BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 232

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 232:

1. Chosen people: You hear my word through the mind of man, have been prepared at all times to go ahead of mankind. Everything has been granted to you by my grace. I have come down to you because I love you and entrust to you the third part of the book, which contains the commandments, the law, for you and for mankind.

2. The world is being driven about in a heavy storm and has lost its direction. It has not set out to seek the safe way. Man has content himself with living, seeking what is necessary for the preservation of his body, and has forgotten the soul in the core of his being, to which I have entrusted a very high task. I appeared among you and found you alive in the midst of chaos, and my word has told you: pause, return to the fulfillment of the law, take up your cross, follow me, and peace will be among you.

3. In this time I have prepared you by pouring my light in streams into your minds From your first steps you have been steadfast, and this faith, this love for my work inspires you to speak to your fellow men in my name. Many will hear you and come to me hungry and thirsty for love. Others will come in longing for relief from their sufferings. Others will rush over, driven only by their curiosity. But I promise you that all will gain something. To all I will grant a proof, for I take pleasure in giving the child a sign that I have heard his request.

4. After my departure you will continue to prepare hearts, you will turn them away from ignorance, from false beliefs, from fanaticism. But how will you be able to be teachers of your fellow men? How will you be able to attain humility, justice and righteousness? By praying and fulfilling my law. Do not give the appearance of being righteous people, for you are not yet righteous. Show yourselves to be disciples or disciples of Me, who daily struggle to perfect yourselves. When I see you full of selflessness in the fulfillment of your task, I will supply you with a multitude of your fellow men whom I have appointed for this purpose to receive the knowledge of my last revelations.

5. From the sects that created men, which are separated branches of the Tree of Life, I choose from ─ those who long for spiritualization, those who seek me in an imperfect way, but who love me ─ those who pronounce my name with devotion and present me acts of love, humility and gratitude. I come as the good fisherman in the desire for hearts, and although today the number of those who follow me is small, tomorrow they will multiply. Already the hour is approaching when the evidence will convince the world that I have come to leave you my love legacies, and you will speak of them in a right way as witnesses of these revelations.

6. Make no distinction whatsoever between your fellow men. In the spiritual ideal all human races and classes will unite.

7. Put the needs of your fellow men to my heart The more they are sinners, the more love and mercy they need. Now the time is approaching when my teaching will spread, and the "workers" will go to different regions. They will settle according to my will in the places where my word will pour into open hearts, which I have prepared as a fertile land ready to receive the divine seed in its bosom. There is your place of activity. I hold you responsible for a number of people whom I will entrust to your care as soon as I see you strong and ready.

8. The Good News will reach the people of every teaching or sect. All will know of My coming in the Third Age as the HolySpirit. The time will come when these revelations will be fully known and you will be fought for this reason. But do not worry, my light will not be darkened. Just then my word of this time will shine in the greatest brilliance.

9. I prepare you as diligent workers in the fields. "The Word" will be abundant on your lips. Often you will speak of teachings unknown to you. It will be the new inspirations that come from my Spirit to your receptive heart. Your deeds shall always correspond with your words. All your actions should be sincere so that you may be believed. I will observe and judge your works.

10. Remember the pure customs of the people of Israel in the first days, and return to them. His health and strength came from their obedience and reverence for my law. Out of this people came exemplary men, patriarchs and prophets. There is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who are the tribe of your family. They were tested mentally and physically, but the power did not leave them. It was necessary that those who had to give life to the people of Israel should set an example of strength and love to all their descendants. You here will recognize your strength and your power in the hour of the great trials.

11. I am currently preparing the souls that will continue to inspire the people after my departure. They will watch over the fundamental teachings of my work, and you shall listen to them and respect them.

12. Fulfill your task in the present time period, and after that the coming generations will continue your work. Always will I send beings with great exaltation to earth to watch over the law, over the essence of my teaching.

13. Agree with your trials. To him who has not received what he asks Me for and believes to be for his own good, I say: I know your purpose; but what you ask Me for will not bring you happiness, it will only bring you suffering. Think of your reparation. On earth you will not enjoy perfect peace. Only the fulfillment of duty will give you peace of mind today. But tomorrow, when you are in spiritual life, you will tell me: "Father, you understood to guide me as it was good for my soul. For if you had granted me what I asked you, I would have gone astray or delayed my arrival with you.

14. I have given you the light of My Word in this time, that you may work for the peace of the world, and that your soul may take another step on the way to perfection. I have made you understand the gifts that your soul possesses so that it may overcome all obstacles and adversities that come its way. I have made you understand that this time of bitterness that you are going through is a time of atonement, which you must empty like a chalice with submission and faith.

15. So I have come from infinity to free you from the chains that oppress you.

16. In this Third Age I have united all those who in past times received the mission to make my truth known to mankind so that they may receive my blessings.

17. For this I have given you new revelations.

18. Make my teachings your own that you may practice them. But when you leave these gathering places, which are like trees for walkers, in whose shadows you heard the lark warble, do not set out for harmful pleasures instead of seeking contemplation to meditate. For the spiritual essence which you have received from the Master will then escape from your heart.

