BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 236

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 236:

1. Welcome to Me the weary, the afflicted, the mourning, the sick, the sinner. For I comfort you, heal you and forgive you. I love both the fervent and the unbelieving.

2. To the weary I say: Come here, for I will free you from the heavy burden you carry, so that you will carry instead the cross that you are to carry on this way marked out by my love.

3. I will heal the sick man who has lost all hope of being healed and raise him to true life.

4. Souls and bodies, I heal you now, because my mercy comes down to heal all sufferings

5. I have always sought you, and in the moments of trial I have revealed Myself clearly. Remember that in the lonely desert, when hunger threatened the people, I sent you manna as a message of love. When the people suffered thirst, I caused the rock to open up and from its interior a spring to spring forth to ignite faith in the hard hearts.

6. do you not think that this desire for love, for peace and for truth, which you are currently bringing before My Presence, is a hunger and a thirst of the soul? do you not think that My Word at this time is the manna and the crystal clear water that I sent you to ignite your faith and encourage your hearts in this way that reminds you of the desert of the First Times?

7. Even if they experience My proofs of love directly, the hearts of many remain hardened and therefore the wanderings are longer and harder for them

8. Understand: He who does not know how to receive my mercy will not be able to pass it on in his way. But I have not only sent you to earth so that you may receive my benefits, but so that you may bring my mercy to your neighbor.

9. Blessed are those who are surprised by physical death in the exercise of mercy, for his soul will find its home, since you are strangers on this earth.

10. If, when you come into my presence, you show your sword to me, jagged or broken, I will bless you because you have fought bravely. Some will arrive earlier, others later; but the coming and going of souls will continue until the last one reaches his home of eternal peace after he has fulfilled his task.

11. At present I am testing those who will not return to this earth. Meanwhile, the world will continue to be a home for men, women, old and children who will purify and purify themselves to come one step closer to perfection, so that they will be prepared when they are called away.

12. Feel My mercy ─ you who have lifted up your soul to hear Me in infinity.

13. Once more my rallies are with you.

14. I am sending to the world a message of love, a message of forgiveness for this mankind that misjudges itself. I want people to love each other with the Father's pure love.

15. To you who learn from Me, I will call ambassadors of this love, because in your way you leave a trace of mercy and brotherhood among your neighbors

16. Every spirit soul sprang from a pure thought of divinity. Therefore, the spirit souls are a perfect work of the Creator.

17. After the material work was accomplished and the earth provided you with a shelter, I sent the first souls to incarnate into human beings. When the soul has been lost for a short time in the pits and abysses of the material world, like a pearl sinks into the depths of the sea, the Father, who does not deny his mercy to any of his children, stretches out his helping hand to save it, providing the necessary means on its way for it to attain its elevation.

18. You have already been saved, and in this time, in which mankind is sunk into the abyss, I will send this message of hope and faith in salvation to men through your mediation

19. Let your word be like mine, which has been like a fine chisel, unable to hurt your hearts: It has been a caress. Therefore, the longer you hear it, the more you feel that it gives you back the lost splendor, because you are becoming more and more understanding and spiritual.

20. This teaching, which is called spiritualist because it reveals the spiritual, is the path laid out for man, by which he will know his Creator, serve Him and love Him. It is the book that teaches men to love the Father in their own neighbor. Spiritualism is a law that prescribes the good, the pure, the perfect.

21. The duty to obey this law applies to all. Yet it does not force anyone to fulfill it. For every soul enjoys freedom of will, so that its struggle and all its actions may be counted as its own merits in judgment.

22. Recognize therefore that this teaching is the call of divine love, which has enlightened all my children, from the first to the last, and has given them warmth.

23. So that you would finally understand, feel and live these teachings, I have waited until your soul and also your mind would have all the clarity necessary to interpret my revelations of this time.

24. Today your soul development is great, as is the capacity of your mind. If it were not so, I would not have called you. For if you would not understand me, you would be confused. I have given your lips the ability and gift of the "word" so that they may express and transmit spiritual knowledge and word inspiration.

25. The greatness of my teaching has never been impaired by the human mind. As in this time, when I speak through the mouth of a voice bearer, the meaning of the word that comes from his lips cannot be attributed to man.

26. The way of the soul begins and ends in Me. This is what the Master teaches you again.

27. He who has attained a certain spirituality because of his perseverance, development, and love for the Father's teachings will be a spiritualist, even if his lips do not say so.

28. He who has faith and shows generosity in his actions will reflect that which his Spirit possesses.

29. This world, which is whipped by a whirlwind, shall reach the height of its aberration. But after that it will gradually enter into an era of perfection.

30. Before the year 1950 ends, you will see many events occur: Nations starting wars, new doctrines, conflicts and misfortunes. You know that all these are the signs that mark the ending of my Word ─ Signs that will later be recognized by mankind as an indication that the Master has been with mankind in the announced time. But this word, for whose trustees I have made you, will outlast, will reach many hearts, because the truth, the perfect in him, cannot pass away unnoticed. It will trigger off a time of spiritual development and new birth in the world.

