BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 231

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 231:

1. My penetrating gaze penetrates you and I see that you form a bouquet of flowers with your hearts to offer them to my Divinity

2. I see your sufferings and alleviate them through my fatherly caress so that, encouraged by my word, you may become a strong people in trials.

3. Whenever you have come to Me to present your weaknesses to Me or to ask Me for help in the torments you are going through ─ whenever you have been in danger of collapsing under the weight of the Cross and you have turned to Me, I have freed you from your burden and your pain and made you strong souls Then I told you: Go forward, do not turn your face back, because your soul would be filled with fear when it saw its past.

4. I have rescued you from destruction to bring you to the saving port where you are now and enjoy this bread. You have rested on my lap of peace. I have been a ray of light in the darkness of your existence to help you to walk your way without stumbling.

5. If the mouthpieces or voice-bearers through whom I make myself known would speak from within themselves, they would not be able to teach you the way of truth. But their lips speak out words of light because I make myself known through their minds, and I have told you that I am the way.

6. You have seen that many wonder about these teachings and wonder if it is true that it is the Rabbi who is speaking here ─ is it certain that "The Word" has returned to this world that Jesus crucified?

7. You here know that I have promised you this, you know that I am forgiveness and that I am fulfilling my divine mission by raising the "dead", healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind You know the reason for my return and the manner in which I came. But all this will call the world into question, and many will doubt it.

8. I have told you why, instead of turning to the scholar, the theologian, or scientist, I have turned to the uneducated and the simple mind to make myself known through them. For the testimony of simple people will amaze the world.

9. If you investigate thoroughly, you will be convinced that I have at all times been in contact with mankind through men, and that they have always been 'humble and simple.

10. I have granted you various existences on earth to witness these rallies and to fulfill your mission.

11. You must use my teachings to penetrate into those mysteries of the hereafter which the Father desires to reveal to you. My secret treasury has not been hidden from your sight, for otherwise you would never be able to enter eternal life.

12. Study, think thoroughly; for some are confused at the thought of how it is possible ─ if your Spirit is a particle of my divinity ─ that he suffers? And if the light of the Spirit is a spark of the light of the HolySpirit ─ how can he see himself temporarily shrouded in darkness? Recognize that this path of development serves to acquire enough merits in relation to God through which you can transform your Spirit from an ignorant and undeveloped spirit into a great Spirit of light at the right hand of the Father.

13. Come to Me and hear once more My word, which is food for your soul This Word, which I have given to you in this Third Age through the human mind, has worked the miracle of uniting you, raising you up into my divinity full of zeal and faith when it reveals itself full of truth and teaching. For your soul felt tired of earthly teachings, your feet were too tired to travel the long distances in search of peace, love, and truth. Your hands were also too tired to till the fields without bringing in a harvest that would have given your soul satisfaction.

14. It has been my will, O people, that you would travel these ways and taste these fruits; that you would knock on various doors and get to know the hearts of people of different races and genders; that you would take different philosophies, teachings and theories from the contents of books; that you would get to know the life of poor people on earth with all its misery and pain; that you would experience the false riches of this world with its pleasures and its deceptive glory; that you would hear the voice of men and get to know their inspiration; that you would receive the good and the evil that they would bestow upon you over time. So that after this journey you would meet Me as the last one to come to the doors of your hearts ─ as the last one to cross your path, the last of the pilgrims on earth to walk by your side and ask yourselves, "Where are you going? Where do you come from, and what are you looking for?" And that you would then, without pride and without self-importance, bent by pain and made strong by experience, enlightened and steeled by the struggle, recognize me at once, open your heart to me, confess your wretchedness, and declare that only I can understand your pain, your failures, and also your longings.

15. This is the reason why the majority of those who come to Me are captivated by this power when they hear my word. They feel that I see them to the bottom of their hearts and feel my love surrounding them. And since you were expecting Me, you knew that after the great battles, the great battles of existence, after that dark night in which you lived, the light of a new day had to rise. You knew that after you had emptied your cup of bitterness to the yeasts, someone would come to fill it with sweetness. For the hope, the trust in my promises, which I had made to you in other times, had not been extinguished in your soul, the flame had been preserved in your heart. Even those who denied that it is I who makes himself known in this time did so not with their soul, but with their flesh nature, ignorant and unreceptive to spiritual revelations, which knows nothing of me. But I know them all, and have granted a further time to those unbelievers, to those who are stiff-necked, because I know that it is not their soul that denies me, and that it must rise full of light and free itself from the chains of its own bodily shell, so that it can see and feel me, and, like Peter in the Second Time, exclaim: "Truly, You are the Son of the living God!

