BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 234

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 234:

1. You have left the world behind you for a short time to be with me You have gone through trial after trial and in your soul you have gained light. For my love has been with you in the difficult hours and has reminded you of my words of comfort and encouragement.

2. Spiritualist teaching is the new ark of the covenant in which mankind will find light and comfort in these times.

3. When you once see that these meeting places are not enough to gather the crowds of people, I will call you to the valley meadows, the fields, to a mountain and there reveal My Spirit among you.

4. Generally speaking, mankind has not heard my word during this time. Their spiritual indolence is profound, and therefore they find no peace.

5. You have had the HolySpirit as your teacher. Therefore I hold you responsible for peace.

6. This divine teaching requires thorough study so that you may discover all the truth it contains. It is the star that illuminates the way to the salvation of the soul.

7. The Third Age surprised the world in an abyss of enmities, sins and fanaticism. It was not prepared to feel the coming of the New Age, the appearance of the new dawn. It will have to endure its chains for some time, until renewal and repentance break them, and then rise morally and spiritually.

8. Do not believe that I am only with you. All over the world there are religious communities in which men find a refuge for their souls, and in the interior of every man there is a place which I seek to manifest myself in him: the Spirit.

9. My love knocks on all doors with a promise of peace. From the man of power, the one who has become vain in his earthly glory, and the one who has attained wisdom, to the pariah or the most unknown human being ─ they all have the visit of their Lord.

10. I have come in this time to raise up a people whose soothing voice shall be heard throughout the earth. I have entrusted a handful of wheat to him, that he may become his grower. Before this I have set it at my table and have given it the juice of the vine to drink, so that it may strengthen itself and endure the wanderings. With my wise counsel I have taught it to recognize the wrong ways, so that it may separate itself from them. I have shown it the true sanctuary so that it may enter into the same and feel my presence everywhere. I set it free because I did not want its feet or its hands to feel the weight of the chains during this time.

But if I have given him great abilities and commissions, it is not so that he becomes blinded and vain and thinks he is a king, God or judge. I give so much to its Spirit only so that it may clothe itself with humility and dedicate its life to the task of being useful to its fellow men and serving humanity.

11. I want that, when it comes to my divinity, it should be done only to offer Me the fruit of its sowing, and not to ask Me for forgiveness for its transgressions. You are the spiritualist people that I prepare. Today you are still making mistakes, even though my teachings are given to you because you are a part of this sad humanity that is dragging itself over the earth because it did not know how to move upwards.

12. I have set before you a shepherd, Elijah, that he may lead you to the hurdle of salvation, whose circle you shall not intend to pass over.

13. My work, which partly rests upon you, will be like a cross of responsibilities, renunciations and sacrifices upon you. But with every step and with every fall you will have a support full of love, which will help you with all its mercy.

will be repositioned.

14. Until now your walk has been sluggish, uncertain, awkward, and because of your imperfection you have harvested bitterness and shed tears. The reason for this is that you are still little children. In the future, when I will send you on the ways that lead to the provinces, you will walk the way safely and with faith.

15. On this day I tell you: Make a resolution in your heart and soul to follow Me with peace, unity and good will. In this way you shall expect what the Eternal has determined for 1950.

16. Recognize that in these moments I forgive your transgressions so that you may go your way without this burden. But do not again load the heavy burden of sin upon your soul.

17. See: when I give you my word of forgiveness, it becomes the light in the darkness.

18. Disciples: Though you all come by the same way, your purpose is different and your task is also different.

Before the soul comes to earth, it has foreseen its path of life, and this knowledge, once incarnated, has been transformed into experience and intuitive knowledge, thus saving it from abysses and falls. In these teachings I exude my wisdom. For you are my disciples who prepare the way for the Masters whom I will send to mankind. This path of preparation is peppered with dangers and temptations. Watch out so that you may discover the wolf in the undergrowth. Then you shall grasp the sword of love, which your enemy will not withstand, and the fields covered with thistles and thorns will turn into flowering valleys.

19. Having heard this word of light, it would not be right for you to fall into the wrong ways tomorrow.

20. Exercise love, show mercy, which is a daughter of love, and you shall be saved. Do not hide the bread which I have entrusted to you.

21. Be not indifferent to the pain of your fellow men, for then you will not sow faith in my teaching. Put yourselves in the innermost part of every soul, and you will recognize that all seek the light, which is the truth. The "flesh" will seldom reveal the struggles of the soul.

22. Prepare yourselves. For as you learn this lesson, the needy cry out for mercy and tenderness.

23. Disciples, make use of this time, which is precious. You are about to become workers in the fields of the Lord, which are the hearts of men. You are to go out tirelessly into the provinces and homes, for the time for sleeping is over.

24. You will be truly surprised and delighted when you see that the hearts of your fellow men were already prepared to receive you.

25. Spirits of light, which descend from the spiritual, watch over and work on the paths of men ─ both the significant and the inconspicuous.