19. The passions, like hurricanes, snatch from your soul that grace with which I clothe you, and when you get rid of it, you allow weakness and sicknesses to take possession of your being.

20. Direct the prayer of your soul to the Infinite so that you may create an atmosphere of peace around mankind When you see your fellow men standing under the burden of my righteousness, render merits, then their pain will be shortened. Pray for the world when you hear the voice of the forces of nature. Do not seek refuge only for yourselves. If you take care of your fellow men in the hour of tribulation and forget yourselves, I will protect you. Protect men with your prayer and your mercy.

21. Believe in the power of prayer. But you must know that it must be felt above all to reach me.

22. If you already had a strong and true faith, you would perform miracles. Hurry, for the hour will come in which you must set out to carry the knowledge of this work out in the ways of the world. Then you must not fear the justice of men, nor must slander cause you concern.

23. You have made progress along the way. Turn your gaze back and look at your past. Materialism, arrogance, base passions, idolatry, ignorance, sin, remained behind.

24. But remain on the way, so that you may achieve even greater spiritual progress. Then you will experience in your heart the peace of the Promised Land.

25. This is the day when the Spirit of the chosen people will receive inspiration and his mind will be enlightened to understand the teachings which were kept in the Great Book of Life, and which I had to bring before him according to my word given in the past times.

26. And you have left the world to come to Me, have purified yourselves, and when you were prepared, you have prayed to receive my Universal Ray It has flooded your soul, and under its influence your gifts have awakened and the most delicate strings of your being have been vibrated.

You have seen many feelings rising from the depth of your heart that were unknown to you until now, that made you look at this life in a different way. And when you were then able to let love and mercy become effective, you felt strong enough to accomplish great works and to understand great multitudes of your fellow men. You want to strengthen your care for the needy and with your thoughts send messages of light to those who are far from you. You can do all this because I have opened a wide field before your soul, on which you can work.

27. Your spiritual gifts have no limits, they will

do not exhaust, even if you think that you have passed on all your wealth. The more you give to others, the more your inheritance will increase. Your mission has always been to work for peace and to stand up for the world.

28. I have tested you that you may have confidence in yourselves, that you may know what you are capable of. On how many occasions when you have been indecisive or lacking faith, or when you have mistrusted your strength of soul, I have sent you the proof you needed and through it you have received the answer. Through one test after another I have let you go. But before that I prepared you, because I never wanted to surprise anyone.

29. I direct your steps, surround you with an atmosphere of peace in which you can study and immerse yourselves in my teaching But when you are then prepared, you are to go forward to the people who will arise in this time. Today your works are not yet radiant. But my people must become strong in virtue, must fight against materialism, to help mankind to find the sure path that will lead them to me.

30. You have already enjoyed the peace of my Spirit as you have risen in union with Me But the lasting peace is not yet within you. You are at the beginning of the way, and only your merits will give you the unspeakable joy to come closer to Me. I will multiply your fruits and shorten the way so that you may soon come to Me.

31. You have been among the first to receive this divine message, and I want you to know how to transmit it to others This humanity, which today doubts and distrusts, will believe. I have given it enough proofs in this time, and they all speak to it of Me. She will remain deaf for a short time. After that it will hear the call I am sending out to it, it will be attracted by my teaching, it will want to discover what the soul expects after this life, and it will find the answer in the book I am leaving to all: "The Book of Life". All will eventually possess the Light, because it is a divine legacy. It is the inheritance that belongs to you and that will not be denied to anyone. I will teach ─ to all, both to him who knows how to follow and interpret my instructions correctly and to those who do not obey me.

32. When you have studied your works and shed tears when you have seen the little fruit you have achieved, your soul grieves when it became aware of the distance you are still away from the goal I have appointed for you, and you remember that prophecy given to you, in which you were told: "If 'Israel' does not work for its unification, it will experience a new war, and once more the woman will shed tears and the man will shed his blood, and in the homes there will be mourning, need and hunger, and the soul will suffer. "

33. Therefore I say unto you, that ye shall not disobey one another, neither shall ye do works of discord. The purpose of my teaching is to unite all souls, to bring them closer to each other so that you may become one and all may recognize Me as your Father.

34. Now leave behind your burden of sorrows, come to me without doubt or fear, have full confidence in me, and allow my will to be done in you. I know what is going on in your inner being and give you the strength you need.

35. I am the origin and the goal of all created things. By my will you came into this world, and by my will you leave it again.

36. I come as a loving Father to give you my forgiveness because you are still weak.

37. This life was entrusted to you as an opportunity for your soul to earn merits. Therefore all your thoughts and human actions should be within my law of love and justice. But men have strayed from the way which my law shows them, and so it has been necessary to return to them to remind them of it. It is with this intention that I have come in contact with you at this time. The reason why you come to hear my word is that you deepen yourselves in my teaching and prepare yourselves for the spiritual life. Do not come out of curiosity, out of a sense of duty, or because you believe that by doing so you will fulfill your task. Come with the desire to find another revelation, another teaching, in each new lesson. Take advantage of my presence and you will be better prepared to fulfill your mission.