16. From child disciples I make disciples of you. For after you have heard Me, I will entrust to you a book of wisdom, that with it you may teach your fellow men and bring the Good News to the inhabitants of your nation and after that to the other nations. When you learn from Me, you will be gentle and humble. You will not be content only to fathom My word, nor to speak with eloquent words to impress the crowds, but your inspirations and insights, your clear and profound words will be confirmed by works that will be the fruit of your understanding. I do not want these works to come only from your understanding, but that they be dictated to your heart by your conscience, where the seed of love is sown.

17. Then you will certainly be able to convert men. For after they have grown weary of empty words, sick and tired of the wrongness of different teachings and worldviews, they will ask for a teaching that speaks to them of true love, mercy and peace, that brings light into darkness and radiates healing balm where there is pain ─ that transforms those who are degenerate in their nature, emotionally or morally. Then my teaching will certainly triumph and the number of those who follow me will grow and will carry the banner of peace, unity and good will.

18. I want you to use this time dutifully, that the soul instructs and stimulates the body shell, that it bends it and finally makes it its own instrument, its willing servant; that it is not the "flesh" that offers me that cult that the soul is to offer me, that it does not come between your Spirit and mine. For then the purification will be lasting, and what the body feels will strike the soul, because it is not yet able to gain the upper hand over pain and weakness. Spiritualize without falling into fanaticism, and you will experience how much peace you will experience, how much encouragement you will give to your heart, and how strong you will be in the face of the challenges of pain, age and sickness.

19. This is my teaching. Who among you is not able to understand it? It is as clear as the light of day, and this light you can all see. I give you this teaching so that you may imprint it indelibly in your souls. For tomorrow it will give you strength when the trials threaten you.

20. On this earth there has always been the struggle between men, the war, the strife, the discord. From the earliest times the ideas of the one have always stood up against those of the other. And so you see that against virtue there has risen up iniquity, against justice injustice, against the voice of the soul that of "the flesh," against one knowledge another. And those who have made my spiritual teaching known from the earliest times have had the scientists as their opponents. Still in this Third Age I see these struggles between men. But the day has come when I speak the last word.

21. All wisdom, knowledge or science has come out of me. I prepared this planet so that it would be the home of souls incarnated, and before I sent you out, I nurtured this world with grace, with love and wisdom. I placed in its interior, on its surface, in everything the necessary elements for your life, for the preservation, the pleasure and the satisfaction of my children.

So that in the bosom of this nature you would discover all the sources of life ─ everything that was shrouded in mystery or kept in a deep treasury, I gave you gift, I enlightened you and I equipped you with the gift of science so that through this ability and according to your needs, your development and your trials, you would find the inexhaustible source of life and wisdom.

22. All of you have enjoyed this gift of science But I chose some to entrust them with great missions so that they would discover all that is for the good of the soul, and then they would give you of the inexhaustible water of this spring and assist you in your life and earthly happiness. To those chosen ones I also entrusted the intuitive knowledge of spiritual life to ─ of that life which is beyond the sciences, above this earthly nature. Therefore, from the earliest times, man has worshipped Me and has divined the existence of a universal being, a powerful, omnipotent God and Creator, who holds an elevated life ready for you, which is beyond this world ─ a life in which Spirit, love, light and reason will shine, because all this is part of your soul.

But although all of you have this intuitive knowledge, which speaks to you incessantly of these abilities, it was necessary that I sent souls with great authority to you, so that they would reveal the greatest secrets to you; so that they would break the souls and lead them to me on the shortest and safest ways. These are the prophets, the patriarchs and the messengers of God of all times.

23. So, although the one brought the mission to give light to souls and the other the mission to make science known, the one has always stood up to the other without considering that they are not contrary missions, but that both complement each other. My light has been poured out on all men so that you may understand your mission and respectfully take on the part that falls to you.

24. If you have heard from Me that I rebuke the work of scientists, that I call science to account, the reason is that some have not used that source of life, those revelations I have given them, for the good and progress of mankind, but have put them at the service of evil and destruction But on all those who have lived up to their mission, who have searched with humility, exaltation and respect to discover what My Will has been to reveal to them, I have poured out My Light; they have all been pleasing to Me; and see how many charitable works they have done.