26. Now is a moment of grace for those who dwell on earth, and for those who no longer live on it, because they hear my voice, which was heard in this form for the first time in 1866

27. The first who listened to Me treated my work like a tree, cutting off the first branches to transplant them to different places. Some interpreted my teachings well, others missed the path.

28. Small were the groups that came together in the shadow of the poor assembly rooms. But as they became more numerous and the crowds increased, I called them together so that all would recognize themselves as disciples of one Master and practice teaching in the same way; so that the seed would be sown not at the discretion of the "workers," but according to the will of God. * Reference to Jesus' parable of the "workers in the vineyard.

29. Before the spiritual ark of the New Covenant the multitudes of men vowed submission, obedience, and good will; but when the hurricanes and tornadoes came with force and whipped the branches of the tree, some became weak, while others steadfastly stood firm and taught the new "workers" to till the "fields. Some who had realized the greatness of this revelation intended to penetrate further into my secrets than my will, in order to acquire a knowledge and a power that would make them superior to the others; but very soon they were faced with my justice.

30. Others, who could not discover the greatness of this work in its purity, in its simplicity, adopted rites, symbols and ceremonies from sects and churches, because they thought that they were giving solemnity to my rallies.

31. I have called you "the strong people" because you have been nourished by my divine word, which is a true book of wisdom not written by man. Every word is a page in it, every page is significant. Explore it, do not be content to imprint my transmissions in your memory. Then this book will be preserved in your hearts.

32. As the time draws near when I will no longer speak to you, I will rectify all that your predecessors could not rectify. For among the disciples I want no newcomers who do not understand my teaching, nor "workers" who do not know how to sow.

33. The teaching I teach you is not new. Do not say that with my coming a new religion has arisen on earth. My rallies in this era show you the same way as I have been showing you since the beginning of times, and My Word explains and reveals to you the secrets of the law and teaching which you received before.

34. Those whom you call foreigners have been among you to temporarily increase your ranks and become disciples of my divinity. Consider them all as true brothers. Do not give bad examples, do not secretly accept appointments, nor do you rashly take on responsibilities or that which is not yours, for then you will see the plants you are to cultivate grow dry. This will cause your hearts great pain.

35. Prepare yourselves. For I have already told you that your brothers and sisters from different religious communities will knock on your doors ─ some to call you to account for what they think you have hidden from them; others to ask you to explain many secrets; still others to seek refuge and comfort in your heart. Prepare yourselves to give shelter to the needy, and to give a satisfactory answer to those who question you.

36. Let the high and the lowly, the learned and the unlearned, find the way to you. But do not allow deceit to spread in my works or to be mixed with it, nor allow profanation.

37. My teaching must transform men by convincing them through their love, gentleness, and righteousness, and will bring them renewal and peace. The "kings" will descend humbly from their "thrones". The fratricidal wars will give way to forgiveness and concord. The bad passions will be restrained, and that thirst for blood, comparable to that of beasts that kill one another to satisfy their instincts, will give way to feelings of humanity.

38. This people here will be the good spirit of the earth, a Spirit of peace and blessings.

39. Beloved disciples: My teaching is with you, which does not yet consist of material books.

40. I surprised you at this time when I made you hear my word through simple and plain organs of understanding. But this is not the first time that I have used simple or ignorant men to astonish the learned by my power.

41. You who hear me cannot say that you are all on the same level for this reason. For the soul that is active in this way develops faster than the sluggish and than that which, in enjoying its fruits, slackens in its selfishness.

42. Even if it is your soul which I seek and prepare in such a way that it can soon hold direct and spiritual dialogue with me, mankind too will turn its eyes to the living and true God and forget images and likenesses. But I tell you that you have never lacked my law as light of salvation of the soul. For long ago it was inspired to Moses. In him there are two commandments which ─ if followed by men ─ would bring about faith in all my teaching, fulfill all the Law, and be a step towards perfection. They are those who speak to you of the love of God with all your heart and with all your soul, and of loving your neighbor as yourself.

43. My law is not practiced among men; the proof of this is that there is unrighteousness. See how the rich humiliate the poor, the strong dominate the weak, the one who enjoys life does not care for the one who suffers. This is why I wanted to create justice in this time, by pardoning the poor, the weak and the suffering, so that their hearts may rejoice and their lips may utter words of love and forgiveness for those through whom they have been offended. Thus I show you the way to obtain the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven.

44. Soon I will send you to the provinces, villages, cities and peoples to spread mercy so that this mankind may cleanse their stains and obtain salvation Or do you want this world to remain forever a place of atonement? I want you to feel on this earth the peace of my Spirit ─ an anticipatory peace of the one you will enjoy in my bosom.