31. If man should be too weak to announce that time, nature will testify to it with its "voices" and wake up those who are asleep. But in everyone who prepares, it will be the voice of the Spirit that will speak of a new age, into which mankind will soon enter.

32. Then those who thought themselves strong men in the world will feel weak. The mighty will see their power fading away, and those who thought themselves weak out of humility will be the strong ones because of the courage of their soul, their ability and their understanding. For then the spiritual will have dominion.

33. Understand my word because I give you my light so that you may reach your goal.

34. I come to you by the way prepared by Elijah to enlighten with my light the beloved child who is mankind. I do not come to judge your transgressions, nor to consider your stains of shame. I come only to transform the ignorant into my disciple and the disciple into my disciple, so that tomorrow you may all become masters.

35. Since you have such a difficult mission among mankind, you must not walk like blind men, nor remain ignorant, nor show weakness. Think, and you will be able to understand your responsibility. Prepare yourselves, for your Spirit will have to show the Father the fruit of his mission. But calm your hearts and continue to hear me as long as I speak through the human mind.

36. I sent your soul to earth to accomplish this mission, imprinting my law indelibly in her Spirit, and I also turned to her to reveal great teachings to her and to give her an example of love and humility so that she might meet her fellow men, bring them the Good News and let them share in my light.

37. My word is like a banquet to which I invite all to eat and drink. For with me are not only incarnated souls ─ no, also the inhabitants of the "spiritual valley" enjoy the divine concert of my teachings: For my teaching is universal.

38. When they hear my voice, some feel relieved of their transgressions, as do others, and they set out to follow my footsteps, carrying their cross. But after you have experienced this peace and refreshment in my bosom, you have turned your gaze again to this humanity to understand its tragedy.

39. While you eat the bread of eternal life at my table, you think of the spiritual hunger of your fellow men. While you feel the coolness and shade of this tree, you have thought of those who are crossing the desert, tormented by the sun, hunger and thirst, sometimes deceived by the reflection of a feigned oasis.

40. I bless you, for you feel strange pain. Pray and work, for you possess what is necessary to relieve suffering and heal disease.

41. You need not vow that you will follow Me. Pledge yourselves to be faithful to Me, steadfast and obedient, and remain faithful to your intentions.

42. My word becomes a caress to make the disciple understand that the hour has come to set out and apply what he has learned.

43. My word shall illuminate your understanding like a ray of light, O beloved people, and shall light up your path.

44. Concentrate on the innermost part of your heart, for he who does not prepare himself will not feel my presence He will indeed hear the voice of the voice bearer, but he will not receive the divine essence which I send you.

45. Make your heart a pure spring from which you receive the ray of the purest water, which is my wisdom.

46. This is a day of remembrance: on a date like today I consecrated my first voices to make known through them my new instructions and my new revelations The Spirit of Elijah shone through Roque Rojas * to guide you on the way to

which is the law of God.

* The name of this first voice bearer is pronounced "Roke Rochas".

47. The moment was solemn, the soul of those present trembled with fear and delight, as the heart of Israel trembled at Mount Sinai when the law was proclaimed; as the disciples trembled when they saw the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor, when Moses and Elijah appeared spiritually on the right and on the left of the Master.

48. That September 1, 1866, was the birth of a new age, the dawn of a new day: the "Third Age," which dawned for mankind.

49. From that time on, many prophecies and many promises have been fulfilled incessantly, which God has given to men for thousands of years. With you they have been fulfilled, you men and women who inhabit the world in this time. Which of you must have been on earth when those prophecies were spoken and those promises were made? I alone know; but the essential thing is that you know that I promised you, and that I am now fulfilling it.

50. Do you know of that "cloud" on which my disciples saw me ascending when I last made myself known to them? For truthfully it is written that I would come back "on the cloud," and I have fulfilled it. On September 1, 1866, my Spirit came on the symbolic cloud to prepare you to receive the new teaching. Afterwards, in 1884, I began to give you my teaching. I came not as a man, but spiritually, limited in a ray of light, to let it rest on a human mind. This is the means chosen by my will to speak to you at this time, and I will give you credit for the faith you have in this Word. For it is not Moses who leads you through the desert to the Promised Land, nor Christ as man, who makes you hear his word of life as a way of salvation and freedom. Now it is the human voice of these creatures that reaches your ears, and it is necessary to spiritualize to discover the divine essence in which I am present. Therefore I say to you that it is meritorious that you believe in this Word, for it is given through imperfect beings.

51. The merit will be greater than that of those who believed in Me in the Second Age, or than that of those who followed Moses through the desert But you will not lack a guide for a moment, since my word has not been vague or inaccurate, but is a clearly defined and perfect teaching. Moreover, the Spirit of Elijah will always watch over you, who came at this time to awaken the world and to pave the way for man's soul to enter my spiritual presence.

