you, he will be one of the soldiers of this people and will hear the call of his Lord when he calls him to fight, likewise when he calls him to peace

54. Does this image appear to you only as a beautiful dream?

55. When Moses turned to Israel in Egypt and announced to them the blessings of the Promised Land, the people doubted, because they were accustomed to be chained to the yoke of bondage and to the sufferings of slavery, so that it seemed to them impossible that there could be a land of freedom and prosperity for them. Nevertheless, that people set out and drew ever closer to that land, which at first seemed to him only a beautiful dream, until it finally reached the fruit of his perseverance and loyalty.

56. Do not imagine me with crown and sceptre; no, rather see me humble and plain.

57. I want you to receive the essence of my word, which is the food for every soul. In it you will find the bread of life, the wine of spiritual joy, the fruit of true love.

58. It is necessary that as you dine with me at this table of love and spiritualization, you learn to speak and hear me. For this rallies which you are presently attending is only temporary, and it is imperative that you learn to commune with me spiritually so that when you no longer hear my voice in this form, you will not feel abandoned, alone or orphaned.

59. Refresh yourselves in this time when you have my rallies. But never push out of your consciousness the day, which is fixed according to my will, when you receive my word for the last time.

60. I tell you this: Because for those who have become too accustomed to my rallies, the day when they can no longer hear me is "death," they will then be exposed to the temptation to obtain, by illicit means, a rallies that will fill the emptiness of their hearts a little. But my light will not be there.

61. You must already now understand that if this rallies had no fixed end, you could never take a step forward, for you would have no interest in studying my word, nor in seeking spiritual dialogue. Why do this when you could hear this word day after day and receive this comfort every time you ask for it? But when the teaching is completed and the message delivered, all will be different. Then, if you would feel close to me, you must reflect upon all that your memory has preserved, and if you would feel strong, you must devote yourselves to a real spiritual duty, becoming sowers of peace, light, balm, and love.

62. For your sake the time in which you hear me through the human organ of the mind must be short, for you are so childlike and frail that you begin to become accustomed to my presence in this form after a short time in which you hear me. You no longer feel that emotion which seized you in the first days, and less and less do you experience that joy, that bliss, when you listen to me - a feeling of happiness which in many nights even robbed you of sleep at the thought that you would hear me and in the desire for the day and the moment to come again, when you hear that voice which at times seemed impossible to hear.

63. "Is it really true," you asked yourselves in your heart, "that I can hear the voice of my Lord? Am I worthy, by this wonderful word, to be present at the rallies of my Creator? O Master, what great bliss you have brought to our Spirit by letting us hear Your Fatherly Voice, Your Word as Master, Your Divine Word!" (Matthew 1:1) You never tired of hearing me and would not miss a single word and obey all my instructions. But time passed, and it became a habit for you to hear me, and since you no longer sought to deepen, you began to grow tired of my word, which you found monotonous - "always the same, always the same" - without realizing that it was you who came prepared no more than in the first days, when you approached devoutly and filled with awe, wonder, faith, love, and humility.

64. I can tell you that there has not been a single heart to which, after it has heard me for some time, my word and my rallies would not have become something commonplace, which is why I tell you again that you are not able to remain steadfast in spiritualization for a long time because of your human immaturity and weakness, and it is better that I limit the time of my rallies for your sake. For if I do not do it, you would all finally no longer feel respect for something that has been a grace that your master has now granted you in fulfillment of a promise of the Second Time.

My peace be with you!

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