38. Whether you have been physically healthy, whether you have had satisfactions and comforts, or whether you have endured sickness, misfortune, and poverty ─ all these things remain here on earth, where human life ends and the life of the soul begins. You have struggled to uplift the soul and have suffered and conquered your body. Therefore I say to you: Listen well, interpret even better and fathom yourselves so that you may discover the truth.

39. But when you meet those who claim that you are following a new teaching, you should tell them that you have only abandoned the ecclesiastical rites that belong to the outward worship and that you have turned away from religious fanaticism.

40. My work will be recognized throughout the world. For just as in other times I sent prophets to announce my coming, so in this time I will send my new prophets to make known my teaching and to announce the kingdom that is coming for all men of good will.

41. Every revelation is made according to the spiritual capacity of mankind and the time in which it has lived. Today I have come in this way, tomorrow I shall speak to you in a higher way. This rallies will soon come to an end; it will end at the end of 1950. Then my disciples will set out as teachers who will not feel alone. For in the light of their Spirit, in that part of my divinity which is in each of you, I am to speak, to forgive, to love and to teach.

42. As far as this conscience permits, let your soul be free. For it will not even need places of assembly to pass on my teaching. You will speak where an opportunity arises, and your life will be the sanctuary in which you offer me veneration with the sincerity of your works.

43. Although it seems impossible to you at present to make peace in humanity, I tell you that peace will come, and more than that, that man will live in spiritualization.

44. Much disaster will befall the world before this time comes. But those sufferings will be for the good of mankind, both on earth and in the spiritual. It will be like a "so far and no further" for the unrestrained course of evil deeds, selfishness and pleasure-seeking of men. In this way, a balance will be achieved. For the forces of evil will no longer be able to overcome the forces of good. This purification has the appearance of punishment without being it, because it always strikes the most sensitive and beloved. But in reality it is a means of saving the Spirits who have strayed from the Path or lost it. He who judges earthly can discover nothing useful in pain; but he who considers that he possesses a Spirit who will live forever wins light, steadfastness and renewal from the same pain.

45. If you think spiritually ─ how can you believe that pain is an evil for mankind, when it comes from a God who is all love?

46. Time passes, and a time will come when those great trials will begin to appear, and even the last remnant of peace will escape from the world, which will not return until mankind has found the way of my law and listens to that inner voice that will tell it ceaselessly God lives! God is in you! Know Him, feel Him, reconcile yourselves with Him!

47. Then your way of life will change. Selfishness will disappear, and each one will be useful to the others. People will be inspired by my justice to create new laws and rule the nations with love.

48. Carry my message to mankind soon, that they may take advantage of my teachings and warnings. Man will realize that this word was truly prophetic, and that it had foreseen everything.

49. When that troubled sea has smoothed its waves, and the winds have ceased, when there are no more plagues scourging the nations, and the plagues are blotted out, then peace will begin for mankind.

50. Ye shall pray and ask for the world, which shall undergo the greatest of her trials, and shall drink the bitterest cup.

51. How many who think they have faith today will tremble at the sight of those calamitous events! How many of you who think you are brave will hide your cowardice! I am preparing you so that when this hour has come you will be aware of your actions and you will be able to fulfill the mission I have entrusted to you.

52. Every mystery has been explained to you in this time, even that of the Trinity of revelations of my divinity, which I will repeat in a few words:

53. The Father, God has no form, has no limit, nor beginning and end ─ a teaching that you cannot comprehend Say therefore: God is the Creator of all light, the power that sustains the universe, the life that pulsates in all beings.

54. And the Son? The Son is "The Word," he is the power of God, limited in a perfect man: in Jesus. That in Him the love of the Father might dwell.

55. Since the Divine Spirit was in Jesus, He was man and was He God ─ Man by virtue of his material nature, God by virtue of his spiritual nature. As man, He had characteristics inherent in the human being: He felt and suffered as man. But the knowledge He had of His own mission and spiritual strength made Him overcome physical needs and temptations. Everything that was not in harmony with His mission was rejected by Him. Thus, through that righteous and pure man, God could reveal Himself as a human being.

56. When Jesus had finished His mission, He returned to the Divine Spirit, carrying within Him the trace of human life ─ of the trials to which He subjected Himself as a man. For this reason, since He is the love of the Father, the Son has something of each of you, and you feel understood because you know that He lived on your world and walked over the same dust that you walk over.

57. But the Father and the Master are one and the same God.

58. And the HolySpirit ─ I can tell you ─ is the highest form in which this very being reveals itself to all men who possess in their spirit a spark of the nature of the Creator Himself.

59. The HolySpirit, the Father and the Son are one and the same power, one will, not three persons, but one divine being, who had to reveal Himself to His children in various forms in order to be understood.

60. Know how much love is in your God, who ─ although all omnipotence ─ does not hesitate to limit Himself so that you may feel and see Him ─ Who multiplies Himself to show you that He is not only your creator and judge, but at the same time your Father, your friend, your brother, your Master.

61. You say, "How is all this possible? ─ You are still small creatures, with whom I limit my explanations to adapt them to the capacity of your mind.

62. I forgive you and give you my blessing.

My peace be upon you! 

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