52. Blessed people: This moment of remembrance shall be full of joy for your soul and shall also be dedicated to the remembrance of all the teachings I am giving you. Train your minds and open your hearts so that I may pour out my grace into them. Forget for a moment the vanities of the world and approach Me spiritually.

53. You are hearing my word one more time through a human voice bearer, who, although ─ is not above you, although chosen by me ─ still has something divine about it. They are mouthpieces of my word, still imperfect creatures, although the elevation of their soul enables them to communicate with the Father. Hear the teaching address with a fine ear, so that it may pass through your brain unclouded. Then let it shine through your heart like a ray of light. Then the divine meaning will reach your soul as the bread of eternal life.

54. When you prepare yourselves in this way, you will feel that I have really been with you.

55. I do not want you to be traditionalists, but it is my will that you remember all those events through which I made myself known to you and gave you examples and teachings. Celebrate a feast in your hearts by means of remembrance, then your steps on the path will be firmer.

56. In 1866 I proclaimed the Law again among my people, thus opening a new spiritual age, fulfilling a promise of Myself which I gave you in times past. Since that time, my HolySpirit has shone down from the heavens through my ray, and the voices of my angels can also be heard on earth.

57. Now is the Third Time, in which I have merged into one law the Commandments I gave you through Moses ─ the teaching of love I gave you as Jesus in the Second Time, which was a confirmation of the former ones In this time now I give you this teaching as a lighthouse, as a lifeboat, as a ladder to perfection, so that you may attain the upward development of your soul.

58. I give you my teaching in great simplicity and clarity, so that you, as good spiritualists, may know how to answer those who may ask you whether you are Mosaists or Christians.

59. Before the Law of the First Times was revealed to you, you lived in the natural law, encouraged by men through whom I recommended to you virtue, through whom I revealed my truth and justice ─ men through whom I revealed myself as the God of goodness and love

60. That people who were able to remain in the fear of the true God, and who were able to maintain the recognition of a God of justice and goodness, is the people of Israel. But this people did not know a concrete and established law until the Father ─ when He saw it in danger of falling into paganism and idolatry ─ let a man of strong Spirit come forth from his own bosom to deliver through his mediation the law of God for men, written on living rock. This man was Moses ─ liberator and legislator ─ who, with unshakeable faith and great love for the Lord and His people, led the masses of people to a suitable land to build a sanctuary and offer worship pleasing to the living and invisible God.

61. Recognize that I have inspired you to spiritualization from the earliest times With the proclamation of the Law on Sinai, the First Time for mankind had its climax. That First Messenger was like a star in the desert, was the index finger pointing the way, was counselor and lawgiver, was bread when hunger was felt, and water to quench thirst. He was a kind companion in the solitude of the deserts and leader of the people up to the gates of the longed-for land.

62. When Christ appeared in the bosom of that very people among men, many centuries had passed since Moses.

63. It was the dawn of a new day for the people, who awaited the coming of the Divine Master, who was born and lived among men, to teach them the second part of the book of life.

64. You have come to know the God of righteousness. But now He came to show Himself as the God of love and to prepare a new time, a new life for the soul, with His words and His works. The Second Time and all that I taught you with my words, my miracles and examples, until it culminated in my Passion, was the leaf of the Law of Love that I wrote for you.

65. Now in the Third Age, Elijah reveals his Spirit as a messenger and forerunner of the HolySpirit, saying through the human mind: "Here is Elijah, the prophet of the First Age, the same one who appeared afterwards on Mount Tabor with Moses and Jesus at the transfiguration of Christ before the disciples.

66. Elijah has the key with which he opened the Third Age, the new age.

67. Now you can understand that which not even the apostles themselves could understand from some of my revelations.

68. Elijah is the ray of God, with whose light he drives away your darkness and frees you from the bondage of this time, which is that of sin, and will lead your soul through the desert until it reaches the "Promised Land" in the bosom of God.

69. Know the three messengers of God, by whom you have received the law and the greatest revelations.

70. The present time has been a time of light for you, in which the revelations of the past times were explained to you, and the prophecies of what is to come were given to you.

71. But this time of my rallies through the mind of a voice bearer will soon pass, and then a time of grace and spiritualization will come, in which he who prepares himself will be able to speak to me in a spiritual way.

72. When my kingdom is once established in the heart of men, when temptation is dethroned, and man loves me above all, this world will become the abode of great souls, where men really love each other and know how to accept the needy souls with mercy to renew them and fill them with wisdom.

73. Today you do not know in what form I will reveal myself to the whole world after 1950. But I make you awake because you will experience that the gifts and abilities of the Spirit will prevail over the senses of the body, and mankind will feel that it lives in a new time, the time of dialogue from spirit to spirit.

My peace be with you! 

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