45. Realize how persistent and tireless I have been since I began to speak to you in this form in 1866 For I will leave you prepared and united after my inspiration of the Word is finished and the time of the direct rallies of my Spirit to yours begins among you, that is, the rallies of heaven to earth. But "my word" will then continue to manifest itself from the "cloud" as intuition, spiritual face and inspiration.

46. The theologians of that time will study my word and the new scriptures, and will ask, "Who are you who have spoken in this way? Just as the scribes and Pharisees of old rebelled and said to Me, "Who are you that you disobey and replace the law of Moses? Then I will make them understand that the three Revelations are the only Law I have always taught and followed.

47. Many of those who condemn Me in this epoch belong to those who doubted in the "Second Age But I have received them and sent them again to earth so that they may witness the victory of my law and open their eyes to the light.

48. Disciples, you have indeed drunk milk and honey of my word. Prepare your hearts to speak with your Master. Elijah leads you to Me and invites your soul to rise to the regions of peace. He makes you forget the vanities of the earth so that you may be at my right hand and enjoy my word.

49. I have called you from different provinces and nations to unite you into one people. I unite you in these humble houses to bring you to hear my teaching. You have felt my presence and have followed my steps. For you are to be the faithful witnesses of this work, which many will only know after 1950. But blessed is he who obeys my commandments, for he will be prepared for all time.

50. In the essence of my word I will let you know the reason for my coming in the third time and for my rallies, that you may never fall into error. For I tell you that after my departure false prophets will arise, and these you shall not listen to. After this time no longer seek me in the form in which I speak to you today because you would then commit a severe offence in my eyes after I had warned you.

51. You are then only to seek me spiritually, present to me your faith and the progress you make in your actions, and work towards the union. You will attract new disciples to your gatherings because this people will multiply in this and other nations.

52. The way I am showing you is that of love, renunciation and sacrifice. To reach Me you will often have to sacrifice your dearest. Your heart, which is bound to earthly satisfactions, will have to turn away from them to devote itself to the study and fathoming of my teaching.

53. In the Second Age my word was heard by a multitude of people. Among them I chose twelve, whom I made my disciples. They were taught by my word. My love worked on their hearts in all kinds of ways like a chisel. They lived near me, sensed the greatness of those divine rallies, read in my exemplary deeds my love and redemption destiny. They suffered for my cause, and when I departed from them, they became apostles of me.

They left everything to follow my steps. Slander or false testimony did not make them retreat. Only love and devotion lived in them. That which I had sown in their souls had borne fruit, and before and after my departure they gave Me a taste of their fruit, which I found full of sweetness and devotion, and I told them Hear me also further, and later on I will make known through your mouth great revelations, which are still unknown to you yourselves. "The Word" will be inexhaustible and fruitful the inspiration that will pour out in many ways through your transmission. All of you will be a gift to humanity ─ a gift that I am giving her as a testimony of my truth.

54. My disciples promised to take Me as an example in all their deeds and to do to mankind what I did to them. They finished their work, and their example is imperishable.

55. Likewise, with the same love I prepare you in the Third Age and ask you: are you ready to accept the trials which I, if it were my will, send you to perfect your souls? ─ "Yes", you say to me from the bottom of your heart. "We love You and want to serve You, but we expect all Your help. I tell you: My encouragement will never leave you. I will guide you so that My Light will always show you your duties and your works will always be within My Laws.

56. You have ascended, people, and you already sense the spiritual life. You feel for a short time the peace of the kingdom which awaits you, have experienced the satisfaction of the fulfillment of duty, and tell Me: "Master, examine the seed which we show you and tell us whether we have fulfilled our duty or have violated it. But I tell you: I have received your love and good intentions. Do not worry, you have great power to triumph in trials and an antidote to every evil. Use all your gifts to see how strong you are. I will develop your abilities, I will make them grow and use them. For you must bring great fruits to mankind, and then you will see yourselves full of my gifts of grace and good deeds.

57. When you are ready, do not look indifferently on those who suffer, do not despise the poor. Exercise mercy, let my light illuminate their lives, let the love I have put in you reach them and give them warmth, encouragement and hope.

58. Love spiritually with a pure and unselfish love. Love Me as I love you. Love your fellow men, for in every one of them am I.

59. Be humble among the humblest, be servants of all, as I am your servant I have often received your instructions and have obeyed you to teach you. He who serves does not humble himself, but honors himself. But demand no payment for your service. There is no one on earth who can appreciate your work. I will give you with justice according to your merits.

60. Leave all your affairs to me, and I will judge them with kindness. When I see that your purpose was to do good, that you endeavored to defend the principles which I have given you for your salvation, that you knew how to listen to me and obey me, I will accept your works, and thereby you will bring salvation not only to yourselves but also to the spiritual multitude to whom you are bound by fraternal bonds and who form your family. Your good example will resonate not only in the world you inhabit, but also on other levels of life, and it will be like a seed that will multiply over time. And you will reap the fruits together with me and eternally nourish yourselves from them.

My peace be with you!

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