25. Your earthly life has developed; it is no longer the same as in past times, and in the measure in which your steps have brought you on the path of development, you have encountered the fruits of science, which are granted to all who have fulfilled their task. Those who have falsified my mission and entered my treasuries to discover the secrets of nature and use the forces of nature only to use them for works of destruction and death ─ I rebuke them and I call upon them. For I have come to call all men and forces of nature to order and bring them to the right path, and everything must be restored and brought back to its place.

26. A time will come in which mankind will recognize the Divine Light, the wisdom permitted by Me, and will finally also recognize that I am the Source from which all beings have come forth ─ that in Me is the seed and the fruit, and that I have let you participate in all this so that you may lead a life worthy of your soul and my divinity

27. In that time of spiritualization, which I announce to you now, men will put their powers of intellect at the service of the soul, and even science will bow down before its light When will that day come? You are currently preparing the way so that mankind can reach this goal. For the work that I have commanded you has a world-spanning mission.

28. Men will dedicate their science, their strength, their talent and their heart to the service of my divine cause, without neglecting their duties, their tasks in the world. They will turn to the wholesome pleasures that are wholesome to their Spirit and matter. They will struggle for their renewal and freedom, will not be infected, will not take anything they do not need. Then corruption, shamelessness, will disappear from the earth. Then the Spirit will have attained absolute dominion over his body shell, and although he still inhabits a matter, he will lead a spiritual life of love, brotherhood and peace.

29. This will be the time when wars will disappear, when there will be mutual respect and helpfulness, when you will realize that you can no longer dispose of the life of a neighbor nor your own. You will then know that you are not the owner of your life, nor that of your children and spouses, nor of this earth, but that I am the owner of all creation. But since you are my beloved children, you are likewise owners of all that is mine. But although I am lord and owner of all that is created, I am not able to kill my creatures, to hurt anybody, or to cause him pain. Why then have those who are not owners of life taken what does not belong to them in order to dispose of it?

30. When this teaching is understood by men, they will have taken a step up in their spiritual development, and this world will be a home for advanced spirits. You do not know whether you will again inhabit this planet after this time. I will designate those who will experience those times of grace, who will see this earthly realm, which in another epoch was a valley of tears, destruction and death. Those oceans, mountains and fields that witnessed so much pain will then be transformed into a place of peace, into an image of the worlds beyond. I have announced to you that when the fighting stops, my kingdom will already be near you, and that then your Spirit will blossom in virtues. My teaching will be present in all spirits, and I will manifest myself through men and women.

31. The gifts of the spirit will unfold. The gifts of the Word (inner), healing and dialogue from Spirit to Spirit will be admired by the people of those times.

32. Science will not stop on its way; but the scientist will enter into my teaching, study it, and marvel at my revelations. And inspired by them he will create charitable works, which will not only let mankind progress, but the souls of incarnated and non-incarnated alike.

33. If my Spirit was pleased in past and present times, if He has contemplated the works of my children, be they spiritual or material ─ beautiful works that sprang from the heart of sensibility or intelligence ─ how great will my joy be only when it is not only a few whose soul is exalted, but when it is humanity in its entirety that exercises love Then there will be no more tears, sadness and orphanage in the homes as a result of the wars, and only faith, health, strength and harmony will survive in the lives of the people of those times that were intended for this planet.

34. You are the first generations to receive the Good News of this Third Age, and you must be those who prepare the way for all those who come after you. Eliminate the abysses, remove the stones of the way, so that you may leave as your heirs good will, courage, good principles.

35. Not you shall bring my work to its climax. There is no one among you who must unite the people of Israel. You will no longer experience the implementation of my teaching in the whole world. This work I will accomplish. For if anyone among you would rise up to bend the stubborn neck of my people and attain spiritualization, that person would rise up or not endure the trials that would come upon him.

36. But I, the strong man who loves and forgives, will unite you together. I will send you one trial after another, so that they may grind you down and unite you in the same spiritual ideal.

37. I do not want my people to prepare for me a new cross, a scaffold of blood, or a tribunal. I want to dwell in your inner sanctuary, to take up my throne in the soul of my people, to communicate myself to them at every moment and to await it in my eternal homeland, on my universal throne of humility, in my place of honor of a loving Father, when you all, full of merit through your mission fulfillment, made strong by battle and purified by virtue, will come to Me in honor to receive your high reward.

My peace be with you!

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